Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 687 People are iron, rice is steel

Chapter 687 People are iron, rice is steel

Li Banghua didn't say anything superfluous, since he can't get around this hurdle, and since he will confront each other sooner or later, it doesn't matter whether he says this reminder or not.

Looking at the back of Li Banghua going away, Liu Hongjian also had mixed feelings in his heart.

In good conscience, most officials in the current court are working hard, such as Li Banghua, Ni Yuanlu and Fang Yuegong.

They also hope that Ming Dynasty will be strong and prosperous. The problem is that the rigid thinking has long been bound by the Four Books and Five Classics. They believe that only Confucianism can make the country strong, which makes no sense at all.

Regarding Li Banghua's warning, Liu Hongjian didn't pay much attention to it. Reputation may be regarded as life by Confucian scholars, but it is not that important to him.

Isn't all a scholar can do is to curse people with the pen in his hand?Has he been scolded less?
The world is not the world of scholars. Simply put, what he has to do is to enlighten the common people, so that the common people have the basic ability to distinguish right from wrong. This is the power of education.

Let the common people not only have a few acres of land at home, be ignorant of the big characters, and be smeared. What the officials say is what they say, and the common people believe whoever the scholars say is a traitor.

He has to wait for future generations to judge his meritorious deeds, which is not what he wants.

Reform always requires some sacrifices, Liu Hongjian muttered, and turned back to the room.

In the next few days, Liu Hongjian still did not go to the court, but the news from the court reached his ears verbatim through Jin Yiwei.

Because Zhu Cihong did not summon the officials who advised him to withdraw his will, the courtiers could only see the emperor in the early court, so that as long as Zhu Cihong came to the early court, all the officials could not afford to kneel.

There is only one purpose, to force Zhu Cihuang to withdraw his will and give up the idea of ​​reforming the imperial examination system.

Except for the six ministries that are still handling the government affairs of various places like errands, Dali Temple, Inspectorate, Taichang Temple, Guanglu Temple, Honglu Temple and other institutions are already in a state of semi-paralysis.

This was an unprecedented struggle. Even the Wanli Dynasty's party struggle was not so serious. The cabinet took the lead, the six ministries waved the flag, the three jurisprudence shouted, and the generals echoed.

Threatening that as long as the emperor refuses to compromise, they will fight to the end, and passive sabotage is one of the tactics they negotiated.

Among them, Fang Yuegong, the scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Shi Bangzhao, the censor of the left capital of the Inspectorate, are the ones who carry the banner.

At the beginning, Zhu Cihong had to bite the bullet and hold on for a few days, but as time passed, the news gradually spread to Shuntian Mansion, Beizhili, Henan, Shandong and even further places, and Zhu Cihong couldn't sit still.

With the cabinet as the vanguard, and the Beijing officials as the example, the ministers, magistrates of various prefectures, and magistrates of various counties all followed the example and began to write memorials and memorials to the imperial court to oppose the reform of the imperial examination system.

And I write every day, and I don’t do anything except write memorials.

The memorials Zhu Cihong received within three days were enough to fill five large boxes. After all, he was young, only half a year after he ascended the throne, and he had never seen such a situation before.

"My lord, it's time for you to eat." Eunuch Wang Erxi reminded in a low voice.

Recently, it was an extraordinary period. In order to control the movements of the courtiers in real time, Zhu Cihong ordered Dongchang Superintendent Pang Hai to pay close attention to officials from all over the country, so that Pang Pang Hai was very busy in the Dongchang yamen.

On the contrary, Wang Erxi, an honest man who has never fought much for power, ended up at ease, and Zhu Cihong didn't eat much for three days in a row, which made Wang Erxi very worried.

"These ministers are full of qi, and there is no appetite to eat, so let's go!" Zhu Cihong threw the memorial in his hand to the ground, and said angrily.

"My lord, you haven't eaten much for three days, how can your dragon body withstand this? His Royal Highness Prince Anguo once said that the body is the capital of the revolution.

You... You should eat some, even if you don't eat, at least eat some fruits and vegetables, I beg the emperor! "Wang Erxi begged on the ground.

For this emperor who was several years younger than himself, Wang Erxi did not dare to speak nonsense at all, the etiquette and respect were also repeatedly ordered by the study in the inner court, and compared to the previous emperor, Wang Erxi felt that the emperor was more kind.

As the palm print eunuch of the Supervisor of Rituals, he naturally didn't want Zhu Cihong to suffer from health problems, and if that was the case, he would also be responsible.

"Oh? What else did the Prince of Anguo say?" Zhu Cihong asked.

Regarding Liu Hongjian, the king of Anguo County, Zhu Cihong is also very upset now. His intention is that Zhu Cihong made a good idea, but the idea is yours, Liu Hongjian's.

Why did he let him take the blame in the end, but his brother Liu was lying at ease in the Xishan villa, every time Zhu Cihong thought of this, he felt very depressed.

A few days ago in the martial arts lecture, Liu Hongjian once said that he was asked to discuss this matter in order to exercise his ability to deal with politics. He also said that if this matter is completed, he will be a wise king with great achievements.

Zhu Cihong really believed it at first, after all, Liu Hongjian's acting skills have always been not bad, and he tried repeatedly to fool Uncle Chongzhen many times.

But now Zhu Cihong felt that the pot was dark and heavy, and he was about to be crushed. If Zhu Cihong knew what Liu Hongjian was thinking, he might smash the winged crown on Liu Hongjian's face, and then shouted One sentence:
I believe you bastard, Brother Liu is a very bad person!
Having not contacted Liu Hongjian for several days, when Zhu Cihong was bored, he became interested when he heard Wang Erxi talk about the Prince of Anguo County.

"He...he also said that people...people are iron, and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. The more your opponent hopes that you can't eat and sleep, the more you need to eat and sleep. I lost." Wang Erxi thought that Zhu Cihong was blaming him, so he was very careful when he spoke.

"People are like iron, rice is like steel, if you don't eat a meal, you'll get hungry..." Zhu Cihong repeated in a low voice.

Wang Erxi fell on the ground and did not dare to raise his head, nor did he dare to stand up without Zhu Cihong's order.

"Brother Liu is right, I can't fulfill their wishes, I'm hungry, and I want to eat!" Zhu Cihong said loudly as he slapped the table.

"My lord is holy, my maidservant will ask Shang Shanjian to make some fresh food." Wang Erxi was scared by Zhu Cihong, and when he heard that Zhu Cihong was finally willing to eat, his face immediately beamed with joy.

The food on the table was almost cold because it had been left for too long, Wang Erxi said respectfully.

"No, I feel hungry and can't wait any longer." After speaking, Zhu Cihong got up, washed his hands in the washbasin that had been prepared in the hall, and then sat down at the table to start.

In a short time, Zhu Cihong wiped out the whole serious illness, added a bowl of ginseng soup, and filled himself with a glass of special medicinal wine after finishing the work.

Wang Erxihou looked at Zhu Cihong's delicious food, and felt happy for a while.

While drinking medicinal wine, Zhu Cihong was thinking about how to solve the current problem. He was not a tyrant, and he had never resorted to violence to solve problems in the six months since he took the throne, so he was helpless against the courtiers.

After thinking for a long time, Zhu Cihong did not come up with a countermeasure, and his brows were indeed frowned into a pimple.

"No, I didn't bring this up alone, I can't let me alone!" After thinking for a while, Zhu Cihong suddenly came to his senses, and drank the medicinal wine in his hand in one gulp.

"Wang Erxi, get your pen and ink!"

(End of this chapter)

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