Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 858 The Fall of Chernog

Chapter 858 The Fall of Chernog ([-])

The city of Chernog had already become weak after two hours of continuous bombardment by Ming howitzers. The city gate was missing, and a section of the city wall about two feet not far to the east of the city gate had collapsed. Sharen held a heavy shield and was already ready for battle.

"You idiot, how many shells do we have?" Liu Hongjian put down his binoculars and frowned and asked Kong Ermao, a member of the Artillery Battalion.

The gap was only about two feet wide, and there was simply no room for too many troops to attack the city together. If the superiority of troops could not be brought into play, the casualties would increase. Liu Hongjian felt that the gap had to be at least doubled.

"Returning to the lord, there are only 140 six rounds left in the howitzer, and there are still many shells for the small steel cannon." In the past two hours or so, Kong Ermao has been counting shells to live, so he remembers it clearly.

"What? There are only more than 100 rounds left? What the hell did you do? How do you let me attack the city without shells?" Liu Hongjian became angry when he heard it. It will take at least seven or eight days for a supply, as long as there is no problem with the supply line.

"My lord, you have to be reasonable! I still remember what you said when the siege started at noon:
"You fool, have you seen that city gate tower?"Blow it up to the sky for me, don't begrudge the shells!

There is an egg for the fool to just blow up the city gate?Blast me the city wall! '

Now you blame me for wasting cannonballs again, I... I am more wronged than that Dou E! "Kong Er's brows were wrinkled twice and his neck was stubbornly said.

The army waited in full force all day, and Kong Er was the busiest. In order to save shells, he had to personally participate in the angle calibration of many artillery pieces, and he also had to beware of a possible surprise attack from Chernog City at any time.

After working for half an afternoon, the city gate tower was blown up by him, and a gap was opened in the city wall. After completing both tasks, Liu Hongjian didn't agree with it, and blamed him for wasting shells. How could he be so difficult?

"Didn't I just say a few words about you, look at you! I won't pursue the matter of the shells. The gap is not big enough. I will give you the right to use another [-] shells. Look at it!" How to double the gap again."

Liu Hongjian scratched his head to ease the embarrassment, and drank some wine before going to bed, so he couldn't remember what he said at that time.

It's also my fault that Liu Hongjian often jokes and fights with his subordinates in the barracks, otherwise no general would dare to complain in front of the current prince.

"Can it be done?" Liu Hongjian raised his eyebrows when Kong Er was dumbfounded.

"I...I'll try." Kong Er was a little embarrassed. He used no less than [-] shells to open the gap before, but now he only gave [-] shells, but he wanted to double the gap.

"Promise! Is it okay? If not, the king will come in person!"

"Okay! If I can't do it, I'll come and see you!" The fool was taunted by Liu Hongjian, and he waited for the gap in the city wall and gritted his teeth.

It didn't take long for the shelling of the artillery battalion to start again, but it was not like before, this time it was Kong Er who was the fool himself.


With the sound of a cannon, the shell just hit the bottom of the broken wall, and Kong Er's subordinates immediately burst into applause.

Kong Er didn't delay, he ordered someone to reload and then continued to aim and fire. The second shell hit the original position impartially, which can be regarded as letting everyone see the hard power of the artillery camp leader.

A total of four shells exploded at the same location, and finally blasted a gap under the broken wall, but the bottom was hollowed out, but the city wall did not collapse.

Next, Kong Er still aimed the shells at the hollows at the bottom and continued shelling. After 26 shells were fired, the bottom of the broken wall had been hollowed out in several places.

It's just that the hollowing out belongs to the hollowing out, but the upper part of the broken wall did not collapse, which made Kong Er's subordinates sweat for the chief officer.

But Kong Er didn't panic in the slightest. While signaling his subordinates to continue reloading, he took another look through the binoculars, but the sweat on his forehead and neck had already stained his clothes.


Another shell was fired, and the upper part of the broken wall seemed to shake and a few bricks fell off. Several artillery battalion officials were about to cheer, but the city wall was very disappointing and did not fall down.

Kong Er stupidly waved his hand to signal to continue reloading. At this time, he had already ignored the reactions of others. He fixed his eyes on the fulcrum at the broken wall, and stretched out his right thumb with the binoculars to correct the direction.


The shell precisely hit the fulcrum of the broken wall, and then there was a loud bang, and the broken wall hollowed out at the bottom collapsed and billowed with dust.

Accompanied by the cheers of his subordinates, Kong Er raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then walked heavily to meet Liu Hongjian.

"You did a good job, I will reward you with a chicken leg tonight!" Liu Hongjian naturally expressed his appreciation.

Confucius grinned when he heard this.

Following Liu Hongjian's conquests, everyone knows that although Liu Hongjian's reward for chicken legs is really rewarding chicken legs, it can be regarded as a name in the credit book. Everything is possible.

"Don't worry, it's not over yet!

Did you see those shield soldiers?Give me a bang on them!

Barbara, you should also prepare, wait for the enemy to become a mess, and immediately charge!

Su Ketu, Lin He, and Lu Haibo, the three of you each lead [-] troops to attack the other three gates, and you don't need to attack the city, just surround them from a distance. If someone surprises you, you will be served with grenades! "Liu Hongjian calmly began to give orders to his subordinates.

The specifications of Chernog City are much larger than that of Erkou City. In addition, refugees and defeated soldiers from the surrounding small towns have all poured into this city. There are more than 10 Raksha soldiers in the city, and the number of civilians is unprecedented. More than [-] people.

Lin He and Lu Haibo looked at each other in silence when they heard the words. As the official generals of the empire, they were very disgusted with the massacre of civilians.

But they also knew that it was right to do so. The Rakshasa people were tough, and if they wanted to completely conquer this land, they could only be more iron-blooded than them.

At this time, the eyes of Marquis Vasili in the city were already red, and the defense of Chernog City did not last a day. This was something that Marquis Vasily did not expect at all.

Daming's artillery is really too domineering. Even Moscow City probably wouldn't last two days with such power, but it's meaningless to think about it at this time.

"Sir Guy Ritchie, is the West City sure to break through?" Marquis Vasili asked.

Although he swore before the city defense battle that he would live and die with Chernog City, it was only to strengthen the morale of the army. If the new army of the empire really died in his hands, the Raksha Kingdom would not be able to continue in a short time. Resist the Ming army's attack.

"Your Excellency the Marquis, there are a lot of firearm camps of the Ming army outside the city, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through!" Ge Ritchie wondered.

"Pass my military order, if the east city cannot be defended, except for the 8000 people directly under me, everyone else will break through from the west city!" Vasili's voice was a little heavy.

He must try his best to preserve his strength, but... Alas!Vasily glanced at the soldiers at the broken wall who were still shouting and supporting their heavy shields and sighed.

"But..." Guy Ritchie wanted to say that it would be better to let him stay, but at this moment, the artillery outside the East City began to roar again, choking his words back.

The artillery shells exploded directly among the heavy shield formations of the Raksha Kingdom. The heavy shield formation composed of thousands of people was blasted to pieces during the roar, and many soldiers began to retreat in fear.

Gerich gave a military salute to Vasily, then glanced at the rest of his colleagues, and ran towards his troops.

At the same time, outside the east city wall, Barbara and 2 Ming cavalry could no longer hold back.

"Follow me, charge! Take Chernog City!"


 Thanks to the book friend Mouse for going to the street to reward 1100 taels, thank the book friend 20180708222933601 for the reward of 500 taels, thank the book friends for the 100 taels who donated the ax while drunk, and did not change their name if they did not pass the exam Bing Kuo Le rewarded 1000 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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