Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 623 Sir, Your Italian Cannon Has Arrived

Chapter 623 Sir, Your Italian Cannon Has Arrived

"Everyone is there, ready to meet the enemy! The artilleryman calibrates the position and waits for the order of the staff!" Zheng Zhibao stood at the top of the city and ordered loudly and awe-inspiringly.

Huoziqi is in charge of the main artillery of the Zheng family army. Although the city of Quanzhou is not high and the walls are not thick, it is equipped with [-] new artillery pieces.

The Zheng family has its own firearms bureau. Inspired by the Dutchman's artillery, the range of the Zheng family's artillery is twice as far as that of Daming's old Frang machine gun, and it is still being improved.

It is precisely because of Lao Zheng's willingness to invest in scientific research that the reputation of the Zheng family's navy in galloping in Nanyang without defeat is guaranteed.

It's just that the Ming army stopped moving beyond the range of the artillery on the city, which made Zheng Zhibao at the head of the city suspicious.

"My lord, sentry cavalry is here to report that the cannon transporter has just entered Huai'an, and it will take at least three or four days to reach Quanzhou." Chang Yu buried his head in the report.

The fight went smoothly these few days, and the army broke through several cities once they entered Fujian, so that the soldiers thought that the Zheng family was just a chicken and a dog, and they had no intention of resisting at all.

Looking at the defense of Quanzhou City now, the Zheng family is only focusing on defense. There is no artillery to fill the hole in the city with their lives. It has never been the style of their own adults. It seems that Quanzhou City is not easy to fight, Chang Yu thought. .

"Don't worry, march in a hurry for a few days, General Qin, let the brothers repair it on the spot first!" Liu Hongjian said, staring at the rows of artillery muzzles at the top of the city.

"My lord, the last general of the Sichuan Army is not afraid of death, as long as we can capture this city and serve our country, we will not hesitate!" Qin Yiming raised his armor and knelt down to ask for a fight.

The Qin family has fought countless tough battles and bloody battles, and their siege has always been unambiguous. It is with this courage and arrogance that the white-armed soldiers have earned their reputation, even though there are tens of thousands of Sichuan troops, they dare to go.

"This king has never doubted the courage of the Sichuan army. On the contrary, the prestige of the Sichuan army is overwhelming to this king. Because of this, I don't want to attack this city by force. Their lives are much more important than this city." Liu Hongjian said meaningfully. .

The Sichuan army, the blood, tears and heroic spirits that history cannot forget.

Up to the Three Kingdoms down to the end of Ming Dynasty, for the Han family, they fell into mountains of swords and seas of fire.

Even after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, most of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River surrendered, the land of Sichuan and Shu under the leadership of these benevolent people who came and went, still never surrendered, even if they were slaughtered to death.

In another 300 years, 350 million Sichuan soldiers wore rags and straw sandals, and carried rotten guns out of Sichuan to fight Japanese, without hesitation, how many people had to return to their hometown in the end?
Perhaps with tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, Quanzhou City can be captured a few days earlier. Perhaps ordinary generals will not hesitate to issue an order to siege the city, so that the Sichuan army who is not afraid of death will rush forward and overthrow the Zheng family army in the city.

Most of these generals are controlled by the imperial court and the supervisory army. Even if they understand that breaking the city is only a matter of time, the supervisory army does not understand, and the court officials do not understand.

They only know that the general has soldiers and does not attack the city. He is delaying time, wasting food and grass, and giving the enemy generals in the city a chance.

But Liu Hongjian was different. He was a tyrant in the court. Whether it was Lao Zhu or Xiao Zhu, they would directly throw the memorials of his impeachment into the trash can and seal them up.

The siege of the city depends entirely on the mood, and the number of deaths can be reduced as much as possible. As for the time, why worry?
Mercy does not command soldiers, maybe it is just confirmed by Liu Hongjian, but he is such a person, he cherishes the lives of soldiers, unless one day he is really suspected or disgusted, if he comes to command soldiers, he must follow his way.

"The last general... has orders!" Qin Yiming hesitated for a while and said.

It was the first time he had taken orders under Liu Hongjian, and Qin Yiming was both ashamed and curious about the orders of this legendary figure.

But it's always good to have some refreshment. The Sichuan army has been traveling over the mountains since leaving Shu more than half a month ago, and it's really a little tired.

"My lord, how about I try it with a grenade?" Kuo Duan scratched his head and said.

This guy had a great time playing with grenades in Beihai last time, and he never forgot.

"Stupid! Can you throw [-] paces? Even a grenadier can't reach it!" Liu Hongjian said broadly, casting a glance.

Due to the limitation of steel production, the new cannons produced by the ordnance have been closely used by the frontier army and the Sichuan army. The artillery in the four towns in Jiangbei is too bulky to carry. It is not easy for the Sichuan army to go out of Sichuan.

It is useless to be anxious in the current situation, not to mention that Liu Hongjian is not in a hurry.

"My lord, why don't I bring a few brothers to try?" Yang Tianbao said while holding the polished AKM.

Now the only thing that can pose a threat to Zheng's army in the city is AKM, but the distance of four hundred steps is better than nothing unless it is a talented shooter like Yang Tianbao.

After obtaining Liu Hongjian's permission, the AKM sniper teams each searched for high ground and began to lie down, and sporadic gunshots began to ring out soon after.

Zheng Zhibao at the head of the city was the first to be called, but this guy was lucky, the bullet hit the battlement in front of him, even so, this guy was so scared that he didn't dare to show his head again.

But the Zheng family army at the top of the city was not stupid, so they simply stopped showing their heads, except for a few unlucky black ghosts who were shot, they had nothing to gain.

Later, Liu Hongjian simply withdrew the sniper team, because it affected his sleep.

Zheng Zhibao on the top of the city was also happy to live in peace. He had heard of the grenades in the hands of the Ming army. Even though the Ming army camp seemed lazy, he never thought of going out of the city to fight in the field.

Just so exhausted, three days passed quickly, and on the afternoon of the fourth day, hundreds of carriages pulled 120 new-style silver cannons, which were long overdue.

"My lord, your Italian guns are here. I followed your order and dispatched 120 guns from the Beijing camp." Ermao Qianhu, the gunner of the Shenji Camp, rushed to report excitedly.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and blast me away from this ruined city!

Qin Yiming, the army is preparing for war. This king will spend the night in the city tonight. Let the brothers in the Sichuan Army give us some strength. Let's eat meat tonight! "Liu Hongjian jumped up from the soft bed with a bang, sweeping away his lazy appearance in the past two or three days.

A moment later, 120 cannons were placed 450 steps away from Quanzhou City under the command of Kong Erlian, which was beyond the effective range of the Zheng family's artillery at the head of the city.

Zheng Zhibao's eyes were straight. The reason why the Zheng family was not afraid of the imperial court was because of the Zheng family's artillery. At first, they thought that with the city walls and artillery, the Zheng family would at least be invincible.

Looking at the situation of the Ming army now, it is impossible...Zheng Zhibao had an ominous premonition, and his brows instantly frowned.

"All the officers and soldiers of the Huozi Banner obey the order and strictly guard against death. We only need to guard for one more day, and stop teaching a Ming army to enter the city!" Zheng Zhibao said to the dignified Zheng Jiajun on the city wall.

Boom—boom—a moment later, under the eyes of Zheng Jiajun at the head of the city, the new cannon from Daming began to spit out anger.


(End of this chapter)

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