Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 814 Your Fate Belongs to Daming

Chapter 814 Your Fate Belongs to Daming (Part [-])
"Oh? Is Bo Luochi in the capital now?" Liu Hongjian asked with a smile.

It was not at all Liu Hongjian's surprise that the Raksha Kingdom would attack Chahar first. In fact, Ming had been supporting the Chahar Khanate in terms of military equipment for the past few years in order to have a certain strategic buffer between Ming and the Raksha Kingdom.

Of course, it was because of the internal and external turmoil of Ming Dynasty at that time, but all officials in the imperial court still opposed Liu Hongjian's sale of strategic weapons such as firearms and grenades to Chahar.

They think that the nomadic Menggu people are wolves who will never be able to raise them well. As long as you don’t give them food, they will bite back. This has been the case for 300 years in the Ming Dynasty.

But Liu Hongjian didn't think so. In his eyes, the nomads were much better than the Dongying people. As long as they were handled properly, the prairie people would be Ming's tigers, and they were the hardcore ones.

The only ones who are really unfamiliar with feeding are Dongying people.

"My lord, Commander, has a clever calculation. Nabo Luochi is indeed in the capital, and he writes memorials to see His Majesty every day." Liang Kewang said truthfully.

Bo Luochi naturally came to Daming to ask for reinforcements, but since Zhu Cihong summoned him for the first time and expressed that he would discuss with the cabinet, he never paid any attention to him.

"Hehe, it's hard for the old man." Liu Hongjian shook his head slightly.

In good conscience, Liu Hongjian still respects Bo Luochi. After all, although the national power is weak, Bo Luochi has been working hard for the country. But when the luck is not good, there are hungry wolves in the west, and the allies in the east will not answer. .

Before going to Dongying, Liu Hongjian greeted Xiao Zhu, if the Raksha Kingdom raided Chahar, he should watch it, and if he attacked Daming, he would strictly guard it.

According to Liu Hongjian's words, the root cause of solving the strategic buffer is to directly eliminate Luocha and make Siberia the back garden of Ming Dynasty, which has always been in Liu Hongjian's grand plan.

While plotting Siberia, the Chahar region is naturally included. Rao has always been respectful to Ming Dynasty in the past few years, but so what?

The respect between countries generally depends on hard power. Bo Luochi is certainly a patriot who works hard, but Ming has never been short of loyal ministers who will die.

It seems that it's time to go back, Liu Hongjian thought.

"How about the Ordnance Institute and Tianjin Treasure Shipyard?" Liu Hongjian asked after making up his mind.

"Returning to my lord, according to the latest news, the all-steel battleship has been welded, and the kerosene engine of the Ordnance Institute has also been successfully developed. Currently, it is conducting joint experiments with Master Mo of the Treasure Shipyard, intending to install the engine on the new warship. "

"Okay!" Liu Hongjian roared excitedly, startling Liang Kewang.

The warships of the Beiyang Navy were already strong in terms of defense, but limited to power and firepower, they had not always had an advantage in the war with the Dutch. This is why Liu Hongjian did not confront the Dutch head-on.

Now the power problem is solved, and the defense of the all-steel shell plus the keel is several times stronger than the defense of the first-generation covered ironclad ship.

"Do you know who solved the ignition problem of the kerosene engine?" Liu Hongjian asked again.

The current industrial development of Daming is a little bit unbalanced, which is probably caused by Liu Hongjian's overthrow and encouragement.

For example, in terms of machinery, Ming's industry has been able to realize welding and piston engines, but it has not invented generators.

"This humble job is not very clear. It seems that one of the students of the engineering school named Yu Jian invented some kind of storage motor." Liang Kewang frowned and said.

The Ordnance Institute has always been the core institution of Ming Dynasty. If it wasn't for the Jinyiwei Department belonging to Liu Hongjian, Liang Kewang would never have found out about these things.

Although Liu Hongjian didn't quite understand what this storage motor was, he must have been inspired by the previous potato power generation.

"Could it be the battery!" Liu Hongjian muttered.

"Any other news?"

"There are two more princesses and a prince in the palace!"

"I R..."


In the meeting hall of Shimane Castle, Liu Hongjian, Qizaemon, Liang Kewang, and a group of imperial guards, sailors, and personal guards were sitting together.

Liu Hongjian was going back to Daming, which was decided last night, but Dongying is in chaos now, and everything has to be arranged after so long.

Who goes and who stays has become a big problem.

"Ermu, I will hand over this place to you after I leave. My sniper team can give you ten masters. You only need to train secretly, and train soldiers belonging to Ming." Liu Hongjian said meaningfully.

The eastern part was fighting, and the escaped Dongying people made Shimane and Hiroshima have no shortage of soldiers on the front line, but the wanton conscription was easy to be detected by the shogunate and other daimyo.

Once Shimane's military strength emerges, the melee is likely to spread to his territory. The shogunate and other daimyos will not sit back and watch Shichizaemon grow bigger.

After all, no matter how powerful the snipers are, they can't fight against many people. This is the fundamental reason why Shimane can develop stably. In the eyes of the shogunate and other daimyos, Shimane is just a small place. After dealing with the enemy, it can be recovered easily.

Secret military training is Shichizaemon's top priority.

"Yes, my lord, this subordinate will surely fulfill his mission." Shichizaemon said solemnly.

Liu Hongjian promised to take him back to Daming after completing this matter, and to ask for credit for him in front of His Majesty Daming. This is very important to Shichizaemon, with the blood of the Han people flowing on his body, but he has never set foot there. piece of land.

"Du Qianhu, you and the brothers of the Imperial Guard stay here as instructors. The personal guard battalion and the navy battalion will follow me back to Daming." Liu Hongjian looked at the officer Qianhu of the Imperial Guard who frowned. Du Yongan said.

"My lord, I...I want to go back and fight with you." Du Yongan knew that what he said didn't count, but Liu Hongjian was always easy to talk, so he retorted tactfully.

The reputation of the imperial guards was earned by fighting against the Tartars with Liu Hongjian, and everyone's official positions were also awarded for their military exploits. Du Yong'an knew that this time going back would be another big battle, so he didn't want to be absent .

"Soldiers should obey orders as their bounden duty." Liu Hongjian remained unwavering.

"Yes, my lord, I obey." Du Yongan said with a bitter face.

"Why are you frowning? This king will leave all the grenades for your defense. After returning, he will also send a fleet to replenish a batch of muskets. Next time I come, I will see an army that is loyal and not weaker than the imperial guards." " Liu Hongjian said with a glare at Du Yongan.

The 1000-member Imperial Guard elite divided 500 people as instructors, and each group of ten people was responsible for training [-] Japanese. It is difficult to be noticed by those who are scattered.

As for why not directly transfer troops from Daming, hehe, wouldn't it be more interesting for Japanese people to fight Japanese people?

"Remember, your life belongs to Daming. If you can let the Japanese come on, don't rush forward foolishly. There will be more after the battle." Seeing that everyone was silent, Liu Hongjian solemnly reminded.

Two days later, Liu Hongjian boarded the ship back to Daming with the personal guard battalion and a thousand navy soldiers headed by Cui Geng.

The ships were still those armed merchant ships, only 1000 people were missing, and the remaining few merchant ships were not empty, and the large silver ingots from the Iwami Silver Mine were full.

Liu Hongjian believed that this was the best gift for Xiao Zhu and the court.


 Thanks to the book friends who love for their beliefs, who gave a reward of 100 taels while they were drunk and looked at the axe, and thanked the book friends who took to the street to reward 500 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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