Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 651: All nations come to Korea?

Chapter 651: All nations come to Korea?

"Price, set the price of table salt to a low level! It's so low that the court doesn't pay the money, and other merchants lose interest!" Liu Hongjian said, staring at Li Banghua.

I have never heard of any country that lacks salt. Salt should not be the shackles of the people. There is a problem with the country's finances that need to make money from salt. This is beyond doubt.

According to Liu Hongjian's vision, the salt government was reformed, and the salt workshops in various places of the imperial court still produced salt as usual, and the quality must be guaranteed, while the Salt Transportation Department was responsible for the operation of large and small salt workshops in various places.

The government opened a special salt store in the county-level territory. This salt store is responsible for selling the salt produced by the salt workshop. The purchase amount is limited to prevent speculative merchants.

The other is to limit the price, lowering the price of salt to above the marginal line of the cost, so that people will have a comparison in eating salt, even if there are merchants who want to sell it themselves, the price is too high and no one wants it.

Moreover, the quality of the government-owned table salt is a benchmark, and a red line is set on the price. Anyone who crosses the line will be fined and confiscated, or even ransacked and jailed.

According to this routine, there is nothing that cannot be changed, but this is tantamount to a disaster for the officials of the salt transportation department in various places.

Officials all know the astonishing wealth hidden in the salt. Liu Hongjian's trick is a black tiger, which directly turns the world's fat servants into Qingshui yamen.

It's just that Liu Hongjian didn't care. In 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, the Salt Transportation Department should have been a Qingshui yamen.

Under his initiative, the salaries of officials at all levels in the Ming Dynasty can already support a large family. If there is still not enough greed, then there is nothing you can do. Let me know?
It is not easy for an official to study hard for ten years. Isn't it enough to give you glory and power, and give you a higher income than ordinary people?

Really want to make a lot of money, go into business?To be an official of wool?Then just pay taxes to the court honestly.

Simple and rude, don't accept heads-up, of course, it's you who singled out Ming's million-dollar army.

This is the benefit of the empire. There is no need for so many rules and regulations when you go up and down. You can either obey or kill you.

After Liu Hongjian explained, Zhu Cihong and the cabinet officials understood. Although Zhu Cihong still couldn't figure out why he kept the money and didn't want it, but Liu Hongjian guaranteed him huge benefits from customs and tariffs, which made Zhu Cihong feel deeply. Very peaceful.

Compared with the tax blueprint described by Liu Hung-chien, the small salt administration revenue is nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

And Li Banghua didn't insist any more. Although this guy was known as Li Dapao, he found that most of the time he couldn't refute Liu Hongjian when it came to political affairs.

The old talk about the reason that the ancestral system cannot be broken is no longer tenable, because Liu Hongjian and the Supreme Emperor have long been the destroyers of the ancestral system, but Xiao Zhu is also happy to worry about it, because with Chongzhen's previous record, breaking the ancestral system has also become a crime. system.

The most uncomfortable should be the rookies of the imperial court headed by Zhang Tianlu, a scholar of Dongge University. These guys were spared from Liu Hongjian's various grand banquets because they had been in the Prince's Zhanshi Mansion before.

At the same time, because he is a close minister of the prince and a real potential stock, he is very sought after by melon-eaters from other places who don't know the truth, and there are many dirty PY transactions secretly.

The commercial tax and the salt government almost cut off all their extra income, and also gave them a reputation of taking money and doing nothing.

It's just that the situation is stronger than others, no one dares to jump out to play stand-alone games without Zhu Cihuang's opinion, and they dare not provoke such ruthless idiots as the King of Anguo, and they can't afford to provoke them.

In this way, the reform of the salt government miraculously began to work after experiencing thunder and rain in the imperial court, and the salt transport department, the world's number one fat official, has also become the world's number one Qingshui Yamen since the beginning.

Of course, the credit goes to the new emperor Zhu Cihong. When the edict came out, the people of Ming Dynasty cheered for joy.

The price of salt was reduced from fourteen cents per catty to five cents per catty. Some people couldn't believe that this was something the imperial court could do.

It’s just that they don’t believe it. There is a notice from the imperial court on the gate of each county-level salt store. Anyone whose salt price is higher than the imperial court’s price can report it to the local government office, and the imperial court will punish them severely.

The common people were grateful for the kindness of the new emperor, and many gathered at the entrance of Yandian and the county government to kowtow and kowtow to thank the emperor for his benefactor. When the news came to Zhu Cihong's ears from Dongchang's fan, Zhu Cihong's eyes were moist.

As the newly enthroned emperor, who doesn't want to make some political achievements to be praised by the people. The previous conquest of the Raksha Kingdom and the opening of Beihai Province did not have such an effect.

"Father, have you seen it? My son has been praised by the people. My son will definitely be a good emperor who will live for the people of the world. My son will not let you down!" Zhu Cihong shouted in his heart.

Pang Panghai, who has been promoted to the post of Li Supervisor, Bingbi Eunuch, and Dongchang Factory Superintendent as he wished, is also in a good mood. Although he is not responsible for the affairs of the salt administration, he is the one who sent the news, and he is the one who deserves the most credit.

"My lord, news came from the Ministry of Rites just now, saying that envoys from many countries came together and brought tributes to congratulate you for being on the Ninth Five-Year Plan. This slave girl thinks this is a good thing, so she should tell the lord first."

Pang Dahai bent over and smiled like a chrysanthemum.

The news from Dongchang was far faster than the outer court, and the people in the Ministry of Rites estimated that it would take a while to pass the news.

"Is there such a thing? That's really great!" Zhu Cihong's face was full of excitement.

How could Zhu Cihong be unhappy, since the three major expeditions of the Wanli Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty's finances have plummeted, and internal and external troubles followed one after another.

"I will pass on my will, and the Ministry of Rites will welcome the envoys. When I go to court tomorrow, I will solemnly receive the envoys from all over the world!" Zhu Cihong said happily.

"Slave obeys the order!" Pang Dahai smiled and bent down to receive the order.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Cihong specially chose the court meeting in the Huangji Hall, and then dealt with all the court affairs with the fastest efficiency, announcing the envoys of various countries to enter the palace.

Not only Zhu Cihong was curious about these foreign envoys, but even the birds and beasts standing in two rows in the hall were also curious. It had been decades since so many envoys came together in the Huangji Hall of the Ming Dynasty.

After a while, seven or eight strange-looking foreigners entered the Palace of the Emperor wearing weird costumes.

"The special envoy of the Netherlands, Alberta Austin, paid a visit to His Majesty the Emperor of Ming."

"Anthony Lattimore, the special envoy of Great Franchisis, pays his respects to His Majesty the Emperor of Ming."

"Francha's special envoy Hans Dickenson paid a visit to His Majesty the Emperor of Ming."

"Abraham Hodgson, special envoy of the Italian country, paid a visit to His Majesty the Emperor of Ming."

"The special envoy of the Little Francine Kingdom, Alex Barry, pays his respects to His Majesty the Emperor of Ming."

"Austria's special envoy, Colin Booth, pays his respects to His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty."



(End of this chapter)

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