Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 822 This is fate

Chapter 822 This is fate (ninth update, add update 1620 for the Silver League)

More than 300 Dutch soldiers were tightly tied up by angry Korean fishermen, and they were scattered all over the ground like soft-legged shrimps.

Liu Hongjian walked up to Baron Nash, who was also tied into a rice dumpling, with a blank face, and drew out his sharp sword.

Baron Nash was frightened, chattered Dutch, and stared at Liu Hongjian in horror.

"Old Cui, and brothers in the sky, just watch, this king has avenged you!" After speaking, Liu Hongjian cut off Baron Nash's left arm with a knife.

Baron Nash fainted from the pain, but he was awakened by the pain immediately. Liu Hongjian cut off Nash's right arm, followed by his left leg...

Baron Nash wailed and struggled on the ground like an earthworm, but all the surviving soldiers of the Ming army watched with cold eyes. Nash experienced the despair that all soldiers had experienced.

It was another knife, and Nash's limbs were broken, but his consciousness was still awake because of the short time.

Liu Hongjian had never been so crazy and obsessed with wanting to torture and kill a person, and his personal guard battalion had never been so traumatized since its establishment.

The soldiers of the personal guard battalion were originally composed of descendants of soldiers who died in battle. Many soldiers were not even married. There were also soldiers from the Navy. They were the most elite fighters of the Ming Dynasty, but they died on such an unnamed deserted island. above.

"Kill!" Liu Hongjian roared angrily and chopped off Nash's head, then kicked him far away.

The head rolled and rolled, and by coincidence, it rolled in front of Froman, and Froman immediately collapsed and foamed at the mouth.

"Why are you still standing there, avenging your brothers!" The blood on Liu Hongjian's face looked particularly ferocious.

He never considered himself a cruel person, but he was willing to go out of the way once for the sake of his brother, and at the same time, he never restrained himself by saying that he would treat prisoners preferentially.

Whoever killed him will have to pay for it.

After receiving Liu Hongjian's order, the surviving Ming soldiers drew out their knives and slashed at the Dutchman in front of them without hesitation.

Liu Hongjian walked to a rock and stood upright. He looked at the hellish scenery in front of him coldly and said nothing.

The reason why he drove away those Korean fishermen was that he didn't want the fishermen to see this scene. He only hoped that the ordinary people would keep their simple side forever.

The so-called cold eyebrows pointing fingers at thousands of men, bowing their heads and being willing to be a ox, he suddenly understood this famous saying of Master Lu.

Half an hour later, more than 300 Dutchmen were all chopped into pieces, and some soldiers who lost their robes and lost control of their emotions kept hacking and chopping the dead Dutchmen until the corpses were chopped into meat.

The blood flowed into the ocean along the stones, and the seaside was slowly turned dark red.

He Mancang looked in the direction of the island, then at the sea water under his feet, fell silent for a moment, and sighed.

After a while, Liu Hongjian led the exhausted soldiers to meet He Mancang, and he looked at the unnamed island behind him again.

"From now on, this island will be called the Island of Death!" Liu Hongjian left behind a sentence, and immediately boarded the Dutch warship.


A few hours later, Liu Hongjian set foot on the land of the Korean people again. The people along the coast had already received the news, and countless Korean people gathered along the seashore to welcome them.

That night, Qu Jianhong, the governor of North Korea who learned of Liu Hongjian's situation, came late.

Not seeing each other for two years, Qu Jianhong has faded away from the immaturity of the year, and the two years of hard work have made this young man cold and serious.

"I don't know if the prince is in danger in a humble position, I will die in a humble position!"

It's just that after seeing Liu Hongjian, Qu Jianhong seemed to have returned to the time when he was begging everywhere with him. He fell to his knees in front of Liu Hongjian with a plop, and said guiltily.

"This has nothing to do with you. Get up quickly. In the past two years, you have managed the North Korean province very well, and the court has praised you a lot."

Seeing his old ministry, Liu Hongjian was also very happy. The North Korean province was rich and fertile, and it was another granary of Ming Dynasty. Qu Jianhong made such great achievements.

"My lord, I... I want to continue to follow you and go to war." Qu Jianhong didn't get up, but stammered out what was in his heart.

In the past two years, although he has been like the emperor of the Korean province, he handles the official documents submitted by various places and mediates various conflicts in the province every day. Although his status is detached, he is not very happy in his heart.

Back then, he took on this task because of the situation. Now that the North Korean province is stable and the Ming Dynasty is at peace, Qu Jianhong felt that it was time to leave. He wanted to return to the time when he was galloping on the battlefield.

"Don't be kidding, just stay honest. There are some things that you can't just go back if you want to. The imperial court will have another appointment after the term expires." Liu Hongjian forced Qu Jianhong to stand up.

Liu Hongjian and Uncle Chongzhen jointly established the five-year system of Xinna Provincial Governor's military control. It seems that this system is very suitable for this era.

After all, there are many rebellions in the provinces of Xinna, and the efficiencies are extremely high under military control. Although it is a bit domineering, it has to be said to be very practical.

It's just that if these governors who were abroad returned to Liu Hongjian's tent after returning, even if Xiao Zhu didn't care, what would the officials in the court think?

Some things really don't go back as soon as you want, every decision can change the footprint of your life.

Compared with Qu Jianhong, Niu Dabangchui's choice is different. He rejected Chongzhen's promotion at the beginning and was willing to be a servant in Liu Hongjian's house. Although he is still a servant now, no one dares to underestimate him. He also felt very satisfied.

This is fate.

Worried about the domestic situation, Liu Hongjian only rested for one day in the Korean province, and hurried to the capital by boat the next day.

The ships were of course the five Dutch warships. The silver ingots that were originally a gift were lost, and these five Dutch warships were just enough to pay off the debt.

Starting from the North Korean province, he took a boat all the way north to cross the Yellow Sea and Liaodong Bay, which was much faster than the land route. On June [-], Liu Hongjian finally arrived in the capital.

Wang Congyan's memorabilia had already been presented to the imperial court at this time. Zhu Cihuang heard that Liu Hongjian was in danger and was trapped. He disregarded the dissuasion of the court's civil and military officials and immediately gave an order to Qi Yuangong in Weihai, Shandong, ordering him to lead the fleet to support at high speed.

Fortunately, there were too many things to prepare for the fleet's expedition. As soon as Liu Hongjian set foot in the capital, he immediately sent people to Weihai to stop it.

This time Liu Hongjian was not in a hurry to go home, but went directly to the palace. Compared with his family, at this time, he knew that Xiao Zhu might need his presence more.

He was only halfway there when he was stopped by Bo Luochi, whose hair was all grey.


PS: Recently, due to a business trip, I have been interrupted for several days. Sometimes when I think about it, I am sorry for this book and the book friends who have been following me. No matter how many nights I have stayed up, the story will be finished completely, but Han Han has to eat, and the manuscript fee for this book is not enough for me to put down work, please forgive me.

Sleep for a few hours, wake up and continue to update everyone, please ask for a reward, I have no money to buy cigarettes.

(End of this chapter)

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