Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 863 Two North and South Cannons

Chapter 863
One hundred thousand soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were fighting desperately on the front line. If the imperial court could not even guarantee supplies, it would be disappointing. Zhu Cihong would not be sloppy on this point. This was the advice given to him by his father.

One of the advices is to do your best to polish the sharp sword in your hand. This sharp sword is the army. Only by giving kindness to the generals and goodness to the soldiers can the emperor be invincible.

Not to mention that the Western Expedition to Rakshasa was originally his approval. He absolutely could not let Liu Hongjian suffer in terms of supplies. How will Hung-chien go after Daming is gone?

"Your Majesty, the supply line is too long, it's a full [-] miles, and if the King of Anguo continues to fight west, this supply line will continue to be extended.

In the 300 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there has never been a war of three thousand miles in front of the supply line. " Zhang Tianlu sighed.

Although there is a gap in political opinions, Zhang Tianlu can still distinguish the importance of military and state affairs. Of course, he knows that with his current ability, he is not an opponent if he wants to play tricks on Liu Hongjian, so he is also careful about supplies.

However, the supply line is too long. It is not a short distance to mobilize from the south to Datong, and then transfer to Beihai or Xinjiang. After leaving the two places and going west, there are still war-torn borders. Every time you go abroad, you must send more soldiers to guard against them.

In addition, the severe cold in the north hindered the speed of the food transport team. In the past two months, more than 2000 soldiers of the food transport team were frostbitten, and they were attacked by wolves several times in the middle of the night, so that the [-] shi army food arrived at the front line Five or six out of ten consumers along the way.

"Just tell me how much military expenditures have been spent this year!" Zhu Cihong was still unmoved after hearing Zhang Tianlu's explanation.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the total expenditure is 100 million taels, of which 740 million taels are the food, military pay, equipment, etc. of the 110 million army and navy troops from all over the Ming Dynasty."

When Zhang Tianlu said this, he didn't even turn over the account books. Obviously, he was familiar with the current military expenditure of Ming Dynasty.

The food and military pay of the entire garrison is 740 million taels, which means that the remaining more than 300 million taels are the cost of the Western Expedition to Rakshasa.

More than 300 million taels were consumed in a few months, and it is likely to continue. This is undoubtedly a challenge for the treasury, which only has more than 1000 million taels of silver deposits. Moreover, the expenditure of the imperial court is not limited to the army.

"What about taxes?" Zhu Cihong asked suddenly after being silent for a moment.

"Returning to Your Majesty, up to now, a total of 400 million taels of commercial tax has been collected in China, and the tariff is almost negligible due to the blockade by the Netherlands."

Expenditures are several times more than income, which is a serious fiscal deficit.

Zhu Cihong was silent again, he walked back and forth in front of the dragon chair several times as if he was trying to find a way, and at the same time, the ministers in the court did not dare to say more.

"Pang Dahai draws up the decree that the construction of the new palace will be stopped immediately, and the repair of the old palace will also be stopped. I don't need to buy this year's royal robes. All expenses in the palace will be reduced, and the saved silver will be used for the army." Zhu Cihong frowned and said. .

"This..." The ministers in the hall were a little surprised when they looked around, they seemed to be aware of the familiar smell.

But it is not enough to satisfy the army, and the expenditure of the new school and the armory cannot be saved, but where is the money?
Zhu Cihong was still thinking about it, he looked at the ministers in the court, and suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Let's not talk about these bad things for now, how are you Aiqings doing recently, can you have enough food and clothing at home?" Zhu Cihong suddenly showed a benevolent smile, looking at the ministers and asked.

Hearing that Zhang Tianlu and the others standing in the forefront trembled.

But the rest of the subjects didn't recall it, and they thought it was the emperor who cared about their food and clothing.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, since the imperial court has increased the salaries of officials in the past two years, although the ministers and others are not rich in clothing and food, the food and clothing of the family is still not a problem. Thank you for your concern." A member of the back row, Wai Lang, bowed and bowed. said with a smile.

The last salary increase had a big impact on the officials, especially those officials who are clean and honest. The salary paid by the court is enough to allow the family to live well and have a surplus.

Immediately after the official finished speaking, other mid-level officials who didn't know the truth echoed, and after a while, the court hall was full of praises for Zhu Cihong.

"Hey! Dear friends, you don't have to worry about food and clothing. Now I only worry about whether the soldiers on the front line will have enough to eat. They are working hard in the Luocha country, but I even supply supplies. Every time I think about this, my heart hurts." , a dull pain!" Zhu Cihong held his chest gently.

Zhang Tianlu and Cheng Zhi rolled their eyes, thinking that they knew this earlier, and the chief assistant Li Banghua and second assistant Han Yu of the cabinet naturally also knew it well, but they didn't say anything.

Zhu Cihong's words have reached this point, if the other officials still don't understand the taste, it will be an insult to the imperial examination system, and the atmosphere in the court will become very embarrassing.

"Qi Zuo Your Majesty, there is an old saying that if the king is worried, the minister will be humiliated, and if the king is humiliated, the minister will die. I am willing to donate this month's salary and the remaining silver at home, a total of 8000 taels, to relieve your majesty's urgent needs!"

Shi Kefa, a scholar of the Zhongji Temple and Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, went out to play immediately.

Since Shi Kefa entered Beijing and joined the cabinet, his true nature has undoubtedly been revealed, and his ability to fight the sky and the earth is comparable to that of Huang Daozhou, who is far away in Guangzhou.

As long as he sees or hears any officials who know the law and violate the law, or other injustices, Shi Kefa will immediately launch an attack, so that in less than half a year, Shi Kefa got a new nickname - Shi Dapao.

Together with Huang Daozhou, who is far away in Guangzhou, they are called the Second Artillery of the North and the South. Since the two officials who have never caught wind and impeachment are indeed guilty, and both of them are promoted by someone, the courtiers also hide if they can't provoke them. Can jump up to now.

"Shi Aiqing's words are wrong. This is not my urgent need, but the imperial court's and Ming's urgent need. However, I am really relieved that Shi Aiqing has such awareness!"

Zhu Cilang gave Shi Kefa a puzzled smile and corrected his speech.

"It's my minister who didn't think carefully, thank you for your reminder!" Shi Kefa admitted his fault with cupped fists.

The two sang together and interpreted what it meant to be united as a monarch and his ministers, which made the other courtiers feel as uncomfortable as if they had eaten rat feces.

After Shi Kefa withdrew, Zhu Cihong stopped talking, but sat on the dragon chair and looked at the officials, as if waiting for their expressions.

The atmosphere became more awkward.

"The minister is willing to donate 3 taels for the urgent needs of the court." Second assistant Han Yu came out of the class to play.

After Han Yu finished speaking, Chief Assistant Li Banghua spoke a step later.

"The minister is willing to donate 1 taels."

"The minister donated 2 taels."

"The minister donated 8000 taels."


After all, it is a Beijing official, and many old ministers already have some savings. Driven by Shi Kefa, the chief assistant, and the second assistant, the officials spontaneously began to report their own amounts according to their positions and family conditions.

At the same time, Pang Dahai, who was standing behind the throne, was writing vigorously with a brush in his hand. What he wrote was all money!

"Nowadays, the Ming Dynasty's finances are in critical condition, and I and all my dear ministers should share honor and disgrace together. I would like to temporarily halve the salaries of all the officials in the world until the financial tolerance is granted.

Retreat! "

Zhu Cihong descended the imperial steps in satisfaction, and then walked out of the Huangji Hall with his head held high.


 Thanks to the book friend for the 100 taels for lighting up the lamp and looking at the ax while drunk, and thank the book friend Mouse for going to the street to reward the 1000 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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