Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 872 The Battle in the Wilderness of Samara

Chapter 872 The Battle in the Wilderness of Samara (a chapter of 8000 words)
On the other side, Nikon, the Patriarch of the Raksha Kingdom, was also calmly waiting for the return of the envoy.

Patriarch Nikon is already 60 years old this year, but at this time his face is full of confidence, and being able to take over the power of the Raksha Kingdom again makes him look younger, while Duke Dumarod, the parliament standing beside him, is A look of gloom.

It took Alexi I three years to suppress the Patriarch who was in power, and it was only three years. Alexei proved his incompetence with his actions.

The great and vast Rakshasa Kingdom was conquered by the Eastern Ming Empire all the way from the Far East to the Middle East and then to the Near East. The territory currently controlled by the Rakshasa Kingdom is only a few hundred miles around Moscow.

The heroic Rakshasa was sent to the battlefield by the council time and time again, but was defeated by the Ming Empire again and again. Three months ago, the council finally decided to ask him to come out again to stand up to save the great Rakshasa country.

It is very difficult to recruit another [-] troops from the country with the fastest efficiency. At this time, only the Holy See where the Patriarch is located can really help the Raksha Kingdom. What the Patriarch has is religious Power, or the power of belief.

Most of the citizens of Rakshasa believe in the Orthodox Church. As Patriarch, Nikon issued a conscription order in the name of the church, calling on all believers to resist the invasion of the evil Ming Empire, and rendered the Ming Empire as a sinful heretic.

In just two months, more than [-] young and strong citizens of the Raksha Kingdom were recruited from the refugees brought back from Siberia and from the surrounding areas of the capital Moscow.

They shouted the slogan of clearing up the heretics, and vowed to fight back to the Ming Empire.

Behind Patriarch Nikon are the [-] recruits recruited. Although these recruits have only received one month of training, Patriarch Nikon firmly believes in the courage of these believers. They are all loyal believers. For God, they Willing to sacrifice his life.

In addition, since Da Ming's army came here thousands of miles away, they must be in dire straits, and it was the coldest season in the Raksha Kingdom, so he didn't think that the sheep-like soldiers of Da Ming could display their normal combat effectiveness.

As long as this war is won, the Raksha Kingdom will be ruled by the Church again, and as the chief patriarch of the Raksha Kingdom, he will rule the world again.

As for their emperor, hehe, an emperor who has become a prisoner has no face to argue with him.

"Your Excellency the Patriarch, do you think the Ming army will agree to negotiate a peace?" Rhodes said lukewarmly.

Duke Rhodes has never had a good impression of Patriarch Nikon. As the Duma of the Raksha Kingdom, he does not have much respect for Emperor Alexei, but he must be responsible for the parliament.

Speaking of which, the relationship between the emperor of the Raksha Kingdom, the Great Patriarch, and the Duma has always been extremely delicate. The emperor of the Raksha Kingdom is no better than the emperor of the Chinese nation.

In the consciousness of the Chinese nation, the king is the sky, the emperor is the son of heaven, and no one can disobey it. Is there any king in the world, and the land on the shore is the king's ministers. This is the reason.

But in Europa, the emperor is often just a nominal title. Below the emperor, there are parliaments and churches, as well as a number of dukes, marquises, and earls.

These dukes and marquises have their own territories and soldiers, and they are their private property. Even the emperor cannot easily take away their territories.

If there is a war, the meeting will be held through the parliament, and the lords who own the territory will gather soldiers together to obey the emperor's dispatch after a unanimous result is obtained.

It is also for this reason that Europa was later split into small countries dotted with stars. Although there was a revival of national consciousness during this period, it has to be said that the long-standing old-style enfeoffment system also played a considerable role.

Duke Rhodes was actually very contradictory. He hoped that Nikon would win the war, but at the same time worried that their group of main fighters would be liquidated after the war.

In order to preserve strength, the Duke of Rhodes negotiated with the parliament and the result was that the commander-in-chief could use Nikon, but he could only send teaching soldiers, and the last [-] elites of the Raksha Kingdom were guarded in Moscow.

"It's man-made, isn't it?" Nikon Patriarch turned his neck and smiled at Rhodes, but the smile was full of mockery.

It is ridiculous that the war was started by the stupid Alexei I, and now he is asked to help.

Whether to fight or not to fight, Nikon has calculations in his mind. Although he is not sure of winning if he fights, he expects that the fighting power of the Ming army will be compromised in such a severe cold environment, so he is not very worried.

If he can negotiate a peace, it will be equivalent to his victory, and he will end the war no matter what.

After a while, the envoy of the Raksha Kingdom returned from the camp of the Ming army with an angry expression on his face.

"Lord Patriarch, the commander of the Ming army is very unreasonable. He actually asked you to go to the Ming army to negotiate in person." The envoy replied truthfully.

"Hmph, I heard that the commander of the Ming army is only a young man in his early 20s, no wonder he is so arrogant." Nikon snorted coldly.

"Then how to deal with it next?" Rhodes said unhurriedly.

If a peace can be negotiated, the parliament will not invite Nikon to the stage again, and now it depends on how Nikon will deal with it.

"You go again, I want to know the conditions of the Ming army." Nikon was still calm, how could he not know what Rhodes was thinking.

Seeing that the envoy was running towards the Ming camp again, he bowed his head and explained a few words to a bishop to prepare him for the worst situation.

Liu Hongjian watched the Rakshasa boy go and come back, and immediately understood what the man wanted to ask, so before the Rakshasa could open his mouth, Liu Hongjian stated his conditions:

It is not impossible to negotiate a reconciliation, although this king has not seen your sincerity, but this king decided to give you a chance.

How about this, if all the territory of the Raksha Kingdom except Moscow is assigned to Ming, the Raksha Kingdom can only maintain an army of no more than 5 people.

Then I will pay a sum of military expenses and pensions for the Ming army. As for the specific amount, I have to let the king send someone to understand your situation in Moscow before deciding, how about it?

Oh, this king forgot, you can’t be the master, how about this, you go back and ask, if there is no problem, you should go back to Moscow quickly, don’t delay this king’s land acquisition! "Liu Hongjian said.

In good conscience, Liu Hongjian was really sincere, because he didn't want to face the European countries directly, and he believed that the European countries would definitely intervene, and Ming was not yet fully prepared for a war against Europa.

It's not a bad thing to use Rakshasa as a buffer with Europa. As for how long this contract can last, it depends on your mood.

If the Raksha Kingdom can be honestly brought in in Europa, then it’s okay to keep it, since Daming doesn’t lack the place in Moscow anyway.

"Arrogance! I have been in charge of the church for so many years, and I have never seen such an arrogant pagan!" Nikon could no longer restrain his emotions after hearing the messenger's reply.

If such an agreement is really signed and go back, not to mention not getting the support of the Raksha people, even the teaching soldiers will probably doubt their own beliefs.

"The Ming army has no sincerity in negotiating peace at all. War is inevitable. Inform Bishop Brandt and prepare for war!" Nikon knew that he had lost his composure, so he put away his emotions and said to the orderly soldier beside him.

In fact, he has already made preparations for war, and every instructor has an indulgence issued by the church on his chest.

Nikon had already explained to all the teaching soldiers through the church that this war will wash away their sins, and even if they die in battle, their souls can go straight to heaven.


It didn't take long for the Rakshasa National Education Corps to sound the mighty horn.

"Ula~Ula~Ula~!" Then there was a roar that resounded through the sky, which was the prelude to the charge.


"My lord, Maozi has started to slur again." Babara patted his horse to Liu Hongjian's side, and said unhappily.

"Hehe, it seems that I don't intend to seize the last chance." Liu Hongjian said speechlessly.

The character of the Rakshasa once again refreshed Liu Hongjian's opinion. Liu Hongjian originally thought that he was already arrogant enough.

If it was him, he would definitely not take the initiative to launch an attack when he was at a disadvantage. After all, the previous series of battles have already explained the problem.

Whether it is a city defense battle or a field battle, the defending side will have an advantage, especially in field battles, the defender's artillery can bombard the attacker from behind the position, but it is difficult for the attacker to do so.

Because of the limited attack distance, artillery soldiers cannot guarantee whether the shells will fall on the heads of their own people who are charging.

But he didn't expect the Rakshasa people to be even more arrogant, and they still chose to charge under such circumstances.

However, Liu Hongjian really wished for His Excellency the Patriarch Nikon. There is no doubt that Nikon is an excellent politician, otherwise he would not be riding on the head of the tsar and the parliament.

But a statesman is a statesman. He doesn't know how to do military affairs. In his opinion, he has superiority in military force and climate, and the faith of the instructors is enough to guarantee their courage.

In Da Ming's words, his Rakshasa soldiers had the right time, place and people, if they didn't launch an attack at this time, when would they wait?
"Lin He, are the soldiers still used to bolt-action rifles?" Liu Hongjian didn't have time to guess the reason for Nikon's arrogance, so he turned his head and asked General Lin He, the commander of the Musketeer Battalion.

Although the bolt-action rifle saves the careless loading, it is still different from the original gun structure.

"Returning to my lord, the only ones who can go out with us are veterans from a few years ago. They play with muskets like thieves. Although the structure of this bolt-action rifle is different, the overall operation is much more convenient than the previous muskets.

They have long wanted to try the power of the bolt-action rifle! " Lin He said excitedly.

"Then get ready to meet the enemy, Barbara, you still lead the cavalry to respond sideways on both sides of the trench. Once the musket battalion can't hold on, don't wait for the king's order, and immediately attack the enemy's line from both sides!"

Although he had high expectations for the bolt-action rifle, after all, there was no shooting test for each gun, and he was not sure about the stability of the bolt-action rifle in the severe cold environment, so Liu Hongjian had to make two-handed preparations.

"Humble position!" Babara immediately winked at Su Ketu, and the two ran towards the two sides of the Musket Battalion, one left and one right.

The Musketeer Battalion had already dug a trench about several hundred paces long. This was Liu Hongjian's new order after the bolt-action rifles arrived at the barracks.

Every time they camped in a place, they had to dig a trench. Although it might not be useful, but when it was really necessary, this trench would become the defense line of the Ming army.

At this time, 5000 bolt-action rifle soldiers had already squatted in the trenches. There was a small wooden box every two steps in the trench. Inside the box were brass magazines, and each magazine was loaded. Six rounds.

The production of bullet casings from brass was also a huge expense. At that time, Liu Hongjian thought for a long time before making the decision.

The reason is simple. Copper coins circulated in the Ming Dynasty, and brass has always been in short supply in the Ming Dynasty. However, it must be reasonable for countries to use brass as ammunition casings during World War I and World War II.

Although Liu Hongjian didn't understand why, it didn't matter, he just needed to know that there was no better material to replace it, and that was enough.

At least Ming Dynasty currently does not have the advanced copper-clad steel technology of later generations.

Behind the trenches are two hundred mortars. The range of this thing is not much longer than the bolt-action rifle. In addition, the position is behind the musket battalion. The range is at best the same as the bolt-action rifle. Forget it, after all, there are only five thousand bolt-action rifles.

Behind the mortar is a full 120 rear-loading howitzers. After two or three months of running in West Siberia, they have hardly fought much. After three supplies, Liu Hongjian has accumulated nearly 6000 rounds of howitzers in his hands. Shells, and mortar shells are even more, there are more than [-] shells.

"Ula~Ula~Ula~" With the sound of the horn, the Rakshasa cavalry took the lead in attacking.

Liu Hongjian had long been hiding behind the howitzer camp under the protection of the personal guard battalion. Niu Dazhuan and Kuo Duan stood behind Liu Hongjian in the AKM, while Chang Yu stood aside and waited. Other orders of Liu Hongjian.

boom boom-

Kong Er's artillery battalion took the lead in attacking, and the howitzers accurately exploded among the charging Rakshasa cavalry amidst bursts of roar, blowing up the charging Rakshasa cavalry.

Through the binoculars, Liu Hongjian even saw the broken limbs that had been blown up to the sky, but the instructors still maintained their formation and continued to charge forward. Their eyes were determined, as if death was only rebirth.

"My lord, have you noticed that this group of Rakshasa soldiers are different from the previous ones?" Chang Yu put down the binoculars and said to Liu Hongjian in front of him.

"Do you believe in Buddhism?" Liu Hongjian did not answer Chang Yu's question, but asked rhetorically.

"Buddhism? I don't really believe in it, but Zhuo Jing likes to worship Buddha whenever he encounters difficulties." Chang Yu responded.

Liu Hongjian smiled when he heard the words. This is probably the general attitude of the Chinese nation towards religion.

The vast majority of the people of the Huaxia nation always respect religion at a respectful distance. Although Buddhism once flourished in this land, the vast majority of them are just holding on to the Buddha's feet temporarily.

There is a reason why there is the word "hugging Buddha's feet temporarily", because people only think of worshiping Buddha and Bodhisattva when they are in a difficult situation, but usually?Excuse me, who are you?

"What about Taoism?" Liu Hongjian asked again.

"I don't really believe it. I have read a bit of the Tao Te Ching, and I agree with the Taoist thought. It's just that I am entangled in official duties, so I can't be quiet and inactive at all." Chang Yu said honestly.

"That's it. These Raksha people must be teaching soldiers. They believe in Jesus, oh, that's the religion Tang Ruowang believed in.

However, Tang Ruowang believes in Christianity, and the Luocha people seem to believe in Eastern Christianity. They also have Catholicism and Xinjiao.

This king thought, this is the power of religion! "Liu Hongjian explained.

Liu Hongjian has no praise or criticism for religion. If he had to choose a belief, he would probably choose science.

But I have to say that soldiers with faith are much stronger than ordinary soldiers in terms of fighting spirit and courage.

"I know the humble job, is it the god who doesn't like to wear clothes?" Chang Yu suddenly thought of something, Tang Ruowang had shown him the portrait of their god back then.

"Uh... that's about it." There was a black line on Liu Hongjian's forehead.

Within a few words, the Raksha State Teaching Soldiers had already charged two hundred steps forward with the artillery fired. While ordering the howitzer position to continue firing, Kong Er also rushed to the mortar position to command the gunners of the small steel guns to calibrate their positions to meet the enemy.


Almost at the same time, the soldiers in the trench pulled the trigger of the bolt-action rifle, and the mortar and the bolt-action rifle cooperated for the first time in field combat.

There was almost no gap between the muskets and the artillery, and the rows of teaching soldiers fell down like cutting wheat before rushing to the edge of the Daming position.

The soldiers in the trench pulled the bolt calmly despite the severe cold, ejected the cartridge case and then pressed the next bullet into the barrel, and then put the muzzle of the gun on the trench to aim and shoot.

"My lord, the bolt-action rifle is really powerful! With this level of density, if we can increase the range, wouldn't our Daming's Musketeer Battalion be invincible in the future?" Chang Yu watched the soldiers of the Raksha Kingdom fall in pieces. , said excitedly.

"Hehe, it's powerful, but the bullets can't withstand such intensive shooting!" Liu Hongjian sighed.

More than 20 rounds of ammunition were allocated to five thousand bolt-action rifle heads, and each gun had less than fifty rounds of ammunition. According to this method, the ammunition would be exhausted within an hour, and the next supply would be at least It will take seven or eight days.

At the other end, Patriarch Nikon and Dumarod were also staring at the situation on the battlefield with binoculars.

Duma's eyes were full of shock. He had heard that the firearms in the Ming Empire army were very sharp. Before, he thought it was the soldiers who retreated from the front line who lied to cover up their incompetence, but now it seems that those soldiers did not lie.

And Patriarch Nikon's expression is even richer. As a commander, he must remain calm at all times, and as the Patriarch of the Raksha Kingdom's Eastern Religion, he must remain peaceful forever.

But the scene of the war in his eyes really made him unable to calm down and feel at ease. He clearly saw his followers being bombed into the sky by shells, the snowflakes raised by the mortars, and the bolt-action rifles firing rapidly. The blood splashed from the instructor's body.

He tried his best to maintain calm and serenity, but the trembling muscles on his cheeks betrayed him.

How long did it take, twenty or ten minutes? Twenty thousand people, a full twenty thousand of the most loyal believers, just fell on the battlefield forever.


Nikon was a little dazed. He regretted that he did not send Bishop Ward, who was the best at war, to the front line, but left him in Moscow to deal with the people in the parliament.


Just at this time, there was a loud huh sound from the Da Ming camp, it was a unique slogan of the Raksha people, but now it was seen one after another in the Da Ming camp.

Ridicule, this is naked ridicule!
Nikon Patriarch's face was livid.

"Send Bishop Cary, the infantry phalanx will attack, and we must attack, attack!"


"Ula~Ula~Ula~" Babara and Suktu yelled at the Raksha people on the opposite side of the line with their voices on the left and right.

This bad idea was naturally thought up by Liu Hongjian. He didn't want to take the initiative to attack. Since the Raksha people are tough and straight, he wanted to test how tough and straight these Raksha people are.

"Not to mention, it's fun to shout this slogan!" Liu Hongjian laughed.

"My lord, the Raksha people are moving again, they seem to be infantry, musket phalanx!" Chang Yu said with a binoculars in hand.

"Just wait for them! Order Linhe, save some bullets, remember to aim before hitting!" Liu Hongjian said to a messenger.

The bolt-action rifles no longer had to move uniformly like the musket phalanx, it was completely free-firing, but many soldiers probably couldn't adapt to the rhythm of the bolt-action rifles.

It may also be due to the long-term influence of the gun phalanx. Seeing that the neighbors are holding their guns and preparing to shoot, they will unconsciously fire towards the front, regardless of whether they are aiming or not.

In fact, in the era of the musket phalanx, there was really no need to aim. Killing the enemy relied on an indiscriminate full-coverage attack.

But the bolt-action rifle is different. If you play like this, let alone not having many bullets, even if you have bullets, it is not such a waste.

In less than a quarter of an hour, at least one-third of the 20 rounds of ammunition were fired, which is simply too wasteful.

Due to the slow movement of the gun phalanx, the two sides temporarily fell into a short-term calm. Just as Liu Hongjian expected, dozens of cannons followed behind the gun phalanx of the Raksha Kingdom.

No matter how stupid Nikon was, he would not let the musketeer phalanx go slowly to death. The cavalry didn't rush over. He didn't think the musketeers could do it, and the range of Daming's howitzers was just behind the Luocha country musketeers.

This requires the commanders of both sides to have a high degree of control over the battlefield, as well as the courage and perseverance of the soldiers.

Nikon is not worried about the courage of the instructors, or that the ignorant are fearless, he still maintains a serene expression, as if Jesus is coming to the world, which makes the instructors behind him very sure that the victory must belong to them .


Suddenly, two cannons in the artillery camp of Luocha fired. The sound of the cannons startled Liu Hongjian. He thought that the artillery technology of the Luocha country had advanced by leaps and bounds. Fifty paces or so before camp.

"His uncle, this is a test!" Liu Hongjian was so angry that he swears.

People from Jinyiwei said that Luocha Kingdom was enlisting soldiers. Fortunately, he calculated the attack distance of various firearms so seriously. From this point of view, the opponents are just a group of rookies.

He was deceived by the courage of the teaching soldiers to see death as home, or their beliefs.

However, the artillery of the Raksha people can be regarded as a reminder to Liu Hongjian, allowing Liu Hongjian to roughly calculate the range of the artillery of the Raksha country.

And Kong Er, who was in the Daming Artillery camp, was also calculating the position of the Raksha Cannon. After two cannon shots, Kong Er showed a sweet smile.

The range of the Raksha country's artillery is not as far as the howitzer in his hand. The difference between the two is at least thirty or forty steps, and the artillery phalanx that is far away from the Raksha people will be completely covered by Daming's howitzer.

Of course, at this time, the musketeers in the front row of the Rakshasa phalanx are already enough to hit their own people in the trenches, but this can better reflect the superiority of the musketeer phalanx and trench warfare. robe Ze.

"Five steps, four steps... two steps, one step." Kong Er was staring at the opponent's artillery camp with a telescope.

The large phalanx of Raksha people's muskets was still advancing unhurriedly, and the artillery camp further back was also moving forward slowly after measuring the distance.

"Fire!" Kong Er yelled as he put down his binoculars.


The 120 howitzers ignited and roared almost at the same time under the order of Kong Erlian.

He must deal with the Rakshasa's artillery first, because the artillery can easily pose a threat to the friendly forces behind the trench.

120 shells covered at least half of the area directly in front of the Rakshasa artillery position, bursts of black smoke cleared, the thick snow was blown into potholes, and more than a dozen artillery pieces of the Raksha country were blown to the ground.

The gun mounts of many artillery pieces were blown apart. Although there was no problem with the gun barrels, no one could drag the heavy artillery without horses in the snow.

However, the Rakshasa soldiers are still advancing, because their Patriarch did not give them an order to retreat.


Soon the Ming's howitzer camp completed the second and third rounds of firing, and the Raksha people's artillery camp fully responded. After the third round of attack, the Ming army in the trench finally entered the firing range of the Raksha people's phalanx.

A bishop dressed in red immediately ordered the phalanx to stop, and then proceeded to reload, purge, arrange, and shoot step by step, but Lin He, who had been waiting for a long time, did not intend to give the opponent any chance at all.

The range of the bolt-action rifle is much farther than that of the opponent's front-loading gun. The reason why he has been holding back and not giving the order to fire is because Lin He is worried that doing so may defeat the enemy, which is not conducive to further expanding the results of the battle. Liu Hongjian ordered to save bullets as much as possible.

And the best way to save bullets is to put the enemy into the battle. Anyway, his men are all in the trenches, and the Raksha people's phalanx shoots all in salvo, and there is a gap between the first round and the second round. During the interval, no one knew more about the musketeer phalanx than Lin He.

The Ming army in the trenches could take advantage of the gap between the opponent's musket phalanx to launch an attack.


"Fight! Free fire!" Lin He shouted as he lay down on the trench and fired the first shot.

Boom—boom boom—almost at the same time, the mortar camp behind the trench also opened fire.

bang bang bang bang—

The Ming army in the trench got the order to put their guns in the snow and pulled the trigger. At least hundreds of people fell in the front row of the Raksha people's phalanx, but the phalanx was still in order without the slightest panic.

Bang, bang, bang, bang—the Raksha people finally completed a volley, but they had already calculated the opponent's design steps, and the Ming army buried their bodies in the trench together.

After the gunshots, the Ming army immediately raised his head and fired two or three shots...

Half an hour later, five of the Raksha people's musket phalanx had disappeared, and the Raksha soldiers finally panicked.

Another quarter of an hour later, some teaching soldiers who were not firm enough in their "faith" began to flee, which in turn caused a greater retreat.

"Warriors of the Ming Dynasty, today is the day for meritorious service and titles, charge with me!" The grenadier cavalry led by Babara and Suktu on both sides of the trench had long been waiting for this moment.

The [-] grenadier cavalry were simply crushing the instructors of the retreating Rakshasa army. Babara's goal was very clear. He led his personal guards and headed directly in the direction of Patriarch Nikon...

There were at least 4 to [-] teaching soldiers retreating, and the pursuit continued until the evening when Babara and Suktu laughed and returned to their positions.

At this time, the battlefield has been cleaned up on the battlefield. Due to the blessing of the snow, the flames between the battlefields were extinguished by the ice and snow before they ignited. Only the bomb craters all over the ground and the corpses of Raksha people scattered all over the ground showed the Samara position. The bloody battle.

The stupid pope demonstrated his incompetence with his clumsy command method. Less than [-] of the [-] teaching soldiers escaped alive. It is a pity that Barbara did not chase down the leader of the enemy army.

Patriarch Nikon and Duma Rod had already fled when the infantry phalanx of the Raksha Kingdom had just shown their defeat, leaving behind only the feathers of the teaching soldiers who believed in God.

"My lord, the battle damage has been calculated. A total of 240 soldiers died in the battle. Most of them were cavalry under Governor Barbara. The wounded were 4000 and [-], and nearly half of them were seriously injured." Chang Yu walked to Liu Hongjian. Report to the front.

"Order the whole army, double the number of sentry cavalry, and the rest camp on the spot.

Lu Haibo, collect the horses that died in the battle of the Raksha Kingdom, everyone is open to eat meat tonight, let's eat! "Liu Hongjian said excitedly.

The battle damage was basically in line with his expectations. In fact, it is not easy to achieve such a result when both sides are firearms troops.

This was the most hearty battle Liu Hongjian had fought since he took charge of the army, and it was also the one with the smallest battle loss ratio. Liu Hongjian was really in a good mood.

In the evening, all the soldiers served a bowl of hot horse meat, and Liu Hongjian specially distributed two taels of shochu to all the soldiers to keep out the cold as the Chinese New Year was approaching.

The bonfires are everywhere, reflecting the faces of the surviving soldiers of the Ming army. They may have no education and no family background, but they are the backbone of the Ming Empire.

Liu Hongjian took a pot of old shochu and took a sip, and nodded to the soldiers around him from time to time. When he reached the center of the barracks, he stopped.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, I wonder if you are homesick?"

I don't know if Liu Hongjian was drunk or what, but he suddenly mentioned the most unmentionable thing in the army.

Home?Who doesn't have a home, but the soldiers who are away on the expedition dare not think about it, because it is too uncomfortable, especially the most important day for the Chinese nation, the New Year.

"It doesn't matter, let's be honest, this king is also homesick, so think about it!" Liu Hongjian lifted the jug in his hand and drank for a while.

Many soldiers who spoke bluntly began to touch their tears, and some soldiers thought of the meat in the mouths of their wives and children while chewing and crying.

"It's New Year's Eve, cry so hard! Hold it back for me!" Liu Hongjian yelled loudly. He probably really drank too much, and sat down leaning on a carriage.

"The Western Expedition to the Rakshasa is destined to be recorded in the annals of Ming Dynasty. You won countless victories within half a year, conquered a city with a Rakshasa population, and you killed enemies that were several times your own.

You have won a large territory for the Ming Empire, which is enough to form another Ming Dynasty, a brand new and wider Daming Empire!
When you are old, you will be surrounded by your children and grandchildren, you will be respected by your children and grandchildren and even your neighbors, and you can even tell them proudly.

I!Participated in that great war!

So, I've had enough to eat and drink for this king. When Moscow is taken down, this king will invite His Majesty here to celebrate the New Year with you!
Dry! After Liu Hongjian finished speaking, he lifted the flagon in his hand again.


PS: It’s been a whole day of coding, and I’ve written more than 2 words. I’m almost exhausted. The Battle of the Samara Wilderness was written in a bit of a hurry, so I just compiled it into a big chapter. I hope you like it.

Let alone, my back hurts badly, let's fight again tomorrow, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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