Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 823 The Lifetime Baron of the Empire

Chapter 823 The Lifetime Baron of the Empire (Part [-])
Bo Luochi was really old. His hair was gray and messy, his eye sockets were sunken and wrinkles covered his face. If he wasn't wearing an official uniform, Liu Hongjian almost didn't recognize him.

"Mr. Pineapple, why are you here?" Liu Hongjian asked in surprise after getting off the horse.

"Your Majesty! Chahar is over!" Po Luochi was so tearful that he knelt down in front of Liu Hongjian.

"What is this, Mr. Pineapple can't do it, you are not my servant!" Liu Hongjian quickly lifted Porochi up, although he knew the reason in his heart, but he couldn't say it out of his mouth.

It's like traveling to Qin and becoming the boss, but meeting Qu Yuan at an inopportune time.

No way, Chahar is already like this.

"My lord, a month ago, the Raksha Kingdom led an army of 18 to raid my Chahar. This is not something that I, Chahar, can resist. I came to ask the Ming court for support, but Mingjun refused to see me.

I have been waiting outside the palace every day for a full month. Now that the Chahar Kingdom has been invaded, I just come to pray for the prince to send troops to avenge the Queen Mother Sutai, the [-] soldiers who died, and hundreds of thousands of people. ! "Poroch said that later he was sobbing.

He couldn't see what the Ming court meant. The Luocha Kingdom was too powerful, not only in the number of troops, but also in weapons and equipment that were better than those of Daming.

Of course, Bo Luochi judged by the firearms of the Chahar soldiers. He naively thought that the firearms given to them by the Ming court were the most advanced firearms of the Ming Dynasty.

He didn't even complain about the inaction of the Ming court. After all, how can there be morality between countries?
Now that Chahar is gone, he only wishes to see the great lion of Ming Dynasty go west, because he understands that even if Ming does not act, the Raksha Kingdom will not let it go, and sooner or later there will be a battle between Ming and Raksha.

He wants to see the day when Rakshasa Kingdom is destroyed.

"I understand what you mean. Daming's army will go out, but it will take time. Let me go back to the palace to meet the Holy Majesty first!" Liu Hongjian sighed and stepped on the horse.

There are too many things in the world that fail to meet people's wishes. Now that he is in a high position, he has to consider the overall interests of the country, but it is almost certain that the Ming Dynasty's expedition to Rakshasa has reached this point, and it does not conflict with Bo Luochi's demands.

Liu Hongjian rode a war horse straight into the palace. The general who guarded the gate let him go without daring to fart. Liu Hongjian walked straight all the way outside the Meridian Gate before dismounting.

After arriving outside Qianqing Palace, the great eunuch Pang Pang Hai immediately reported at the top of his voice, before Zhu Cihong greeted him from the palace.

"Liu Qing, you're not dead! That's great!" Zhu Cihong, dressed in normal clothes, stepped forward excitedly and gave Liu Hongjian a kick.

These days, Zhu Cihong has lived like a year. The memorial of the North Korean province was passed to him in the middle of the night more than ten days ago. The officials of the Department of General Affairs received the memorial and handed it to the chief assistant Li Banghua without saying a word. .

Li Banghua also panicked when he saw it, and he got up and entered the palace in the middle of the night. He knew that Zhu Cihong would not blame him, but if he didn't come right away after receiving the memorial, he might lose the black yarn on his head the next day.

After learning that Liu Hongjian was besieged, Zhu Cihong called the cabinet members to the palace overnight to discuss matters.

The second assistant Han Yu advocated sending the navy to support immediately, while Zhang Tianlu, Cheng Zhi and others said that this was a trick of the Dutch, who had been waiting for the Beiyang Navy to leave the Weihai Fort Group.

Han Yu was so anxious that he almost started fighting with Zhang Tianlu. In the end, Zhu Cihong ordered the Beiyang Navy to go to support him despite all the arguments.

After that, there was an anxious wait. The army needed to prepare too much for the expedition. Even if the imperial court gave the green light all the way, the Beiyang Navy still needed ten days.

And in the past ten days, Zhu Cihong had to go to Weihai, Shandong to supervise. He couldn't imagine where Daming would go without Liu Hongjian.

He didn't realize it before, but now that Luocha Kingdom is leading an army of 18 to attack, if there is no Liu Hongjian, who would he dare to send to meet it?
His father once told him that one general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies to death. After so many years of conscription and hard training, how could he rest assured that these soldiers would be handed over to others.

It wasn't until last night when people from Jinyiwei came to report that the King of Anguo County had been rescued by the Korean people, Zhu Cihong finally had a good night's sleep, and the next morning, he announced that the land tax of the North Korean province would be exempted for another two full years. .

"Why, does the emperor want me to die?" Looking at Zhu Cihong who became a little haggard, Liu Hongjian patted his shoulder lightly and smiled.

"Where is it, Liu Qing, it's great that you can come back, I will definitely not let you take such risks in the future." Zhu Cihong said in fear.

"More than [-] soldiers died in the personal guard battalion and navy division. They were all warriors of the Ming Dynasty. I hope the emperor will give them the treatment they deserve." Liu Hongjian sighed and said softly.

He knew that the death of a thousand people was nothing to Zhu Cihong, and Zhu Cihong didn't care at all, and even thought that if more than 1000 people died, as long as he could come back, another two thousand would be fine.

But he has to say, because to him those dead soldiers are unique, even if you give him another two thousand or three thousand soldiers, those old soldiers will never come back, and those new faces can never replace the old ones .

For a soldier, the highest honor is the emperor's awards and rewards, which Liu Hongjian must fight for his dead brothers.

"After I tolerated it, I drew up an edict to posthumously entitle them all as Imperial Barons and exempt their families from all taxes.

The Netherlands has deceived me too much. I don't know when Liu Qing will attack the Netherlands. "

Zhu Cihong really couldn't understand the pain in Liu Hongjian's heart, but this did not affect Zhu Cihong's trust in Liu Hongjian, but Zhu Cihong would generally not refuse Liu Hongjian's proposals as long as they were not too excessive.

Sealing out more than 1000 barons at once would be another accusation if the courtiers knew about it, but Zhu Cihong had already seen through these things.

It's nothing more than writing a sealed reputation, and the officials are just sour grapes.

Considering Liu Hongjian's mood, Zhu Cihong also offered to attack the Netherlands.

"The Raksha country has already reached the doorstep? Shall we go to attack the Netherlands?" Liu Hongjian knew that Zhu Cihong was thinking about his own interests, but he could still tell which was more important.

"Liu Qing has always been in charge of the empire's military affairs, and I'm just talking casually, but the Porochi of Chahar has been staying in the capital for a month." Zhu Cihong laughed, euphemistically expressing the status of the Raksha Kingdom. evil deeds.

In fact, if according to Zhu Cihong or the cabinet, Ming Dynasty would have sent troops to support Chahar early on. The Confucianism, which has always been benevolent and righteous, would definitely not sit back and watch the allies be destroyed.

It's just that Zhu Cihong kept in mind Liu Hongjian's advice before leaving, so he suppressed the plan of the expedition again and again. Compared with the Netherlands, Zhu Cihong also knew in his heart that Rakshasa is the enemy.

"Actually, there is no conflict. The Dutch are superior in the navy and fleet, but I am sorry to say that Ming's army is not weaker than any other country on land.

We might be able to start on land. "Liu Hongjian said calmly.

 Thanks to the book friends who love to reward 500 taels for their faith, to book friends Yang Yueyun and Dean Feixiang for their rewards of 100 taels, and to book friends who donated 1000 taels to book stealers.

(End of this chapter)

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