Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 857 The most important thing is the sense of ritual

Chapter 857 The most important thing is the sense of ritual

"Let me go!" Babara volunteered.

Persuading people to surrender after soldiers approached the city was the process before Liu Hongjian attacked the city. The result is not important, the most important thing is to have a sense of ceremony.

Take the tsar for a walk around the city, which can be regarded as a good idea for the Raksha people who defend the city. Your tsar is in the hands of Lao Tzu. If you know your senses, you will open the city and surrender to me, even if you don’t know your senses, you will throw your hands.

And among the six or seven large and small cities captured in the past half month, there has never been a precedent of successful persuasion for Baba La to persuade them to surrender.

"Hey! Rakshasa boys in the city, listen up, open the city and surrender, or I will kill you all!" Babara rushed to the top of the city with an interpreter who understood Raksha language and shouted.

His hands were strong, and the young Tsar Alexei I, who had just turned 20, was tightly held in his arms, with a painful expression on his face.

Alexei was in real pain, not only physically, but also in his heart. In the past half a month, what the Ming army had gone through could be described as plucking feathers.

Those who could run away from Usolie, Nukutsky, and Tulun City all ran away, and those who could not run away went to see God. The Ming army collected everything that could be used, and then burned everything that could not be taken away.

The young Alexei never imagined that the price of war with Ming Dynasty would be so heavy.

Although the city of Chernog had strong defenses, and the commander of the defense was the Marquis Victor who had taught him military affairs, Alexei still didn't have much hope for Victor.

Daming's firearms are really too powerful, especially their cannons, which can carry out uninterrupted bombardment outside the range of their own country's cannons, and Daming's cannons will explode on the city wall. Unheard of.

It's just that Alexei still doesn't regret his original decision, because no one knows Europa better than him, and this densely populated place of small countries will not tolerate Ming's rampage in Europa.

What's more, even if he came forward to ask Victor of Chernogri to surrender, he would be rejected. This old man has always been stubborn, and he would probably refuse on the grounds that he was threatened, Alexey said in his heart.

"My lord, let's fight, they are so unreasonable, they don't even have an answer!" Barbara handed Alexei to his soldiers, and said to Liu Hongjian.

After being taught by Liu Hongjian, Babara seemed to be enlightened. Not only did he no longer read sage books all night, but he was also extraordinarily ferocious in fighting enemies. He seemed to have found himself again.

"You idiot, what are you still doing in a daze? Let's start booming!" Liu Hongjian shook his head and said helplessly.

Although the city of Chernog is solidly defended and the outer city is still a typical Lingbao, so what?In front of the breech-loading rifled gun with a range advantage, it is a living target.

Liu Hongjian shook his head because siege meant massacre, but there was no other way.

After this expedition, his impression in the hearts of the countries of Europa will be very bad, and he may be written into the history books to criticize him wantonly.

At the same time, Marquis Victor in the city also frowned. Of course, he saw Alexei, the emperor of the empire was captured, which was also a shameful thing for him.

After the news reached Moscow, two voices came from the parliament. One was the peace faction headed by Maxim. They believed that the current situation in Europe was in turmoil, and it would be unwise to be an enemy of the sudden emergence of Ming Dynasty.

One is the main combat faction headed by Vasily and him. Both he and Vasily believe that if they surrender, their Rakshasa face will be lost in the European countries.

But neither of the two factions could tolerate Liu Hongjian's conditions. Later, the parliament reached a compromise. If Victor could successfully stop the invasion of the Ming Empire in Chernog City, then the issue of war or peace would be discussed at that time, because At least then I had chips in hand.

But is this chip so easy to get?Victor put down the binoculars in his hand, and he saw that the enemy's artillery battalion was already in formation, and the artillery that was far from their city could not hit it.

"Soldiers, the most dangerous moment for the empire has arrived. Let me see your loyalty and courage. From today on, the city is alive!" Victor walked back and forth on the city wall to boost morale.

"The city is..."


The sound was instantly drowned out, and Daming's artillery had already begun to roar.

Kong Erlianzi commanded the artillery battalion to start bombarding the eastern city wall of Chernog, while Babara led [-] cavalry guards on both sides to guard against the Rakshasa's surprise attack.

Lin He station straightly leads the firearms battalion of the Ming Dynasty. Lin He is a bit depressed these days, because the siege battle has become a special event for the artillery battalion, which makes him feel very invisible.

The sound of artillery was mixed with the sound of AKM gunfire. It was twelve snipers attacking the Raksha people whose figures were not exposed in their field of vision.

"It's boring!" Liu Hongjian looked at it for a while, then waved his hand and called Chang Yu to him, indicating that there was something urgent to inform him in the tent, and then he planned to go back to the big tent to rest.

Liu Hongjian was really not interested in sitting on a horse and waiting for a few hours for the same siege battle. Although it was not yet October in the lunar calendar, the temperature in the Central Siberian Plateau was already very low.

Liu Hongjian took out a jar of old shochu from the ring, cut up a plate of marinated horse meat and ate it on his own, thinking that Xiao Zhu should have returned to the capital by this time, and maybe started eating again. cub.

It's a pity that he is still blowing cold wind on this grassland where birds don't shit, chickens don't lay eggs, and it's not cold. He probably fell asleep after being too tired these days after drinking for a while.

The shelling continued until the afternoon, when just after Shen Shi, Chang Yu rushed into Liu Hongjian's tent excitedly.

"My lord, General Kong Shen has already blasted a gap in the east wall. Would you like to go over and have a look?"

"Report to the lord, the emperor of the Raksha Kingdom seeks an audience!"

Almost at the front and rear, just as Chang Yu came in, a small flag official came to report.

"Hehe, the little tsar can't sit still! Tell him to come in." Liu Hongjian signaled Chang Yu to be calm and sit cross-legged in the tent.

After a while, Alexei entered the big tent under the guard of the soldiers, and then bent down to give Liu Hongjian a deep salute, which was really rare for Tsar Alexei.

"Respected Lord Daming, please forgive me for the harm I caused to your allies, but the Luocha Kingdom did not attack Daming, I think the conflict between us is not irreconcilable, we need peace." Alexei said very seriously .

Liu Hongjian kept silent when he heard the words, just watched Alexei's performance with a half-smile.

"I'm willing to cede the land east of the Ineshe River. Winter is coming, so you should think about it." Alexei reminded.

"Is it over? Go down after you're done, don't interfere with the king's siege." Liu Hongjian said calmly.

What a joke, you have to make peace even after fighting to this point, why don't you be an idiot, let you relax for two years and then come to find fault?

"My lord, it's going to be very cold here in winter, you'd better..." Seeing that Liu Hongjian was unmoved, Alexei wanted to say something, but the guards in the tent didn't give him a chance at all, and crossed him Just pull him out.

Although he was a prisoner, the Ming army did not detain him alone, but left him in the battle formation to watch the battle. He knew that the city of Chernog could no longer stop the Ming Empire.

As the tsar, he knew clearly, such as keeping this new force for the empire.

"Not every initiator of a war has the right to end the war. Your Excellency, there is no medicine for regret in this world!" Liu Hongjian said coldly.


(End of this chapter)

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