Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 816 Die for the country, just today

Chapter 816 Die for the country, just today (1020rd update, add update [-] for the Silver League)

"We are going to be surrounded soon, but we can't tell everyone here. The prince is kind to us. Now, it's time to repay the kindness!" Cui knew that the situation was urgent, so he spoke a little fast.

"Boss, tell me what to do? The Beiyang Navy has no soldiers who are afraid of death!" Chang Rongfa, the hundred household officer, also knew the situation outside, and said without hesitation.

"That's right, boss, even if we die in battle, the prince will take care of our family members, so we can't explain everything here!" Many soldiers shouted.

Cui Geng looked at all the men who were fierce and fierce, and his eyes felt as if sand had entered his eyes for an instant.

You are all good!Cui Geng wiped the sweat from his forehead and opened a small window on the side of the cabin.

"Seeing that the Dutch warship is gone, give me all the strength to ram it." Cui Geng took a deep breath and gave the last order with his eyes wide open.


The battle was still going on, and with the strength of their ships and guns, the Dutch had already approached to the distance of less than [-] paces from the Deming fleet.

The Dutch were immersed in the joy of their imminent victory, and no one noticed that on the side of the encirclement, a Ming merchant ship stopped and began to slowly accelerate in reverse.

"My lord, Captain Cui's Pifu is sailing towards the Dutch battleship." Yang Tianbao on the mast has been observing the battle situation, frowning and reporting to Liu Hongjian.

"What?" Liu Hongjian seemed to realize something when he heard the words, and immediately got up and rushed to the deck.

Niu Da Bangchui hurriedly called five or six heavy shield guards to the deck to protect them.

"Old Cui, what are you TND doing?" Liu Hongjian roared towards the rear.

But the only answer to him was the sound of Dutch gunfire and spray splashing on the deck.

"My lord, I'll take a step ahead too. I wish you good fortune!" Behind the right rear of the Mary, Lin Ping, a hundred household officer of the Beiyang Navy on the merchant ship Xingye, bowed to Liu Hongjian and made a last salute.

"Brothers, die for the country, today!" Lin Ping rushed into the cabin and shouted at all the sailors, and then the Xingye also rushed towards another Dutch warship.

Afterwards, the injured Baoshan, the Harvest and the Huanong, which were full of silver ingots, rushed towards the Dutch warship one after another.

Baron Nash was unprepared, and was so shocked that he quickly stopped the fleet, but the distance between the two sides was too close, and the artillery on the battleship had no time to respond.

Boom—boom—the Piff collided with the Dutch warship, and then the gunpowder store of the merchant ship was detonated, a huge wave suddenly rose on the sea, and thick smoke rose from the merchant ship.

"Made! Come back to me! A bunch of idiots!" Liu Hongjian's voice became hoarse, and the hot tears in his eyes couldn't stop streaming down.

"Master, Captain Cui and the others are trying to buy us time to escape, let's run away, they can't die in vain!" Niu Dazhuai's eyes were also a little red, the first officer Bu Jiageng came to persuade it just now but it didn't work, Niu Da Bangchui had no choice but to persuade him again.

"If I don't destroy the Netherlands in this life, I swear I won't be a human being!" Liu Hongjian shouted as he watched the merchant ships scrambling around not far away.



It was his mistake to be targeted by the Dutch. He should have gone all the way north to Vladivostok according to the original route, but it would take five more days. In addition, Liu Hongjian also underestimated the actions of the Dutch these days. opponent.

After all, it is a powerful country at sea, maybe not on land, but you still can't be careless at sea!Liu Hongjian sat in the cabin regretting.

"My lord, the Dutch are chasing them again." Chang Yu came down from the deck and said.

He knew Liu Hongjian's temperament, the five ships launched a suicide attack, such a tragic battle had never happened in all the battles he had experienced before, Chang Yu was a little worried, and rushed over from his own ship.

After that battle, five of the ten merchant ships remained. In order to speed up the journey, Liu Hongjian ordered all the silver ingots on the merchant ships to be thrown into the sea.

Baron Nash's face also became gloomy. He didn't expect this group of Ming people to be so decisive that they dared to risk their lives. If his sailors hadn't responded quickly enough, his flagship would have been almost hit.

Of the five merchant ships that launched suicide attacks, two were directly sunk by Dutch warships, and the other three successfully hit their targets.

This resulted in six Dutch warships, one was sunk and the other was seriously injured. Baron Nash had no time to think about other things, so he left the seriously injured warship and continued to pursue with the remaining four warships.

The prince of Ming Dynasty must be captured alive, otherwise not only will there be no reward, but the crime of losing two third-tier battleships will be enough to make him leave the lovely ocean forever.

"My lord, there seems to be an island ahead." Yang Tianbao said dully with a telescope in hand.

There were eight members of the sniper team on the five merchant ships that hit the Dutch battleship. Now their lives and deaths are uncertain, Yang Tianbao can only hope that they have a chance to jump into the sea and escape.

This is not good news. Landing on the island means losing the ability to escape, but under the premise that they cannot get rid of the Dutch, this seems to be a last resort.

"Send the order, sail to the island!" Liu Hongjian weighed it, and then issued the order.

The five merchant ships could not compete with the warships at sea, but there was still some hope when they arrived on the island. At this time, he regretted leaving all the grenades to Shichizaemon.

As soon as the merchant ship docked, the Dutch warship had already chased after it and began shelling the Ming soldiers who were disembarking in an emergency.

In order to get out of the range of the Dutch as soon as possible, the soldiers were led by Liu Hongjian to flee to the depths of the island before they even had time to get supplies.

Warships are no more than merchant ships, and they have a very deep draft. Sailors must be sent to find out whether there are reefs on the shore, otherwise there is a danger of sinking. This will take time.

Baron Nash roared angrily on the deck, urging the warship to land as soon as possible. He felt that the situation was out of his control.

Although the Ming people had no chance to escape once they got ashore, it also meant that he had to go ashore and fight.

At sea, his warships can be unscrupulous. Few fleets from other countries can compete with their Netherlands, but on land...

Alas, it seems that there are still some casualties to be paid!Nash watched the soldiers get off the battleship one by one and thought to himself.

Whatever it is, as long as you can catch the Daming Prince, all this is worth it, and the Prince of Orange will definitely not care about it. Nash comforted himself in this way, and then got off the boat with the help of the first officer. .

The area of ​​the island should be small, and there is no bare tree as far as the eye can see.

This is good news. It is easier to find the group of people without the cover of the jungle. Nash waved his hand to signal the soldiers to march towards the island.

Behind a rock on the other side, Liu Hongjian, who had already prepared to face the enemy, stretched out a hand and waved it down.



PS: Push a new book "Chaosing the Three Kingdoms", the traditional Three Kingdoms, the update is stable!Bring a van to the Three Kingdoms to be a great warlord, if you are interested, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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