Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 686 Qiu Gong crime, who will comment

Chapter 686 Who will comment on the meritorious deeds of thousands of years

"Father, Lord Shoufu is here. If you don't son will definitely enter the palace to persuade the emperor, you can rest assured." Liu Hongjian took the opportunity to say to his father, seeing that his father was still hesitating, he immediately vowed patted his chest.

"It's so good, I'll go back to my father first. If you have a letter, don't forget to let me know." Liu Delong said.

Last night, he was a cabinet scholar, and today he is the first assistant to the cabinet. I think it's all because of the reform of the imperial examination system.

It's just that he is not a member of the court, so he can only suppress his son in these matters as a father. On the contrary, he has no way to speak in front of the chief minister of the cabinet. Liu Delong stood up and sighed and left the yard.

It was the second time for Li Banghua to come here since the Wang family of Anguo County moved to Xishan Bieyuan. He sighed at the foot of the mountain for a long time about the prosperity of Xishan, and he couldn't help admiring the ability of the Prince of Anguo from the bottom of his heart.

But admiration is all admiration, this is different from reforming the imperial examination system and suppressing scholars all over the world.

Li Banghua is different from Fang Yuegong and others, he has no resentment towards the King of Anguo, on the contrary, he is very sure of the contribution of the King of Anguo to the court.

As for the reform of the imperial examination system, Li Banghua just thought it was a hasty move by the young and vigorous king of Anguo County.

Although he discussed countermeasures with the court officials yesterday, Li Banghua thought that if he could persuade the king of Anguo County, he might be able to turn hostility into friendship, so hello, me, everyone, isn't it good?

What's more, Li Banghua didn't think highly of those colleagues if they really wanted to make a fuss. Although the move was a little bit damaging, it depends on who it is. Does the King of Anguo care about his reputation?

If the king of Anguo County cared about his reputation, he would not have repeatedly suppressed the officials of the court. Then the problem arises. If his colleagues really angered the king of Anguo County, the consequences...

As the minister of the Ministry of War, he naturally knows the
It's best to convince the prince, it's best to convince the prince, Li Banghua settled himself in his heart, bowed his hands to Liu Delong who had just come out of the courtyard, and followed a white-clothed maid into the courtyard.

"Master Shou Fu is so busy, how come you have time to hang around my king's side?" Liu Hongjian said with a smile as he walked forward to welcome the two.

"The lower official's trip is for the reform of the imperial examination system." Li Banghua said straight to the point while saluting.

Li Banghua didn't believe that Liu Hongjian didn't know why he came. He never liked to behave politely, let alone beat around the bush.

Putting it in the typical old straight man of titanium alloy and steel in later generations, and offending many officials in the DPRK and China because of this, it is really incredible to be able to sit in the position of the chief assistant of the cabinet.

"Lord Li, I haven't entered the palace for more than half a month, what does this have to do with me?" Liu Hongjian naturally didn't want to involve himself now, so he said casually.

"My lord, now that the civil and military officials of the whole court are well aware, you have to admit it. I am here because I don't want my lord to be misunderstood by all the officials. I hope that my lord can make plans for the court and the world. Admonish the emperor to take it back." Li Banghua still bowed and begged with a very sincere attitude.

"Master Li, you really... walk around, this is not a place to talk, let's talk in the room." Leaving the chief minister of the cabinet in the yard is not the way to treat guests, Liu Hongjian knew that he could not fool the stubbornness in front of him. The old man had no choice but to let him into the living room.

After a while, the maid served tea, and Li Banghua was staring at Liu Hongjian with serious eyes, turning a deaf ear to the tea, his purpose was very clear.

"My lord asked Mr. Li a question. If Mr. Li can give me a definite solution, what's the matter with my king entering the palace?" Liu Hongjian didn't answer Li Banghua's question directly, but threw the burden back.

"The lord speaks lightly, but the officials know everything, and they can talk endlessly." Li Banghua said in a deep voice.

Liu Hongjian liked straight-forward people like Li Banghua, so he put down the teacup upon hearing this.

"Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty exclusively respected Confucianism, why did the following dynasties not exceed 300 years?" Liu Hongjian said softly.

He knew that it was difficult for Li Banghua to detach himself from the inherent thinking after being immersed in the way of Confucius and Mencius for most of his life, so he had to guide him from the root of the problem.

He didn't make any nonsense. In fact, after the exclusive respect for Confucianism, except for the Western Jin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty because of the invasion of foreign enemies, none of the unified dynasties escaped this rule.

The Shang Dynasty lasted 600 years, the Zhou Dynasty 800 years, and the Han Dynasty 400 years. After that, no dynasty can last more than 300 years.

This was the case in the Ming Dynasty, and it was also the case in the Pseudo-Qing Dynasty.

This is a thought-provoking question. Liu Hongjian would never have thought of going here if he were not an outsider.

"This..." Li Banghua didn't expect Liu Hongjian to ask such a question, so he was at a loss for words.

Who can answer this question, if someone really cracks this mystery, wouldn't it be like a god?
"I don't know, my lord, please show me." Li Banghua was very straightforward, he didn't want to use any words like tyrants and disorderly government to prevaricate.

"Hehe, what I said just now, unless Mr. Li can find out the reason and come up with a practical solution, then I will let you decide whether the imperial examination should be changed or not.

Otherwise, you can only follow this king's prescription. "Liu Hongjian said with a slight smile.

He also couldn't answer this question for a while, but he knew deeply that it must have something to do with Confucianism, or with Confucian scholars.

The original intention of the school founded by Confucius must have been good. He must have hoped that the common people would have clothes to shelter from the cold and food to satisfy their hunger, but that was 2000 years ago.

Today's Confucianism has been so-called perfected in the past 2000 years. Who knows if it has gone astray. After all, there is only one sage Confucius, and the so-called great Confucians of later generations may have a different starting point from Confucius.

If you really want him to answer, you can only start with land annexation.

At the beginning of the establishment of the dynasty, the old nobles and landlords were injured due to the war, the overall population was sparse, and a large amount of land was abandoned. The new dynasty only needed to allocate land to farmers to restore the population, recuperate, and develop the economy. Therefore, the dynasty flourished day by day.

In the middle of the dynasty, the population increased rapidly, and the emerging bureaucratic scholar-bureaucrat group gradually replaced the noble class, and land annexation became inevitable. At this time, the dynasty began to carry out reforms. The success of the reforms was ZTE, which delayed the outbreak of class conflicts.

At the end of the dynasty, the land was more and more concentrated in the hands of the scholar-bureaucrat group that integrated landlords, bureaucrats, scholars, industry and commerce, and usury. A large number of self-cultivating farmers went bankrupt and became tenants, slaves, and serfs.

However, because the officials and scholar-bureaucrats did not pay taxes, the revenue of the central government dropped sharply, and they were forced to intensify the squeeze from the owner farmers. If there was any natural disaster, riots immediately surged, and then the dynasty was ended.

A new cycle starts over.

The problem goes back to the original point, it is a human problem, not a Confucian problem, but a Confucian problem. This shows that in the long run, only relying on Confucianism will not work, and the vast majority of land acquisitions are these people.

After the founding of the great new China, why is there no such problem?
The reason is very simple. Confucianism ruled the country was completely overthrown, and the Confucian family shop was knocked down. Everyone believes in the rule of law. No matter who you are, whoever merges will go to jail.

But the rule of law is easy to say, but in the Ming Dynasty, it was as difficult as heaven to implement. If you don't leverage the composition of court officials, you can't get things done.

If you want to leverage the composition of imperial officials, you must start from the source. This source is the talent selection system, that is, the imperial examination. There is nothing wrong with the imperial examination, and it provides a ladder for the poor and poor.

The mistake is that we should not stick to the Four Books and Five Classics. There is nothing wrong with Confucianism. The mistake is that we should not train people to become rotten Confucians who stick to the rules.

As an official, one must first have a wide range of knowledge. Whether it is military science, engineering, or even Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism, there is no knowledge that has not been passed down for thousands of years. It has its strengths and weaknesses. school of thought.

He didn't know if this would work, but at least it could break the current rigid imperial examination system. If it didn't work, it didn't matter, just continue to change it. Anyway, he is still young, as long as the people have food and he has soldiers, the court can do whatever Zhu Cihong wants.

"Has the prince already found a solution?" Li Banghua frowned.

"Lord Li, let's put it this way, since the king entered the court for three years, has he done anything that is not conducive to the people? Has he ever caused the court to suffer heavy losses?" He couldn't answer Li Banghua's question directly, but he asked himself and his heart Well deserved.

If you are really dissatisfied and the reasoning still doesn't make sense, then only your subordinates will see the real trick.

"No, since my lord entered the court, Daming has been developing in a good direction, it's just the imperial examination..."

"That's enough. Whether you believe it or not, the reform of the imperial examination system is not aimed at Confucian scholars, let alone denying the study of Confucian sages, but based on the current situation of Ming Dynasty, it is possible to escape from the curse.

The king has made up his mind, so there is no need for Master Li to persuade him any more. "Liu Hongjian said solemnly.

He knew what Li Banghua was like, but now he had a feeling of being alone in the world, Xiao Zhu was better, even if he didn't understand, but out of trust, he still chose to stand by his side.

After Liu Hongjian finished speaking, Li Banghua remained silent for a while, knowing that there might really be no way to stop this turmoil.

"Since this is the case, I don't want to talk too much. It's just that I learned the way of Confucius and Mencius, and I will stand with scholars all over the world, even if... I am an enemy of the prince!" After a long silence, Li Banghua finally opened his mouth.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he doesn't say much anymore, he gets up and wants to leave.

"My lord understands, Mr. Li, go slowly." Liu Hongjian's expression was very calm.

This has nothing to do with being a person. Li Banghua is an upright person, and he is the same, just with a different standpoint.

Who has commented on the merits and sins of the past?
Li Banghua walked to the gate of the courtyard, and immediately turned around again.

"It's good to teach the prince to know that the courtiers will make big moves recently, which may damage the reputation of the prince." Li Banghua sighed, and went down the mountain without turning his head.

PS: I forgot to explain in the previous article that "Mao Shi" refers to the ancient "Poetry" compiled and annotated by Mao Heng of Lu State and Mao Chang of Zhao State in the Western Han Dynasty, which is now popular in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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