Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 622 Deserved Glory

Chapter 622 Deserved Glory
"My lord, Yanping Mansion is ahead. According to Jinyiwei's report, almost all of the Zheng family's forces are concentrated in the five prefectures of Funing, Fuzhou, Xinghua, Quanzhou, and Zhangzhou.

Yanping Mansion is adjacent to Fuzhou, Quanzhou, and Zhangzhou, and there are secret agents of the Zheng family all over the place. Even the prefect of Yanping was bought by the Zheng family. "Chang Yu said in a deep voice while riding on the horse.

"Well, I forgot the truth that money can make Mo Tui ghosts. The Zheng family is indeed rich. Do you believe it, Mr. Han? Even in the court, there are probably many ministers who cannot withstand the attack of sugar-coated shells."

Liu Hongjian looked at the wall of Yanping City in the distance, and turned his head to Han Yuhan, the second cabinet assistant who was still worried about his loss and insisted on continuing to go south with the large army.

"People's words are terrible, adults should be careful in their words, be careful!" Han Yu advised with trembling lips that it was a serious crime to slander important officials of the state and court in front of everyone.

Even if what Liu Hongjian said is not impossible, he can't talk nonsense without real evidence!

"Hahaha, let's go into the city!" Liu Hongjian said haha.

For the freedom of speech in the future generations, Liu Hongjian was also quick to talk for a while, but now that he thinks about it, he is really dying. Could it be that he is inflated?
At the foot of Yanping City, three middle-aged men in armor came from the foot of the city.

"The last general Qin Yiming/Qin Gongming/Qin Zuoming kowtows to the lord!" Qin Liangyu's three nephews walked up to Liu Hongjian's horse and kowtowed each other.

"The three generals, please stand up. I heard that the old general Qin Liangyu is ill. I don't know if he is better now?" Liu Hongjian got off his horse and helped the three descendants of the Qin family to their feet.

Especially Qin Gongming, when Liu Hongjian stretched out his hand to grab his left arm, he realized that it was empty, so he patted his shoulder while frowning.

"Go back to the lord, my aunt is getting old, I'm afraid... she won't last long." Qin Yiming sighed, his eyes were full of sadness.

It stands to reason that Qin Yiming should call Qin Liangyu with a military position at this time, but the Qin family was originally promoted by the king of Anguo County, and in Qin Yiming's eyes, Liu Hongjian was the Qin family's benefactor and his own.

Therefore, in front of Liu Hongjian, Qin Yiming replied as his aunt.

"Old General Qin, as a woman, has fought bloody battles for Daming for fifty years. He has gone through hundreds of battles, and he is a womanizer. After the Zheng family is dealt with, this king will go to Shijie to pay a visit in person." Liu Hongjian Sighed.

After the final struggle of the Ming Dynasty, many loyal and courageous generals passed away, such as Sun Chengzong, Cao Wenzhao, Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting...

Although Liu Hongjian had never met these people, their deeds had already spread throughout the Ming Dynasty.

Apart from Huang Degong, the veteran who is still alive now is Qin Liangyu, Governor of Southwest China. Fortunately, Lao Huang is only in his fifties and is still healthy, but Qin Liangyu is already seventy-three this year.

well!Liu Hongjian sighed inwardly.

"Thank you for your great love, my aunt always misses you at home! It is said that the prince is kind to our Qin family, and the Qin family can lead the army to be loyal to the court thanks to the prince's favor."

Qin Zuoming was the youngest but very talkative, and praised both sides very appropriately.

"That's the honor that Old General Qin deserves. This king is just talking about it. It's not worth mentioning. I heard that the vanguard almost got caught by the prefect of Yanping. Let me tell this king what happened."

Liu Hongjian didn't want to bring up the past, so he walked towards the city and faced the Qin family's old avenue.

It turned out that three days ago, Qin Zuoming, the eldest son of the Qin family, rushed to Yanping City with [-] vanguard troops. Mei Yougan, the prefect of Yanping, naturally opened the city gate to welcome him, and promised to allocate all food and grass needs from the Yanping government treasury.

That night, Mei Youqian held a big banquet for Qin Zuoming in the government office, and even the [-] Sichuan Army had a share. While Qin Zuoming lamented the prosperity of Jiangnan, he also felt strange about Mei Yougan's generosity.

However, Qin Zuoming was warmly entertained, and it was not easy to show his kindness. It was Mei Yougan's strange eyes when he was drinking that made him suspicious, and he didn't drink the wine after all.

"Then Mei Yougan is now being imprisoned by the last general. He has already been interrogated. He is the instigation of the Zheng family." Qin Zuoming said.

Thinking of what happened that night, Qin Zuoming sweated in his heart. The rice grains provided by the Yanping Mansion were all mixed with a large amount of drugs. If it hadn't been discovered in time, his vanguard would probably have become lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"It's because he was poor in his previous life, but his father doesn't seem to know how to name him." Liu Hongjian said jokingly, regardless of whether his subordinates could understand or not.

"Don't worry about Yanping, the whole army will immediately follow the king to take Quanzhou!" As soon as he entered the city, Liu Hongjian said to the three brothers of the Qin family behind him.

The fine work of the Zheng family in the city was searched by Jin Yiwei, and the Zheng family's property in Fujian Province was mopped up by thousands of garrison troops with legal history.

He has only one mission, to give the unconvinced old Zheng a thunderous blow with lightning speed, maybe he can't do it in a sea battle, but on this land, which is still in the border of Ming Dynasty, he has never been afraid of anyone!
The five major commercial firms in Zheng's family, Lu Renyi, Li Zhixin, are almost operating at full capacity, and they want to return the industries, shops, and goods scattered all over the south of the Yangtze River.

However, Liu Hongjian's intelligence network had been laid out long ago, and it only took three days to cut off the Zheng family's communication lines from various parts of Fujian Province to Quanzhou Prefecture.

Although Zheng Zhilong knew that the inland industry would suffer heavy losses after refusing to surrender, he just didn't expect Liu Hongjian's speed to be so fast.

Due to time constraints, he only had time to bring back the core backbones and silver coins of the five major commercial firms back to Quanzhou in three days. Most of the shops and inventories of the five major commercial firms were cheap.

In just four days, Liu Hongjian was in full swing, leading an army of [-] troops to first break through Hubao Pass, then Yongchun County, Anxi, and Nan'an.

On November [-]th, Liu Hongjian's army approached Quanzhou Prefecture. At this time, the elite [-] troops of Zheng's army, commanded by Zheng Zhibao, the fourth eldest son of the Zheng family, had been waiting in Quanzhou City for a long time.

Zheng Zhibao stood at the head of Quanzhou City and looked into the distance in a daze.

The reason why Liu Hongjian was able to break through several cities within four days was because the Zheng family didn't allocate much troops outside Quanzhou city at all, they were just old, weak, sick and disabled.

There are [-] Huozi Banner troops in Quanzhou City, all of whom are veterans of the South and North Wars transferred from Luzon. The firearms equipped are new equipment developed by the Zheng family based on the standard armament of the Dutchmen.

Five days!He needs to stick to the five-day Anping side in Quanzhou City to prepare properly, but Zheng Zhibao feels uncomfortable when he thinks of the fate he will face in five days.

"Master Staff, the Ming army is still five miles away from Quanzhou, and will arrive at the city of Quanzhou in two quarters of an hour." A sentry came to report.

"Understood, let's investigate again!" Zheng Zhibao ordered, shaking off his thoughts.

It was this Anguo County King who ruined my Zheng family's hard work for many years. This time, I have to teach this guy to taste the power of my Zheng family's artillery. Zheng Zhibao clenched his fists and stared at the Ming army who was getting closer.

Two quarters of an hour later, the [-] troops of the Sichuan Army lined up in a neat queue, [-] steps away from Quanzhou City.

"Everyone is there, ready to meet the enemy! The artilleryman calibrates the position and waits for the order of the staff!"

PS: I modified the illegal content that was blocked for a day, I hope it can pass the review smoothly, Amen.

 Thanks to the book friends who were drunk and looked at the axe, and I went to move the train station for a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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