Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 875 Six Countries Mediation

Chapter 875 Six Nations Mediation
Boom—boom—the twelve howitzers fired again at the gap without hesitation.

It is very dangerous to fire artillery when the enemy and the enemy are separated by a wall. If you are not careful, you will accidentally injure the friendly army. The reason why Liu Hongjian dared to formulate such a dangerous attack plan was entirely due to the ability of his soldiers.

The first is the artillery battalion of Kong Erlian. This guy has been fighting with Liu Hongjian for several years. He knows more about artillery than craftsmen. He is especially good at shooting distance and azimuth calibration, which is why the expeditionary army can Use limited grenades wisely.

And the musketeers of Shenji Battalion commanded by Lin He are all veterans, and the meaning of the whistle has already been conveyed, that is, to leave the gap in the city wall immediately when they hear the whistle.

It was Kong Er's fool who was responsible for the cannonball hitting crookedly, and it was Lin He's responsibility for not giving the order to evade. If he was really accidentally injured, he could only blame himself for not moving fast enough.

"Now, rush in and take Moscow!"

As soon as the gunfire fell, Lin He roared and gave the general attack order while the smoke was billowing from the broken wall.

The grenadiers were at the forefront, and hundreds of tall and strong men rushed in first and threw grenades in with all their strength, followed by musketeers holding bolt-action rifles while charging. Their sophisticated equipment made them There is no longer a need for a rigid phalanx, and even clever soldiers start looking for cover as soon as they enter.

More intensive explosions sounded on the edge of the city, and the visual distance was less than five steps. The heavy shield soldiers of the Raksha people only persisted for a photo before being sent to heaven by grenades. On the other hand, the throwers of the Raksha people missed it due to poor vision The best timing was given, and when he reacted, the musketeers on both sides had already faced each other and started to shoot at each other, and the grenades and artillery had lost their effect.

It’s just that the rate of fire of the Raksha people’s muskets can’t compare with that of bolt-action rifles. The time it takes for ordinary muskets to fire a single shot, the bolt-action rifle has all six bullets in one magazine. The Rakshasa people stood in a neat line unshakably and were beaten.

It took less than a quarter of an hour for the musketeers to shoot at each other, and the Rakshasa began to retreat, and the Mongolian cavalry led by Shaoqin Babara swarmed in...

Although the battle for the city wall was short, it was extremely bloody. At least 1 people were killed on both sides at the three gaps in less than two quarters of an hour, and of course the Raksha people were the most.

According to the original tactics, once the city wall is breached, the cavalry must be the first to rush in and hack, and then the infantry will enter the city to fight for the city wall. However, Liu Hongjian relied on the power of the firearms in his hand to be powerful enough, and the perfect cooperation of artillery, musketeers, and grenadiers. At a very small price, they took down the East City Wall.

More Ming soldiers poured in from the east city, and it was only a matter of time before the outer city of Moscow was captured.

First the east city and the south city, and an hour later, the north city and the west city were also captured, and the Rakshasa people retreated to the last point of defense - the Kremlin.

The daytime in northern Europe in winter is very short, and it has gradually darkened just after the first quarter of the unitary hour. Looking at the city of Moscow from a distance, the walls of the city are bursting with fireworks and howling.

"My lord, the Luocha civilians living in the outer city resisted extremely fiercely and killed many of them." Chang Yu walked behind Liu Hongjian and whispered.

"Understood, count the casualties as soon as possible, and take care of the wounded soldiers." Liu Hongjian knew that now was not the time for mercy, and those who refused to surrender did not need mercy.

The reason why Chang Yu came to report instead of Babara, Governor of Mongolia, was probably because he was worried about not being reprimanded by Liu Hongjian.

In the morning of the next day, the specific casualties were finally counted. The Ming army had more than [-] dead in battle, and at least [-] Raksha people were beheaded. This number is compared with the Raksha civilians who died in the city. , but it is a drop in the bucket.

Millions of Rakshasa civilians in the city all gathered in Moscow outside the Kremlin. According to incomplete statistics, at least 30 Rakshasa civilians died directly or indirectly in their Great Patriotic War.

After all, it was the battle of the Raksha people to destroy the country. Long before the war, Rhodes ordered people to preach the brutality of the Ming Dynasty to these ignorant people, causing most of the Raksha residents in the city to be bewitched to take up weapons.

The reason why such huge casualties can be caused in one day is almost entirely due to firearms.

The residents in the city were too dense, and often as long as there was one person in the crowd who dared to resist, the Ming army would immediately pass by with a row of grenades. After all, this was the only way to be safe enough.

Babara circled a line with white ash in the city, and those inside the circle were regarded as obedient citizens, but anyone who ran out of the circle would be shot and killed.

"My lord, how do you plan to fight the Raksha people's palace?" Lin He said standing behind Liu Hongjian and looking at the Kremlin in front of him.

The grenades have been exhausted, and muskets and grenades alone cannot break through the walls of the Kremlin.

Liu Hongjian was also thinking about this issue. Breaking through the city of Moscow does not mean taking down Moscow. Only when the imperial palace, which symbolizes the Raksha country, is taken, can the Raksha country be truly destroyed.

The walls of the Kremlin are designed to be stronger and taller than the outer city. If you want to take the Kremlin with yesterday's tactics, you need more grenades.

The front line is really too long. From the capital of Ming Dynasty to Moscow, the capital of Raksha, the straight-line distance is more than [-] miles. There are countless mountains and rivers to cross along the way. No one knows when the next supply will arrive.

"If it doesn't work, just wait a little longer. Anyway, it's been more than half a year, and it's not a few days away." Babara muttered.

Yesterday's battle with Barbara was enough, and his right arm is still sore.

Liu Hongjian was also worried, and it was the first time he led troops to fight so far. At this moment, he really wanted to take out his mobile phone and call Xiao Zhu who was far away in Beijing to ask where the supplies were now, but he could only think about it.

Remembering how exhausted the soldiers of the Ming army were after the war, Liu Hongjian had no choice but to order the soldiers to rest outside the Kremlin.
After three or five days, the supplies still hadn't arrived. Every day, Liu Hongjian stood on the east wall and looked towards the east, hoping to see the shadow of the Daming supply team in the snow.

But waiting left and right didn't work out, the price of attacking the city with flesh and blood was too high.

He only has 5000 soldiers left, of which more than [-] are wounded, only [-] can participate in the battle, and there are at least [-] Raksha soldiers defending the Kremlin.

The difficulty is really a bit big.

It's just impossible for Liu Hongjian to give up at this point. For more than half a year, he has experienced bitter battles, fierce battles, ice and snow, and storms. Of the more than [-] people before the expedition, not even half of them can still stand.

In the end, he didn't even win the Raksha people's country, and he didn't even have the face to go back.

"My lord, a red-haired ghost came outside and wanted to see you, and said he was an envoy from Sweden." Just as he was thinking about it, Chang Yu came over to report.

"Have the countries of Europe finally stopped sitting?" Liu Hongjian muttered, frowning.

In fact, he had expected this day. No country wants its neighbors to be too powerful. They don't care if the Raksha country lives or dies, but they do care about this.

"Let him come in!" Liu Hongjian said after thinking for a while.

With his current strength, it was not enough to fight against the whole of Europa. Liu Hongjian felt that he could still talk about it. He wanted to see what the Swede wanted to do.

A moment later, a middle-aged man in a black old-fashioned tuxedo entered the tent. This man looked a little angry, because he was interrogated and searched by several groups of people on the way to see Liu Hongjian. The tall hat on his head was also taken away, revealing a mess of brown-red hair. The Ming people claimed that there might be a murder weapon hidden here, which made him very angry.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" Liu Hongjian sat in the main seat expressionlessly and did not show the red-haired ghost, taking a sip of tea and asked.

"Honorable Prince Ming, I am Salvius from the Privy Council of the Kingdom of Sweden. I am here to seek the gospel of peace at the order of Queen Stina of the Kingdom of Sweden."

Although he was very angry at what happened just now, he still squeezed out a diplomat-like kind smile when he saw the notorious young prince Salvish in front of him in Europe.

"Oh?" Liu Hongjian pretended to be surprised.

"Prince of Ming Dynasty, peace is so precious. In fact, this is what the other monarchs of Europa mean. We hope for peace." Saluvis still smiled, but there was no sincerity in this smile.

In his view, no country could withstand their combined attack.

"Hehe, can you tell me which countries are there?" Liu Hongjian was not intimidated by Salvez, but asked with a chuckle.

"My lord, besides my country of Sweden, there are also the Kingdom of France, the Kingdom of Poland, the Kingdom of Germany, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of England, but their countries are far away from here, and they may arrive within a few days.

Your army has occupied such a huge territory of Rakshasa, you should be content. "Salvets tried his best to keep a kind smile, he believed that a smile could conquer everything.

"Hehe, you speak Ming Chinese well, who did you learn it from?" Liu Hongjian still didn't answer him, so he also smiled.

"My lord, the diplomatic envoys of the Kingdom of Sweden have courses dedicated to teaching foreign languages, and Ming language is one of them." Saulweis replied.

"I don't know if you have heard of a proverb in Ming Dynasty." Liu Hongjian put away his smile and glanced at the red-haired Swede in front of him who was smiling.

"I would like to hear more about it." Salvvis said with great interest that he would listen attentively.

"Dogs meddle in their own business with rats, what does it have to do with me attacking the Raksha Kingdom?"


(End of this chapter)

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