Chapter 841
"No way, my lord, our little steel cannons can't hit that far." Kong Er was a bit hesitant to let go in front of Zhu Cihong, but he still said very seriously.

It's not that the small steel cannon can't hit that far. Limited by gunpowder and technology, the effective attack distance of the small steel cannon is [-] paces. However, Kong Er, as the commander of the artillery battalion of the army, has already figured out the attack distance of the cannon in Busagencheng. .

Busagen City is indeed only a small town in terms of scale, but the artillery on the top of the city is no longer the artillery that Liu Hongjian sold to Porochi that was eliminated by the Ming Dynasty, but the artillery of the Raksha people.

According to the latest news from Jin Yiwei, the attack distance of the Raksha people's artillery has reached the same level as that of Ming Dynasty's standard field artillery, reaching more than 500 steps.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. It's not that Kong Er's fool doesn't want to show his hand in front of Zhu Cihong, but the actual situation doesn't allow it.

The artillery of the Ming army has just entered the borders of the ancient provinces of the League, and it will not be able to reach the front line within five or six days. There are dozens of standard artillery pieces in the ancient provinces of the League. Didn't think about it at all.

"Tianbao, can this distance suppress the artillery on the front wall?" Liu Hongjian asked.

Yang Tianbao didn't speak. Eight brothers from the sniper team died in the sea during the battle with the Dutch in the Tsushima Strait, which made him more silent recently.

Hearing this, Yang Tianbao rode his horse forward a few steps, and looked back and forth for a while with a telescope at the east wall of Busagen City.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, there are fourteen cannons on the east wall, eight of which are Raksha country cannons, and four are my old Ming Fran cannons. I'm not completely sure that I can suppress all the cannons." Yang said. Tianbao told the truth.

At a distance of [-] steps, even if they were all sharpshooters and had the aid of a scope, their hit rate was still only [-]%. Apart from the ten people in the sniper team in Dongpu, only twelve followed the army.

Twelve people and fourteen cannons, plus half the hit rate, is really a difficult task to complete.

"You idiot, are your artillery soldiers afraid of death?" Liu Hongjian asked Kong Ermao without even thinking about it.

"Go back to your lord, my soldiers are not afraid of death. If anyone escapes, I dare to come and see you!" Kong Er's idiot became anxious when he heard that, and the current emperor was listening with his head tilted, how could he dare to show timidity? .

"Then what are you waiting for? Waiting for me to cook for you? Hurry up and give me a blast until the Raksha people are willing to open the city to fight!" Liu Hongjian pointed to the city wall of Busagen City.

Small steel cannons are different from ordinary artillery. Ordinary artillery can only hit the frontal enemy with a low elevation angle. For example, when attacking a city, it can only hit the city wall or gate tower, but small steel cannons are different.

The small steel cannon with a well-adjusted angle can directly hit the shells into the city, and the shells of the small steel cannon are explosive shells, that is, grenades. Although the power and shooting distance are not as good as those of the later World War II, they are definitely the only ones in the world.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

After a while, the twelve snipers found their suitable sniper positions, and began to fire at the Rakshasa gunners at the top of the city.

Three or four Rakshasa people at the top of the city fell down immediately. Yuri was so shocked that he almost fell off his chair when he learned that Daming's musket could hit five hundred paces.

Later, I learned that only a dozen or so people were attacking, so I felt a little relieved. If Daming's firearms troops can have such a sharp attack distance, then their Raksha people still have a woolen yarn. There is no one left.

Yuri was also under a lot of pressure. He had already figured out who the leader of the enemy army under the city was. Yuri really had no idea about this opponent who defeated Norton and Morozov one after another.

The two seniors were both veteran soldiers of the Raksha Kingdom, and Yuri was ashamed of himself in terms of military ability, but he was still defeated by the Daming Prince very simply.

It will take at least three days for His Majesty Alexei to return from the Khovd area. Yuri has mixed feelings in his heart. He was so proud when he swore the oath in the country before, but now he is very uncertain.

You can't make a fool of yourself in front of His Majesty Alexei. This is the only chance to prove the ability of the Pavel family. Whether you can make contributions in this battle is related to the future fate of the family.

There are more than 5 troops of the Raksha Kingdom in the city, and he is not incapable of fighting. Yuri clenched his fists under the protection of his personal guards.

"Lord Earl, Ming's firearms have been attacking our gunners, and our gunners can't operate the artillery normally at all!" Raksha State Artillery Captain Yodel came to report in disgrace.

"Hmph, why panic? These Ming troops don't have heavy artillery at all, so what can they do with those few muskets that hit far?" Yuri scolded Yodel angrily.

He has always wondered why the Ming army didn't produce more firearms with such a long range, and how effective such a few guns would be in large-scale battles.

But before he had time to think about it, Yodel ran over again.

"My lord, there is a group of Ming soldiers rushing towards us. They seem to be carrying something. They are too far away to see clearly."

"Bastard, then what are you reporting? Hurry up and see clearly before reporting!"


"Listen to me, the target is in the city of Busagen, attack indiscriminately! Who dares to step back and apply eye drops to me, I will go back and beat you to death!"

Kong Er Lengzi led a group of mortar gunners who had just been trained, and said "boost morale" to his men while marching towards Busagan City.

Due to the limited training time, the current mortar gunners' actions are uneven. Kong Er's fool wisely chose to attack indiscriminately, that is to say, whoever loaded the ammunition can fire without waiting for orders.

After a while, the gunner finally entered the attack range of the small steel cannon, and Busagen City was only two hundred steps away from them at this time, and Kong Er's fool could even see clearly the Raksha people behind the city wall who were hunched over and did not dare to stand up.

The snipers kept shooting, and the Raksha people in the city couldn't figure out why the two hundred Ming troops were here, and there was no order from above to fire, so they were happy not to take the risk of firing.

Jodl finally saw clearly what the Ming army was doing under the city. He had an ominous premonition in his heart, and trotted to report to Earl Yuri.


The mortar positions opened fire, and with the muffled sound of cannonballs, the shells of the small steel guns were projected towards the city of Busagan.

"You idiot, you're so fucking screwed up!"

Liu Hongjian kept looking at Kong Erlian at the foot of the city wall with his binoculars, but seeing that more than half of the shells from more than [-] mortars had landed at the foot of the city wall, he yelled at Kong Erlian.

Kong Er didn't hear it at all, and he also realized that there was a problem with the angle, so he immediately ordered his men to start calibrating the angle of the mortar.

After all, he fought Jiannu with Liu Hongjian. None of Kong Er's old artillerymen were nervous, and they all carried out the operations in their hands in an orderly manner.


Soon the second round of attack began, and the hit rate was greatly improved. At least one-third of the shells landed on the city wall, and half of the shells landed in Busagan City. People immediately fell into a panic.

"What? The Ming army's artillery can actually hit the city? How is this possible!" Earl Yuri was deploying defenses in the west of the city at this time, and when he heard that his men came to report, he frowned and said angrily.


(End of this chapter)

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