Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 837 Flowers in the Greenhouse

Chapter 837 Flowers in the Greenhouse

The army rested overnight in Datong Mansion, and crossed the Great Wall early the next morning to continue marching north.

After passing the Great Wall, you will arrive at the boundary of the Ming Dynasty's Menggu Province, which is outside the Great Wall in the poem. The west of the Menggu Province is adjacent to Chahar, but the area of ​​the Menggu Province is vast, and the herdsmen in the east are not affected.

Non-stop all the way to the west, and five days later, the army crossed the ancient province of Mengmeng and arrived at Kulun City.

Kulun is located at the junction of the ancient province of the Daming League and Chahar. Eighty miles to the west is Chahar. Going northwest from Kulun City for more than [-] miles, you will reach the border of Beihai Province.

Zhu Cihong didn't complain about the pain in his butt these days, but as Liu Hongjian expected, after only three days of exposure to the sun on the grassland, Zhu Cihong's neck became bald.

"It's so comfortable! I've never felt that sleeping on the bed is so enjoyable."

In a mansion in Kulun City, Zhu Cihong lay sprawled on a soft bed, and had no time to worry about his dignity as an emperor.

After leaving the Great Wall from Datong Mansion, although Zhu Cihong didn't complain about the hot weather and pain in the buttocks, he just held on and didn't have the nerve to say that he was so tired from traveling every day that his bones were knocked apart, and he could only sleep in a tent at night.

He has never experienced this before, so that Zhu Cihong was talking about the brocade couch in the palace all the way, but now that he entered the Kulun City, Zhu Cihong didn't even eat dinner, and directly came to lie on the bed with Ge You.

"Hehe, let's sleep on the bed again. After tonight, I don't know when the next time I can sleep on the bed." Liu Hongjian sat at the round table in the center of the room, drinking tea.

"Should we only stay in Kulun City for one night? The grassland here is so beautiful. Everyone is tired from the rapid march these days. How about staying for two more days?" Zhu Cihong said weakly.

"Do you think we're here for vacation? I want to go home early and hug my wife!" Liu Hongjian snorted softly.

While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Your Majesty, my lord, please see me!" A thick baritone shouted sonorously outside the door.

"Yes, you can sit down quickly, so that people can see how decent you are." Liu Hongjian hurriedly reminded Zhu Cihong when he heard that the old men had come down.

After getting Liu Hongjian's permission, Barbara pushed open the door and came in to salute. After finishing the work, he got up and glanced at Liu Hongjian, and even grinned, there was a black line on Liu Hongjian's head.

Do you think this fellow regards himself as a prospective son-in-law?

Very cute!I regard you as a buddy, but you regard me as your son-in-law?If you want me to help you raise your daughter, just say so!Liu Hongjian glared at Babara and said nothing.

"Your majesty has come all the way from afar. I, Babara, am a rough man, so please forgive me for my poor hospitality." Babara bowed her hands and said to Zhu Cihong.

"It's okay, I'm here to fight and not to travel. The city of Kulun is well built, and I see that the herdsmen outside are living well. You have done well in the past two years, and I am very satisfied!"

Zhu Cihong's words almost made Liu Hongjian bite his tongue, Nima, is there such a shameless person in the world?

"Barbara, let's briefly talk about the situation in Chahar and Raksha State!" Liu Hongjian pointed to the stool next to him, interrupting their boring conversation.

Although we already have a general understanding of the situation of both sides from the Jinyiwei system, there is no big brother at this time, and the news is inevitably delayed due to such a long distance. Barbara leads all the troops in the ancient province of the League, and naturally knows the situation of the neighbors to the west better. Some.

"Thank you, my lord." Babara was not polite, and sat opposite Liu Hongjian.

"A few days ago, the army of the Raksha Kingdom came to the city of Kulun, but they wandered around the city wall and left.

The army of the Raksha State had been resisted by various tribes in Chahar before, and these resistances have been basically suppressed bloody by the Raksha State. The emperor of the Raksha State led most of the army to the direction of Xinjiang Province, but the inspectors Hal also kept tens of thousands. "Barbara said.

"Where are the weapons and equipment?" Liu Hongjian didn't care where this guy went, he only cared about the Raksha country's military equipment.

But that's the way it is when you think about it. After all, if the Raksha Kingdom is really awesome, it won't be running around in Kulun City.

Presumably because the walls of Kulun City are too thick, they can't chew them in a short time.

"Their muskets are also very powerful. They are similar to the muskets in the hands of our Ming soldiers, but we seem to be slightly better than us in terms of range."

Babara once ordered people to find a few muskets from the Raksha Kingdom from the battlefield between Chahar and the Raksha Kingdom. Don't look at this guy with a big beard who looks like Li Kui, but he is still careful.

"The Raksha Kingdom also has hand grenades, but they are not as powerful as ours. I haven't seen their artillery, and I don't know how powerful their artillery is." Babara said truthfully.

As soon as Liu Hongjian heard it, he knew it well. The best ratio of the black gunpowder was not understood until more than 100 years later. here.

Not to mention artillery, everyone is a solid iron lump, it depends on whose iron lump is bigger and whose barrel is thicker!

"Are the firearms of the Raksha Kingdom so sharp?" Zhu Cihong asked in surprise.

After all, he had never led a soldier. According to Zhu Cihuang's thinking, his Liu Qing did not hesitate to spend so much effort building armaments, improving Daming's firearms, and had won so many victories. In terms of armaments, Daming should be better.

"Don't underestimate your enemy." Liu Hongjian frowned and said.

It is true that he spent so much effort, but at the beginning of the Ordnance Institute, Daming's firearms and battleships were already behind Europa. The hard work of the Ordnance Institute's craftsmen in the past few years has only allowed the Daming army to equip firearms slightly better than Europa. Just Europa.

After all, no matter whether it is a quick-fire gun or a grenade, or a cannon, a primer, or a battleship, it was all created by the Europa people first.

But what about Daming?The development of firearms has long gone astray. Cannons are getting heavier and heavier, and the technology of firearms has been stagnant for hundreds of years.

Although the cumbersome cannons were slightly more powerful, they could only be placed on the city walls for defense. They weighed several tons at every turn, so they couldn't be used in field battles at all.

Fortunately, Liu Hongjian stopped the car in an emergency, otherwise the firearm would be completely useless if it was in the hands of Jiannu Tartars.

The three of them chatted in the room for a while, when a soldier outside reported that the food was ready, Zhu Cihong was so tired that he didn't want to move, but Liu Hongjian dragged him to eat and drink with Babara.

In his words, after eating this meal, I don’t know when I want to drink next time, so don’t regret it if you don’t eat it.

Zhu Cihong said that he was not hungry, but he was still so drunk that his feet were shaking.

After settled down with Xiao Zhu, Babara pulled Liu Hongjian aside.

"My lord, why did you bring the emperor here too? It's dangerous here, and it's not easy to deal with something." Babara's face is not red after drinking a catty of liquor, although she has known it for a long time. Although the above decision was made, Barbara was still uneasy.

"The flowers in the greenhouse can't stand the damage, don't worry, has this king ever fought a battle that he wasn't prepared for?"

(End of this chapter)

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