Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 68 For whom to fight

Chapter 68 For whom to fight (for support)

On July [-]th, the sun was scorching.

The school yard in Shanhaiguan was crowded with people, enough to accommodate 8 people, and the dust was billowing. Wang Yuanba shouted and issued orders to the messengers, instructing all walks of life to line up in order.

He stayed up almost all night. First, he ransacked the house with the enthusiastic commander-in-chief, and then arranged for all the generals in the Shanhaiguan defense line who had no garrison duty to participate in the inspection tomorrow.

Excluding the necessary defensive soldiers, there were more than 6 soldiers participating in the review.

Starting from the morning, it took a full hour for all the sergeants to line up one by one.

The Thousand Houses of Longevity Mountain is not in the parade array, but it is also on the parade ground.

The more than [-] Guanning iron cavalry who joined the Wansui Mountain Qianhu Office were also inexplicable at first, and they were unconvinced as usual. It is no wonder that the nature of the Mongols is to obey the strong.

As a result, Niu Zhuang and Li Baida killed three in terms of fists and feet. In terms of firearms, Guan Ningjun took out the housekeeper's three-eyed firecracker with great confidence, aimed his left hand at his right hand and held a fire folder, and quickly ignited it. fuse.

It only took a breath of time to make three bang bang bang bangs, and the thick wooden board five meters away was filled with steel balls, and then they looked provocatively at the teenagers who seemed to them to be hairy.

Their parents have lived here for more than [-] years. The older generation of Guan Ning Army either died in battle or got old. Later, most Mongols felt that the rewards and punishments of the court were unfair, so they rejected their descendants from joining the army, so that the Guan Ning Army fell to this point. .

But even though there were few people, Liu Hongjian could still see the extraordinaryness of these Mongolian men in their twenties. Looking at people and looking at them, these men were not like other soldiers with dull eyes. Although they were also reckless, they still had energy.

The result can be imagined, a boy randomly walked out of the hundreds of AKM households, the AKM switched to full automatic, clicked into the chamber, chug chug, chug chug, a shuttle of bullets finished, and a thick wooden board weighing dozens of kilograms was directly crushed. The huge impact made him slide back two steps, and a fire burst out.

My God, what a weird firearm!The Mongolian men spoke a dialect with a northeast flavor and called out miracles.

For 2000 years, the nomads in the north have maintained vigorous vitality and combat effectiveness, and more than [-] years can't erase the arrogant soul in their hearts.

But arrogance also depends on the person. Seeing that he can fight with bare hands, but he can't fight, and he is beaten with a weapon, and he is still tortured. Moreover, Longevity Mountain is the emperor's pro-army, he speaks nicely, and the treatment is not bad. I heard that the boss has a strong relationship with the emperor.

A group of strong men immediately changed their smiling faces, expressing that they are very, very, very happy to join this team. Mengren has a straight temper, you are awesome, I will obey you, otherwise I don’t care what kind of official you are.

So today's expanded version of the Wansui Mountain Thousand Households has more than [-] soldiers living alone in a corner. The cavalry and infantry work together. The infantry has AKM hundreds of households.

Whoever dares to underestimate this team will pay the price in blood.

It's still yesterday's high platform for the military parade, and it's still the same people who received the military parade yesterday, but Wu Sangui is gone.

With piercing eyes, Liu Hongjian inspected the military appearance of the frontier army from left to right. All the soldiers were wearing armor, holding swords or spears. The weather was extremely hot and sweat dripped from their helmets.

If the voice of the heart can be uttered, one can imagine how many alpacas, MMPs, and military parades these soldiers will have in their hearts. I have been reviewed twice in two days...

Liu Hongjian stood silently in front of the high platform in a python robe. He was also very hot, but he refused the brocade handkerchief handed over by the servants around him, and let the sweat drip from his neck.

After a full 3 minutes, when the atmosphere was about to freeze, Liu Hongjian finally spoke.


Liu Hongjian said something, and the sergeants in the row below the high platform, known for their loud voices, immediately repeated it to the soldiers in front. The review of 6 people is a very simple sentence. If you want everyone to hear it, it is very difficult. It took a lot of work.

What a hassle, alas!It's not convenient for the old man to fix this gun for me, it's not as good as the whole warehouse or something!Whatever you want, just for this scene, how exciting it is to get him a row of big speakers!

Obsession is obscenity, and now he understands that time is running out and the war is imminent. He must find a way to restore the courage of these soldiers to fight, because in his opinion, the men in the Northeast are still very capable of fighting.

"I am Liu Hongjian, the new General Soldier of Shanhaiguan. I am also the Earl of Daming and the Commander of the Jinyiwei. I say this not to show off to you, but to let you know that Jinyiwei, as the eyes of Daming, has zero tolerance for the deduction of military pay. .

For decades, you, as well as your fathers, have stayed in this bitterly cold place for generations for the safety of Daming's border defense, and you have to pay your blood and even your life for this!

But what did Daming give you?Your military pay has been deducted, your military merits have been falsely claimed, you lack clothes and clothes, you suffer from hunger and cold...

I really feel sorry for you, what is it that supports you to stay loyal to your duties and defend the frontier in such a bitter cold place?

Is it the ministers in the court?Or those nobles who are covered by their ancestors? "

Liu Hongjian's tone was sonorous and his words were heartbreaking. Wu Ganlai, the servant of the household department beside him, felt his heart twitch when he heard this, thinking how dare this kid be so arrogant, and offended all the officials and generals of the court with one sentence...

But the soldiers below didn't think so much. Over the years, no general has ever asked them whether they have warm clothes in winter, whether the military salary is enough for the family...

Now suddenly being questioned by the new commander-in-chief who is younger than them on the high platform in the distance, most of the soldiers have red eyes and ask themselves, yes, what is the reason for me?
"Whoever says it is, go back to my hometown now, Shanhaiguan doesn't want hypocritical soldiers!

What you have to protect is your family and children from being bullied by the barbarians, and then your relatives, friends, and tens of thousands of poor people who were struggling on the verge of starvation just like you!

The past few years have been difficult due to natural disasters and man-made disasters in the Ming Dynasty, and this situation will continue. The emperor is also grey-haired because of this. The imperial court is ashamed. The imperial court is sorry for you. Here, on behalf of the imperial court, I apologize to you! "

Liu Hongjian bent down and bowed to the left, middle and right.

For these men who don't know how to read big characters, haha, they can't understand those who talk about it. It's better to be straightforward and let them understand that it's not that the court intends to treat them badly, but that the court is also very difficult.

The hard-boiled Northeast men could no longer hold back the tears in their eyes, allowing sweat and tears to flow from their cheeks.

The so-called scholars die for their confidants, they are not literati, but they also have an urge to die for the adult in front of them who sympathizes with their suffering!

"I said this to tell you that the emperor has never forgotten you. He knows that it is because of you, the frontier soldiers, that the emperor has the time to punish corruption and eliminate evil. Please, everyone, give Daming some time! "

"Did you hear that? The emperor said that the old man has not forgotten us!"

All the soldiers below whispered to each other, most of them were happy.

Crash, I don't know who started it, more than [-] soldiers knelt on the ground like waves in two breaths.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"The emperor's grace is mighty! We will never repay your favor!"


This is the cry from the men of the [-] Frontier Army, it should be resounding through the sky, it is deafening!

Watching these soldiers finally sweep away their decadent morale and rekindle hope in Daming, Liu Hongjian also smiled, but he knew that spiritual food alone was not enough.

How many people in this world have made great achievements by relying on chicken soup for the soul?Let's get real!

Liu Hongjian waved his hand to signal the soldiers to be quiet, and then gave an order, and a group of carriages meandered from the direction of the barracks warehouse. Behind each carriage was a large box, which was sealed, and it was unknown what was inside.

The convoy is very long, and the first car is parked at the far left of the sergeant parade, arranged in order from left to right.

The soldiers didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the new chief soldier, and they all looked up at Liu Hongjian on the high platform in the distance.

Liu Hongjian motioned for the soldiers to open the box. The moment the box was opened, the soldiers in the front row gasped.

Obediently!A whole box full of white silver!
"Silence!" The guerrillas living in front of the display stopped the noise of the soldiers behind.

Look at how promising you are, have you never seen silver or something, Guerrilla despised it in his heart, but his eyes were unconsciously attracted by the white silver in front of him, I have never seen such a situation!

"Soldiers, don't be surprised, this money is for you! The emperor, out of sympathy for your hard work, ordered me to reward the army.

Now I declare that all frontier soldiers, including Huotoujun and grooms, will receive ten taels of silver for each hairline in addition to the military salary!
In addition, the infantry's salary in the battalion was increased to two taels per month, the cavalry was raised to three taels per month, and the guard's salary was raised to one tael!
In addition, I plan to increase the rewards for military exploits. A northern prisoner's head counts for 50 taels. For those who have outstanding military exploits, I will report to the emperor, and it is not impossible to confer titles!

Still the same sentence, as the commander of Jinyiwei, who dares to deduct or owe military pay, you are welcome to come and report, and I will let the ink-corrupters know that my Ming Dynasty's punishment is not a show! "

The military pay of the frontier army was considered relatively high in the entire Ming army, but now Liu Hongjian raised their military pay again, which made these big men in the Northeast unable to close their mouths and shouted long live.

Some people also suspected that the imperial court was playing tricks on them again, and immediately someone put a chestnut fried in sugar on his head, you are stupid, the money in front of you must be several million taels at least!
With just tens of thousands of us, we will not be able to spend it all until next year!

And this military merit reward is even more incredible. At the end of Ming Dynasty, the military merit rewards were divided into four categories. The most valuable one was 30 taels for the northern captives and Mongolians, followed by 20 taels for the Jurchens, and [-] taels for the Xifan Miaoman. The cheapest ones were those from the mainland. Fifty-two bandits.

But at the end of Ming Dynasty, how could the imperial court have any money, and the military pay was not uniform, let alone the rewards, but now the new commander-in-chief not only increased their military salaries, but also greatly increased the military rewards by the way.

The big soldiers began to think about how to kill the enemy to get rewards, and the guerrillas who already had military posts thought about what Liu Hongjian said about conferring titles.

A knighthood is the highest honor for a soldier. The Ming Dynasty was very cautious about it, even harsh, and judging by the words and deeds of the commander-in-chief, is it possible that the court will start to use warriors again?
Whether they are ordinary soldiers or generals, the eyes of everyone below are bursting with fighting flames...

If you want to take what you want, you must first give it. Liu Hongjian is very satisfied with the reaction of the soldiers. This is the army he wants.

The jujube is given, and the next step is the stick, Liu Hongjian said to Chang Yu beside him with a restrained smile.

"Bring the criminals Wu Sangui, Tan Hong, and Wu Zhimao here!"

(End of this chapter)

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