Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 873 The Great Patriotic War

Chapter 873 The Great Patriotic War
Liu Hongjian's short words immediately greatly stimulated the confidence of the soldiers. In fact, it was not that they had no confidence in the war itself, but that it happened that the Chinese New Year was still blowing cold wind in the wilderness thousands of miles away from their hometown.

This kind of feeling is quite uncomfortable, and Liu Hongjian just expressed his feelings. He has never felt that he is a responsible person. He is homesick. It is inevitable that he also misses home.

I think about the lovely wives and children who are definitely looking forward to his return home, the father who is already in his sixties, the three children who are becoming more and more likable, and the fourth child who is still in his infancy.

Oh, Xiang'er's daughter is about to give birth, but as a husband, he can't stay with his wife and children.

Who can blame this now?A few years ago it was to live, now it is to live better, nothing more.

"You idiot, you're doing well today!" Liu Hongjian wandered to Kong Ermao's tent, where he was eating a big piece of meat.

Today Kong Er's idiot made a great contribution, and Liu Hongjian always thought that Kong Er's idiot was very cute.

"My lord, come together? It's just out of the pot, and it's fragrant!" Kong Er stared at the wine in Liu Hongjian's hand without blinking.

"Virtue! How many shells are there in the army? Where is Lin He? You, go and call General Lin Shen over." Without thinking, Liu Hongjian threw the half pot of wine in his hand to Kong Ermao, and pointed to the side Said the last soldier who was eating meat with a bowl.

"My lord, there are 630 shells left for the howitzer, and [-] shells for the small steel cannon." Kong Er said without thinking.

He knew that grenades were precious, and he also knew that Liu Hongjian was particularly concerned about the number of shells. He almost always counted shells in battle.

A grenade costs 14 taels, and a mortar shell costs [-] taels. Money is not a problem, the problem is that the production capacity cannot be increased.

Unless it can be mechanized, the production of shells by hand will definitely not be worth the consumption. Once the cannon is fired, ten thousand taels is gold. Liu Hongjian wants to shoot out 1 taels, but he can't do it due to the limited number of shells.

"My lord, that bolt-action rifle...everyone still has [-] or [-] bullets in their hands." Hearing that Liu Hongjian was summoned, Lin He immediately knew what the question was, and he reported it consciously when he walked to the tent. number.

Today I really saw the power of the bolt-action rifle. I can say without hesitation that if the more than 2 musketeers in the army were equipped with this kind of musket, then Daming would be invincible in field battles if artillery was not counted.

The only flaw is that the loading efficiency has been greatly improved, and the consumption rate of bullets has also doubled. More than 20 rounds of shells have been fired into 10,000+ rounds in one battle today, so it can be seen.

The next resupply will take at least seven or eight days, but Liu Hongjian is not too anxious. Three days further west will be the Ural Mountains. The mountains at least restored the physical strength of the soldiers to their peak.

Since there were still thousands of wounded soldiers who needed to be taken care of, Liu Hongjian was not in a hurry and simply waited for the next batch of supplies.

It was also during this time that the Jinyiwei personnel who had been in the territory of the European countries also brought the latest news.

The first is the Raksha country, oh, the Raksha country that has lost most of its territory. The [-] teaching soldiers who spent a lot of time and resources arming were defeated by the Ming Empire in one day. No one would believe it.

If it wasn't for the return of Patriarch Nikon and Duma Rod, even if they couldn't believe it, the Raksha State Council would have to admit that the Raksha State has reached the most dangerous moment.

Moreover, the Raksha people also knew that with their current military strength, except for Moscow City as the last barrier, the Raksha country no longer had the capital to fight the Ming Empire.

The victory was once again divided between the parliament and the church. Patriarch Nikon, who had buried [-] athletes from the Raksha Kingdom in one day, left the Moscow parliament in dismay. It is a question of fighting or surrendering.

At the same time, the aging Duke Rhodes of the Parliamentary Duma burst out with the energy he had only at the age of 20, and lobbied the five states of Europa within ten days.

Duke Rhodes rendered the Ming Empire as a replica of the Menggu Empire. He never mentioned the terrifying muskets, cannons and the root cause of the war in the Ming Empire. He only told the princes and ministers in Europe that if they did not unite to resist the Ming Empire, Europa is likely to be bloodbathed again by the barbaric ancients.

The Duke of Rhodes and the patriarch were chased by Barbara and his Mongolian guards when they retreated. Most of their guards died in the hands of these Mongolians.

In fact, there has always been arrogance and prejudice between the European countries and the Raksha country, especially the established countries such as France, Austria, and Germany have always disagreed with the Raksha country as Europeans.

The huge territory makes the Raksha people arrogant, but in fact, the European countries scoff at the territory of the Raksha country, at least at this time.

They have no interest in running a land covered with snow all the year round, and no one with a title wants to seal the land in the North Pole where birds don't shit.

They were happy to see Sweden fighting Rakshasa, and even secretly sold weapons and equipment to Poland.

But now this huge empire collapsed suddenly, which undoubtedly shocked and incredible the monarchs of Europa.

They don't want a huge country like Rakshasa to exist in Europa, but they don't even want the Ming Empire to replace it. After all, they still think the Raksha people are cuter than the unfamiliar Ming Empire.

The Western Expedition of the Mongol Empire 400 years ago was undoubtedly a nightmare for the Europa people. The ancient castles of Europa were breached. Whether they were Germanic, Celts or Slavs, they were all slaughtered and enslaved by the ancients.

And 400 years later, the Ming Empire, like the Menggu Empire, started its expedition from the east, and slaughtered all the cities it passed. No matter how annoying Duke Rhodes's face was, his words still silenced the countries of Europe.

On the third day of the first lunar month of the second year of Taishun, the imperial court’s supplies finally arrived at the barracks. The empty grain carriages could be used as a resting place for the wounded soldiers. Liu Hongjian handed over the wounded soldiers to this supply team. On the journey again.

On the evening of the sixth day of the first lunar month, the army arrived at the Ural Mountains.

The Ural Mountains are actually not high, and the highest peak is only more than 1000 meters above sea level. However, because it is the cold winter season, the Ural Mountains are covered with several feet of snow, lying between Europe and Asia like a giant bear.

"Tell my brothers, eat well tonight and rest early, and tomorrow we will conquer this mountain." Liu Hongjian calmly said to Baba.

Since you have chosen a distant place, you can only travel through wind and rain.

What is the dividing line between Europe and Asia, wherever Lao Tzu's artillery hits, that is the dividing line, Liu Hongjian thought to himself.

It may not be difficult to take a person over a mountain, but it is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to take tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of horses over a mountain, not to mention hundreds of large and small artillery and luggage. , but also beware of attacks that may come at any time.

While ordering the vanguard to clear the way, Liu Hongjian urged Kong Er, the idiot of the artillery battalion, repeatedly asking him to transport every cannon and every shell to the opposite side of the mountain in one piece.

The mountaineering site selected by the army is a gap between the Ural Mountains, with an altitude of more than 800 meters.

The mountaineering process was very difficult. The low temperature was minus [-] degrees, and there was thick snow everywhere. The vanguard in charge of exploring the road had soldiers stepping into the air and disappearing into the deep snow almost every quarter of an hour. nest.

It's just that all the soldiers have maintained a strong combat effectiveness. They are all waiting to cross the Ural Mountains and take Moscow. Many soldiers have accumulated military merits during the half-year battle.

What's more, Liu Hongjian promised to invite His Majesty to celebrate the New Year for them after returning home, and they couldn't wait.

It took the army a whole day, and even lunch was prepared with dry food. It took a full eight hours, and it was not until late at night that they crossed the Ural Mountains without any danger.

At the same time, four hundred Ming soldiers disappeared forever among the rolling mountains.

After resting in the west of the Ural Mountains for a day, the army embarked on the journey again. Hundreds of miles away, Moscow, the capital of the Raksha people, was in sight...


Duke Dumarod of the Rakshasa National Assembly was really impatient. No matter how much he lobbied, except for a few small duchies who said they would send troops to mediate, the European powers such as Frank, Austria, Prussia, and Sweden did not say a word.

What is more interesting is Philip IV, the King of Francier and King Joao IV the Restorer of Francier. Not only did these two not meet the Duke of Rhodes, they even euphemistically defended the Ming Empire.

Oh, the ruling Prince of Orange in the Netherlands stood firmly on the side of the Duke of Rhodes and hired a mercenary group of 2 people to support Moscow.

The Prince of Orange sent troops for a very good reason. The Netherlands and Ming were already at war. Ming took away their sweet island and killed their soldiers and generals. The Dutch people who did not know the truth had long complained. The conflict between the two countries It is almost impossible to reconcile. Prince Orange needs to use war to vent public dissatisfaction.

The Prince of Orange obviously didn't do his best. There are [-] standing armies in the provinces of the Netherlands, but none of them have sent out a single soldier. However, the Dutch have money, so they can get the support directly with money.

But can [-] mercenaries plus Moscow's troops withstand the mighty Ming Empire?
During this time, Duke Rhodes almost lost all his worrying hair.

This is also impossible. Europa has just ended a 30-year religious war. All countries are in the same place. The newly independent forces are also working hard to stabilize their rule. How can they have the time to face a country that is not hostile at all and listens to it? It is said that the empire is still very powerful, after all, it is Rakshasa who is attacked, not them.

"Lord Duma, Arthur's strategy is still too hasty. This is a battle to protect the country of the Raksha Kingdom. I hope the Lord Duma will consider it again!" On the wall outside Moscow, Raksha State Finance Minister Lai The Marquis of Dun stood behind Duke Rhodes and said.

"There is a proverb in Ming Dynasty, do your best and obey the destiny. We have done our best. If we can't keep the capital, we can only apologize with death." Duke Rhodes was silent for a while.

These days, Rhodes traveled around the European countries during the day, and studied the Ming Dynasty in the East whenever he had time at night, and finally realized how profound this ancient empire was.

Your Majesty should not have coveted Vladivostok in the first wrong move, and he should not have united with the remnants of the Qing Dynasty to fight against Ming Dynasty.

Now that one step is wrong and one step is wrong, even now that His Majesty himself has become a prisoner, there is nothing to say.

The current Duke of Rhodes only hopes to win the defense of Moscow, even if he can't win, at least he will have to wait for a few months.

Several neighboring countries are watching here. As long as they see that Ming's army is frustrated, they will definitely not stand by. Those damn conspirators will not allow Da Ming to directly border them.

Although it is impossible for the Raksha Kingdom to regain the huge territory it had before, if the neighboring countries are willing to help and repel the Ming army, the Raksha Kingdom will always have time to hide their strengths and bide their time.

What he is asking for now is not much, to keep Moscow and the millions of people in the city.

Yes, Moscow was built nearly a thousand years ago, and its population exceeded one million for the first time, which is unique in the whole of Europe. Of course, this is all due to the crazy slaughter of the Ming army.

These people are the fire seeds of their Raksha country!The Duke of Luo sighed in his heart, they never thought that the Rakshasa Congress would reach such a point.

"My lord, they are here!" Marquis Layton pointed to a black line that appeared in the distance.

Looking east from the outer city wall of Moscow, most of the troops and horses appeared faintly amidst the wind and snow, and the city head immediately blew the horn to signal the defenders to enter a state of war.

On the other side, Liu Hongjian, who was straddling his horse, squinted his eyes and looked at the towering white castle in the distance. Under the heavy snow, everything was pure white.

"Did you see the buildings in the city? That's the Kremlin, that is, their emperor's palace. Oh, of course it's far worse than our Forbidden City in Ming Dynasty." Liu Hongjian rubbed his lips together with white breath Karate.

Capturing the royal city was his ultimate goal. At the last moment of the Wanli raid, he trembled, and the generals beside Liu Hongjian were all chattering with excitement.

"There must be a lot of gold and silver hidden there!" Su Ketu muttered while holding the saber.

"You're the one who talks too much!" Babara scolded, and Suktu grinned.

"My lord, just now the sentry cavalry came to report again that the unknown army is still active more than [-] miles south of Moscow." Barbara whispered behind Liu Hongjian.

For the sake of safety, after going deep into the hinterland of Luocha country, Liu Hongjian expanded the scouting range of sentry cavalry to [-] li. As early as two days ago, Liu Hongjian scouted the traces of this troop.

At that time, Liu Hongjian held a meeting specifically for this, because he was also worried that the countries of Europe would unite against Ming Dynasty.

Although each of these countries does not seem to have a large territory, the French, Swedish, and Polish armies that are stronger in national strength are only in the tens of thousands. With the weapons and equipment in his hands and the battle-hardened divisions, Liu Hongjian is confident that he can fight against any European country alone. .

But if they join forces, Liu Hongjian can only back away. There is no way that even if the Ming soldiers can fight, they will not be able to handle the large number of people. Now that he has fought and counted, his strength is only [-]. , The ammunition is not enough for high-intensity long-term combat.

Fortunately, according to the report from the sentinel, the army did not have a clear flag to indicate which country it belonged to, and the number was not very large, but its armament should not be underestimated.

There were even several trenches dug around his barracks. Liu Hongjian was not afraid of field battles with any army, but his musketeers were more suitable for positional warfare. , but he did not intend to take the initiative to attack.

"Send more sentry cavalry to investigate. If there is any trouble, your cavalry will be responsible for mobile protection of the entire army. You idiot, use howitzers to attack Moscow tentatively." After making up his mind, Liu Hongjian said to the two.

After getting the order, Kong Ermao dispatched more than a dozen howitzers from the army formation, and carefully touched the city wall. The city wall outside Moscow was about four feet high, and the artillery power on the city wall was unknown and condescending. range.

Although Daming's artillery had a farther range than the other party's, he still didn't have enough shells in his hand. He had to keep as close to the city wall as possible to get the best effect from the explosive shells.

After several rounds of bombardment, Kong Ermao finally figured out the attack distance of the Raksha country's artillery, and then a whole hundred howitzers were put in place one after another. Can't delay.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Under Kong Erlian's order, a hundred cannons launched their first volley, targeting the east gate of Moscow City and the watchtower on the city wall. first.

The roar of the artillery shook Liu Hongjian's ears almost deaf, the gunpowder smoke was blown away quickly, and the gunners began to reload in an orderly manner, while Liu Hongjian watched the effect of the shelling with a telescope.

After all, Moscow City is the capital of the Raksha Kingdom. It is a typical European-style fortress. The city walls are all built of huge stones, but the grenade is a grenade after all.

"This is impossible. Go and inform General Kong. Twenty cannons form a group, and a group of artillery can only attack one point. Opening the gap is the first priority!" Liu Hongjian put down the binoculars and immediately said to the messenger beside him.

According to the current shell reserves, it is impossible for him to blow down the entire east city wall. It would be good to open a few gaps.

Duke Rhodes on the city wall was also terrified. Just now, a shell directly hit the turret only a few meters away from him, and a lot of people were scratched by the broken stones in the explosion.

At the same time, he also saw the true power of the Daming Cannon, and he was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Daming couldn't beat Ming in a field battle. He originally thought that Moscow's thick city walls could withstand him for at least a few months. He had enough time to continue lobbying for support from other countries.

Although the previous ten days of lobbying did not win too many troops, a lot of weapons and ammunition were bought. There are only [-] artillery pieces of various types on the east wall, which is already the limit of the wall.

Based on the current power of artillery in various countries, it would take at least ten days to blow up Moscow, even if it continued day and night.

The artillery has to pause for half an hour every five or six shots to cool the barrel, otherwise the barrel will be easily deformed due to overheating, and the life span of the artillery will be shortened and the chamber will easily explode.

But Daming's artillery is so powerful and has such a long range, it can't do it in field battles, and it doesn't have the slightest advantage in defending the city. How can we fight this battle?
"Notify Arthur, execute the plan immediately!" Duke Rhodes said to the guards beside him with a gloomy face.


Less than an hour after the artillery bombarded, the east city wall was already pitted and pitted. Under the concentrated fire, four or five huge craters suspended the east city wall, and the crater was still expanding.

Kong Er has been holding the number of cannonballs in his hands. According to current estimates, as long as the accuracy continues, the cannonballs in his hand can open at least three holes in the city wall.

"My lord, that unknown army attacked us, and there were 2 people in battle, less than ten miles away from us, and they were all black!" Chang Yu hurriedly ran from behind and rushed towards Liu Hongjian. Ear roared.

"I've been waiting for him for a long time, regardless of whether he's black or white, as long as it's not Godzilla, I can't hold my guns! Can you find out how many cavalry they have?" The gunfire was too loud, and Liu Hongjian also yelled at the top of his voice. road.

"There are not many cavalry, roughly less than one-third."

"That's all right, we must wipe out this army! Lin He, I will give you [-] Musketeers, are you sure you can do it?" Liu Hongjian asked Lin He, who was already eager to try.

"Yes!" Lin He said, patting his chest.

[-] to [-] Lin He would never dare to brag. Now all the [-] elite musketeers in his hand have been replaced with rear-mounted bolt-action rifles, which not only have the advantage of range, but are even more crushing in terms of rate of fire. Lin He has never I have never been so confident.

"Lu Haibo, you lead [-] cavalry to respond, and set up the formation immediately! Tianbao, I will leave their artillery to you." Liu Hongjian was still a little worried, and ordered Lu Haibo again.

Although I don't know where this group of people came from, they must have come to support the Raksha people. If they are all black soldiers, they are probably mercenaries hired by Raksha. Although the mercenaries are not well-known, their combat power is not small , this point he had learned a few years ago when he was fighting as slaves.

Not long after, the mysterious army appeared behind the Ming army camp. Liu Hongjian recognized the owner of this army with just one glance through the binoculars.

"Old Chang, do you still remember the group of mercenaries we met in Liaodong three years ago?" Liu Hongjian raised the corner of his mouth with a strange expression.

"Of course I remember. We also lost thousands of people in that battle. Why, could it be..." Chang Yu took the telescope from Liu Hongjian while talking.

"It's the blood wolf mercenary group!" Chang Yu frowned and thought for a moment before calming down.

The soldiers of the blood wolf mercenary group are all black, and the leader is in the same outfit as he saw just now.

When Liu Hongjian was observing the blood wolf mercenary group, Arthur was also observing the Daming camp in the distance. After three years, he met his enemy again. Arthur's face was gloomy and he didn't know whether it was anger or joy.

The bloody battle three years ago wiped out the entire elite blood wolf mercenary group, and he was ridiculed by his colleagues since then, and was even almost lost at the base in Leviathan.

After that war, he sold his property and borrowed a large loan from the Dutchman. After three years of painstaking efforts, after several major battles, he revived the reputation of Blood Wolf Mercenary Heaven.

He didn't want to send troops when those damn profiteers in the Netherlands found him. After all, it was winter, and his black regiment was not very good at fighting in the snow.

But when he heard that the opponent was Daming, Arthur quickly changed his mind, and he didn't even bother to bargain with the Dutchman on the commission, only saying that the debt would be written off after the war.

Blood debt is not only a proverb in Ming Dynasty, this word is also applicable to Arthur. In the past three years, he has become more calm.

His army is well-disciplined, the soldiers are brave and fearless, and they are equipped with the most sophisticated muskets in the Netherlands. The hand grenades that caused him a big loss last time were even five.

If he still encounters the Ming army of the same size, he is sure to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop and control the battle damage to less than one-third.

"The infantry phalanx launched an attack immediately! The artillerymen followed up and fired as soon as they entered the range." Arthur said expressionlessly.

He doesn't have many cavalry, as a mercenary regiment who is accustomed to using musket phalanxes, the cavalry is only responsible for guarding against local raids.

Except for the cavalry, the only natural enemy of the infantry phalanx is the artillery, but the current artillery of the Ming army is all deployed on the front line, and they have no time to take care of the rear. This is a huge advantage for Arthur.

According to the previous agreement, his task was to attack Daming's rear and contain the Ming army on the front line. He only had an army of over [-] troops, so of course he didn't have the ability to challenge Daming who was several times his size, even though he thought his soldiers were better.

bang - bang bang -

With a burst of gunfire, two artillerymen were shot and fell to the ground.

"What?" Arthur frowned in shock when he saw the artillerymen who could kill him at such a distance.

Due to limited funds, his mercenary regiment only had ten artillery pieces, but they were the most sophisticated heavy artillery pieces in the Netherlands, each costing 16 francs. For this war, he also moved all his property here.

There was another burst of gunfire, and several artillerymen fell one after another. Seeing that even if the artillery was pushed up at this speed, there would be no gunners available, Arthur decisively chose to temporarily tear off the artillerymen.

"My lord, the cavalry of the Ming army are attacking from both sides, and they seem to want to surround us!" the deputy head Bernard exclaimed.

"Don't panic, just this little cavalry can't surround us. Our mission is to contain them and order the infantry phalanx to defend in place!" Arthur ordered.

His infantry phalanx can be changed at any time to deal with all the enemies around. Arthur did not panic after rehearsing the cavalry tactics of musketeers many times.

He only needs to hold on for a while, and wait for the army in Moscow to leave the city to attack on both sides, and then it is time to really exert its strength.

The cavalry of the Ming army only half-surrounded them but did not attack, which made Arthur a little uneasy. It didn't take long for a lot of infantry to come in from the outside of the encirclement, and they seemed to be carrying something on their shoulders.

Arthur looked around through the binoculars and found that he had never seen strange things on the shoulders of these people. These people squatted down quickly to fix the things on the shoulders in the snow when they came to the front of the battle.


While Arthur was wondering, more than 100 small steel cannons fired from around the encirclement.

"When did the Ming army have such powerful artillery! Damn Rhodes, he didn't say anything!" Arthur turned pale with shock.

He already knew about the strange musket that shot at his gunner just now. After the last defeat, he specially sent someone to verify that there were indeed long-range and powerful muskets in the Ming army, but the number seemed to be relatively small.

But this is the first time I have seen this weird little cannon. Although these cannons are small, they are not small, and the shells will explode again when they fall into his infantry phalanx.

"The whole army retreats to the south, Bernard immediately sends a signal to Duke Rhodes in the city!"

Arthur was really panicked, he was not afraid of the cavalry charging, but the weird artillery was just out of range of his musketeers, and the rate of fire was extremely fast. The whole army was wiped out.


A blue firework shot up from the blood wolf mercenary group.

"Hehe, these niggers are sending a signal! Barbara, keep an eye on Moscow City, and don't let anyone disturb the subsequent battle." Liu Hongjian said calmly.

Just now a red firework was lit in the city of Moscow, and this mercenary group came from the south immediately, and now the firework was also lit up in the mercenary group, how could Liu Hongjian not understand what the other party was trying to do.

Hehe, it was a good plan, but unfortunately, all tricks are futile in the face of absolute strength.

The infantry of the blood wolf mercenary regiment began to retreat, but the musketeer phalanx still had to maintain its formation speed. The small steel gunners trotted and chased for a certain distance after firing a shot, waiting for the retreating black ghosts to enter The shooting range, immediately aimed at the nigger is a shot.

Anyway, all the black ghosts are black ghosts, and firing cannons casually can kill people.

Not long after, Linhe's main musketeers also caught up, and [-] bolt-action rifles joined the battle line. They no longer needed to line up in a square formation to play the tactic of queuing and shooting, but rushed forward with their guns in their hands. .


The chaotic gunshots resounded through the sky, with the bang of small steel cannons interspersed. Daming's musketeers could still shoot while running. Do not delay.

On the other hand, the blood wolf mercenary group, if they want to maintain their attack power, the phalanx must stop, but they are ordered to retreat, and when they stop, they have to bear the attack of unknown artillery, neither advance nor retreat, and fall into complete passivity state.

"Send a signal to Moscow City again!" Arthur said anxiously, waiting for nothing to happen in Moscow City.

Another blue firework rose from the blood wolf mercenary group.

The battle is still going on, the white ground is no longer white, there are bloodstains everywhere, and there are countless black corpses lying on the ground. The Black Legion is extraordinarily tenacious. When a soldier falls down, soldiers will immediately make up from the formation.

It's just that the Ming army's artillery fire was too fierce, plus the [-] Ming musketeers who didn't even line up, it seemed that they were about to really surround them.

"Damn Rhodes, what is he doing! If you don't go out of the city to meet Lao Tzu's troops, you will be wiped out!" Arthur said angrily.

"Master, let's retreat as soon as possible, those Rakshasa people are unreliable, and our loss is too great!" Bernard suggested.

In less than an hour, at least thousands of infantry fell, which made Bernard feel like a knife was twisting his heart.

These blacks were slaves they plundered in Levia. Although it was not difficult to continue to capture slaves, it would cost too much to train them into fearless and experienced musketeers.

"Shut up, look behind you!" Arthur was almost crazy, and a large group of cavalry rushed over from behind them, as if they had already surrounded them.

The Raksha people on the top of the city were naturally also paying attention to the war outside the city. Duke Rhodes certainly saw Arthur's signal, but he still didn't give the order to leave the city.

"Lord Duma, we..." The Marquis of Layton hesitated to speak. According to the agreement, they should have sent troops out of the city to fight the Ming army. It is really dishonest to see the blood wolf mercenary group surrounded like this. How to solicit support from other countries?

"How can we talk about credibility at this juncture? The east wall is about to fail, we must defend this city." Duke Rhodes closed his eyes in pain.

Daming's endless stream of weird firearms allowed him to have new weird tactics, which Rhodes had never encountered before. Many parts of the eastern city wall were about to be destroyed, and there was still a more difficult battle waiting for them. Also talking about reputation is stupid behavior.

The encirclement keeps shrinking. There are cavalry and musketeers around the Black Legion, and there are more than 100 light small steel cannons mixed in between. The number of the Black Legion is constantly decreasing. Even though their formation is still stable, a single unit cannot face this situation at all. kind of situation.

Arthur's more than 2000 cavalry rushed around trying to open a gap, but only got Lu Haibo's grenade. It was these cavalry that were wiped out first after a while.

Another half an hour later, the black corps was beaten down to less than 2000 people. These blacks could no longer hold on, and they all threw their muskets aside and knelt down on the ground, surrendering.

"Ah—" Arthur let out a cry of grief, and immediately drew out his sword and wiped his neck in grief and indignation.

Bernard on the side knew that he was doomed and followed in Arthur's footsteps. From his appearance to his meeting with God, it took less than two hours for the [-] blood wolf mercenary group to be wiped out.

"My lord, the city of Moscow has opened a gap!" Kong Er's stupefied excitedly came to report in person.


(End of this chapter)

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