Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 856 Barbara, You Have Changed

Chapter 856 Barbara, You Have Changed

"Suktu, you led [-] cavalry to surround the other three city gates. If a Rakshasa soldier ran away, I will only ask you!
Lin He, Kong Ermao, the Musketeer Battalion and the Artillery Battalion are on standby at any time!

Tianbao, you guys continue to attack the flag bearers and gunners at the top of the city! "

Liu Hongjian sat upright on the horse and issued orders one after another.

Erkou City is just a small city, and it cannot withstand the siege of [-] troops in turn, not to mention that the Ming army still has war weapons such as howitzers, mortars, and snipers.

The throwing cavalry led by Barbara attacked the city within a quarter of an hour under the cover of mortars.

Although there are more than 1 Luocha soldiers in the city of Erkou, most of them have only experienced the Battle of the Busagan Meat Grinder.

These defeated soldiers not only did not resist with the original thousands of people in Erkou, but wanted to rush out from the north city to escape, which made the original defenders lose their morale. In less than two hours, the Luocha soldiers in the city were wiped out.

Following Liu Hongjian's order, Babara ordered all the Luocha soldiers who surrendered to be executed on the spot, but when faced with more than 2 civilians in the city, Babara hesitated.

If it was in the past, when he was the leader of the Ujumqin tribe, he would have slaughtered the enemy without hesitation for a fertile pasture and to feed his own people.

It's just that his status is different now. He is the governor of Ming Dynasty, and he has read many books of Ming Dynasty.

"My lord, I caught a group of Raksha people escaping from the west city just now. I thought he looked like someone, so I asked someone to question him. He seemed to be a baron of the Raksha country!"

Su Ketu felt that since he had captured the chief defender of the city, of course he had to report it to Liu Hongjian for handling.

"So what about the barons, there are no less than [-] barons in our army, and they will be executed on the spot!" Liu Hongjian said slightly dissatisfied.

"Barbara, what are you doing here? Have you dealt with everything in the city?" Seeing Babara approaching with a heavy heart, Liu Hongjian said.

"Go back to your lord, all the Rakshasa soldiers have been executed on the spot, but those... those Rakshasa civilians..." Babara hesitated when he said this.

"Babara, you've changed." Liu Hongjian said calmly.

Babara has changed, from a leader of the Menggu tribe to the governor of Minggu, from a prairie wolf to an indecisive character.

This is not a good thing, at least according to Liu Hongjian.

Han people are good at defense, good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and good governance. Grassland people are good at attacking and good at herding. Winning, one defensive win is enough to put them on the map.

The reason why the ancient soldiers of the League were used as the cavalry for the Western Expeditionary Army was because Liu Hongjian took a fancy to the wolf nature of the grassland people, and the Raksha country was no different than other small countries. If he could not be cruel, he might be the one who died in the end.

"My lord..." Babara didn't know how to answer.

"If one of two people had to die, one was the Ming army and the other was a Rakshasa commoner, who would you choose to die?"

Liu Hongjian was not angry, but calmly reasoned with Babara.

The annihilation of conscience is not a good thing, but kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

"If it really comes to that point, the lowly position will naturally let that Rakshasa civilian die." Babara said without hesitation.

"Then why are you hesitating now? If these civilians are let go, we will always be followed by a group of Rakshasa people who have no good intentions towards us, because you have killed their relatives, clansmen, and compatriots.

Once the wheels of war start, there is no need to stop easily. As the governor of Ming Dynasty, you should do it yourself. "Liu Hongjian said meaningfully.

He doesn't need a Menggu governor who has lost his wolf nature.

"Thank you for your teaching, my lord... I understand, if the people in the city are our hidden dangers, I know what to do!"

Babara was stunned, his strategic awareness had not yet reached Liu Hongjian's level, and he didn't even know much about Rakshasa.

After Babara finished speaking, she cupped her hands and headed towards Erkou City.

"Old Ba, why don't you read less books in the future! I still like the old you better, Daming needs that blood!"

Liu Hongjian's words made Barbara's footsteps pause for a while, but Barbara didn't turn around, he just paused for a while, and then walked towards the city of Erkou with firmer steps.

Babara was an old subordinate Liu Hongjian single-handedly promoted, so why didn't he understand why Babara became like this.

He was worried that he would not be able to integrate into the general environment of the imperial court!

Over the past 300 years of the Ming Dynasty, the importance of civilization over military affairs has led to the status of military commanders. In order to show that they are not good at fighting, many generals began to learn Confucian culture in order to integrate into the civil official group and gain their support.

Although Liu Hongjian's intervention has improved a lot, Barbara believes that he is different from other generals, and he is from the ancient times.

"Made, this person just owes me money, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't scold a few words every day!" After Liu Hongjian finished speaking, he returned to his big account.

In his opinion, there is no comparison between civil and military, and there is no one who is superior or inferior, and their functions are different. All those who provoke civil and military discord should be killed!

The reason why Liu Hongjian would rather live in a tent than go to the city is also very simple.

He also can't see it, or if it's on him, he can't do it.

But things have to be done, so I have to keep out of sight and out of mind.

The wailing in the city continued at night, so Liu Hongjian simply found two cotton balls to plug his ears. In the middle of the night, the city finally stopped, and Liu Hongjian finally fell into a drowsy sleep.

Before the army set off the next day, in order to prevent the plague, Liu Hongjian ordered Barbara to set the whole city and tens of thousands of corpses on fire with kerosene and firewood.

The fire burned for three full days, and the smell of barbecue could still be faintly smelled when the army went out for dozens of miles.

A hundred miles north of Erkou City is the city of Usoliye, and 160 miles west of it are Nukutsky and Tulun. Except for Ling Ling who chose to resist and was slaughtered, the defenders of the other two cities wisely chose to retreat to the other cities.

On September 200th, the army arrived at Chernog, the largest city in the Siberia region of the Raksha Kingdom. This ancient castle has stood here for more than [-] years.

In the city, there are not only more than 6 soldiers urgently dispatched from various places by the Raksha Kingdom, but also Victor, the veteran military minister of the Raksha Kingdom, personally leads it.

"This time, which one of you is going to persuade you to surrender?"

Outside the city of Chernog, Liu Hongjian smiled and said to Babara, Suktu, Lin He and others.


(End of this chapter)

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