Chapter 862
The expeditionary force headed by Liu Hongjian endured the cold current of West Siberia all the way westward, and the grain transportation team on the long supply line was also racing against time. At almost the same time, Zhu Cihong, who was three thousand miles away, was also in pain.

The royal conquest, the expansion of territory, and the capture of the emperor of the Raksha Kingdom made Zhu Cihong's reputation in the court hall awe-inspiring.

Especially among the people, the fans of Neichang distributed leaflets everywhere, and quickly spread Zhu Cihong's great achievements to all parts of Ming Dynasty. The common people all rejoiced and praised the military might of Ming Dynasty.

Conscientiously speaking, Zhu Cihong was really happy for a while hearing the news from people in Dongchang who praised him from all over the world every day, but it also satisfied his long-suppressed vanity of belonging to a newborn calf.

But there is a price for being cool, and the price is that money is spent like running water, and the sound of a cannon is worth ten thousand taels of gold. Liu Hongjian once said this to him, but Zhu Cihong only now understands the true meaning of this sentence.

The Western Expedition to Rakshasa was a common idea between him and Liu Hongjian. Although the courtiers complained, they chose to compromise due to their strength. But fighting costs money. Not long after Zhu Cihong came back, Zhang Tianlu, Minister of the Household Department, Start to do the calculations for him, really do the calculations, calculate the taxes and expenditures of Ming Dynasty this year.

I really miss those days of war!Big mouthfuls of meat, big bowls of wine, happy love and hatred, alas, I don't know what is going on with Liu Qing now, thinking about it, Zhu Cihong seems to have returned to the days two months ago.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?" Pang Pang Hai stood aside and called in a low voice.

"Oh, what did Zhang Aiqing just say?" Zhu Cihong came back to find that the courtiers were all staring at him, and Zhang Tianlu was holding an account book in his hand with a slightly unhappy expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, there are only more than 800 million taels of silver left in the treasury. In short, if the imperial court follows the current expenditure speed, the Taicang silver will be exhausted in half a year." Zhang Tianlu closed the thick account book and said.

"What? There's only so much left? Didn't there be more than 6000 million taels half a year ago?" Zhu Cihong frowned.

Look, is this what people say?
If Uncle Chongzhen, or his uncle Tianqi, grandfather Taichang, and great-grandfather Wanli heard these words, they would probably be overwhelmed.

Mr. Wanli sent tax supervisors and mine supervisors to various places wantonly, and after a lifetime of tossing, he could barely maintain it.

It's just that after being surprised, the old ancestors will definitely roll up their sleeves and beat Zhu Cihong, a bastard, who spends 5000 million in a fucking year. Is there such a prodigal?

After he finished speaking, he found that the courtiers had very strange expressions, and even a few elderly ministers shook their heads slightly. Just now, Zhang Tianlu and Lin Zongzong talked about this year's expenditure. Obviously, Zhu Cihong didn't hear a word.

So Zhang Tianlu opened the account book again.

"Your Majesty, maybe what I said just now was a bit fast, so I will repeat it again.

This year, the Ministry of Industry has disbursed a total of more than 640 million taels of cash for the construction of new official roads in various provinces, that is, cement concrete official roads. Zhang Tianlu looked up at Zhu Cihong and explained.

"In addition, there are other matters such as the construction of new schools in various prefectures and counties, the reinforcement of the Yellow River embankment, and the renovation of palaces."

Zhu Cilang knew about this. The Ming Dynasty had just completed the construction of the first main road connecting the north and the south, and Liu Hongjian proposed to build the main roads between the provinces.

In his words, it is easy for millions of workers to disperse, but it is difficult to gather again. It is better to take advantage of the maturity of these workers' skills and build more roads while the iron is hot. Zhu Cihong also nodded.

There was also the issue of the reform of the imperial examination system. After the two discussed, Zhu Cihong made a decree to establish a comprehensive school in each province. The subjects should cover engineering, science, medicine, and the original Confucianism. Liu Hongjian called it a university.

The Ministry of Households provides money, the Ministry of Industry produces craftsmen, each province builds a comprehensive university, each prefecture builds a middle school, and each county builds a relatively small-scale Meng Xue for a certain subject.

The money in this big battle must have been spent like running water, Zhu Cihong naturally felt a little compelled in his heart, he was in a daze and motioned for Zhang Tianlu to continue talking.

"The other is the research and development expenditure of the Ordnance Institute, rewards, and wages of craftsmen and workers. This year, a total of more than 1000 two million taels of cash has been spent."

Zhang Tianlu paused after speaking, as if he was waiting for Zhu Cihong to ask questions, if Zhu Cihong had any objections, he would immediately explain exactly where the money was spent.

But Zhu Cihong didn't delve into it. The reason why the Ming army can achieve its current glory is not only strict training, but also more advanced and powerful firearms, and these are all due to the craftsmen in the ordnance institute who are working on research and development day and night.

The Ordnance Institute's current stalls are really too big. It is simply a military industry and research and development group supported by the state's finances. From the research and development and iteration of artillery and guns to new inventions such as tractors, rubber, and bicycles, there are all kinds of projects. There are dozens of them.

Except for the manufacture of firearms related to the great cause of the military and the country, the Ordnance Institute is responsible for the civilian product ordnance institute.

The reason why the Ordnance Institute has to develop civilian products is also a problem. The best craftsmen from all over the Ming Dynasty are gathered in the Ordnance Institute. It is estimated that the craftsmen from other places will not be able to see it until he dies. Everywhere is unrealistic.

Therefore, Daming can only do its best to educate and cultivate a group of trustworthy people with novel thinking and daring to think and do.

Liu Hongjian also once told Zhu Cihuang that the army can only rely on bravery and not fearing death. It must have advanced firearms. Firearms rely on technology, and technology depends on education. The investment in education and research and development will definitely be huge.

Education and technology cannot be achieved overnight. They need to be cultivated slowly by one generation, or even two or three generations, and they will be the foundation and pillar of the future empire.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with this expenditure.

These two items alone cost nearly 4000 million yuan a year, burning money, definitely burning money. Zhu Cihong seemed to see Liu Hongjian pulling out the hard-earned money from the Ming treasury one by one, and he was powerless. .

"The last big expense is the current war that the imperial court is waging with Raksha and the Netherlands." Zhang Tianlu continued.

He didn't even mention the salaries of the officials, because compared with these three major expenditures, the salaries of the officials are not enough.

Especially this year's war, Zhang Tianlu and most officials have always felt a little inexplicable. In the eyes of these officials who are masters of Confucianism, Ming only needs to defend its inherent territory.

After all, Confucianism is all about etiquette, and war is even more about being famous as a teacher. In their eyes, Liu Hongjian's behavior is tantamount to invasion, which is contrary to the original intention of Confucianism.

Daming was rich all over the world, with high-yielding crops such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn, plus local wheat and rice, it was completely self-sufficient and lived a peaceful life.

But when Tian Zi and Anguo County King wanted to pursue some kind of ocean, and they were at war with Raksha and the Netherlands at the same time, it was really a pain in the ass to find something to do.

"The Ministry of Households must guarantee the supplies of the King of Anguo and the Expeditionary Army. If there is no discount, I will say this one last time!"

Zhu Cihong was not careless when he heard the words, he stood up and stared at Zhang Tianlu, Minister of the Household Department.


PS: I went to the hospital with back pain yesterday, and today I am taking painkillers for another chapter, and I will continue tomorrow, so please don't leave me, I am working hard too.

 Thanks to book friend Chih for the reward of 600 taels, to book friend Chih for the reward of 100 taels, and to book friend Mouse for the reward of 1000 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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