Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 871 The Call of the Wild

Chapter 871 The Call of the Wild (4000th update, [-]-word chapter)
In the wilderness of West Siberia, a furious gale roared, as if it wanted to sweep away everything on the ground. The wind and snow covered the sky and the sun could not be seen all day long, and the entire sky was gray.

An army is struggling in the knee-deep snow. They are wearing thick gray-black cotton-padded clothes. The cotton-padded clothes are actually black, but because the weather is so cold, the slight body heat from the body makes the snowflakes stick together. Then it was quickly frozen by the extremely low temperature, making the clothes look gray and black.

"Old Chang, what time is it?" Liu Hongjian raised the veil on his face and shouted at Chang Yu.

His eyes are also covered with a piece of gauze, which is to prevent snow blindness. Although the gauze affects part of his vision, the loss is much smaller than that of being blind.

The bitter cold wind made Liu Hongjian shiver, he had to roar loudly, the strong wind seemed to blow away his voice.

"My lord, it should have just passed Shen Shi!" Chang Yu estimated.

With no sun and being in the wilds of West Siberia, it was almost impossible to tell the time.

"The wind is too strong, we can't go any further, order the troops to set up camp here tonight!" Liu Hongjian ordered.

The army has hardly encountered any resistance since Chernog, but the territory of the Raksha Kingdom is really too big.

At first Liu Hongjian still didn't understand. He thought that there were dozens of countries gathered in a place as big as Europa, why didn't they compete with Luocha for the territory?
But now he understands that the fucking Raksha country is too cold, so cold that most places can only see the sun for a few months a year, and it is too cold to grow crops.

So basically no one wants to live in a wasteland where dripping water turns into ice.

No country is interested in a piece of wasteland where birds don't shit, so that the Raksha country is blessed with this vast land that is unique in the world.

But Liu Hongjian is very interested, what is the most valuable in the 21st century?

real estate?the Internet?science and technology?No, no, the most valuable thing has never changed, it is land.

Don't you see how many countries are fighting for a small island that is bigger than sesame mung beans.

You don't hear that for the sake of territorial disputes, many countries have fought on the border.

Therefore, taking advantage of people's weak awareness of borders at this time, Ming Dynasty wants to occupy more land. Although there is no way to take the entire earth as its own, the vast West Siberia Plain, Central Siberia Plateau, and East Siberia Mountains must be taken. .

It may not be suitable for human habitation, but it is rich in forestry, mining, and oil resources.

Moreover, if Rakshasa is eliminated, Daming will have no strong enemy in the north.

For this goal, he came all the way with his army. All the excuses for war are just appearances, and the same is true for the war between Ming and Raksha.

Whether it's revenge for his ally Chahar, or for Xie Xinghua and others who died in the battle at Rakshasa, in the final analysis, Liu Hongjian has his eyes on this land.

After the [-]-strong army experienced the battles of Irkutsk, Tulun, and Chernog, fewer than [-] soldiers remained in the army.

In addition to the more than 1 soldiers who died in the battle, thousands of soldiers were forced to withdraw from the war because they could not stand the severe cold in Siberia.

Liu Hongjian knew in his heart that even if these soldiers returned to the mainland of Ming Dynasty, they would still not be able to live like normal people. Their hands and feet had already been frozen to death, and some ears had been frozen.

I especially remember that when I walked out of the tent that morning, the soldiers who helped me on duty froze to death outside the tent.

There are even soldiers whose ears are so cold that they lose consciousness. They tried to thump their ears to keep warm with their hands, but they thumped their ears without knowing it.

This situation continued until Feng Sheng delivered the cotton-padded clothes to the army. According to the scheduled date, Feng Sheng was 22 days late. During these 22 days, at least 4000 brave soldiers froze to death, and more than [-] limbs were froze. Had to return to Daming to retire.

Feng Sheng knew that he could not escape the guilt, so he knelt down to the expeditionary army with a few of his subordinates in pain.

But Liu Hongjian, apart from demoting him to a guerrilla, did not criticize the supply team too harshly. He knew better than anyone else how bad the weather in Siberia was.

Feng Sheng himself lost two fingers from the cold, and all his subordinates also suffered from frostbite. Of the 5000-strong food transport team, only 4000 or [-] people actually rushed to the front line.

The rest of the more than 700 people either fell asleep and never woke up, or slept too much at night and were killed by wolves. They only rested for two or three hours a day in order to rush to the supply army. At least 200 people died of exhaustion. On the way to transport food.

Although the military law was ruthless, as long as he did his best, Liu Hongjian really couldn't bear to attack the soldiers.

After Feng Sheng left the army, Liu Hongjian continued westward with an army of nearly [-], and arrived in the Vladimir region [-] days later, where the Ming army was attacked by a group of Cossacks, but because there were only a thousand of them It was about to be defeated by Linhe's Musketeers.

Although he got the supplies, in order to save supplies, Liu Hongjian directly ordered the thousands of people to be chopped into pieces and cooked in the food of the night, and told the unsuspecting soldiers that it was horse meat.

It was also that night that the third wave of supplies from the household department finally caught up with the expeditionary force. Apart from the necessary food and ammunition, the most important thing in these three waves of supplies was [-] bolt-action muskets.

That night Liu Hongjian did not fall asleep touching the polished bolt-action rifles, and it was these rifles that gave Liu Hongjian the confidence to continue fighting.

After passing the Vladimir region and continuing westward for more than half a month, the temperature gradually eased, but the long-lost enemy still did not appear, which made Liu Hongjian very anxious.

Now he seems to feel the desperation of Napoleon's conquest of Rakshasa. He walked for a month without even seeing anyone, let alone food and supplies.

If he didn't know the mines under this land in his heart, he couldn't find a definite reason to attack the Raksha country. He thought that Napoleon must have been so entangled back then.

"Give extra meals to the soldiers tonight, at least three taels of meat per person." Liu Hongjian gave Babara an order.

It is difficult to maintain combat effectiveness in the severe cold by eating only rice. The meat stored in his ring has long been exhausted.

One war horse is enough for five hundred people, and each expeditionary force is equipped with two war horses.

But Liu Hongjian seldom gave the order to kill horses unless it was absolutely necessary. War horses were soldiers' companions.

"Yes, my lord." Babara frowned and didn't say much.

Each person would share three or two pieces of meat, so at least fifty war horses would have to be killed. The Mongols loved war horses as much as the Han, and Barbara hated killing war horses, but an order was an order.

"It's about [-] miles away from Moscow, the capital of the Raksha Kingdom. In the next few days, please cheer me up. The Raksha people may launch an attack at any time." Liu Hongjian looked at the map and said. .

He didn't believe that the Raksha people would really sit and wait to die. According to the current marching speed of fifty miles a day, they could reach Moscow in as little as ten days at the earliest.

It can be said without hesitation that the so-called strategic depth and tactics of strengthening the wall and clearing the field have failed against the Ming army.

"Yes, my lord, starting from tonight, I will double the number of soldiers on duty at night." Su Ketu said in a low voice.

The night in the wilderness is empty and lonely, and the emptiness is frightening, especially the boundless darkness, the howling wind, and the oppression of not seeing the stars.

From time to time, I can still hear the howling of wolves, the wilderness is calling...

"Maul? Still asleep?" Liu Hongjian said softly while lying in the tent.

He felt that Niu Da Bangchui was not asleep because he didn't hear the snoring.

Since Zhu Cihong returned to Beijing, Liu Hongjian has been living in a tent with Niu Dabang, because it is so boring that the sound of snoring becomes a lullaby.

"Huh? Master wants to drink water? I'll go pour it for you right now." Niu Da Bangchui thought that his master was thirsty, completely ignoring the warm quilt, and sat up to pour water.

"I'm not thirsty, lie down, let's talk for a while." Liu Hongjian said without words.

"Oh." Niu Dazhuai scratched his rough beard and hair and lay down again.

Niu Dabangchui hasn't taken care of his beard and hair for more than two months. His hair is fine, and the beard on his face is a full two inches long.

It's not that the bull is lazy. In fact, the vast majority of soldiers in the army ignored their beards, because beards can withstand part of the harsh wind and snow. With beards as a barrier, they will not be hit directly on the face.

Of course, Liu Hongjian had to shave every few days. After all, as the prince of Ming Dynasty and the commander-in-chief of the whole army, he still had to pay attention to his personal image.

But fortunately, his equipment is relatively complete, including a full set of fox fur coats, and even several hats.

"Missing your wife?" Liu Hongjian said.

"Well, I still miss my daughter." Niu Da Bangchui said honestly.

"It's almost New Year's Eve. Master, I'm sorry, I can't go home to celebrate the New Year again." Liu Hongjian said ashamedly.

"What did the master say, my life belongs to the master, I can't make up my mind, and I feel at ease in following the master.

Besides, didn't the master say that I can celebrate the New Year every day when I go home. "Niu Dabangchui is very satisfied with his current state. Although the battle is a bit bitter, he has never been bullied a few years ago.

Moreover, his parents, wife and children are living well without worrying about food and clothing, and he has also won a title. Although he is a passing title, he can always keep his family rich.

Over the past few years, Niu Dabanchui is very content.

"When you go home this time, your eldest will be able to learn to read and write. Let your eldest go to our private school in Xishan next year." Liu Hongjian said casually.

Liu Hongjian's private school did not teach the mysteries of the universe, nor did it teach people's inherent good nature. The private school mainly focused on literacy, and the characters they knew also included pinyin.

The pinyin was naturally created by Liu Hongjian. This is the tutorial that Daming Mengxue will use soon, but it was taught to his children in Xishan in advance.

In addition to spelling and literacy, there are also some common natural phenomena mixed in the course, similar to the enlightenment questions in One Hundred Thousand Whys.

The so-called cute learning is for enlightenment, to broaden children's thinking and vision, and to prepare for children to learn more profound knowledge in the future.

"Then I have to thank the master, my child is wild, I'm afraid I can't control it!" Niu Dabangchui grinned thinking of his own child.

"Hehe, what I want is this wildness. The emperor told me some time ago that he wanted to send his children to Xishan Private School to learn how to read, so, do you understand what I mean?" Liu Hongjian said with a smirk.

"Ah? The emperor's child, isn't that the prince? Why do they want to come here? Can my child still learn to read with the prince?" Niu Da Bangchui's eyes were bigger than the cow's.

The prince went out to the Shang Xuetang outside the palace, no one would believe this, if the emperor wanted to find attendants for his sons, he would grab a lot of them.

What made Niu Dabangchui even more depressed was that he didn't understand what his master wanted him to understand.

"Stupid, Zhu Cihong has a lot of kids, so Niu Ren must stand by my Aotian from now on!"


Almost exactly as Liu Hongjian expected, on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, the army arrived in the Samara wilderness, and it was here that Liu Hongjian finally saw the long-lost Rakshasa.

The army had not seen a living Rakshasa for more than [-] days, and saw tens of thousands of Rakshasa at this sight. Liu Hongjian, like the soldiers, not only did not feel fear, but was a little excited.

Living people, huh, huh.

"My lord, they are coming, do you want to shoot them?" Chang Yu held up his binoculars and saw through the wind and snow a man running from afar on horseback among the Raksha National Army.

As soon as Chang Yu finished speaking, Yang Tianbao on the side immediately brought the AKM on his back to his chest.

"No need." Liu Hongjian only said two words.

He can figure out what the Raksha people want to do with his ass. The army is almost reaching Moscow. They must come to negotiate without the certainty of victory.

"Honorable Lord Daming, I have come to your army to ask for negotiations under the orders of the Patriarch of the Raksha Kingdom. We need peace."

The Raksha man did not dismount when he came to Liu Hongjian's army, and spoke to Liu Hongjian who was a dozen paces away in blunt Ming language.

"Which f*cking onion are you?" Liu Hongjian said in a sneer.

He had already seen that Europa people didn't understand etiquette, but the war was already approaching Moscow, and the Rakshasa people were still so arrogant, which made Liu Hongjian very unhappy.

The Raksha language interpreter accompanying the army scratched his head as if he was thinking about how to translate, but after thinking and thinking, he couldn't find a suitable Raksha word, so he yelled at the Raksha man in Liu Hongjian's tone:

"What's your fucking name?"

The Raksha man was a little dazed when he heard the words, but he had no time to gossip about the details because of his heavy responsibility, so he directly reported his own name and his mother's name, which caused Liu Hongjian and many Ming generals to laugh wildly.

"The great patriarch who told you, your tsar is with me, and several of your dukes and marquises died in my hands.

This king gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it, now this king can give you another chance, of course this is the last time.

If you want to negotiate, show some sincerity and let your great patriarch come to join the king's army! "Liu Hongjian said sternly to the Rakshasa.


 Thanks to the book friend Xunmeng Yuanmeng for the reward of 1000 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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