Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 69 Ling Chi Wu Sangui

Chapter 69 Ling Chi Wu Sangui

The three of Wu Sangui were all dragged to the school grounds. The former was tortured too much, and there was no good meat on his legs, so he couldn't walk. Tan Hong was not much better.

But Wu Zhimao was totally frightened, he didn't have much ability at all, it was only because he and Wu Sangui belonged to the same family, coupled with his top-notch skills in flattery, that he won the position of general.

"Criminal officials Wu Sangui, Tan Hong, and Wu Zhimao corrupted the law by corrupting the law, cooperating with foreign bandits, not caring about the dangers of the court, and withholding the soldiers' salaries. After investigation, the three embezzled a total of 380 million taels of ink, silver, and jewellery.

As a general, his superiors did not know how to sympathize with the country's difficulties and repay the emperor's favor, and his inferiors could not comfort the soldiers to comfort the people.

Under the orders of the emperor, I have the right to act cheaply, and specially sentenced the three people to death by Ling Chi, as a warning to others! "

Hearing Liu Hongjian's sentence, the soldiers below all gasped, although they were very angry when they learned that their military pay was not denied by the court, but was deducted by Wu Gouguan.

But after all, the chief soldier is a first-rank official, so he can kill as soon as he says, without any ambiguity, this is too fierce!
There was nothing Liu Hongjian could do about it. Now the situation had to be decisive and cut through the mess quickly. How could he go to review and report to the emperor when he had time?

You, Wu Sangui, are connected with foreign bandits, and you are dead anyway, so you might as well borrow my head and let me stand up!
As for the emperor's side, those old ministers will definitely impeach him for taking power, what the hell, I'm on the front line playing my life to work for you, if you can't even handle this, why bother me.

The three were bound to three pillars, Wu Sangui with disheveled hair, Tan Hong Wuguang was sluggish, Wu Zhimao... um, this guy fainted from fright!

"Wu Sangui, do you have something to say?" According to the routine in the TV series in the previous life, it seemed that one had to pretend to be an X before execution, so Liu Hongjian also began to show off.

"Hmph! I only hate Wu Mou for being blind to your treacherous tricks. You are just a king and a loser. Let him come here. If someone from Wu frowns, he is not a good man!"

Wu Sangui was very tough, which made Liu Hongjian a little bit admired, alas, but his intentions were not right, so he couldn't stay, so he waved his hand to signal that the execution would begin.

Because it was located at the border, Wang Yuanba searched all over the city and only found two people who knew the craft of Ling Chi, so he had no choice but to find a butcher to make up the number.

Butcher Wang has been killing pigs for ten years. In Shanhaiguan, no one can kill pigs and break bones. Last night, Wang Yuanba came to his door. Hearing that he was asked to be a guest executioner, Butcher Wang shook his head. like a rattle.

Just kidding, I only know how to butcher pigs, and in the end Butcher Wang was subdued by five taels of silver, and Ma De became a pig slaughterer.

During the execution, Wu Sangui did not say a word, but Tan Hong howled incessantly. On the contrary, Wu Zhimao, who prided himself on being a Confucian general, stared at Wang Butcher, who was holding a butcher's knife, with despair in his eyes.

Before the execution started, Wu Zhimao's crotch was wet, which made Butcher Wang look disgusted. This man is really not as courageous as a pig!
Because Liu Hongjian deliberately went through the motions and just wanted to express to the soldiers his determination to punish the deduction of military pay, only about half an hour later, the three of them died.

The worst thing is Wu Zhimao, Wang Butcher's one knife and another knife, he treated Wu Zhimao like a pig...

well!Master Wu was also a decent person before his death, Liu Hongjian sighed secretly.

After Wu Sangui and the others were executed, Liu Hongjian didn't order anyone to clean it up, and just left it to dry under the scorching sun. Tens of thousands of soldiers watched the whole process without making a sound.

Then Liu Hongjian promoted Shanhaiguan general Wang Yuanba to deputy commander, and Tang Feng and Xiang Xiong were also promoted from guerrillas to generals.

And he himself acted for the convenience of the three sides as a general, and took over the power of the Shanhaiguan defense line.

In order to change the passive situation of blindly defending, Liu Hongjian stipulated that when going out in battle, a system of consecutive sittings should be implemented. The soldiers retreated.

The so-called Death Battalion is a method of punishment for soldiers who have made mistakes. Soldiers who violate the army in the army are mostly simple and rude.

It is your fate to survive, and you will return to your original job after paying off your sins, otherwise, go to the Hades and sue!
The soldiers did not respond much to the military regulations of the Chief Soldier. Originally, the death of those who retreated was the first military regulation of almost all troops, but now it has become a retreat and a group of people die.

Hiss—the soldiers looked around, and suddenly felt a little tingling in their scalps. They will have to use snacks in future battles!

That night Liu Hongjian wrote a memorial to the emperor, briefly reporting his work progress to Chongzhen, how he dealt with Wu Sangui, and the purpose of investigating and dealing with the silver. Liu Hongjian also mentioned it.

After all, the amount was too large, and the fiscal revenue of the Ming Dynasty was only 400 million vehicles a year. If you want to keep such a huge sum of money, you must give a clear reason.

Jinyiwei was responsible for reporting the letter to Chongzhen. Jinyiwei had its own channel for news transmission. From Shanhaiguan to the capital, they rushed all night and arrived in the capital in less than three days.

On July [-]th, Emperor Chongzhen came to listen to the government at the Huangji Gate in Beijing.

Some ministers at the bottom reported that there was a locust plague in a certain place and asked the Ministry of Households to send money to relieve the disaster, and some censors impeached a county magistrate in a certain place for corruption and perverting the law.

Chongzhen has been anxious these days, his mind is on Shanhaiguan, so he simply doesn't bother to deal with major matters that are not related to the survival of Ming Dynasty, anyway, the cabinet will deal with it later.

Zheng Sanjun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, the first assistant of the cabinet, Li Banghua, Minister of the Second Assistant Ministry of War, and the rest of the cabinet elders are several bachelors.

Chongzhen reigned for 17 years, and changed more than 50 cabinet ministers, but the more he changed, the more he felt uncomfortable. However, since the ministers had the Hongmen banquet, the new cabinet is obviously much better than before.

Although there would be occasional minor frictions, basically the orders he gave were carried out step by step by the subordinates. Of course, the credit of Jin Yiwei was indispensable for this.

Liang Yang, who received Liu Hongjian's order, expanded the staff of Jinyiwei. Nearly [-] people were stationed around the capital, and the rest were scattered around.

Chongzhen waved his hand mechanically, indicating that he understood what he was going to say, and from time to time another censor took a step to the right to prepare to play.

"Your Majesty, a messenger from Shanhaiguan..."

As an eunuch, it is not an exaggeration to kill him if he yelled so loudly when the courtiers were discussing matters, but this was Chongzhen's confession.

Chongzhen asked him to pay close attention to the border situation day and night, and report any news to him immediately at any time, so that the little yellow gate below had just passed the news to Wang Erxi's ears.

Wang Erxi said it loudly, after all, in the eyes of the eunuchs, only the emperor is alone.

"Xuan!" Chongzhen's spirit lifted, and there was no sign of exhaustion on his face, but... would it be good news or bad news?

"Lin Dong, a hundred households of Jinyiwei South Town Fusi stationed in Shanhaiguan, kowtowed to the emperor, long live my emperor!" Maybe it was a starry night, and the hundred household officials looked exhausted.

"Aiqing is free of courtesy, what's going on at Shanhaiguan?" Chongzhen's eyes sparkled.

"Your Majesty, Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, has been eliminated by our Commander-in-Chief, and the border town is safe! Oh, this is from Commander-in-Chief Liu...!"

"Okay!" Chongzhen was excited when he heard the words Bianzhen Wuyu, and directly interrupted the Baihuguan's next words.

"The memorial to..." The hundred household officials were taken aback by Chongzhen's sudden 'yes'.

Wang Erxi immediately took over the memorial and handed it over to Chongzhen. Chongzhen browsed it briefly, and passed it to Wang Erxi again with no trace of worry or joy on his face.


"Chen An Guobo Liu Hongjian pays homage to my emperor, long live:

Since I was ordered to Shanhaiguan, I have been sleepy all night, and I am afraid that the entrustment will not be effective, so as to hurt the emperor's sagacity. Although the frontier army is weak, I still have a bright heart. My... my minister..."

Wang Erxi looked at the letter and couldn't read it anymore. This An Guobo has a grudge against our family!

"Read, keep reading!"

"Why don't you read it?"

Immediately there were ministers chattering at the bottom, and they were listening intently!
Wang Erxi glanced at Chongzhen, and Chongzhen signaled him to read it truthfully.

"Although the frontier army is weak, it still has a bright heart. I... can't make it up anymore. I used a trick to trap Wu Sangui, the general soldier of Shanhaiguan, and used him as a hostage to frighten his own soldiers. Then the humble minister moved with affection, Know it with reason, lure it with profit, and threaten it with coercion, and the rest of the troops are sincerely convinced.

In order to serve as an example to others and to stimulate the morale of the soldiers, the humble ministers arbitrarily decided to execute Wu Sangui and other three main criminals, Ling Chi, who embezzled more than 380 million taels of silver. In addition to paying the embezzled military pay, the remaining humble ministers wanted to reward them to encourage the border Army morale.

The establishment of slaves was rampant, and they violated the frontiers repeatedly. My Ming Dynasty was always on the defensive. The establishment of slaves could not attack the city. Every time, the people in the surrounding area must suffer, resulting in low morale and being very passive.

When I learned of Wu Sangui's conspiracy with Jiannu, I suddenly felt that this was also an opportunity, so I planned to take the initiative to attack, firstly to destroy Jiannu's prestige, and secondly, I felt that the troops that only defended were not real troops.

It's not that the frontier soldiers are afraid to fight, nor are they unable to fight, but they lack a kind of stimulation, or belief. Since they don't know the meaning of fighting, they should pay a lot of money.

As long as you get the head, you can receive a lot of money. With money, your family will not have to go hungry. This is the simplest meaning!

At present, Shanhaiguan has enough food and grass, morale is high, and the army's morale can be expected. Please wait for the good news from my minister!

Oh, I forgot to mention that Mr. Wu Ganlai from the household department is all right, and the emperor should be able to see him in about three to five days after receiving this letter. "

Phew——After the conviction, Wang Erxi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had never seen such a wonderful memorabilia. The first few sentences still sounded like that, but why did the later ones become vernacular?

All the officials didn't care about the format of the memorial, but many old officials frowned

As a first-rank official, even if he is a criminal, he still has to be dealt with by the emperor. Liu Hongjian not only killed him at will, but also promoted the deputy chief soldier and general, which reminded them of the former supervisor Yuan Chonghuan .

I don't know if this newly promoted An Guobo is also suspected of eradicating dissidents and supporting his own self-respect?
Besides, more than 300 million taels of silver is not a small amount. Since it is obtained from the investigation and punishment of corrupt ink, it is natural to go to the household registration department. Why do you keep it and not pay it?
Again, in recent years, Jiannu has not been allowed to enter the customs. Naturally, it relies on the strong guns of the Daming border gate. Now you want to give up these advantages and go out to fight with Jiannu in the field. Your mind will be trapped by the door!

Chongzhen also frowned.

"Dear ministers from the cabinet come to my Qianqing Palace to discuss matters! Retire from the court!"

 Thanks to book friends Jian Xilian, Xiaohuren, Tanxuling, Lonely Seeking Books, there is no retreat, reading less and being cheated by the author for the 100 coins reward, thank the book friend Liu Baijiang for the 1000 coins reward, thank the book friend Wu Thank you very much for the reward of 500 coins for protecting love. I feel much better today, but I have a bad cough and I feel uncomfortable when I smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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