Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 815 I hope I can join the Beiyang Navy in the afterlife

Chapter 815 I hope I can join the Beiyang Navy in the afterlife (second update)

On the sea three hundred miles west of the Tsushima Strait, ten large merchant ships headed northwest with their sails high.

It was mid-June, and the sea was clear and the strong ultraviolet rays were scorching the sea and the Ming soldiers on the merchant ship.

"Big! Big!"

"Small! Small!"

"Old Cui, Lao Chang don't want ink, get the money!"

"My lord, you are lying!"


In the cabin of the Merchant Ship Mary, Liu Hongjian stood by the table and fanned it with a cattail fan in his hand. The table was a mess, with wine bottles, melon seeds and peanut kernels, a pair of sieves and a large bowl.

From Shimane to the southwest to the Beiyang Navy station in Weihai, Shandong, it will take at least ten days to travel by sea, and this is still the downwind ocean current in summer.

Liu Hongjian simply started to have fun with the people, and set up a booth in the cabin to play dice, which was quite enjoyable.

Niu Dabangchui was shirtless and oily from his head, Cui Geng opened his belly and flickered his clothes to cool off, Chang Yu slowly opened the Dahai Bowl and found that he had lost his face.

"My lord, there is a situation in the east!" Yang Tianbao trotted over outside the cabin to report.

"What's the matter? Did you catch a big fish?" Liu Hongjian didn't take it seriously, and happily pocketed the money from Cui Geng, Chang Yu and other subordinates.

"I still can't see clearly, but it should be Dutch!" Yang Tianbao said seriously.


"Froman, can you see clearly? The one who assassinated Viscount Coleridge was really the Daming Prince?" Baron Nash put down his binoculars and asked a soldier next to him.

"Absolutely not wrong, I saw that person in Shimane Castle!" Froman said with certainty.

Froman used to be a general of the Governor of Taiwan, Owat, and was later transferred to the coalition army by the Governor of Batavia, Lancelot, and participated in the negotiations with Daming. He once met the Prince of Ming who killed their two governors.

"Hahahaha! There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. This is the credit given to us by God. Raise all the sails on the battleship and surround them for me! I want to capture the Daming Prince alive!" Baron Nash laughed.

Thinking that he was only the third in command of this squadron, even if he was successful in this trip, he must have been taken by the other two viscounts.

But unfortunately, both Jon and Coleridge died in a very strange way. Now not only the squadron belongs to his command, but God also gave him such great credit.

The Japanese may not have the time to care about the mastermind who killed the shogun, but the Dutch are different. They have been staring at Shimane Castle for a long time, and it is a credit to Nash to find and capture the murderer who killed their commander alive.

At least it can make his position in this squadron more secure.

Liu Hongjian once killed their two governors and thousands of soldiers, and took away the island of Taiwan. Everyone in the Netherlands hated him to the bone. The Dutch government in Orange even issued an order. Who can kill Liu Hongjian? He was promoted to governor.

Baron Nash's squadron has six warships, one of which is a second-class battleship, and there are only ten merchant ships ahead. This is equivalent to six fully armed adults fighting ten ten-year-olds. It's as easy as a child.

The speed of most merchant ships carrying cargo cannot be compared with warships at all, and in order to increase the cargo volume, merchant ships are not equipped with artillery at all, and the imperial court of Ming Dynasty will not allow merchant ships to be equipped with firepower.

"Thank God!" Baron Nash watched the fleet getting closer and closer to the merchant ship, and made a cross on his forehead and said with a grinning smile.


"My lord, they are catching up!" the first mate, Bu Jiageng, shouted at Liu Hongjian.

Liu Hongjian's merchant ships are indeed equipped with artillery, but limited to the structure of merchant ships, each ship has ten pitiful small-caliber cannons. These artillery cannons are good against some merchant ships of the same level, but hitting Dutch warships is no different from scratching an itch. .

The problem didn't stop there. The sails on the merchant ships were not as fast as the warships. In less than a quarter of an hour, the Dutch fleet had bitten them from far to near.

Under Cui Geng's command within a quarter of an hour, all the merchant ships had time to open all the secret doors and arrange all the artillery in place.

Each of the ten merchant ships was assigned nearly a hundred soldiers from the Beiyang Navy, so it was no problem to operate these artillery pieces.

It's just... It's everyone's current real thought to be like a cart with a mantis' arms.

Matt, careless!Liu Hongjian clenched his fists and looked at the Dutch battleship where the mast could already be seen clearly.

Boom—boom boom—the Dutch battleship fired, and the shells flew across the sky and landed behind the merchant ship, splashing huge waves.

Just like Liu Hongjian last year, Baron Nash was demonstrating and at the same time calculating the range and impact of the shells.

"I'm CNLL!" Liu Hongjian cursed loudly.

But the scolding was in spite of the scolding, Liu Hongjian found that except for the remaining [-] snipers who could occasionally play a role, there was nothing he could do.

"Old Cui, let the brothers work harder!" Liu Hongjian yelled at Cui Geng, who was on another merchant ship. Cui was the captain of the Beiyang Navy's Jingyuan. He directs.

Boom boom—boom boom—another round of salvo, and a merchant ship at the rear was seriously injured and lost its ability to move.

A quarter of an hour later, the six Dutch warships changed their strength, and began to approach the Ming merchant ship in an elliptical array.

"My lord, Captain Cui's merchant ship was also injured. We can't run away from the Dutch, and our artillery can't even tear through the defense of the Dutch battleship!" First officer Bu Jiageng ran out of the cabin sweating profusely.

He was in charge of the overall defense and operation of the Marie, and shouted when he saw the formation of the Dutch behind him.

"Tianbao, order the snipers not to be stingy with guns and bullets, and hit me hard!" Liu Hongjian said to Yang Tianbao on the mast, and after speaking, he also picked up an AKM and fired at the battleship not far away.

Yang Tianbao immediately issued an order in sign language to his subordinates on the surrounding merchant ships, and then twenty AKMs began to spit bullets.

But the Dutch seemed to have been prepared for a long time. All the soldiers were fighting inside the battleship, and there were not even people on the deck.

After all, there are only six battleships, and there is no need for a standard bearer to command them. The boards of the battleships are also made of very hard oak, iron wood, etc., and the outer layer is covered with a special protective layer.

AKM bullets are powerful, but they can't penetrate the one-foot-thick composite ship plate, and snipers can't exert their power at all.

The artillery of the Dutch battleship kept spewing shells, and kept shrinking the encirclement.

In the cabin of the merchant ship Baochang where Chang Yu was located, a hundred shirtless sailors were shaking their hands vigorously, their muscles were covered with beads of sweat.

"One-two--one-two-one-two--" the hundreds of household officials roared and yelled, so that all the soldiers were in line so that the merchant ships could run faster.

Behind the Baochang is Cui Geng's Pive, the merchant ship's name was changed by Cui Geng, he thought it sounded more masculine.

The Piff's stern was hit by two shots and water had already begun to leak. A dozen soldiers urgently sealed the gap while pouring water out of the ship with wooden barrels against the gunfire.

Cui Geng gritted his teeth and looked at his subordinates, he seemed to have made a decision.

"Master Chang! If this continues, we will be surrounded!" Cui Geng shouted at the Baochang not far ahead.

"Master Cui, what are you talking about?" There were waves of shells hitting everywhere, Chang Yu didn't hear clearly.

"Please tell the lord for me that I am honored to serve your lord, but I hope that I can join the Beiyang Navy in the next life!" Cui Geng didn't care whether Chang Yu heard it or not, and ran into the cabin from the deck after speaking.

"Brothers, it's time to serve Daming!" Cui Geng said to the soldiers of the hundred sailors who were still rowing hard.


 Thanks to the book friend Golden Frog Pickup for the 100 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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