Chapter 842

He could still believe it if it was explained that the army had withdrawn dozens of cannons, but the cannons hit the city directly, which would be an insult to his IQ!
Unless the Ming army erected the artillery at a position higher than the city wall of Busagan, how could the shells hit the city?
Yuri's face was serious, he knew that his subordinates would not lie to him, so he hurriedly led his guards towards the east wall.

Under the east city wall, the gunners who are getting better and better are becoming more and more proficient in the operation. The shells hit the city wall and the city without interruption. The Raksha artillerymen at the top of the city suffered heavy casualties, and even the artillery was blown crooked. Several doors.

In the Ming army, there were soldiers carrying wooden boxes to transport shells to the positions below the city. The shells of mortars were relatively small, but they were extremely sensitive, and a little carelessness would lead to accidents.

A wooden box containing six mortar shells is protected by soft dry grass.

When Yuri arrived at the top of the east city, there were not many soldiers on the top of the city, and the city was already on fire with thick smoke.

The strategy of relying on the city wall to resist the Ming army may not work, Yuri secretly thought.

"Yordel, order your artillery to immediately fire at the Ming army below the city, who dares to retreat and shoot immediately!" Yuri looked at the soldiers cowering behind the city wall and said, and Yuri hurried off the city after speaking.

After Yuri left, Jodl spit in Yuri's direction. He thought that Yuri was afraid of death, and thought that you ran away yourself, leaving us here to bear the Ming army's artillery fire.

But Yodel finally carried out Yuri's order, but there were only eight or nine cannons left on the city wall, and most of the gunners were dead, so he had to go to Nancheng to dispatch more gunners.

"Okay! Give me a good bang, Ma De, I don't believe that a dog can't leave the city!" Liu Hongjian was very happy when he saw the Raksha people in distress on the city wall.

"Barbara, go quickly and the cavalry battalion will be handed over to you. Linhe, the musketeer battalion is in formation, ready to meet the enemy!" Liu Hongjian ordered while cursing.

"Humble post!" Babara and Lin He clapped their hands and rode away immediately.

"Liu Qing, are we going to attack the city?" Zhu Cihong stepped forward and asked.

This is the first time he has seen such a real war, but as a military whiteboard, he has a learning attitude of asking if he doesn't understand, and he will ask questions as soon as he has the opportunity.

But seeing Liu Hongjian's order, Zhu Cihong thought that the army was about to attack the city.

"Attack the yarn! Idiots are going to attack the city!" Liu Hongjian has been paying attention to the situation, but he doesn't remember who asked him.

After finishing speaking, I realized that the voice was not right. It was Zhu Cihong, and there were so many generals watching behind me, so I felt a little embarrassed.

"We have mortars, if the artillery of the Raksha people can't be effective, there are only two ways in front of the Raksha people.

The first guards are waiting for help, but once we break through the city wall, they will face the price of being encircled and suppressed.

The second abandoned the city and fled to join the Tsar Alexei. "Liu Hongjian explained.

"Oh, that's how it is." Zhu Cihong was not angry at all, and admired Liu Hongjian's arrogance in arranging troops.

The shelling on the top of the city continued, and Jodl finally got the artillery on the wall to support him, but there were twelve snipers staring at him all the time, and the Raksha people's artillery had no rules at all.

This made Kong Er even more unscrupulous.

"Be quick, Your Majesty is watching from behind! Get rid of that group of artillery for me first!" Kong Er's idiot instructed, he felt that he was awesome.

After another quarter of an hour, the cannons on the top of the city finally stopped, and Kong Er was relieved.

To be honest, it was the first time for Kong Er to command at such a close distance from the enemy's artillery, and he was also worried about his own life.

Just now, a shell from the Rakshasa flew past his ass, piercing through the two artillerymen behind him, which shocked him a lot.

Although the artillery at the top of the city has been solved, it is unrealistic to rely on small steel cannons to blow down the city wall. The explosion power of small steel cannons is a bit greater than that of grenades, and its main function is to kill people, not the city walls.

It's just that without Liu Hongjian's order, Kong Er's idiot could only let his subordinates continue to fire.

Liu Hongjian was also considering whether to really siege the city, because he didn't bring siege equipment at all, and he felt that the traditional siege mode was too low.

It's the seventeenth century, and siege is like carrying a ladder to climb up in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. He has always been deliberately avoiding this kind of combat method with relatively large casualties.

That's why there are flower bombs, that is, howitzers.

Do we have to wait another four days?Liu Hongjian weighed it up, but he did not order the siege after all.

It's just that the Raksha people seemed to help Liu Hongjian make the choice, because they didn't know when the Ming's artillery would arrive, and Yuri didn't want to sit still.

"My lord, the south city gate is open, and the enemy is rushing over!" At this moment, a sentry cavalry rushed from the south.

"Ma De, quickly make Kong Er's idiot retreat!" Liu Hongjian subconsciously said.

Sure enough, smoke and dust billowed outside the gate of the south city, and the Raksha people left the city.

It's just that the Raksha people didn't choose the two paths that Liu Hongjiang told Zhu Cilang just now. They did abandon the city, but they chose to attack, and the primary target was the artillery battalion headed by Kong Er.

What the hell, the Raksha people really can't take it lightly!Liu Hongjian thought.

I heard that the Russians are a fighting nation, and this girl is really worthy of the name, okay, let me see what kind of confidence the Raksha people have after more than two years, and dare to confront me head-on!

Naturally, Babara saw the embarrassment of the front position, and without waiting for Liu Hongjian's order, he directly led the cavalry battalion to meet the Raksha army.

Kong Er was stupefied at first when he saw the Raksha people rushing towards him, but he saw a large wave of cavalry from the Ming army rushing towards him.

Go for a bike and turn it into a motorcycle!

"Shoot at those Raksha cavalry!"

Zhu Cihong was right behind, he could definitely see his own performance, Kong Er was both excited and afraid of death.


"Listen to the order, let me run away!"

Seeing that the cavalry of the Raksha people had rushed to a distance of less than [-] steps from them, and the cavalry of the Ming army was about the same distance from them, Kong Er knew that if he didn't run away, he might not be able to escape.

Under Babara's order, the cavalry of the Ming army automatically dodged a narrow road, Kong Erlianzi and the soldiers of the artillery battalion carried small steel cannons and ran towards the Ming army's position desperately.

"Exciting! Exciting!" Kong Er's idiot seemed to feel Liu Hongjian's mood when he beat Dorgon back then, and ran away after pretending to be forced, how could he be upset?


Kong Er's stunned man suddenly heard explosions behind him, and he looked back and frowned.

Babara's cavalry fought with the Rakshasa cavalry. Both sides were cavalry and each had their own throwing weapons. Could this be the Rakshasa's reliance?


PS: Recommend a book written by a friend "The Bastard Becomes the Emperor"

Zhu Youhua, the third son of Fu Wangshu who accidentally traveled to the last years of the Ming Dynasty, was catching up with the courier Chuang Wang armed to ask for salary. If he didn't want to be boiled into a Fulu banquet, he had to change his way of life!
Dorgon: This royal family is unusual.

Stone is also a professional householder in the Ming Dynasty, and his writing style is also very coquettish. If you have friends who like it, you can support it.

 Thanks to the book friend an Sansan for the reward of 1000 taels, and thanks to the book friends for the reward of 100 taels for the ax and Kelexiang soybean milk.

(End of this chapter)

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