Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 656 Return the island and talk about it

Chapter 656 Return the island and talk about it

"Why?" Alberta became anxious when he heard it.

There is no need to lower the tariff. The Maritime Patrol Department of Ming Dynasty has two brushes, and the cost of smuggling is also a bit high.

And domestic aristocrats still like the Three Treasures of Ming Dynasty very much, as if they can't show their aristocratic status without silk, porcelain and tea.

Originally, I wanted to take a step to see a business and continue to do it first, and then discuss with the governor about the tariffs, but the prince in front of me directly said that the business would not be done!
Is this still available?

It's not easy to come from Nanyang. I thought it would be a credit to negotiate the tariff issue. Maybe I can count on this promotion and salary increase.

Even if they can't reach an agreement, it's a big deal to go back and tell the governor. Anyway, the envoys from other countries failed to negotiate with him, and he has no guilt.

But it’s different now. The tariff reduction matter has not been negotiated, and Renmin Mingming has stopped doing business with you. What should I do? How can I explain to the Governor when I go back?

"Yes, Your Highness, what crime have we committed? Even if there was something wrong with the words just now, the friendship between the two countries will not be lost!

Whether or not the two countries communicate with each other is beneficial to us, and besides... Daming is actually taking advantage of it. "Anthony, the envoy of Greater France, is also very anxious.

He doesn't care about the trade deficit now. If he loses the huge market of Daming, he is worried that the governor will go crazy, and the governor will definitely make him go crazy before he goes crazy.

The national power of Dafraji is weak, and it has just become independent since childhood. Joao IV is trying his best to govern and revive Dafraji, and the colonies in Nanyang and the market of Ming Dynasty are the two places that His Majesty most values ​​in the Asia region. .

"My Ming Dynasty's Ryukyu and Haojing'ao have been occupied by your country for a long time. Business can be done, but please return the island first before we talk about it!" Liu Hongjian said very calmly.

He doesn't believe that these European colonists dare to attack China 300 years in advance. Anyway, they have already pretended to be coercive just now, so let's add more vinegar!
Liu Hongjian had nothing to say about the Netherlands occupying Ryukyu. After all, the strength of the Netherlands was there, and people were snatched from Zheng Zhilong and Daming based on their strength.

But this country is not authentic. About 100 years ago, a group of businessmen (actually appointed by the royal family) in the country of Dafranc implored them to dock at Haojingao on the grounds that their goods were wet due to wind and waves in Nanyang. to dry.

Based on benevolence and righteousness, the Australian officials of the Ming Dynasty agreed with good intentions, but the group of bird merchants refused to leave, and even bribed Haidao's deputy envoy Wang Bai with a lot of money, and finally negotiated a price of 500 taels of silver.

The big Fulangji has been here ever since. Even if Wang Bai is transferred, the Flangji businessman will still give money to the new Haidao deputy envoy. After all, the salary of Ming officials is low, and Haidao deputy envoy is a sixth-rank official. My salary is only ten taels, and the extra 500 taels a year is still quite impressive.

The officials who took over did not think the money was hot, and the big Frang robot has stayed here since then, and Haojingao has actually been controlled by the big Frang robot.

At the beginning, the Dafraji people were only trading in boats and lived in thatched tents. However, within ten years, the Dafraji people in Haojingao increased greatly, and even built a thousand districts, with a population of [-].

However, the Ming court never leased Haojingao to Dafulangji, nor did it formally allow Dafulangji to live in Haojingao.

The reason why the imperial court didn't respond was because at that time the master of the Ming Dynasty was Zhu Houzhao, the famous Emperor Wuzong Zhengde of the Ming Dynasty in history.

To put it bluntly, the big Frenchman is thick-skinned and mangy, and he thinks he is not an outsider.

As a later generation, Liu Hongjian naturally knew the various efforts made by China to regain the old land. It was really not easy. Macau was actually occupied by the Portuguese for nearly 500 years.

Sun Houzi has only been oppressed by Wuzhi Mountain for 500 years. It seems that this kind of mangy dog ​​will be fine if he does not meet Liu Hongjian.

"Uh..." Anthony's beard twitched, as if he remembered something, but he didn't speak in the end.

There are now more than [-] Dafulangji people in Haojingao, even surpassing the number of Daming people. Dafulangji people have been operating Haojingao for nearly a hundred years. The architectural style and folk culture here are full of the taste of Dafalangji Country. .

Anthony really didn't know how to answer Liu Hung-chien's question, but there was no doubt that Anthony believed that Haojingao belonged to them.

"Your Highness, I am here only to negotiate tariffs. As for the Ryukyu you mentioned, with all due respect, the Governor-General has not given me the power to deal with this matter, and even the Governor-General, it is very difficult..." Ai Bo Ta hesitated to speak.

Ryukyu is an important base of the Netherlands in Southeast Asia. The magnificent and strong Zeelandia Castle was built on it, and the governor was appointed to be responsible for the trade of the Southeast Asian countries.

This is so important to the Netherlands. Alberta wants to say that even the Governor-General does not have this power, which is completely impossible.

"My lord understands, then we have nothing to talk about. Goodbye, everyone!" Liu Hongjian didn't stop after speaking, and got up directly out of the yamen of Honglu Temple.

Damn, sooner or later, I will drive a warship to snatch Haojingao and Ryukyu back by myself, Liu Hongjian thought.

Giving away such a large piece of land for 500 taels is no different from Rakshasa Mao Bear selling Alaska to the United States. It is just greedy for money and short-sighted.

As for the business with Dafraji and the Netherlands, it was just Liu Hongjian trying to talk hard. If he had money to earn, the imperial court and Huang Dapao would not care which country it belonged to.

After all, Haojingao was really too small for Daming, so small that even if he told Zhu Cihong, he might not even know where it was.

Although Ryukyu is large, the imperial court has neglected the management of this place for 300 years. In addition, few Han people are willing to stay away from their homeland across the strait.

If it weren't for Lao Zheng's desire to use Ryukyu as a base and spend a lot of money to lure some victims of disasters in Fujian, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to reclaim wasteland, Ryukyu would have been ruled by the Seediq people.

But the Netherlands, as a sea coachman, is currently the country with the most powerful sea power. The imperial court and Zhu Cihong definitely do not agree to rush to the Netherlands as an enemy because of this matter.

To put it bluntly, he is a cynical youth who has studied modern Chinese history, but neither the imperial court nor Zhu Cihong.

After returning to Qianqing Palace, Liu Hongjian explained the general situation to Zhu Cihong, and repeatedly told him that the tariffs should not be lowered, and then returned to Xishan.

After arriving at Xishan, it was already dusk, but seeing the candles lit in the Xishan Bieyuan on the top of the mountain, he knew that his wife and children were waiting for him to eat, so he couldn't help but feel very satisfied.

"Master, Jin Yiwei's brother just sent a letter, which seems to be from the Chahar Khanate." Liu Hongjian had just arrived at the door and before he entered the house, a guard trotted over and took out the letter from his waist. A letter was presented to Liu Hongjian.

PS: Haojingao, the old name of the Ming Dynasty, refers to Macau.

PS: Small Francier refers to Spain, and Grand Francier refers to Portugal. In 1580, King Philip II of Spain annexed the Kingdom of Portugal, and Portugal fell into the hands of the Habsburg Dynasty.

In the 30 Years' War in Europe, Spain's Armada was defeated by the Netherlands, and its army was also defeated by France. Since then, Portugal has become independent.

Oh, by the way, Portugal and Spain were the territories of an earl in the Middle Ages in Europe. In 1143, Portugal became independent from the Kingdom of Castile and its capital was Lisbon. The Kingdom of Castile was the predecessor of Spain. Both countries are Once a maritime power.

When Portugal first became independent, Spain never recognized it. The two sides have fought for more than 300 years, and Spain has been unbalanced. It was not until 1640 that the Spanish royal family, which became independent for the second time, was forced to recognize its independence.

(End of this chapter)

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