Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 698 The Road to the West

Chapter 698 The Road to the West
Emperor Zhu Cihong of the Ming Dynasty was drunk.

He actually smiled and compared his wife and children with Liu Hongjian, and even claimed that his offspring surpassed Liu Hongjian with a stinking face, which made Liu Hongjian want to laugh a little.

Liu Hongjian has always used condoms when he had sex with Kun Xing, who was only 17 years old. According to his plan, the girl would have to wait for him and her to have a child at the earliest.

The medical methods at this time were too poor, and the chances of a teenage girl giving birth to a baby were too high.

But that girl Kunxing seemed to be really anxious, not only asked Sun Xiuxiu and Yang Xue, but even this brother-in-law to talk about it, Liu Hongjian knew that in their eyes, as a wife, the first task is to have children.

But he just didn't want to do this. Kun Xing is a good-looking girl, and it has become a habit to fall asleep in her arms every day, so why worry about it.

"Brother Liu, do you still have that... that medicinal wine?" Zhu Cihong asked in a low voice seeing Liu Hongjian was in a daze.

Zhu Cihong was not addicted to alcohol, but the medicinal wine was mixed with various herbs and spices, the taste was really good, and after drinking it, he felt very comfortable.

Two cups a day has improved both mental state and physical strength. Zhu Cihong thinks this is a good thing and should be treasured.

"It's not much, next month I will give the emperor two more jugs, drink less wine, it's a waste of time, the emperor." Liu Hongjian said in a deep voice.

The wine offered to the palace will naturally have to be repeatedly checked and tested by the imperial hospital. Although the wine does have the effect of strengthening the body and bones, Liu Hongjian feels that the human body has a perfect operating mechanism. Zhu Cihong is talented and there is no need to borrow external force to make up.

Even he only drank some when he was overworked.

"Also, your majesty must not have frequent sexual intercourse, it will damage the essence, it should be beneficial once every three days." Liu Hongjian said again.

Theoretically, the thousands of court ladies in the palace were all exclusive to the emperor, and he could have sex with whomever he wanted. Naturally, Liu Hongjian couldn't compare with Xiao Zhu when compared to his wife or heir, and he didn't even bother to compare with him.

Although Xiaozhu has a heavy burden, he is the No. [-] stallion in Ming Dynasty, oh no, it is a dragon, but pulling seedlings to encourage growth is definitely not good. Several emperors in Ming Dynasty were obsessed with pulling seedlings and pulling themselves to death .

"Hey, I know...I know..." Zhu Cihong scratched his head embarrassedly and said.

The most embarrassing thing for the emperor was to be impeached by the courtiers for indulging in sex, but in front of Liu Hongjian, Zhu Cihong was like a fool who committed a crime.

"Brother Liu, the Dragon Boat Festival will be in two days. The Empress Dowager Yi'an and the Empress Dowager are planning to go... to Taiye Pond to enjoy the pomegranate flowers. Let me tell you specifically that the two sister-in-laws and Kun Xing will be able to accompany you in time." Go." Zhu Cihong changed the topic.

The fifth day of the fifth month of the Dragon Boat Festival has always been considered an unlucky day in ancient times. On this day, there will be a lot of evil spirits and five poisons. Therefore, people wear and eat items to drive away evil spirits and avoid poisons during the Dragon Boat Festival.

All servants in the palace wear python clothes with Aihu patches. Pots planted with calamus and wormwood are placed on both sides of the door, and hanging picture screens are hung on the door. The meaning of the story is the same as that of posting door gods during the Chinese New Year.

At noon on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people in the palace drink cinnabar, calamus, realgar and other wines that exorcise evil and avoid poison, and eat rice dumplings or noodles with garlic.The leaves of wormwood are worn on the body, and the charms of exorcising evil and curing diseases are drawn.

The emperor's concubines usually go to watch the pomegranate flowers together, but the emperor has many events, such as going to Xiyuan to watch the dragon boat race, or going to Wansui Mountain to watch the soldiers of the Imperial Horse Supervisor race horses.

It's just that the Tengxiang Four Guards Battalion of the Yumajian has now been transformed into miners, and the willow shooting competition in the palace has become the first-year student of the Jiangwu Hall - Huben Army. Due to the gradual elimination of bows and arrows, the willow shooting competition has become Target competition.

Zhu Cihong is not interested in watching any boating, but plans to hold a target shooting competition in the palace, and he will have a big reward for the leader.

"Brother Liu must come to the palace during the Dragon Boat Festival. I have been practicing marksmanship hard in my free time these few days. Then I will compete with Brother Liu." Zhu Cilang said with a smile.


Everyone inside and outside the palace is preparing for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, but thousands of miles away, Gu Jia, the deputy head of the Daming Royal Lecture Hall, is standing on the city wall of Jiayuguan in Suzhou, sighing.

"My lord, if you leave Jiayuguan, you have left the border of Ming Dynasty. My lord, please be careful. I will return to the capital in a few days. I wish you a smooth trip!" Liang Kewang, a thousand-household official of Jinyiwei, cupped his hands to Gu Jia.

Gu Jia had previously served as the Minister of the Ministry of War. Although he has resigned now, Liang Kewang still respects this elder who is relied on by the commanding envoy.

In a month's time, Gu Jia set off from the capital, first went to Shaanxi to find Tang Ruowang, and along the way Liu Hongjian sent Liang Kewang to guard him.

The trip to Shaanxi went smoothly, after all, Xi'an Mansion is such a big place, and with the help of Jin Yiwei, it is not difficult to find a highly recognizable foreign devil.

Going north from Xi'an Mansion, Gu Jia met Xie Xinghua and his team who had completed the training mission in Ningxia Town, which borders Chahar Han Country.

According to the established plan, Liang Kewang escorted Gu Jia all the way to meet Xie Xinghua, and then Liang Kewang returned to Beijing to report, and Xie Xinghua took over Gu Jia's escort work.

But Liang Kewang saw that Xie Xinghua had a carefree temper and was a little unreliable, so he directly escorted Gu Jia to Suzhou, the westernmost city of Ming Dynasty, which is also known as Jiayuguan City in later generations.

Xie Xinghua didn't care. He was the deputy Qianhu of Jinyiwei. He was responsible for the training of the musketeers of the Chahar Khanate in the open, and collected and delivered information about the Chahar Khanate and Europe further west in secret.

The Great Khan of Chahar was really kind to the [-] trainers. Not only did they give out money, but they also gave each of them a wife. They even gave birth to cubs in Chahar for more than a year.

With Liu Hongjian's order, none of these 18 people missed Chahar, and after only two days, the funeral affairs were settled, and they went south to Ningxia to meet Gu Jia.

This is not only due to the current strength of Ming Dynasty, but also the charm of Han culture. At this time, Han people did not look down on the slovenly and smelly Menggu people, let alone attaching themselves to a man with only [-] soldiers and horses. Small Khanate.

As for their wives and children, the 18 people were also unambiguous, and directly kept all the silver and financial affairs that Abu Nai bestowed on them. In Xie Xinghua's words, it was a woman's bed, and a leaf did not touch her body.

"Thank you Liang Qianhu for taking care of you along the way. When you get back, you can reply to the adults on behalf of Gu. Gu will definitely live up to your trust." Gu Jia bowed her hands in return.

After Liang Kewang agreed, he took his group down the city wall and walked a long way. Liang Kewang suddenly sighed again.

Alas, the road to the west is bumpy, and I don’t know how many hardships I have to go through. There are still several countries in Europe that are in civil war. I don’t know if Mr. Gu can...

"Master Dean of Ming Dynasty, when are we going to the great Roman Empire?" Tang Ruowang hurriedly squeezed up from behind and said when the young military officer of Ming Dynasty who always had a dignified face left.

(End of this chapter)

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