Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 655 It's the head iron, if you don't accept it, come and smash it

Chapter 655 It's the head iron, if you don't accept it, come and smash it

"It's not fair, Your Highness, Nanyang is very stormy and there are a lot of pirates. I have taken a lot of risks in transporting the goods from Nanyang to Daming, and I still need a lot of warship escorts, but it also requires more costs. If Daming Want to do business with me..."

Antony, the envoy of Great Franchico, spoke boldly and stubbornly, but was interrupted by Liu Hongjian before he could finish speaking.

"Are you threatening the king and Daming? Which country are you an envoy from?" Liu Hongjian was not used to seeing the dark-skinned foreigner start to get angry.

This foreigner's words are obviously showing off, or intimidating, relying on the excellent warships of his country, trying to intimidate Daming to surrender.

In the past month, Jin Yiwei's subordinates have reported to him more than once that there are many ships from foreign countries cruising in the Daming Sea. Yang Liuzhongbin from the Maritime Patrol Department also wrote him a secret letter.

Among these ships, the Dutch, Grand Francine, and Franchis are the most numerous, and all of them are warships equipped with artillery. The warships in the hands of the Maritime Patrol Division are all small warships that focus on speed. There is no way to take these big guys.

Zhu Cihong also asked him how to deal with it, and Liu Hongjian only said to reassure him, but in the short term, he didn't have a good solution.

The only countermeasure is to urge the Ordnance Institute to rush to manufacture new steel cannons, and mobilize a large number of artillery from border towns and the interior to build forts.

In order to speed up the production of warships, with Zhu Cihong's consent and the cabinet's discussion, the Longjiang Bao Shipyard was reopened in Longjiangguan, Nanjing Prefecture, and was responsible for the construction of small and medium-sized ships such as sentry ships, winter ships, and bird ships.

The Tianjin Treasure Shipyard is only responsible for the construction of the No. [-] and No. [-] Fuchuan and other large main battleships.

It's just that Longjiang Bao Shipyard has been abandoned for nearly 200 years. Although the infrastructure is still there, it still takes a lot of time to achieve mass production.

But even so, Liu Hongjian disdained Europa's verbal provocation, because Liu Hongjian believed that they would not dare to start a war, and the price would be too high.

"Don't dare, I'm Anthony of the Grand Franciz." After speaking, Anthony gave a ghostly smile with a very good feeling about himself.

Although his big Franc machine country is not big, it is superior to Deming in both battleships and artillery. Otherwise, Da Ming's artillery would not be called Franc machine guns. Anthony is still very proud of this.

"Big French? Portugal?" Liu Hongjian frowned and muttered in a low voice.

"If Daming insists on lowering tariffs, we will have to trade in our own way, isn't it, everyone?" Abbott lowered his head and seemed to be muttering, and he seemed to be talking specifically to Liu Hongjian, saying At the end he glanced at Hans of França and Colin of Austria.

The few people who didn't say anything were tacitly acquiescing to Abbott's statement. Although their population is not as large as that of Da Ming, when it comes to the navy, Da Ming is really not their opponent at present.

In particular, Franza and the Netherlands have experienced the baptism of the 30-year war in Europa. Franza, the Netherlands, and Italy, as the final victorious country and Europe's leader, are invincible across the Atlantic Ocean, the Little Atlantic Ocean, and the Bangalore Sea.

If Daming really does not back down, smuggling or coercion by force would be a good idea.

However, as a later generation, how could Liu Hongjian not be aware of their ambitions, just by looking at these people, he knew that each of them was a greedy colony harvester and a loyal lackey of the capitalist empire.

The rise of Europa is based on the blood and humiliation of countless Levites, Asiatics, and Americans. Liu Hongjian understands this better than anyone else.

He really wanted to take out the AKM from the ring and give this group of greedy guys a chug, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart.

But he knows that it is not enough now, the negotiation can be negotiated any way, and it will be fine if the negotiation fails. If the envoys of various countries are taken over by him, then this is not a simple trade issue.

And it has become a matter of national dignity. Even if the European countries do not want to go to war with Ming Dynasty, they will still bite the bullet for the sake of national dignity at that time, and it is even very likely that the coalition forces will be involved.

Daming's current military strength can only protect itself, so it must be patient first.

"Your Excellencies, envoys, I don't know how you view Daming and the Han people in Ming Dynasty." Liu Hongjian was not angry at the provocation from the envoy of the Netherlands, but calmly stared into Alberta's eyes and said deeply.

"The Han people in Ming Dynasty..." Alberta wondered why Liu Hongjian asked such a question suddenly, and was at a loss for words for a while.

"There is an organ in this king's body, which is more important than the heart. It cannot be seen, but it does run through from the head to the crotch in this king's body.

Because of it, this king can stand upright and sit upright like this, even if he falters, he can move forward straight.

If this king agrees with you, that thing will be broken... This hurts this king more than the heart stops beating. It is the most important thing for this king, and it is also the most important thing for Daming people.

Even if the country of the Han family perishes, the tens of millions of Han people must always stand upright, pick up knives and guns and stab those who dare to violate them. "Liu Hongjian said in a low voice.

His voice was calm but unquestionable, and his chest was filled with awe-inspiring arrogance, and his piercing eyes stared at Alberta until he looked left and right without daring to look up.

"Don't question Daming's determination. If you don't believe me, you can try it." Liu Hongjian withdrew his eyes, picked up the tea on the table and said quietly.

Although there is no way to open up the situation at sea for the time being, Liu Hongjian has never been afraid of anyone on land. Most of Da Ming's soldiers are risky soldiers, whether they are singled out or gang fights, Da Ming is not afraid of them.

The reason why he dared to say this is also emboldened. Although there were many strange emperors in Ming Dynasty, from Zhu Chongba, who founded the country, to Uncle Chongzhen, none of them were soft persimmons.

To use one word to describe it is 'head iron'. Even after the civil and military affairs of the Manchu dynasty, including Zhu Qizhen, became captives after the Tumu Fortress Change, Daming did not bow to the Wala.

Without ceding the land, let alone paying a tael of silver, even if he was smashed to death, Uncle Yu Qianyu in the city of Beijing withdrew his troops first if he insisted on spending too much.

Although that passage has been read badly, Liu Hongjian still wanted to tell these foreigner birdmen with a hoarse throat that the Ming Dynasty would not pay tribute, profess its vassals, make peace, and pay compensation for 300 years. The emperor guarded the country and the king died. , is the head iron.

It will take half a year until the newly recruited 2 Beiyang Navy recruits are trained, and Ming will have a navy of [-]. By then, Ming will finally catch up with the last train of the Great Navigation Era.

The only thing restricting the Ming Dynasty Navy is still the warships. The Ming Dynasty has never been short of soldiers, and the navy is the same. As long as the court can afford the military salary, the soldiers can train at any time, but the warships cannot.

Alas, now we can only speed up and supervise the reconstruction of Longjiang Bao Shipyard. When Longjiang Bao Shipyard is also put into operation, the pace will be picked up, Liu Hongjian thought.

"Your Highness is serious, I'm just here to discuss business..." Aibo Ta naturally heard Daming's determination, and was a little afraid of the young Lord Daming in front of him for a moment.

"Business is nothing to talk about, and you must know how important tariff collection is to the country.

The imperial court will never change orders overnight, and the tariffs of Ming Dynasty are not much different from those of other countries. "Liu Hongjian said in a deep voice.

After listening to Liu Hongjian's final reply, the envoys looked at each other without answering, as if they were thinking about it.

"Oh, by the way, Your Excellency Abbotta and Your Excellency Anthony, even if you agree with Ming's tariff policy, the Ming court will still not be able to trade with you, I hope you both know."

Liu Hongjian seemed to have remembered something, put down his teacup and said to the envoys from the Netherlands and Greater Francier.

"Why?" Alberta became anxious when he heard it.

PS: Little Atlantic Ocean, today's Arabian Sea, Bangalia Sea, and today's Bay of Bengal, all count the Indian Ocean.

PS: It’s been a long time since I asked for a reward. I beg readers to give me a reward. I’m so miserable. If you don’t believe me, take a look.

 Thanks to the book friend Dalady for the 1000 taels, and thanks to the book friends who are drunk and look at the axe, dick117712, and the little monster loves to eat for the 100 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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