Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 859 The Fall of Chernog

Chapter 859 The Fall of Chernog ([-])
With an order, Babara and his personal guards rushed towards the broken wall first, [-] cavalry and horses galloped, and the billowing smoke and dust blocked everyone's sight.

"My lord, there is a change in the west city, Master Lin He judges that the enemy may break through from the west city!"

Almost at the same time as Babara launched the general attack, an orderly rushed to the direction of the west city to report.

"Let Kong Shen go to support the mortar battalion and tell them that the king wants to wipe them all out!" Liu Hongjian said very calmly.

The defensive side of the siege battle has a good location, and the attacking side often suffers several times the damage of the defensive side, but all this is no longer applicable because of the advent of the howitzer.

If there are enough shells, the attacker can continue to bombard outside the range of the defender, and the defender can only go out of the city to fight in the field except to continue to be beaten.

Liu Hongjian knew how many shells there were in the army, but the Raksha people in the city didn't know.

The east city has already been bombed, and according to the terrifying power of the howitzers, the four cities will be opened in two days, and the Rakshasa soldiers in the city will be even more passive by then.

Therefore, Vasili decisively chose to break out of the siege, taking advantage of the time when the Ming army outside the east city wall launched a general attack, and proceeded to break out from the west city in order to preserve the strength of the empire.

It's just that this caught Liu Hongjian's fancy. Linhe's musketeer battalion was already in full swing, and the Raksha cavalry were attacked head-on by mortars as soon as they left the city.

But the Raksha people were very determined. It seemed that everyone knew that the only way to survive was to break through. They yelled Ula in the face of the artillery fire to strengthen their courage, and continued to advance towards Linhe's musket battalion.

"The grenadiers are ready! Throw—"

"The first and third teams of the Musket Battalion are ready to shoot!"


The equipment of the two sides was not at the same level at all. Except for the grenades thrown by a few Rakshasa cavalry, which caused some losses to Lin He's troops, the battle in Xicheng ended with the retreat of the Rakshasa cavalry in less than half an hour.

At the same time, the battle in the city was also in full swing. Babara had already captured the east wall, and more Ming soldiers poured into the city to fight the Raksha soldiers.

As the time passed, everyone knew who the victory belonged to, but the Ming army did not receive an order to surrender, and the beleaguered Rakshasa people did not choose to surrender either.

"Master Vasili, Nancheng has also been lost, and the second breakout was unsuccessful. We...we should negotiate with the Ming army." Lieutenant Ulysses ran over with a group of soldiers with blood on their faces and said very firmly.

Negotiations are actually just rhetoric. Going to negotiate after the city has been breached is actually just a decent name for surrender.

Vasily has never made a statement. Ulysses was entrusted by other generals, and this time he came here to force the palace.

"Hehe, Your Excellency Ulysses, is this how you are loyal to the empire?" Vasili looked at the soldiers who were gathering around him, and gave Ulysses a contemptuous glance.

Most of his personal guards had died in battle, and there were only a dozen people around him nervously protecting Vasily behind him.

The strategy for defending Chernog was set by him. He admitted that the defeat was caused by his miscalculation of the Ming army's armaments. As the Marquis of the Empire and the commander-in-chief of the front line, he was ready to fight against the city.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that the other generals didn't do well and they didn't want to die.

Ulysses took control of Vasily, and immediately discussed with other generals to send the person in charge of impeachment, but what shocked them was that this person was chopped down by the red-eyed Ming army before he even went out of the city.

"My lord, the Ming army refuses to negotiate!" The entourage who had been hacked ran over wailing.

Ulysses frowned, could it be that he was not sincere enough?After all, I heard that Daming is a country that likes to pick words. It makes the Ming army uncomfortable to say that surrender is a negotiation. Well, it must be so.

Then Ulysses sent out the second and third, and specifically told them to surrender. They couldn't run, they couldn't run, and they couldn't fight. He didn't care about face anymore.

It's just that whether it's negotiation or surrender, there is no doubt that Liancheng was killed before leaving the city.

Ulysses was in a hurry, could it be that Daming wanted to kill all 10 people in the city?

"My lord, the Ming army refused to accept the surrender, and Marquis Vasili committed suicide!" Another soldier came to report.

Boom—boom boom—

At this time, Babara finally opened the gate of the North City. Lu Haibo led more than 1 fresh troops to strangle the Rakshasa people in the city. The warehouse where the Rakshasa people stored gunpowder was ignited. I was stunned on the spot.


"My lord, the battle is over, we have won!" In Liu Hongjian's tent, generals such as Lu Haibo and Lin He came to report excitedly.

"It's all hard work, let me report the situation of the battle." Liu Hongjian's expression was surprisingly calm.

He had already expected the outcome of the battle, it was only a matter of time.

"We killed more than 2000 brothers in battle, and the number of wounded is roughly the same." Chang Yu knew that Liu Hongjian would always care about his own people the most, so he said first.

"My lord, I haven't counted how many Rakshasa soldiers were killed, but according to the surrendered Rakshasa soldiers, they guarded the city with more than 5 people, which means they killed at least [-] people." Lin He low soundtrack.

Killing more than 3 enemies in one day surprised everyone.

In the era of cold weapons, many battles could not kill tens of thousands of people for several days. However, after howitzers, mortars, muskets, and grenades were fully added to the battlefield, the efficiency of warfare was more than several times higher.

"Well, properly dispose of the corpses of the soldiers who died in battle, Lao Gu, I will trouble you to start the battle report for the imperial court, Lao Chang, order the fire-headed army to stew meat at night, and each person will be served with two taels of soju."

It's too cold, and the soldiers must be rewarded for fighting for a day. Fortunately, Raksha people also like to drink, and the army has collected a lot of wine from various cities all the way. Soju is really not enough.

Alas, the imperial court's supplies are getting slower and slower. The temperature at night does not exceed ten degrees at most, but the imperial court's cotton coats have not been available yet, which makes Liu Hongjian very upset.

"My lord, Governor Barbara asked for instructions on how to deal with the captives and civilians in the city." Suktu entered the tent and walked over vigorously.

"There are more than 6000 Rakshas captured, and there are at least [-] civilians in the city." Lin He reminded in a low voice before Liu Hongjian gave an order.

Especially the more than 6000 captives, they all took the initiative to put down their weapons and knelt down, thinking about the fate of these people

Liu Hongjian picked up his wine glass and took a sip. He didn't understand what Lin He meant, but kindness doesn't command soldiers, and the deeper he goes into the heart of the Raksha country, the more ruthless he will be.

If you are not cruel to others, you are cruel to yourself. You can see it in the eyes of a Rakshasa.

"Order Babara to block the gate of the city, and order people to collect firewood to light the fire. Lin He and Lu Haibo sent soldiers to guard the gap in the city wall. Don't let a Rakshasa escape."


 Thanks to the book friends Lian Yu Lian Yu, Drunk with lights and axes, Creating a better world, Runaway little squirrel, Big brother wants to drink Bing Kuo Le, 118669.qdcn, Book friends 141227003133322, Mouse took to the street for their rewards, I have been on a business trip recently , I have to socialize and drink, I am not feeling well today, so I just asked for leave to make up for it, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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