Chapter 654
"It's a small foreign country, it's so rude, it's hateful! Shameless!"

Seeing that Zhu Cihong was slapped on the table angrily, the elders of the pavilion didn't know what to do. After getting Zhu Cihong's permission, Pang Hai told the cabinet ministers what he had just heard.

It turned out that although the Ministry of Rites didn't understand what the group of envoys said just now, it happened that one of the eunuchs who accompanied him knew Fan language and told Pang Hai the details of the conversation between the envoys.

When Pang Dahai heard that it was okay, he contacted the officials of the Ministry of Rites and continued to monitor these envoys, and at the same time rushed to report to Zhu Cihong.

"Hehe, your Majesty, don't be angry. You have mouths on other people's bodies. No matter how powerful Da Ming is, it's absolutely impossible to control everyone's mouths." Liu Hongjian comforted with a smile.

Still want to play smuggling?He doesn't know about these gringos, but with Huang Dapao and the Maritime Guard around, Chinese businessmen will naturally think twice.

Some things are not something that you won’t do if you scare them. Someone must try it and fall into a pit before it will work.

"I also agree with Liu Qing that if the tariffs of these foreign countries are not lowered, you don't need to discuss this matter any more, I have made up my mind." Zhu Cihong still couldn't calm down.

If it weren't for the fact that these foreign envoys came to Beijing to be known to everyone, Zhu Cihong even wanted to kill these envoys directly.

"If you don't surrender, if you don't surrender, these envoys still want to see and see, and I would like to ask the emperor for permission." Liu Hongjian said again.

Commerce is a good thing, which means that everyone has money to earn, but it is bound to have intersections with the countries behind these envoys in the future, and it is not too much to know in advance.

Zhu Cihong had no objection to Liu Hongjian's proposal, and out of Qianqing Palace Liu Hongjian followed a small yellow gate to Honglu Temple.

Several envoys in Honglu Temple gathered in a room restlessly. It had been more than two hours, and the Emperor of Ming Dynasty still did not summon them, which made them feel that things were not going well.

Several countries were fighting fiercely in their own countries three years ago. Even now, they often fight for interests in Nanyang.

However, for the sake of Daming, they still chose to cooperate. There is no way, Daming is too big, and Daming's huge consumer market is too important to them.

"Several distinguished special envoys, my An Guo County King of Daming will see you later, please prepare a bit." An official from the Ministry of Rites knocked on the door and came in to report.

"Prince of Daming, Prince of Anguo County? Hiss—" Alex, the special envoy of Little Franz, took a deep breath of cold air.

The rest of the envoys also looked at each other left and right, with horror in their eyes.

Why did Ming’s official, Zheng, flee south, why did Ming set up the customs office so quickly, and why were the maritime officials of Ming so stingy?

There is a piece of territory in the Netherlands closest to Daming, and it knows the most about Daming's situation. It is heard that the reason why Daming was able to disobey within three years is also from the hands of the Anguo County King.

Now that the legendary prince said that he wanted to see them, how could he not shock them, to the point that some people's foreheads were covered with sweat.

"I wear a little too much, I'm sweating in the heat." Alberta said in embarrassment as he loosened his clothes.

"Yeah, what a terrible weather in Ming Dynasty!" It was February, and the capital hadn't warmed up yet, so several envoys complained to ease their panic.

After a while, several envoys came to the yamen of Honglu Temple slowly, and they even gave way to each other when they entered the gate.

They would rather go to meet the emperor of Ming Dynasty again than come to meet the Prince of Anguo County of Daming.

There were two rows of guards standing at the gate of the yamen with muskets on their shoulders and sabers at their waists. Just by looking at the eyes of these guards, one could tell that they were definitely not good people, which made them even more frightened.

"I've met His Royal Highness, Prince Anguo of Daming." Several envoys came in and saluted obediently.

"Hahaha, you don't need to be polite, just sit down." Liu Hongjian stretched out his hand in a friendly manner to signal them to sit down.

Alberta and Alex looked at each other, thinking that this prince is so young, and he doesn't want to be cruel when he looks at him, the news should be inaccurate.

"My lord doesn't like to talk nonsense. I heard that you all came here to hope that Daming can reduce or exempt customs duties. Is there such a thing?" Liu Hongjian asked straight to the point.

"It is true, Your Highness, the Ming Dynasty is a kingdom above the heavens, so we hope that the court will be more accommodating and sympathetic to the businessmen of our country." Abraham clasped his fists and said politely.

"Hehe, which country's envoy are you, and you still know about the Kingdom of Heaven?" Liu Hongjian was delighted when he heard it, since the term "dare to love the Kingdom of Heaven" was already known to outsiders.

"Your Highness, I am from Italy." Abraham said honestly.

"Then let me ask you, if businessmen from Ming Dynasty go to trade in your country, how much tax will your country charge?" Liu Hongjian looked at the bearded foreigner and said.

"Returning to Your Highness, according to the regulations of the Italian sub-royalty, foreign businessmen can levy according to the value of the ship and goods, but the total is about 30.00%." ​​Abraham did not dare to cheat in front of Liu Hongjian, and told the truth directly.

"30.00%, that is, [-]%. Daming's tariff is also composed of ship tax and goods tax. The ship tax is based on the size of the ship, and the goods tax is based on the value of the goods.

The ship tax is fixed at 200 taels for large ships, 960 taels for medium ships, and 450 taels for small ships. The cargo tax is calculated at [-]% of the value of the goods.

Calculated in this way, if your ships come to Ming Dynasty with small boats full of spices, the overall tax collection amount should be less than 30.00%, that is, less than [-]%.

This king doesn't understand. It is obvious that Daming's tariffs are lower than yours. Why did you ask me, Daming, to lower the tariffs for you, but you didn't express it yourself? "

Liu Hongjian made a comparison and asked rhetorically.

"This..." Abram Han was at a loss for words.

In fact, they couldn't tell their hardships. Daming had a huge territory and an even larger population. The population of Daming was the sum of the countries behind these envoys and multiplied by ten.

I thought that such a huge market should contain such a huge profit, but it is not the case.

The people of Ming Dynasty didn't seem to be interested in their goods. Except for the spice business, the people of Ming Dynasty didn't buy anything else.

On the other hand, their country's demand for Ming Dynasty is countless, from silk, to porcelain, tea, etc., especially porcelain, which is especially loved by the nobles of their country.

What's even more exasperating is that their country still can't produce it. No matter how much they study and research, they just can't make porcelain that is as fine and beautiful as the craftsmen of the Ming Dynasty.

Only the silk, porcelain and tea from Daming caused a huge trade deficit between them and Daming.

In other words, if Ming's tariffs cannot be reduced or exempted, all the gold and silver they plundered from Southeast Asia, the Americas, and Levia will eventually flow into Ming.

This is simply drinking their blood. They have worked so hard to make wedding clothes for the Ming Dynasty. Who will be angry about this matter?
 Thank you book friends, there is no such thing as 100 taels that you are reluctant to reward.

(End of this chapter)

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