Chapter 874 Humanism
Gunpowder smoke billowed under the east wall of Moscow's outer city, and through the faint light, three large holes on both sides of the city gate could be faintly seen.

The entrance of the cave was about Zhangxu wide. The Luocha soldiers in the city held heavy shields to defend the entrance of the cave. Behind them were several rows of musketeers, and behind them was a heavy artillery.

"You idiot, how many grenades are there?" Hearing that the city of Moscow was broken, Liu Hongjian hurriedly left the group of niggers to check the military situation.

The blood wolf mercenary group has basically been wiped out, and the rest is the finishing work of cleaning up the battlefield, and Liu Hongjian knows that the real tough battle is in the city of Moscow.

The Raksha people set up a four-layer defense system of heavy shield soldiers, throwing soldiers, musketeers, and artillery, intending to consume the vital strength of the Ming army at the broken wall. After all, the defensive side has the upper hand in this situation, which is equivalent to waiting for a rabbit.

In fact, Duke Dumarod, who doesn't know much about military affairs, really made this calculation. Daming's artillery is powerful, but if you want to rush in through the door opening, the artillery will definitely be useless.

And such a small hole will undoubtedly require a heavy price to stand under the joint fire of his thousands of Rakshasa soldiers.

"No... not much left, there are more than a dozen rounds left." Seeing Liu Hongjian's complexion, the second idiot faltered and hawed.

He knew that these howitzers were the lifeblood of the army, and indicated that the use of the artillery just now was a matter of careful planning, but after all, the city of Moscow was run by the Rakshasa people for hundreds of years, and the city walls were really strong. Only three of the five points that were bombarded at the same time were considered to have opened the gap. Seeing that there were not many shells left, he decisively chose to stop the bombardment.

"It's enough. See the three gaps. Two cannons form a group. Listen to my order later. If I tell you to fire the cannon, fire at the gap!"

Liu Hongjian did not know how many times he fought this kind of battle. He naturally knew the purpose of the Rakshasa people, but he couldn't use artillery, and the other party couldn't use it, not to mention that he had a full [-] bolt-action rifles in his hand. .

"Humble job!" After Kong Er's stupid finished speaking, he immediately started to calibrate the position.

"Lin He, divide the [-] bolt-action rifles into three teams, each with [-] grenadiers and [-] heavy shields. Your task is to control the three entrances so that large troops can enter the city!" Liu Hongjian said. Said calmly.

"Humble post!" Lin He trotted towards his musketeers.

The battle with the blood wolf mercenary group was over, and the cleaning of the battlefield was simply handed over to Lu Haibo's cavalry, but the Musketeers still needed some time to regroup.

"Barbara, your cavalry is also divided into three teams of 6000 men each. When the musketeers seize the position, they will rush in immediately. All the soldiers of the Raksha country will be killed, and the civilians of the Raksha country... Those who surrender will not be killed." , Liu Hongjian pondered for a moment.

"My lord, what if the civilians don't surrender?" Barbara also frowned. There are at least [-] to [-] Rakshasa soldiers in the city. Under the great war, the soldiers are so red-eyed that they don't care about the civilians?
What's more, if you travel thousands of miles westward, isn't everything you pass by a massacre?What's wrong, my lord?
"Hmph! Don't want to surrender? Then they deserve to exterminate the family, so hurry up and make arrangements!" Liu Hongjian said coldly.

"Old Chang, you lead the remaining musketeers to attack the artillery at the top of the city in a square formation. Your task is to cover the rest of the troops attacking the city. Yang Tianbao and the sniper team will also help suppress the artillery at the top of the city!"

The reason Liu Hongjian did not explain, and there is no need to explain, he is the commander-in-chief of this army, and his orders are heaven.

There are at least one million civilians in the city of Luocha Kingdom. Most of these people escaped from the east of Luocha Kingdom. It is precisely because of Liu Hongjian's bloody massacre that the Ming army rarely encountered resistance after the Chernog offensive and defensive battle.

In fact, before the siege of Moscow, Liu Hongjian held a combat meeting with all the soldiers, and the hardline generals such as Babara and Suktu put forward the suggestion of besieging rather than attacking.

The reason is very simple, the city of Moscow usually has a population of only 8 to [-] people, but after being trampled by the iron hooves of the Ming Dynasty, there are now a million people living in the city.

A city of 10 people could accommodate 100 million people. With the urban management capabilities of the Europas, they had never encountered it. Not to mention whether the houses were enough in the ice and snow, even a grain of food was enough for Rhodes to have a headache.

The facts are indeed true. The Raksha State has always been at odds with its neighbors such as Poland, Prussia, and Sweden. It was even a year ago that the Raksha State signed an armistice agreement with Poland and Sweden.

Most of the Rakshasa refugees fled to neighboring countries and were caught as slaves, and a small part fled to Moscow for refuge. Even if the parliament spends all the money to buy food, how long can a million people consume people and horses? ?
The best strategy is to encircle and not attack the Ming army. Although the [-] soldiers besieging Moscow will not be shown, it is enough to block the gates of the cities. The Ming soldiers welcome the Rakshasa to fight in the field.

As long as the food in Moscow is exhausted, Ming can take Moscow without a single soldier.

But this suggestion was rejected by Liu Hongjian for the same reason as the military order issued by Liu Hongjian just now. ,

After all, Liu Hongjian was not a bloodthirsty maniac. The policy of massacring the city along the way was just a matter of no solution. Now that all the civilians in the Raksha State could escape, only the million people in the city were left. There is no problem of being attacked by Rakshasa guerrillas.

Let him order the massacre of 100 million civilians, he will not do it, and even if he bites the bullet and gives the order, his conscience will be disturbed in the future. Liu Hongjian can only use one word to describe it, maybe this is humanitarianism .

This decision was supported by young and moderate factions such as Lin He. Most of the Musketeers were Han Chinese. Most of the generals promoted by Lin He and others were young. It is different from the nature of nomads.

Although he knew that even so, Liu Hongjian's title of city-slaying madman would not be taken off in Europa, but the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom. There is always someone who understands what it means to be a Bodhisattva. He doesn't care about these titles imposed by others.

After two quarters of an hour, all the preparations were completed, and Liu Hongjian explained the precautions in detail, and waved to the artillery battalion not far away.

"You idiot, fire!"

As soon as the words fell, Kong Ermao, the artillery battalion officer who had been waiting for Liu Hongjian's order for a long time, immediately moved.


Six shells successively attacked the heavy shield soldiers of the Raksha people behind the broken wall. At the same time, the bolt-action rifle camp divided into three groups and rushed towards the gap. Rakshasa soldiers at the head.

In Liu Hongjian's plan, the musketeers were actually the most threatening when they ran under the city wall. The Raksha people were not idiots, and the artillery at the top of the city fired immediately.

Dozens of shells landed below the city one after another, and the running Musketeers immediately formed several bright red blood lines. Fortunately, due to the angle of the artillery at the top of the city, the shells could not go too far forward.

The platoon guns and snipers focused on suppressing the artillery on the city wall in a timely manner, so that no greater losses were caused.

There was a distance of about [-] steps from the camp of the Ming army to the city of Moscow. Lin He pinpointed the reloading time of the Luocha cannons, and many musketeers ran so fast that they did not give the cannons at the top of the city time to fire in the second round.

The Raksha soldiers defending at the gap were also miserable. Two howitzers accurately hit the center of the gap, and the heavy shield could not resist the power of the grenades. Under the explosion, smoke billowed and the entire defensive formation was in a mess, and nothing could be seen.

When the Musketeers led by Lin He reached the periphery of the gap, the Raksha people finally reorganized their formation, and a row of supplementary heavy shield soldiers blocked the gap again. The grenadiers behind the shield soldiers are already ready to pull the fuze of the grenade and throw it out.


Just at this moment, the Musketeers at the three gaps blew the iron whistle in their mouths, and the Musketeers at each gap immediately dodged to the left and right, and the sight of the gaps was exposed to Kong Er's eyes again.

"Fire immediately!" Kong Er stunned shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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