Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 836 Soldiers Sent to Beihai

Chapter 836 Soldiers Sent to the North Sea
On the third day of July, the hottest dog days in the northern hemisphere, smoke and dust billowed outside the camp in Shahe, the capital city.

Numerous carriages and soldiers escorted the necessary supplies and passed through the camp. On the huge school field outside the camp, rows of soldiers had already been lined up neatly.

All the soldiers were riding war horses, waiting bravely for His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty to come.

"Liu Qing, it's really hot today!" Zhu Cihong complained on the horse.

In order to show the temperament of the emperor on horseback, Zhu Cihong abandoned the imperial chariot and chose to travel on horseback, and decided not to ride in a carriage like his father did when he was on the battlefield.

"Where is this? My Majesty, I guarantee you will be bald within three days." Liu Hongjian said contemptuously.

When he came back from Beijing for the first time, he was as tanned as Bao Qingtian. I still remember that Zhu Cihong laughed at him at that time.

"C'mon, a man has to go through it when he gets tanned and becomes capable. Boyfriends don't sound so nice." Zhu Cihong said it comfortably.

"You're still capable, why don't you take a look at what you've brought?" Liu Hongjian curled his lips.

There were ten carriages at the back of the team. These carriages contained Zhu Cihong's usual change of clothes, all kinds of food and supplies, and even a few jars of wine.

The wine was kept by Zhu Cihong privately, and he was not allowed to bring wine with him in the army. He wanted to secretly drink some of it, since he was the emperor, so who would dare to say anything, and by the way, he could use the wine to bribe his Liu Qing.

Little did he know that Liu Hongjian was not short of alcohol at all. The so-called prohibition of alcohol in the army was actually nonsense. How could there be anyone who didn't bring alcohol, and would be bored to death at night?
But in the army, there has always been a death order of seven cuts and thirteen kills. Smart soldiers will choose the right amount, so officers will also choose to turn a blind eye.

Otherwise, in the severe cold outside the customs, the soldiers on duty in winter do not know how many people will freeze to death.

"These are all necessary things, where are your clothes? Is it possible to wear them all?" Zhu Cihong said dissatisfied.

"Come on, we're almost at the barracks, you can go up later and say something to boost morale." Liu Hongjian didn't answer Zhu Cihong's words, he was afraid of frightening Zhu Cihong.

Among the group were 1 soldiers from Liu Hongjian's personal guard battalion, and [-] guards from Zhu Cihong's Huben battalion, plus the guard of honor in the palace, there were a total of [-] people.

There is no way, the emperor must travel like the emperor, after all, it is a personal conquest by the imperial driver, if it is not so pompous, people will think that the emperor did not go at all.

"His Majesty the Ming Emperor has arrived!" Pang Pang Hai immediately yelled at the soldiers inside as soon as he entered the barracks.

Tens of thousands of troops knelt down on the mountain at the same time and shouted long live. Zhu Cihong was in front and Liu Hongjian was behind. The two began to review the troops on horseback.

It took half a quarter of an hour to walk from one end of the army to the other. During this period, none of the tens of thousands of soldiers made a sound, and all of them stared at Zhu Cihong with piercing eyes.

The emperor was like a god to ordinary soldiers. Liu Hongjian believed that the already high morale of the imperial guards, with the buff added by the emperor's personal conquest, would be enough to face any difficulties.

The two walked around and boarded the reviewing platform. Since the courtiers did not approve of this matter, the courtiers just chose to acquiesce. In addition, Zhu Cihong did not call all the officials to come over. On the spacious reviewing platform, except Liu Apart from Hung-chien and Zhu Cihong, there were only a few officials from the Ministry of War and a large row of big Han generals who were in charge of delivering messages.

"Three months ago, the Raksha State issued a letter of credence to the Ming Empire, vowing to take back the Beihai Province of the Ming Dynasty." Zhu Cihong began the mobilization before the expedition with a solemn face.

"Two months ago, the Raksha State brazenly invaded the allies of the Ming Empire, causing the death of tens of thousands of soldiers of the Chahar State and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.

I heard that in this act of aggression, Alexei, the emperor of the Raksha Kingdom, also chose to conquer by himself. They slaughtered our allies and ordinary people, leaving the corpses of the Menggu compatriots strewn all over the field and starved to death.

Seven days ago, I made up my mind to go on a personal conquest. I want to see what makes the Raksha Kingdom so arrogant!
I also have support, and my support is you, tell me, are you confident to win this war? "Zhu Cihong's voice became high-pitched.







Tens of thousands of soldiers heard the emperor's order through the Great Han General, and they responded in unison. Mountain roars and tsunamis came and went, and the gray-haired Porochi standing beside him looked excited.

If the army of the Chahar Khanate could have such a lineup, how could it have suffered such a tragic defeat.

"For this Northern Expedition, all actions are subject to the orders of Liu Hongjian, the king of Anguo County and Marshal Liu Hongjian." After Zhu Cihong finished speaking, he looked sideways at Liu Hongjian, who shrugged his shoulders to signal him to continue.

"Of course, I will be with you, eat the same meals, sleep in the same big tent, shout for you, cheer for you!

I only hope that the soldiers will be victorious and the martial arts will be prosperous! "Zhu Cihong blushed and roared angrily.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live"

The soldiers below were also very excited, and even the eyes of the soldiers who were not selected for the expedition were red.

After Zhu Cihong finished speaking, he took a step back and sat back on the dragon chair on the reviewing platform, and then Liu Hongjian stood up.

"Nothing else, this king will prepare sufficient rations, horses, weapons, and equipment for you, and when you see the enemy, follow orders and you're done!"

Morale had already risen to the extreme, but even riding a horse from the capital to Beihai would take less than a month, so Liu Hongjian was too lazy to mobilize.

"Let me tell you, don't think that the Imperial Guard is superior to the Frontier Army. On the battlefield, no one cares whether you are an Imperial Guard or a Frontier Army. Don't be compared by the Frontier Army when the time comes.

That would embarrass His Majesty. "Liu Hongjian turned his head and glanced at Zhu Cihong.

Zhu Cihong also stared back at Liu Hongjian, thinking that you would never speak like that.

The soldiers below also laughed when they heard this.

"In a word, it's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk! It's over, let's pull it out!" After Liu Hongjian finished speaking, he winked at Zhu Cihong, and the two stepped off the reviewing platform together.

Since the artillery and other heavy equipment set off with the leading heavy battalion three days ago, all the cavalry of the nearly 9 troops rushed towards Datong.

Two hours later, Zhu Cihong couldn't stand it anymore.

"Liu Qing, the soldiers have been on the road for more than two hours. I saw that many soldiers are showing signs of fatigue. Why don't you stop and take a rest!" Zhu Cihong said as he patted his horse and caught up with Liu Hongjian.

"Haha, I think you are tired. Where are you going? A hundred miles further north is Juyongguan. We will camp there tonight!" Liu Hongjian laughed.

Since all orders were under his command, of course Liu Hongjian would not stop the [-] troops for the sake of Zhu Cihong alone.

Fortunately, he also knew that Zhu Cihong was young, so he could bear the torment, so he ran to the front of the team again as soon as he patted his horse.

"My lord, this Anguo County King is really too much, he dares to talk to you like this." Pang Hai also couldn't stand his ass.

This fellow was already on the fat side, and he had already lost consciousness in his butt after riding the horse for a long time. Seeing Zhu Cihong's frown, Pang Dahai thought that Zhu Cihong must have complained about Liu Hongjian in his heart, so he chimed in.

"Shut up! If you can't bear it, go back as soon as possible, this place is not far from the capital!" Zhu Cihong reprimanded.

He hadn't planned to bring the eunuch with him, and the guard of honor had been sent back to the capital long before departure, but Pang Pang Hai insisted on following him on the grounds that he would take care of Zhu Cihong's daily life.

From Pang Dahai's point of view, as a close minister, he must stay by Zhu Cihong's side all the time, so as not to be alienated because he is far away from the emperor.

It's just that he seems to have misplaced the gun, what a joke, Zhu Cihong has been thinking about it for so long, and has thought of so many ways to be able to command the army himself, how could he delay the war because of the pain in his little butt?
One must know that this was the first day of the expedition, and he didn't want Liu Hongjian to be laughed at.

When it was getting dark in the afternoon, the army finally arrived at Juyongguan as scheduled.

The general guard of Juyong Pass has already received the letter, not only has he circled out the camp, he has even prepared food, food and grass.

In the government office of Juyongguan, Liu Hongjian, who had been traveling all day, sat comfortably on a chair, while Zhu Cihong moved to the side of the chair and refused to sit down.

Liu Hongjian didn't know why Zhu Cihong didn't sit down, it was obviously because the pain in his buttocks was unbearable, and sitting was better than standing to relieve the pressure on his buttocks.

"How is it? Can you still take it?" Liu Hongjian asked after taking a sip of tea.

"It's okay, but the butt is a bit unbearable." Zhu Cihong told the truth, his butt really couldn't bear it, and even wanted to tell Liu Hongjian to change to a carriage tomorrow.

But since he only sent the message in the morning, it made him a little embarrassing.

"Actually, the saddle of a war horse can be replaced with a soft cushion. I'll find one for you tomorrow." Liu Hongjian smiled.

"Liu Qing, you...why didn't you say it earlier?" Zhu Cihong was so angry that he was almost speechless.

Doesn't this bully him as a newbie?Where is this?
"Didn't you ask?" Liu Hongjian said proudly, until today he was considered revenge for Zhu Cihong's threat.

"Hmph, I'm going to take a look outside." Zhu Cihong walked out of the room angrily.


PS: From yesterday morning to now, Hanhan has updated [-] chapters, [-] words, never been so crazy, today's rewards are much more than before, I am really grateful.

These days I have been on a business trip in Nanyang selling a feed additive for fattening cattle and sheep. It is very hard work. I run every day and lie in bed and don’t want to move. In addition, I don’t have a laptop, and typing on my mobile phone is disabled, so I haven’t updated much.

Then again, I have never been so tired when I was a programmer before. Although I also worked overtime, but now that I think about it, it is not easy for a salesman.

But which line is easy?
Zi once said, do a trip, love a trip, after October is over, life will continue, and business trips will continue. I plan to buy a laptop in November, so that business trips can be kept updated.

So, does anyone buy my feed?Or do any of your friends raise cattle and sheep?Book friends are welcome to harass me in the group.

If not, can you give me a little reward so that I can buy a laptop as soon as possible?

If not, what about referral tickets?What about the monthly pass?Can you come a little bit?
Hehe, just kidding, the violent update is over, and you are debt-free. Good night everyone, for 36 consecutive hours, I am going to collapse.

 Thanks to book friend Xiaoxuan for the reward of 500 taels, to book friends for the reward of 200 taels for reminiscing about the past, and to thank the book friend for the reward of 100 taels from the dean who loves and flies for faith.

(End of this chapter)

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