Chapter 855
Although having Xiao Zhu who can chat and talk with each other will make this war less boring, but now Liu Hongjian has to think a little deeper.

Zhu Cihong is the emperor of Ming Dynasty, and then his brother. He cannot take Zhu Cihong to fight an uncertain war.

That is not only irresponsible to Zhu Cihong, but also irresponsible to Uncle Chongzhen.

For more than a month, he believed that Zhu Cihong had seen the cruelty of war, and felt the hardships of the soldiers to some extent, which was enough for the ruler of the empire.

Liu Hongjian's letter to the cabinet had already been sent to the capital through Jinyiwei. He also specifically described in detail how Zhu Cihong took the lead in capturing the emperor of the Raksha Kingdom alive.

I believe that after going back, all the officials will look at Zhu Cihong with admiration when they see Zhu Cihuang again. The Emperor of Ming is no longer a pet locked in the palace that they willfully deceive, but an overlord who can crush them to death casually.

However, Liu Hongjian seemed to have forgotten to consider Zhu Cihong's thoughts.

"Liu Qing, what do you mean? Didn't we agree to fight on the battlefield together? Why do you want to drive me back?

I will not go back, never! " Zhu Cihong said angrily.

But Liu Hongjian didn't say anything, as long as he let the words out, the generals under him would definitely want Zhu Cihong to go back, because if the emperor made a mistake, all their credit would be erased, and they would even be held accountable.

"Liu Qing, do you think I'm in the way? Haven't I caused you any trouble these days?

I can bear this suffering, you see, I accidentally cut my arm yesterday and didn't tell Pang Pang'er, I bandaged it myself! "

Zhu Cihong rolled up his sleeves to show Liu Hongjian the wound on his arm.

Don't think the wound is not serious, this is not a trivial matter in the palace, it might alarm the queen dowagers of the two palaces, and how many eunuchs will be punished.

But Zhu Cihong has now learned to be self-reliant.

"Your majesty, these are two different things. You don't understand the situation in Rakshasa, but I do. Therefore, you must go back." Liu Hongjian said without doubt.

"But... I'm not afraid of death!" Zhu Cihong seemed to understand what Liu Hongjian meant, but he still insisted.

"I'm afraid!" Liu Hongjian said without the slightest acknowledgment, casting a blank look at Zhu Cihong.

The two argued in the big tent for a long time, and finally Zhu Cihong gave in.

On the fourth day after the end of the Battle of Busagan City, the household department sent the second batch of supplies, more than a dozen rear-loading howitzers, and more than 600 rounds of shells. In addition, there were dozens of lighter mortars and necessary forage.

That afternoon Zhu Cihong followed the supply troops all the way to the capital.

On the eighth day of August, the Ming army, which had been recuperating in Busagan City for several days, ushered in more than 1 soldiers from Beihai Province. The next day, the [-] Ming expeditionary force began to march towards Erkou City.

In total, more than 7 Rakshasa troops were annihilated by Ming soldiers in the Battle of Busagan City and later in the field battle. Most of the rest of the Rakshasa army collapsed, and a small part fled to Erkou City, which is the closest to Ming Dynasty.

Baron Harper, who was stationed in the city of Erkou, was heartbroken when he heard the news that the Raksha army had been defeated and His Majesty the Emperor had been captured.

He knew that Erkou City would definitely be attacked by Da Ming first, so he wrote a request letter to the parliament while coordinating the Raksha soldiers who fled from the direction of Da Ming.

The original garrison in Erkou City was only 8000. Although there were more than [-] rout soldiers gathered from the direction of Chahar, these soldiers were frightened, their morale was low, they could not be used, and even if they were used improperly, they would rebel As a result, Baron Harper felt uneasy, he was worried that the reinforcements would not arrive if he persisted.

At noon on August [-]th, Liu Hongjian's [-] troops finally approached the city of Erkou.

According to the established plan, Liu Hongjian took two personal guards and an interpreter, and escorted Tsar Alexei I to the gate of the city.

This was a bold decision. Without Alexei, the artillery on the city wall would have blasted the three of them to pieces, but he knew that the Rakshasa would not dare.

"Listen, people in the city. This king will only say it once." Liu Hongjian put the saber on Alexei's neck, and hid his body behind the tsar for safety.

"Did you see this man? That's right, your czar is in my hands. If you want him to survive, you should open the city and surrender, otherwise, once the city is broken, no one will be left behind!" Liu Hongjian rushed to the Rakshasa at the top of the city shouted.

Although he felt that this plot was a bit bloody, he still decided to give it a try, because if the Raksha people put the knife on Zhu Cihong's neck, it might be possible for them to swindle several cities.

"неслушайтеего, Алексей, янепозволювамсдатьсяинемедленнооткрытьогонь!"

Alexey growled.

He didn't understand what Liu Hongjian was talking about just now, but when the interpreter went to the top of the city to translate, he immediately understood.

But Baron Harper on the city wall neither opened the city to surrender, nor ordered to fire. He didn't have the guts to kill the Tsar, because no matter right or wrong, he would be the one who would be unlucky in the end.

So he chose to remain silent, as if he had never seen the Tsar come.

"Made, waste your time talking, withdraw." After speaking, Liu Hongjian drove Alexei back to the main formation.

"Kong Er fool, why are you still standing there? Give me a blast!"

As soon as he arrived at the main formation, Liu Hongjian gave orders to the artillery battalion.

Due to the more reasonable black powder formula, Daming's artillery has a range of dozens of steps farther than that of the Raksha people. Kong Er's idiot has already arranged it, and he is waiting for Liu Hongjian's order.


The seven rear-mounted howitzers at the front fired successively. After the shells rushed out of the barrels, they bombarded the city wall of Erkou City, and then there was a more violent explosion.

Most of the shells hit the city gate, and the south gate of Erkou City was blasted to pieces after only one round of bombardment, but the Raksha people had already sealed the gate with huge stones.

Two of the shells bombarded the walls on both sides of the city gate, and the crater on the wall was a foot thick. You must know that if it is a solid shell that wants to blast such a deep crater on the wall, it will take at least seven or eight shells. Every shell must land on the same spot.

This was the first time that the rear-loading howitzer showed its terrifying power in front of foreigners. Baron Harper only felt the city wall tremble under his feet, and then secretly glanced down, suddenly pale with shock.

Erkou City was originally a small city, but it became a border city after the Erkou contract. In order to defend against possible future wars, the Raksha people deliberately thickened the city walls of Erkou City.

However, the thickness of the city wall has only increased from more than two feet to more than three feet.

According to the power of this artillery, how many cannons can the city wall withstand?But what made Baron Harper even more desperate was that their artillery could not hit the Ming people at all.

This means that they can only wait, waiting for Ming's artillery to knock down their city walls, or... to go out of the city to meet the enemy.

"Idiot, save your mother's money, I don't know when the next batch of supplies will arrive!"

Seeing that the first round of test firing turned out to be seven artillery pieces together, Liu Hongjian couldn't help roaring.

The rear-mounted artillery is okay, but the production of howitzer shells is extremely difficult, and the output is also very low. Based on the calculation from the last supply, the Ordnance Institute can only produce more than 60 shells a day.

Before the technology is mature and the production capacity is not expanded, it means that good steel must be used wisely.

Therefore, Liu Hongjian had no intention of bombing the entire city at all, because the shells were simply not enough, more than 600 shells, and dozens of artillery shells were all destroyed within a few rounds.

What's next?
"I know, I know!" Kong Er had no choice but to respond with a bitter face.

He couldn't do anything about it. It was not enough to calibrate the artillery and shoot a cannon. Fortunately, it was already calibrated.

In the next half an hour, dozens of artillery pieces began to bombard three points on the south wall of Erkou City uninterruptedly. During this period, the Raksha army in Erkou City remained indifferent.

They didn't have the courage to fight in the field, so they could only watch as Da Ming's artillery roared, and then peeled off their armor layer by layer.

After more than half an hour, there were three gaps about one foot wide on the south city wall.

"Barbara, I ordered you to lead the throwing cavalry to charge the city. Remember, surrender is not accepted in this battle. Do you understand what I mean?" Liu Hongjian said coldly.

Liu Hongjian, who was on the expedition to the Rakshasa, would not allow the existence of nails in his back, so he did not intend to keep alive. This is one of the reasons why Liu Hongjian drove Zhu Cihong away.

Those who obey will not prosper, and those who are against will perish. Who taught you that it is okay to provoke Daming?
The king will come by himself.

"My lord, I understand! I have orders!"


 Thank you book friends for loving for your faith, and for not passing the No. 100 Middle School, you should not be rewarded with [-] taels. At the same time, I also wish you to enter No. [-] Middle School and change your name as soon as possible. .

(End of this chapter)

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