Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 634 If you dare to be greedy, the court will dare to skin you

Chapter 634 If you dare to be greedy, the court will dare to skin you
Corruption of 60 taels of peeling and real grass, this is the rule set by Emperor Taizu Gao.

Who said that Liu Hongjian was a destroyer of the ancestral system, no, this king is a firm follower of the ancestral system!
After Liu Hongjian finished speaking, Huang Daozhou didn't know much about it. After all, he already knew about it, but Yang Liu and Zhong Bin sitting beside him were all frightened.

The two looked at each other and saw horror in each other's eyes. It seemed that they had to have a good meeting with the brothers when they got back.

"My king will ask Jinyiwei and Dongchang to jointly follow up, and the tax department and patrol department will also have self-inspection officials. In addition to these three parties, they must also accept reports from the common people and businessmen.

If it is found that the reports of common people and businessmen are valid, the whistleblower should be rewarded with silver taels, and the silver taels will be drawn from the amount of bribes received. Let it be calculated as half of the amount of bribes accepted, and the other half will be included in taxes. "Liu Hongjian said after careful consideration.

"My lord is brilliant! If you really follow these tricks, I'm afraid that every official in the tax office will have to weigh it carefully before thinking about it." If Huang Daozhou admired Liu Hongjian just now, he admired him now.

"It's just the lord, what if those common people and businessmen report indiscriminately?" Huang Daozhou immediately raised a new question.

Merchants seek profit and do everything they can to bring down their competitors, and it is even more difficult for the common people. What can the poor and frightened common people do?
"It's easy to say, Master Huang has ever heard a proverb, an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye!" Liu Hongjian said directly.

"If it is verified by the taxation department that the person being reported did not impose additional fees in violation of the regulations, and the reporter fails to produce strong evidence, the person reporting the report shall be punished as the person being reported!" Liu Hongjian said in a deep voice.

"That is to say, if the whistleblower reports that a certain official has collected more than 60 taels of extra taxes, or reported that a certain official has accepted bribes exceeding 60 taels for nothing, then the whistleblower will be punished by stripping the grass?"

"Master Huang, your Luo Ji thinking ability is not bad, that's what you mean." Liu Hongjian teased.

Maybe it would be too overbearing in later generations, but this was in Daming, the court had the final say on the punishment, Xiao Zhu had the final say, he had the final say, and the people didn't have to listen to the opinions of the people on the punishment.

Promoting honesty with high salaries and increasing punishment are what Liu Hongjian has always wanted to do.

In his opinion, an official should fulfill his duties for the court and serve the people. If he wants to make a fortune, he should not take the imperial examination to be an official. How good would it be to be a businessman?
To get promoted and get rich, please go the other way. Corruption and bribery are not allowed here. If you dare to be corrupt, the court will dare to skin you. If you don’t believe me, try it.

Liu Hongjian talked to Huang Dao Tuesday, and Yang Liu and Zhong Bin on the side were stunned. They couldn't be offended, they couldn't be offended!
Five days later, Yang Liu and Zhong Bin rushed to Quanzhou with their brothers and hundreds of broken wooden boats. They followed the Zheng family before, and when the Zheng family had a big boat, they would replace it by themselves.

And their black, gray, and white outer flags are all used to receive the old ships retired by the Zheng family, so every time Yang Liu, Zhong Bin, and Li Kuiqi's three groups have to fight for their heads and blood.

Liu Hongjian couldn't bear to look directly at their ships. Many of the ship's decks were full of holes, and the guns on the bridges looked like black chimneys because they hadn't been replaced or maintained for a long time.

Looking at these legendary pirates, they are completely different from those seen in a certain movie in later generations. They are all dressed in tatters. Due to staying on the island for a long time, they lack the injection of vegetables and other vitamins, and they all look pale. Neither is quite right.

The families and belongings of these pirates were still carried on dozens of boats behind. Everyone was trembling when they saw the soldiers of the Sichuan Army carrying weapons.

"Report to the lord, we have brought all the troops, there are 1000 soldiers in total." Yang Liu, Yang Qi, and Zhong Bin came to report wearing their wartime armor.

"Well, it looks pretty good, thanks for your hard work." Liu Hongjian comforted.

"However, it must be simplified. According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, those who are disabled, under the age of 16 or over the age of 35 need to withdraw from the army.

Master Huang, please arrange for the families of these soldiers to be properly placed in Quanzhou, Fuzhou, Zhangzhou and other places, and allocate some acres of land according to the actual situation. "Liu Hongjian turned his head and said to the three of them.

"My lord, I have already counted them. Except for those who are physically handicapped and whose age does not meet the court regulations, there are a total of [-] soldiers who can fight." Yang Liu immediately took out an account from the hands of his subordinates behind him and handed it over. To Liu Hongjian.

"Well, not bad, not bad, very enlightened." Liu Hongjian casually flipped through the notebook a few times and said.

The family members of the Patrol Division are placed in the coastal inland, but the Patrol Division's resident is not entirely in various places in the customs.

The soldiers of the Patrol Division were paid according to the standards of the frontier army. In addition to taking care of food and lodging and other needs, they were paid at least three taels of silver per month according to different types of troops.

Dividing the land, distributing money, and still being an official, to these pirates from poor families, it was a gift from heaven. As soon as the order was spread, the family members and soldiers in the tidal flat knelt down to thank Liu Hongjian .

1 soldiers from the patrol department are not enough to deal with the security of the entire coast, and at least another [-] soldiers need to be recruited.

According to Liu Hongjian's plan, the customs was divided into four gates, each with a tax department and a patrol department with at least 1000 people to assist in defense and resolve disputes.

The four taxation departments are under the control of the General Taxation Department, and the General Taxation Department will be located in Guangzhou. Due to its geographical location closer to Nanyang, Guangzhou is destined to be the most prosperous place for trade, and Huang Daozhou will be in charge.

In addition to setting up permanent soldiers at the four passes, the Patrol Division will set up military bases on many islands in the Daming Sea, responsible for patrolling the entire Southeast Asia and providing necessary supplies to merchant ships.

Of course, supplies cost money.

Both the General Tax Department and the tax sub-divisions of the four customs are all just imaginations at present, and all the corresponding officials, manpower, and even government offices are still non-existent.

The construction of coastal forts, the supervision of cannons, the expansion of patrol divisions, the refitting of warships, muskets, etc...

It is conceivable that in the next few months, the brothers of the Qin family, Huang Dapao, Yang Liu, Zhong Bin and others will be extremely busy.

Based on the principle that a shopkeeper who can't let go is not a good leader, Liu Hongjian actually took it easy, and took the two daughters Dong and Li to the luxury villa in Anping, and lived a shameless life in a golden house.

Until a few days later, Pang Dahai brought the imperial decree from the capital...

PS: Let me popularize the little knowledge of Shanghai's place names. I forgot to mention it earlier. Shanghai belonged to the State of Wu in the Spring and Autumn Period, and it belonged to the State of Chu in the Warring States Period.

During the Chunhua period of the Northern Song Dynasty, it was called Shanghai Pu, and during the Xianchun period of the Southern Song Dynasty, it was called Shanghai Town. In the 29th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1292), Shanghai was established as a county, marking the beginning of Shanghai's construction.

 Thanks for the 100 coins rewarded by the book friend who lights up the ax while drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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