Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 635 Imperial decree, family letter

Chapter 635 Imperial decree, family letter

"The imperial decree has arrived, and Liu Hongjian, Prince of Anguo County, has received the decree!

Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, said:
Since Liu Hongjian, Prince of Zi'an County, entered the south of the Yangtze River in October, he removed salt merchants to boost business taxes, and drove Zheng bandits to settle in the southeast.

Give three pieces of python clothes, a reward of one thousand taels, plus a Taibao, Wangqing guards against arrogance and impetuosity, and sets up a poster for the courtiers, it will be the luck of the court and the luck of the people.

Appreciate this! "

Pang Dahai, who had already been promoted to the supervisor of ceremonies, closed the imperial decree and presented it to Liu Hongjian with both hands.

"My lord, hurry up. Speaking of which, our family hasn't seen you for quite a while!" Pang Pang Hai said to Liu Hongjian with a smile, but the taste in his words was strange.

"Hehe, Eunuch Pang has come all the way to work hard, let's talk in the room." Liu Hongjian stretched out his hand to signal Pang Dahai to enter the room.

In the blink of an eye, he had already stayed in Jiangnan for three months. Speaking of which, he still missed his family members. Although he felt that Pang Dahai's words were a bit weird, Liu Hongjian didn't care too much.

"Oh, by the way, look at my memory, I almost broke something." Pang Pang Hai just walked to the door and suddenly patted his forehead, beckoning to a small yellow door in the yard.

"This is a secret letter from the emperor to you, and there is also the emperor's letter inside." Pang Pang Hai took a sandalwood box from Xiao Huangmen, and presented it to Liu Hongjian with solemn hands.

Liu Hongjian took the box and entered Taiyun Building together with Pang Pang Hai, and after ordering the servants to serve tea, Liu Hongjian carefully opened the well-sealed box.

There was a letter on the left and right side of the inside, Zhu Cihong's on the left and Chongzhen's on the right. Without hesitation, Liu Hongjian took Chongzhen's letter first and unfolded it.

From my son-in-law Youming:

It's been more than three months since I left, and I miss it very much. When I heard that Zheng's troubles were gone, and I was very happy, I specially held a banquet in the Xishan Bieyuan. Mr. Song, Mr. Xu, and Mr. Bi from the Ordnance Department were all there.

I talked about you with the four gentlemen, and the four gentlemen all said that you are a genius, and you are really a blessing to the Ming Dynasty.

They are all curious about where your blueprints come from, and I prevaricate them with the gift from Emperor Taizu.

However, in the past two years, I have thought about it repeatedly, and the ghosts and gods are not enough to believe, and I am afraid it is not that simple. Therefore, when I come back this time, I will definitely interrogate you.

At the end of October this autumn, Mr. Song and I worked hard for half a year, and finally doubled the driving force of the steam engine.

Mr. Song said that after further testing and improvement, it can be handed over to Treasure Shipyard in Tianjin, which will definitely improve the speed of our Ming warship.

As for what you said, the steam engine can be fueled by kerosene and driven by wheels. Mr. Song and I have discussed it over and over again, but we have no idea. This is my regret.

In the past few days, I feel that my energy is not as good as before. Thanks to Zhou Shi, Kunxing, and Zhaoren who are by my side every day, I feel that I have no regrets in this life.

As far as the matter in the south of the Yangtze River, no matter how big or small you are, you can handle it at your own discretion, and then hand it over to Cihong with a memorial. Cihong is young, and you still need to worry about it in the future.

If something happens to Jiangnan, you should return to Beijing as soon as possible.

Shun An
October [-]th of the Bingxu year.

After reading it, Liu Hongjian sighed lightly. Although the uncle was busy in the ordnance station every day, he still couldn't let go of the imperial court and Cihong in his heart.

As for the cars and trains, even if there are blueprints, they are just basic explanations. It is nothing but nonsense without first researching a series of necessities such as oil refining and rubber refining.

The only thing Liu Hongjian was worried about was Chongzhen's body. The uncle only said that his energy was not as good as before, but Liu Hongjian knew that it might really be time for him to run out of energy, but the uncle didn't want him to worry.

Seeing that Pang Pang Hai was just sitting quietly with a teacup in his hand, Liu Hongjian then took out Zhu Cihong's letter and spread it out.

From Liu Qing:

Liu Qing went to the south of the Yangtze River to remove the obstruction of the salt merchants in Huaihe and Huaihe Rivers, and also to eliminate the great trouble of Zheng's pirates for the court.

I was overjoyed to hear the news, and went to Xishan Bieyuan to report to my father, my father was very happy to hear that, and I heard that a banquet was held in Bieyuan to celebrate.

However, since the Zheng family's sea bandits were unable to escape, there were rumors in the court that the evil son of the Zheng family and Liu Qing were old friends, and that the reason why the Zheng family was able to leave Nanyang safely was all because of Liu Qing's deliberate actions.

I was furious when I heard about this matter, and I have conducted a joint investigation with Dongchang and Dali Temple. If anyone who spread rumors is found out, I will punish them severely.

I have read the memorial sent by Qing Zhuo, since the customs can increase a large amount of tax revenue for the imperial court, I naturally cannot let it go.

The power of customs tax collection is in the hands of Liu Qing, and I know that the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Industry will cooperate, and all the needs can be directly allocated from the provinces and governments.

Father's health has gotten worse these days, and he has been bedridden for more than half a month. Doctor Qi of the imperial hospital said that father's disease has spread to the point of death. If the incident in Jiangnan is over, Liu Qing needs to return to Beijing as soon as possible.

Ode to Shi Sui
October seventeenth year of Bingxu.

Liu Hongjian put down the letter and was full of thoughts. From next year, the New Year's name will be used, which marks the complete end of the Chongzhen Year.

Taishun sounds good, Taishun, Taishun, Guotai people's peace, court affairs go smoothly.

As for the rumors about him and the Zheng family that Zhu Cihong said about him and the Zheng family in the capital, Liu Hongjian was extremely upset. It seemed that Zhu Cihong was also suspicious of this matter.

Otherwise, is it necessary to write such a big matter in a letter?
If you, Zhu Cihong, don't believe it, you can just order to deal with those who fabricate rumors, why bother to tell Lao Tzu?

Alas, he was too self-righteous, Zhu Cihong was not Chongzhen, not the uncle who trusted him almost unconditionally.

No wonder Uncle Han and Huang Dapao always reminded him that he was still too young after having been an official for decades and knew how to be a monarch and minister.

After Pang Dahai passed on the decree, he didn't even eat the banquet prepared by Liu Hongjian, and left directly on the grounds that there were still important matters in the palace.

"Master, I suspect this guy is lying, but I don't have any evidence." Niu Dabangchui waited aside, curling his lips.

"Hmph, Pang Dahai has made up his mind to go with those from the Eastern Palace. Anyway, I'm too lazy to care about these crap things. If he doesn't want to eat, let's go and drink." road.

The matter of Zhang Luo's court was not what he wanted. He didn't know how much he wanted to stay out of it and do things that he liked to do but had no time to do.

Pity those people who sharpen their heads and want to climb up, but treat others with a villain's heart. A sage sees all saints in his eyes, and shit sees shit in his eyes.

Liu Hongjian and Niu Dabangchui, master and servant, had just sat down and were about to have a feast, when hurried footsteps came from outside the Taiyun Building, and Qin Zuoming, who had lost his left arm, almost stumbled in.

"My lord, my aunt... has passed away!"

PS: fierce fire oil, that is, oil.

PS: The effect of Baiyin Mengzhu is really powerful. It has only been 4 days, and the number of subscriptions has exceeded the first 5 days of May, but the comments I sent were deleted by the system again. I don’t know what the word is It is really sad, and I would like to thank all my friends for their generosity and help.

 Thanks to the book friend o Long Aoyu o for the reward of 1000 coins, thank the book friend for the nickname why can’t it be repeated? for the reward of 500 coins, thank the book friend for doing his best to support you, Jiazhou Xiaofan for the reward of 100 coins, thank you for voting my friends.

(End of this chapter)

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