Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 621 Xiao Zheng's Powerlessness to Fight

Chapter 621 Xiao Zheng's Powerlessness to Fight

"Father, my son is back from Luzon!"

As soon as Zheng Sen entered the door, he said excitedly. As early as three days ago, when he was still on his way back from Luzon, the messenger of the Zheng family had already passed the news to Zheng Sen that the imperial court had sent Anguo County King to negotiate with his Zheng family.

Liu Hongjian, Prince of Anguo County, is his elder brother. Although he has not known each other for a long time, he is like-minded. The conditions offered by Liu Hongjian on behalf of the court are indeed towards his Zheng family.

Not only can he be free from censure, but he can also keep the Zheng family's army, but it is nothing more than handing over money and other things outside his body. In Zheng Sen's mind, he really can't think of any reason for his father Zheng Zhilong to refuse.

Thinking of the relationship between the Zheng family and the imperial court, Zheng Sen always sighed, but now that his elder brother took the lead to help him solve this problem, Zheng Sen was almost eager to return to the news.

"Fu Song, my father is discussing some important matters with your elders. You should go find your mother first." Zheng Zhilong was delighted to see his son returning from the sea alone for the first time. stop.

"Father is negotiating with the elders about the negotiation with the imperial court. Now he is also the supervisor of the Zheng family's Jinzi banner. He is counted as a mid-level general and has the right to know the results of the negotiation." Zheng Sen bowed his hands and saluted.

It is official business for father and son to fight, and Zheng Sen said it very solemnly.

Zheng Zhilong's original creation of Zheng Jiashui Division is different from that of Ming Dynasty. It is divided into five banners of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Each department has a staff officer as the head of the banner, who is responsible for the deployment of all ships and soldiers under it, and there are also general commanders, transportation supervisors, left and right advisers, etc.

If the maritime merchants of Ming Dynasty and even merchant ships in Nanyang want to do business with each other, they need to spend money to get permission from the Zheng family. Only by hanging the Zheng family's five-element flag on the bow can they travel unimpeded in Nanyang.

The transportation supervisor is in charge of dozens of warships of [-] soldiers in the navy, and is responsible for cruising in designated areas to ensure the safety of merchant ships that have paid money, and punish smugglers who have not paid money.

As for how to punish, of course it is to steal everything!
"Yeah brother, Fu Song has grown up now, let him listen to it too." Zheng Zhifeng smiled at Zheng Sen.

He is the staff officer of Jin Ziqi, and the childless Zheng Zhifeng has always been very fond of this nephew who is familiar with Confucian classics.

"The big thing has been decided, if the king of Anguo County knows the current affairs, my Zheng family will not interfere with the court, and I will still be responsible for the safety of the court's coastal areas.

If not, the more than [-] soldiers of my Zheng family will not bow their heads to the imperial court! "Zheng Zhilong announced in court.

"Why did father make such a decision? Didn't the court already offer such a good condition?" Zheng Sen asked anxiously.

Zheng Zhilong snorted coldly and did not answer, Zheng Cai who was sitting beside him mumbled and explained the reason to his cousin.

After listening to the explanation, Zheng Sen still doesn't understand the reason, isn't it because of some family wealth?
Since Zheng Sen was born, he had no worries about food and clothing. He really couldn't figure out what extraneous things like money meant to these elders.

"Fourth Uncle, are you so short-sighted?" Seeing that no one in the room raised objections, Zheng Sen said heartbrokenly to his fourth uncle, Zheng Zhifeng, who loved him the most and had the most knowledge.

Long before leaving for Luzon, Zheng Sen had talked with Zheng Zhifeng, and he was inclined to surrender to the Zheng family, but seeing the situation, the fourth uncle also acquiesced in his father's decision, which made Zheng Sen anxious.

Zheng Sen had seen the sharp firearms in Liu Hongjian's hands, and knew better about the current strength of the Ming army. In addition to his elder brother Liu Hongjian's undefeated record since he led the army, he couldn't understand what the Zheng family had to choose to fight.

"Fu Song, do you know how my Zheng family can stand out from the many pirates around the coast of Daming, and develop to the point where it looks down on Nanyang?" Zheng Zhifeng did not answer Zheng Sen's question, but threw out a new question.

"Unity, the more powerful enemies we encounter, the more united our Zheng family will be!

It is precisely with this strength that the Zheng family's navy masters are able to defeat powerful enemies time and time again. Even if they are as strong as those Dutchmen, they have never won against my Zheng family several times. "Zheng Zhifeng said meaningfully.

He clearly knew why his elder brother chose to refuse to surrender, but he knew that his elder brother always said what he said, and most of the generals only followed his elder brother's lead.

Since the decision was irreversible, the survival of the Zheng family should be the most important thing. Even if he disagreed in his heart, he would not hold back the Zheng family.

On the contrary, if Zheng Zhilong sent him to play forward, he would still rush forward without hesitation.

This is the Zheng family, and this is the Zheng family navy that has been in Nanyang for [-] years without a single defeat.


"Presumptuous! Back off!" Zheng Sen wanted to dissuade him, but was interrupted by Zheng Zhilong.

Zheng Sen is the eldest son of the Zheng family, and Zheng Zhilong placed high hopes on him, and it is precisely because of this that he spared no expense to send him to Nanjing Guozijian to study Confucianism.

It's just that he regrets it now.

Although my son had never participated in the imperial examination a few years ago, he always admired me when he saw him.

But since he learned Confucianism from Qian Dashi, every time he saw him, he always expressed the principle of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. Under his words, he hoped that he could bring the Zheng family to the imperial court.

It is unreasonable for a son to oppose Lao Tzu!

Hearing that his father was furious, Zheng Sen knew that he could not change anything by himself, so he bowed to his father and wanted to back down.

"Wait, go back and pack up, and take your fourth uncle to Hirado by boat in five days." Zheng Zhilong frowned and said in a deep voice.

Whether it is his own son, with the future of the Zheng family uncertain, Zheng Zhilong still hopes to put his wife and children together first.

Although the Zheng family has many strongholds in various parts of Nanyang, only one in Luzon can really be counted as a colony.

However, to the north of Luzon is the Dutch of Taiwan, and to the south it is adjacent to the islands of Philipina, Madayin, Xilaisha, and Jiaodao under the control of the Dafrangji people, which is a place of chaos.

On the contrary, it was Hirado of the Japan Wa Kingdom, which was another stronghold of the Zheng family. Hirado was not considered a colony, but even the Tokugawa shogunate did not dare to act rashly.

On the road to the rise of the Tokugawa shogunate, it was precisely because of the strong financial support of Li Dan, Yan Siqi, and Zheng Zhilong that they were able to stand out from the so-called Warring States in Japan and defeat their enemies one by one.

Li Dan is Zheng Zhilong's adoptive father. Because Zheng Zhilong is very good at business, Yan Siqi also values ​​him very much. After the two died, Zheng Zhilong inherited their armies and huge family business successively, and has always had a close relationship with the Tokugawa family. trade.

In return, the Tokugawa family only allowed the Zheng family's ships to trade with the Wa country after the 12th year of the Chongzhen Emperor's reign.

Even if the Dutch merchant ships wanted to trade, they had to pay protection fees to the Zheng family and hang the flag of the Zheng family. Therefore, the Zheng family had a pivotal position in Japan.

Zheng Zhilong understands that the future of the struggle against the Ming court is uncertain, and after he arranges his wife and children and the wives and children of his subordinates properly, the Zheng family's navy can exert its maximum combat power when there is no worries about the future.

At this time, Zheng Sen was just a small supervisor in the Zheng family's navy, and he had just begun to lead the army. Feeling powerless, he had to leave the meeting hall angrily after saluting.

Liu Hongjian did not keep Zheng Zhilong waiting too long. On the fifth day after Zheng Zhifeng rushed to Dongying with hundreds of warships and most of the Zheng family's generals' wives and children, the white-armed soldiers under the rule of Qin Liangyu, the governor of the Southwest of the Ming Dynasty, had already started. Entered the territory of Fujian province.


PS: Luzon, the largest island in the north of the Philippines today, Philipina, Ma Dayin, Xilaisha, and Jiaodao, the islands in the south of the Philippines today.

PS: Li Dan, Yan Siqi, great pirates in the late Ming Dynasty, it is said that Zheng Zhilong had a good-looking thief when he was young, and had a PY transaction with his adoptive father Li Dan.

PS: The Tokugawa Shogunate, that is, the Edo Shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated the descendants of the old master Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Oda Nobunaga successively, unified the Wa Kingdom, and brought the Wa Kingdom from the Warring States Period to the Edo Period, and it lasted until [-] seven years.

PS: In the 12th year of Chongzhen, that is, in [-], the Wa Kingdom completed the policy of locking the country.

 Thanks to my brother for the 500 coins rewarded by lighting up the lamp while drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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