Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 843 Can You Rakshasa Fight?

Chapter 843 Can You Rakshasa Fight?

"What the hell, I knew this group of Rakshasa dogs were not that simple. They are imitating the example!" Liu Hongjian pointed at the Rakshasa people and cursed.

Throwing cavalry was Liu Hongjian's first creation. Now that the Luocha people are showing off in front of Liu Hongjian without even paying the copyright fee, it is no wonder that Liu Hongjian is angry.

Although he was still teasing angrily, his heart was full of distress. The troops on both sides who were also throwing cavalry Barbara would not have any advantage.


There was a rumbling explosion in front, and the Raksha people and the Ming cavalry were fighting deadly. The two sides circled an oval circle and threw at places close to the two armies, and then those who survived turned around and continued to operate.

Everything is so primitive, so barbaric.

Zhu Cilang put down the binoculars after admiring it for a moment, he was silent, he was not as excited as he imagined when he came before the real war.

Just at this time, a sentinel came from Busagen City.

"Report! The enemy's Musketeers are advancing towards us!"

"Lin He!" Liu Hongjian shouted at the top of his voice.

"Humble position!" General Lin He took a step forward and bent down to wait for the order.

"This king ordered you to lead [-] Musketeers to meet the enemy!"

"Humble position is ordered!"

"Li Huaizhong!" Liu Hongjian continued to order.

"The humble job is here!" Li Huaizhong also stepped forward with a sonorous step.

He had been staying in the Imperial Guard before, and was responsible for the overall operation of the Imperial Guard on Liu Hongjian's behalf. It can be said that the veterans and recruits of the Imperial Guard were all trained under the hands of Li Huaizhong.

This time Liu Hongjian brought him to the expedition because he wanted to give this old subordinate a chance to make contributions.

"Lead [-] cavalry to rush in from the back of the Raksha people and join hands with Barbara to encircle and suppress them! Don't let the enemy's cavalry get close to the musketeer camp!"

"Humble position is ordered!" Li Huaizhong got on his horse and left without the slightest hesitation.

"Liu Qing, are you sure..." Zhu Cihong asked in a low voice seeing that Liu Hongjian's face was not looking well.

"Hmph, what does it mean to be sure? Is the emperor so unconfident in his subjects?" Liu Hongjian half-jokingly said.

Although he was surprised by the sudden general attack of the Raksha people, Liu Hongjian knew the imperial guards well, and he was not weaker than the Raksha people in terms of armament and morale. He couldn't understand where the Raksha people got their courage.

Fighting nation?Hehe, come on then.

"Kong Er's idiot! Have you seen the Raksha people's musketeers? Take out all the small steel cannons and shoot them at them!" Liu Hongjian rushed to the artillery battalion general who had just withdrawn from the battlefield and was still in shock. Kong Ermao ordered.

The attack range of the small steel cannon was just a hundred steps farther than that of the Raksha people's firearms, and the reason why Li Huaizhong was sent to support Babara was precisely to create better conditions for the mortar.

"Tianbao, do you see those who beat the gongs and drums? Let me kill them first!" Liu Hongjian pointed to the officer in charge of coordinating the pace in the Rakshasa musket camp.

The battle of the large infantry phalanx is about orderly formation. It is up to the officers on the side of the phalanx to shoot and reload together. As long as they are dealt with, the Raksha people will be in a terrible situation in front of the Imperial Guards of the Ming Dynasty, who have advantages in numbers and range. one strike.

Kong Er and Yang Tianbao took the order to go, and Fang Dagang, Chen Yishan, and Guo Sheng who had been following behind Liu Hongjian looked at each other and took a step forward.

"My lord, the humble Fang Dagang, Chen Yishan, and Guo Sheng request to fight!"

Wu Peng was seriously injured and became disabled. The three were the only three remaining guards in Gu Jia's westward team. They were all promoted to guerrilla generals by Liu Hongjian.

Due to previous blood feuds, the three of them naturally participated in the Second Northern Expedition as generals of the Imperial Guard.

In fact, Gu Jia is also in the army, but he is in charge of logistics and supplies. Gu Jia is a civil servant. Liu Hongjian did not plan to bring Gu Jia here, but he just played a scoundrel here. He was so obsessed with the war that he couldn't calm down to deal with all matters in the martial arts hall.

"Okay! Then I will give you a chance. The three of you will lead 5000 people to attack the city of Busa. If you take this city, I will give you the first credit!" Liu Hongjian pointed at the city of Busa.

With all the Raksha people out, the defense of Busa City must be empty. Liu Hongjian saw the opportunity and planned to give the Raksha people a drastic blow.

The battle lasted for another half an hour, and Kong Er's mortar was really effective. Without the interference of the Rakshasa cavalry, a total of fifty small steel cannons caused a massive explosion to the Rakshasa's musket phalanx. Lethality.

In addition, Yang Tianbao and other [-] snipers took care of the Raksha people's musket phalanx, and the Raksha people's musketeer phalanx was the first to show its defeat.

"General Lu! This king will give you five thousand cavalry to charge me!" Liu Hongjian saw that the Raksha people's musket phalanx had been disrupted, and knew that it was time for a decisive battle.

"A lowly position deserves orders!" Lu Haibo, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, got on his horse and left immediately.

Made!Can you Rakshasa afford to compete with Daming?
Even though a large number of troops were dispatched one after another, there were still nearly [-] reserve troops behind him. Liu Hongjian squinted his eyes and looked at the smoky battlefield hundreds of steps away, with a mysterious smile on his face.

Two quarters of an hour later, the Raksha people's gun phalanx collapsed first.

"My lord, those strange artillery have caused great damage to us. Musketeers... Musketeers can't hold on anymore!" A Rakshasa with the appearance of a general came running in disgrace, his left thigh was still injured. .

"My lord, our cavalry is in a difficult battle. Daming has too many cavalry. If this continues, the cavalry will be surrounded by the Ming army. Viscount Ximo requests to retreat!" A messenger came to report the situation of the cavalry camp.

Earl Yuri frowned and seemed to be struggling in his heart. The cavalry regiment was his greatest reliance. Although the throwing firearms were learned from Daming, Yuri did not think that Daming was the opponent of the Raksha Kingdom with the same equipment.

Throwing cavalry is his trump card. If he can defeat Ming's cavalry, Yuri may become famous in one battle under the pursuit of victory.

After all, the veterans Morozov and Norton were both defeated, but he, Yuri, won the Ming army with fewer victories and more victories. This was enough to win more votes for his family, although he was already prepared for a tragic victory in his heart. .

In fact, the Rakshasa cavalry was indeed very fierce, even fighting on par with the cavalry led by Babara, but what he didn't expect was that Daming's artillery was so sharp that it broke through his musket phalanx first, and the cavalry of Daming Too much.

"Withdraw! Withdraw to the city!" Seeing that the musket phalanx had collapsed, Yuri hit his left hand with a fist.

"Report! Earl, a group of Ming army cavalry raided the west city just now. They blasted open the city gate with cluster grenades. Our artillery and muskets can't stop them at all. They...they are not afraid of death at all!"


 Thanks to book friend Xiao Wu 5 for the reward of 1 taels, and thanks to book friends for the 100 taels of reward.

(End of this chapter)

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