Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 699 Chicken Stew with Mushrooms

Chapter 699 Chicken Stew with Mushrooms

Tang Ruowang's life in Xi'an Mansion was not good. The people of Daming in Shaanxi were not as devout as the rumors said. They not only didn't like the great Catholicism, they even said his god was indecent.

If it weren't for the fact that he often treated some common diseases for free for the people of Ming Dynasty, Tang Ruowang would have suffered many beatings for preaching.

On this point, Matteo Ricci's classmate during the Wanli period had a heart-to-heart pain.

After staying in Xi'an for several years, Lao Tang not only failed to find an angel who was willing to fund him to build a church, but was so destitute that he had to go to the mountain temple to spend his days.

Recalling the ups and downs in Daming these years, the disheartened Lao Tang originally planned to return to China, but he was detained by Jin Yiwei in the mountain temple late at night half a month ago.

This frightened Lao Tang. You must know that he had been in the capital of Daming back then, and knowing the horror of the Jinyiwei, Lao Tang was in despair and said goodbye to Yu Le who was also spending his days in the mountain temple.

Only after he entered the Jinyiwei stronghold in Xi'an Prefecture did he know that he was favored by a big shot in the capital of the Ming Dynasty. As long as he helped the big shot's envoy complete the task, the big shot would not only fund him to build a great Catholic church, but also help him preach.

At first, Lao Tang didn't believe it. After all, he had been cheated [-] times if not a hundred times in Daming over the years. It wasn't until the Jin Yiwei Baihu said the name of this big man—Jun Wang of Anguo that Lao Tang was stunned on the spot.

There was only one King of Anguo County in the Ming Dynasty, and that was the legendary figure Liu Hongjian of the Ming Dynasty. Tang Ruowang knew that this great man was still serving as the commander of the Jinyiwei, and he was sure that the officials of the Jinyiwei in front of him would not dare to use the commander to frighten him.

He also heard that the envoy named Gu Jia just wanted him to show him the way to the Holy Roman Empire. Lao Tang immediately slapped his thigh to express his full agreement, and persuaded Gu Jia to send Yu Le, who was also a fallen man in the mountain temple, to him. bring it on.

He has been in Daming for 28 years, and Lao Tang is eager to return home. He has to ask Gu Jia every day when he will leave, but Gu Jia always prevaricates him by saying that he is still waiting for someone.

Now the waiting people have come, and that annoying Jinyiwei Qianhu has left, Tang Ruowang doesn't want to wait any longer, he wants to go back to see if his parents are still alive, and he wants to build a great Catholic Church in Daming as soon as possible.

"Master Tang, do you know that it's a long way to go, we have to make preparations!" Gu Jia ignored the anxious Tang Ruowang, but looked at Jiayuguan Waidao again.

Outside Jiayuguan is Hami. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, Hami was still the territory of the Ming Dynasty. During the Yongle period, Zhu Di established the Hami Guard. However, Hami was located on a major traffic road. In the next hundred years, it changed hands several times, and the Ming Dynasty could not bear to repeat it.

Then during the Zhengde period, the powerful Turpan tribe annexed Hami again, and the Ming Dynasty retreated to Jiayuguan. Now 130 years have passed.

In the past 130 years, Turpan was annexed by Yarkand and restored to the country with difficulty. It has always firmly controlled Hami in its own hands, all because Hami is too important, and it must pass through the Silk Road that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Although the status of this ancient road has been reduced due to the rise of maritime trade, there are still many Arab traders from the Near East and the Middle East as well as merchants from the Ming Dynasty who travel to and from this ancient road every spring, bringing silk, tea, porcelain, etc. Pin Europa.

Originally, Liu Hongjian also thought about letting Gu Jia go by sea by boat, but after weighing the pros and cons, he chose land. If he wanted to reach his destination by sea boat, he would not only have to cross the South Seas, but also cross Malacca to Banggecihai (Bay of Bengal). , then cross the Little Atlantic Ocean (Arabian Sea) to the Mesentine Sea (Persian Gulf), and then cross the Red Sea into the Mediterranean Sea.

Now Daming can't even control the South Seas, and can't provide corresponding guarantees at all. A big storm on the ocean is even more difficult to resist with manpower. What's more, in terms of time, the sea route is roughly the same as the land route.

But how easy is it to land?
When you leave Jiayuguan, you can see yellow sand as far as you can see. According to the generals stationed at Jiayuguan, half of the territory of the Turpan Khanate is desert. If people who are not familiar with the desert go in, it is almost difficult to get out.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Gu Jia’s plan is that they disguise themselves as a caravan of the Ming Dynasty, pass through Hami, Turpan, and then Yarkand to Samarkand, continue westward to Tehran, and then pass through Istanbul to reach the Holy Roman Empire. The ruling center of the world-Vienna.

Master Shanchang really has a big problem, alas, Gu Jia looked into the distance and sighed.

This reminded him of the eminent monk Xuanzang 1000 years ago. Xuanzang must have felt powerless for the distant journey just like him.

"We're leaving in two days, everyone, let's go back and get ready!" Seeing the scar on his face, Yu Le also came over, and after finishing speaking, Gu Jia went down the city wall without looking back.

With Liu Hongjian's signboard, Gu Jia managed to get more than [-] well-fed camels in Suzhou City without any effort. Among them, ten camels were fully loaded with tea, drinking water, and food, and the rest were used to carry people.

Two days later, Gu Jia, Tang Ruowang, Hoffman Yule, and 22 guards headed by Xie Xinghua, plus a local guide from Suzhou, left Jiayuguan in a team of [-] and headed west.

It was the beginning of May at this time, and the sun in the northwest region was not so hot yet, so the group could still bear it. After traveling westward for four or five days, the caravan finally arrived at the first stop on the westward journey—Hami.

Gu Jia ordered the caravan to rest here for a day, firstly to recover their strength, and secondly, to the west is the desert area. The guides in Suzhou are not very familiar. Gu Jia dare not take risks. He needs to find someone who knows Turpan again. New guide for terrain.

"Master Gu, good and evil are mixed here, let me ask our Daming brother." Xie Xinghua said with a smile.

According to what was said earlier, in order to guard against foreign spies, no one outside the Ming Dynasty would be able to claim official positions. Xie Xinghua knew that Hami had a secret stronghold of Jinyiwei, so he proposed this proposal.

"Alright, go out and be careful." Gu Jia was also unambiguous, and took out a handful of silver coins from the bag and stuffed them into Xie Xinghua's hands.

Daming and foreign vassal states actually have one thing in common, that is, having money makes things easy to do.

"That's it!" Xie Xinghua took the silver coin, responded and called two of his men to leave the door.

The city of Hami is not big, and the east of the city is populated by commoners, while the west of the city is populated by rich people. There are Arab traders from the Near East and Middle East as well as white people from the West.

Many people were gesturing to sell the goods in their hands, intending to find someone who didn't know how to take advantage of them. Xie Xinghua had no interest in this, and walked through the dirty and messy civilian area to a brothel in the west of the city.

Ordering his two subordinates to wait outside, Xie Xinghua walked into the room.

The business of brothels probably runs through the history of human civilization, but there are not only locals in this Hami brothel, but also blue-eyed exotic beauties. Those waves, those legs, every gesture and look almost made Xie Xinghua uncontrollable.

While walking, Xie Xinghua pinched the foreign beauties whom he provoked a few times and laughed for a while. He couldn't blame the corruption of Jinyiwei in his heart, and went up to the attic with his head depressed.

There were two unshaven men standing at the door of the attic, waiting vigilantly for Xie Xinghua. Xie Xinghua weighed it up, reckoning that he might not be able to beat him, so he shouted inside:
"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger."

In order to prevent people downstairs from hearing, Xie Xinghua's voice was not loud, but the people in the house obviously heard it, and there was a burst of hurried footsteps, as if they had come to the door of the attic.

"Chicken stewed mushrooms!" The person in the room coughed and replied but did not open the door.

"The pagoda suppresses the river demon." The people in the house said again.

"Mushrooms and peppers!" Xie Xinghua said.

The door creaked open.

PS: Xie Xinghua wrote in the previous article that it should be a deputy thousand households. Due to too long time, the last chapter was written as a hundred households, which has been changed.

PS: Small science, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) was destroyed in 1453, and the Western Roman Empire was destroyed earlier, in 476 AD. This is the Holy Roman Empire, and its full name is the Holy Roman of the German nation. empire.

The German nation (Germanic nation) has the blood of the northward part of ancient Rome, the blood of the Goths, and even the blood of the West Slavs, and the blood of the Nordics. To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with the Roman Empire in history. Get some light from the distant Roman Empire.

On the map, with the German region as the core, it roughly corresponds to the entire territory of Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein today, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and most of Hungary, eastern France, western Poland and northern Italy.

Moreover, the Holy Roman Empire did not have a clear capital, and even the imperial throne was concurrently held by the King of Germany, the Earl of Luxembourg, and the Archduke of Austria.

The emperor of the Holy Roman Empire had no real power. Except for his own troops, at best he called on the principalities of the whole territory. Allies can't be called.

Since then, the world's impression of the emperor is more of the ruler of the Habsburg monarchy centered on Austria than the supreme monarch of the First German Empire.

In this regard, Voltaire, a famous French Enlightenment philosopher, once commented on the Holy Rome after the Thirty Years War: it is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.

(End of this chapter)

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