Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 817 You must remember today's hatred

Chapter 817 You must remember today's hatred (fourth update, add update 1120 for the Silver League)

bang bang bang—

Da da -- da da da da --

At this juncture, Liu Hongjian no longer cared about firearms, so he fired muskets and AKMs, and hundreds of people frantically shot at the Dutchman who was timidly walking not far away.

The Dutch immediately began to look for a bunker to fight back. The ground on the island was uneven, but there was no need to line up. The two sides just fought like this.

Baron Nash wanted to break through the defense line of the Ming soldiers as soon as possible by relying on the number of men and guns, but Liu Hongjian had twelve snipers who could always repel the Dutch at critical moments.

After fighting back and forth for an hour, the Dutch did not break through Liu Hongjian's line of defense. Baron Nash frowned. In just an hour, the casualties of his soldiers had reached more than 100.

Can't go on like this, Baron Nash hastily issued an order to cease fire.

"Master Nash, we don't need to worry at all. I saw these Ming soldiers clearly when they disembarked just now. They didn't even have time to take away the supplies..." Froman said with a smirk.

In the next two hours, Baron Nash collected a large amount of supplies from five merchant ships, including fresh water, ammunition, and food, and his brows immediately widened.

"Da Vinci, I order you to negotiate with the Ming army and ask them to surrender immediately. I can give them face." Baron Nash pointed to a Dutch man with a briefcase in his hand.

Daming used to be the largest trading market for the Dutch in Asia. The East India Company specially trained a lot of translators who were proficient in Ming language in order to do business with Ming.

This made Da Vinci seem to have seen the plight of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, and accepted the order very happily.

In his opinion, the Ming people had no other choice but to surrender. Without fresh water and food, they would just starve to death in the end, and they didn't have to fight at all.

Just like that, Da Vinci walked towards the rock pile where the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were with his briefcase in his arms, with a proud face on his face, and he was not in a hurry without a trace of fear.

Liu Hongjian had been closely observing the Dutchman's movements, but when he saw a Dutchman approaching without a weapon, he immediately knew what this guy was coming for.

"My lord, this person is probably here to negotiate." Chang Yu whispered.

In fact, this person didn't come to negotiate at all, but came to persuade him to surrender. Chang Yu could tell but he didn't say that. Being persuaded to surrender would be nothing less than an insult to the group of arrogant soldiers who once claimed to be the pride of heaven. .

"Tianbao, did you see that bastard? Get rid of him, he will be shot in the head!" Liu Hongjian couldn't see any sadness or joy on his face, he turned his head and said to Yang Tianbao who was behind him.


Before Liu Hongjian finished his sentence, there was a bang, and Yang Tianbao completed the sniper action. He didn't need to aim at such a short distance, he just raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

Da Vinci didn't even have time to shout, and just fell straight in the middle of the battlefield between the two sides.

"Brilliant job! I'm very fond of your marksmanship." Kuo Duan walked up to Yang Tianbao and praised Yang Tianbao by patting his head.

Baron Nash was also observing Da Vinci, but seeing the ignorance of the Ming people was not only furious, he originally wanted to attack again, and the battle could be ended quickly after the Ming people's ammunition was exhausted.

But under Froman's repeated persuasion, he changed his mind.

Rather than risking the lives of his soldiers to fight, it would be better to just wait. It doesn't take long for the Ming people who are hungry in two days to stand up.

Wouldn't it be more comfortable for them to go in and take people as victors at that time?
Baron Nash thought so too. At dusk, he ordered his soldiers to surround the Ming soldiers within a radius of less than two hundred steps, and then returned to the battleship to rest in peace.

Coo coo coo - the belly of Niu Da Bang Chui let out a growl.

"Are you hungry?" Liu Hongjian stood up from a rock and scanned the surrounding soldiers.

When the caravan set off from Shimane, there were more than 100 people, but now there are less than 800 people standing here. They are all veterans who have experienced many battles and are willing to die. Every time Liu Hongjian thinks of A tearing pain.

The area of ​​this stone island is indeed small. After getting off the boat, Liu Hongjian sent people to look around for a place that could be defended before choosing the current location.

The terrain here is relatively high, and there are many reefs. More importantly, there is a stone hole in the center of the reef that can shelter from the rain.

Since he didn't have to worry about exposing his location, Liu Hongjian simply lit a few fires in the cave.

The sky had completely darkened, and the faces of the soldiers were reflected by the fire. All of them were holding the muskets in their hands tightly with their mouths tight. Almost everyone had comrades who died in the daytime battle.

And they are now in a desperate situation, at least they think so.

"I... am not hungry, it doesn't matter if I have fat on my body!" Knowing that this is a special period, Niu Dabangchui naturally refused to admit it.

Even Niu Damai knew why the Dutch stopped their attack. Due to the emergency, the supplies on the merchant ship had no time to be removed. According to the current situation, everyone would be too hungry to walk within three days.

Maybe it won't take three days at all, because they don't even have fresh water.

Even so, all the soldiers did not show despair, but more of the anger that lost Pao Ze's death.

"Hehe, if you're hungry, you're hungry. You can still fool me." Liu Hongjian smiled wryly, and then wandered around the cave, as if he was looking for a hidden place.

"You all have to remember today's hatred. If we are lucky enough to survive, we will definitely slash a few more times when we see the Dutchman again." Liu Hongjian gritted his teeth and said word by word to everyone present.

After speaking, Liu Hongjian ignored the crowd and walked towards the depths of the cave on his own, waving his hands to stop Niu Dabangchui and others from following.

Everyone didn't know what Liu Hongjian was going to do, and Niu Dabangchui even thought that his master was going to take a shit. After all, he was surrounded outside, and going out to take a shit was too risky.

About two quarters of an hour later, Liu Hongjian came out of the darkness, sweating profusely.

"Bang Chui, bring someone to bring the food here." Liu Hongjian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

"Huh?" Niu Dabanchui was a little dazed.

In particular, Liu Hongjian's expression of wiping his sweat looked more like the sequelae of excessive force, which made Niu Dabangchui very embarrassed. Could it be that the master is out of his mind?

Otherwise, how can I let them eat... eat...

"Why are you still standing there? Are you hungry? If you're not hungry, others are still hungry! Go!" Seeing Niu Dabangchui's perplexed expression, Liu Hongjian urged.

"Oh." Niu Dabangchui didn't hesitate anymore, he gave Chang Yu, Kuo Duan and other good buddies a wink, and they walked towards Liu Hongjian's direction.

"Yeah—what the hell!"

"So... so much... meat!"


 Thanks for the 100 taels that book friends love to reward for their faith.

(End of this chapter)

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