Chapter 650
Imperial City, Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Cihong, who had just completed his birthday, sat in the front seat, and the first on the right was Liu Hongjian, the king of Anguo County, Li Banghua, the chief assistant of the cabinet, Han Yu, the second assistant, and Meng Zhaoxiang, a scholar of Zhongjidian.

On the left are Zhang Tianlu, a scholar of Dongge, Fang Yuegong, a scholar of Wenyuange, and Ni Yuanlu, a scholar of Jianjidian.

This was the first time Liu Hongjian participated in a cabinet meeting since the death of Uncle Chongzhen. Things are different and people are different, and Liu Hongjian tried not to think about the past events that seemed to happen yesterday.

In the meetings he held with Uncle Chongzhen in those years, and in the quarrels he had with cabinet members in those years, Uncle Chongzhen always sat there with a serious expression and remained silent.

After a group of people have finished expressing their opinions and quarreling, Uncle Chongzhen will get up and draw a conclusion, and most of the time Chongzhen always accepts his opinion, Liu Hongjian.

"Your Majesty, the Yan government must not be abolished, otherwise the world will be in chaos!" Li Banghua, the chief assistant of the cabinet, got up and cupped his hands.

Although Li Banghua, the chief assistant of the cabinet, stood with Liu Hongjian in most cases, this did not mean that Li Banghua belonged to Liu Hongjian.

As long as he thinks that it is not conducive to the policy of the imperial court, no matter who it is, even the emperor, he will dare to criticize it, but on the contrary, even if it is a colleague who does not like him, he will go to second it.

Most of the proposals put forward by Liu Hongjian were basically helpful to the imperial court, so it gave other officials the illusion that Li Banghua only followed Liu Hongjian's lead.

But the salt government is different. The salt government is an ancient system that has been passed down for 2000 years, and it has surpassed the existence of the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty.

Hastily abolishing the salt introduction system will inevitably lead to chaos in the market and affect the daily needs of the people.

Moreover, the salt administration was abolished, and the imperial court lost a large amount of income. If the government ignores it, wouldn't private salt dealers become more rampant?

More importantly, the common people did not get angry because they couldn't afford salt. Isn't that good?Why change?

The capital and ministers expressed their disapproval, which naturally saved the affairs of the other cabinet ministers. After hearing the general opinions, Zhu Cihong turned his eyes to Liu Hongjian again.

"Your Majesty, I didn't say that the salt government was going to be abolished, but the Ming Dynasty's salt government has changed a lot from the old dynasty. Although the salt industry is still officially run by the government, it is actually no different from a private enterprise.

Master Li knows that since Emperor Taizu established the dynasty, the Menggu people and the Tungus people have been harassing the north, so that the court had to station heavy troops in the north to take precautions.

Although there are many soldiers on the Nine Frontiers, the demand for food and grass is also great, but the official transportation of food and grass consumes a lot on the road. In order to save this consumption, the imperial court asked the merchants in the south to sell food and grass on their behalf. In return, the imperial court distributed the amount of food and grass that actually arrived at the border Give these businessmen some salt, right? "

Liu Hongjian was not angry, but explained the reasons for the Ming Dynasty's Salt Administration, saying it was for Li Banghua, but in fact it was for Zhu Cihong.

"That's right." Li Banghua, as Minister of the Ministry of War, naturally knew these old things, and he answered very simply.

"However, in order to make up for the loss, these salt merchants brought the salt to salt factories in various places in exchange for table salt, then raised the price of salt by more than two times or even three times, and then sold it to the common people. Is there such a thing?" Liu Hongjian asked again. asked, but his tone became a little harsh.

"It's true, but if the salt merchants sell too much, the government will intervene..." Zhang Tianlu, a scholar of Dongge University, took the question thrown by Liu Hongjian.

"Oh? Really?" Liu Hongjian stared at Zhang Tianlu with slightly narrowed eyes and asked in a questioning tone.

To intervene in a woolen thread, I ran a few times back and forth from south to north, and I saw that people everywhere regard salt as a treasure, and they have to tighten their belts to buy it even though they can't afford it. What about the government?

Hehe, they are all vested interests, how many people will control the life and death of the people?

Even if some officials want to come forward to uphold justice, who can change the attitude of the whole court, including the cabinet?

It is estimated that just after the memorial was submitted, the next thing he received was the notice of relegation, plus a bunch of small shoes and supercilious eyes sent by courtiers all over the world.

Except for him, a bastard who doesn't hesitate to mention lice when there are too many lice, who else can fight against the ancestral system?
"It is true that the imperial court asked merchants to transport grain and grass in order to save manpower and material resources, but what crime did the people have? Why should this part of the consumption be passed on to the people?
Shouldn't the imperial court consider the people of the world first? "Liu Hongjian said in a high-pitched voice.

None of the other cabinet officials dared to answer Liu Hongjian's questioning. Yes, the question is that simple. There is no such thing as a quiet time in this world, but someone is carrying the burden for you to move forward.

Your imperial court saved the consumption of grain and grass transportation, but this part of the consumption was doubled and tripled and passed on to the people all over the country. The merchants not only did not lose money, but also earned more money.

"Master Zhang, I heard that your family has a nephew selling salt in Jiangxi, and the business is doing well, is there such a thing?" Liu Hongjian said casually as if nothing had happened.

The reason why everyone is against it is that except for the old stubborn Li Banghua who considers everything for the court, there will be more or less shady PY transactions in other people's families or in private.

This kind of thing has been seen frequently and repeatedly prohibited throughout the ages.

"This... Xiaguan has not been back to Jiangxi's old house for several years, and the family members have become more and more unfamiliar. I really don't know that family members are also involved in this matter. When Xiaguan returns, I will investigate carefully. If there is such a thing, Xiaguan It must be done in accordance with the law.”

Zhang Tianlu sorted out his speech, and his answer was airtight, but Liu Hongjian thought I believe you, if there was no such thing, Zhang Tianlu would not have said such a speech, and he must have returned righteously.

Zhu Cilang didn't pay much attention to the words, after all, these things were nothing new, they were more or less common in courtiers' homes, and it was difficult to check.

After all, they are in their business, and you are your official. It is true that they are relatives, but what about your evidence?
"It's just my lord, if the Yan government is really reformed, as the official said earlier, there will be many unpredictable problems!

For example, the policy of letting go of the imperial court’s monopoly will inevitably be followed by the common people. The level of salt production varies from place to place, and the common people may spend the same amount of money to buy inferior salt mixed with impurities such as sand. "

Li Banghua still disagreed with Liu Hongjian's proposal, even though he himself could not answer Liu Hongjian's questioning, but this was Li Banghua, the stubborn and stubborn Li Banghua.

"This is easy to handle. The salt government still has to continue to produce salt according to the needs of the people, and the salt factories and salt mines in various places are still operated under the original salt policy, but the government can let go of the development of sea salt and new salt factories.

The imperial court only needs to use one move to deal with all the problems. "Liu Hongjian said meaningfully.

"Oh? What method is the prince talking about?" Li Banghua hurriedly asked.

"Price, set the price of table salt so low! It's so low that the court doesn't pay the money, and other merchants lose interest!"

 Thanks to a book friend, a water, electricity and heating staff, for the reward of 100 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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