Chapter 876
"Prince of Daming, as far as I know, Daming is a respectful country, but from what your Excellency said, I don't have..." Saluvis couldn't help it no matter how good-tempered he was.

"Fork it out!" Liu Hongjian didn't even bother to talk nonsense with the red-haired foreigner.

Standing in the big tent, Kuo Duan and Niu Da Bang Chui had long been displeased with the red-haired monster, and as soon as Liu Hongjian finished speaking, the two of them carried the thin Salvish out, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Old Chang, these days more sentinel cavalry are sent to focus on investigating the forces around the Raksha Kingdom, and report to me immediately if there is any disturbance."

It was a good idea, but the attitudes of various countries still worried Liu Hongjian. Originally, Liu Hongjian was already ready to negotiate, and by the way, he delayed the time, but the bird messenger just laughed too much.

"Yes, my lord." Chang Yu probably knew that Liu Hongjian didn't say much on his mind, so he went out to make arrangements after accepting the order.

Five days later, the supplies still hadn't arrived, and Barbara was thinking that the soldiers would cut down trees to make siege equipment. The Raksha people in the city ran out of food and started cannibalism. Thousands of people crossed the white line and were hacked to death by the Mongolian soldiers.

Liu Hongjian lay anxiously in the big tent. Not only was there no food in Moscow, but also his [-] army was short of food.

Since the city of Chernog, the problem of supply has been plagued by the expeditionary force. One hundred thousand shi of grain was transported from Daming, and it took more than three months for people to eat and horses to deliver it, and there was only less than [-] shi left. Not on time.

So much so that the expeditionary army is basically self-sufficient except for arms, but it is basically wiped out when it encounters towns or Raksha herdsmen.

The siege of Moscow City has taken more than ten days, and the food and livestock looted in the past few days are gradually used up. If the current demand is followed, if there is no supply in three days, it is time to kill the horses again.

"My lord, the foreign devils are here again, this time there are a group of them." Chang Yu hurriedly came to report.

The name "foreign devils" was still derived from Liu Hongjian, and later the soldiers also found this name novel and called the Europa people "foreign devils".

"Old Chang, what do you think if the surrounding countries unite to force us to retreat?" Liu Hongjian didn't talk about the foreign devils, but instead asked an abrupt question.

"My lord, the humble job is up to you, and you can do whatever you want to do with the humble job." Chang Yu cupped his hands and said.

"Who did you learn from so long-windedly? If I tell you to tell me, just tell me." Liu Hongjian said angrily.

The expedition to Rakshasa has made the army extremely exhausted, not to mention that it is impossible to compete with the European countries with the current strength. Once it falls into a protracted war, the court can be exhausted with only supplies.

Liu Hongjian had to face this dilemma.

"My lord, we marched tens of thousands of miles, from summer to winter, in order to permanently solve Ming's northern troubles, so that the people in our pass no longer have to worry about the northern captives.

Now that the Raksha Kingdom has been fighting with my Ming Dynasty, if it really stops because of the intervention of other countries, the land we snatched back will inevitably fall into war in the future.

My lord, I still remember that you said to the soldiers before the expedition, 'Anyone who offends my strength will be punished no matter how far away' I deeply care about it. "Chang Yu said respectfully.

Liu Hongjian was silent when he heard the words, and pretended to be cool for a while, but he was responsible for the remaining [-] lives of his men.

"My lord, this is also the wish of all the soldiers. Governor Barbara said that if he went back here, he would feel useless. If the man died, he would die. Why bother?" Chang Yu said again.

"Hehe, maybe things are not that bad, you go down first, arrange for envoys from various countries to wait in the barracks in the east of the city, and inform Barbara and them that the king is going to have a military parade!" Liu Hongjian said with a smile.

After sitting in the big tent for a while, Liu Hongjian sighed softly and stood up, sorted his clothes, got out of the big tent, and walked towards the camp in the east of the city.

Even though the weather is cold, the training of the soldiers in the barracks has not stopped, and exercising in cold weather is more conducive to maintaining combat effectiveness.

After receiving Liu Hongjian's order, Babara, Lin He, Kong Erlangzi and other generals got busy. When they heard that foreign devils from various countries were coming to observe, the soldiers immediately knew Liu Hongjian's thoughts, so Kong Erlianzi didn't even report He moved out the remaining three grenades.

The Europa envoys only heard about the strength of the Ming army, but it was the first time they saw the lineup of the expeditionary army, and they kept chattering non-stop at the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

This time, not only the six countries mentioned by Salvvis, but also the Dutch who are in a state of hostility to Ming Dynasty, as well as the large and small Frenchmen who have been monopolizing the silk, tea, and porcelain business of Daming, and even people from far away. Italy in the Mediterranean also came to join in the fun.

These countries were still fighting each other a few years ago. The small French envoy Barrymore had already quarreled with the French envoy Louis. After the 30-year war in Europe, apart from the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, the small French machine also declined rapidly. , the Armada no longer exists and is often bullied by the Dutch.

Although the Thirty Years' War has ended, the envoys of the various countries are still divided into two factions according to their previous camps. Among them, Austria, France, France, and Poland are one faction, and France, England, Sweden, and the Netherlands are the other faction.

Even within one faction, there are differences. For example, the two envoys of the big and small Franjis don’t care about each other. The little Franji (Spain) has always been worried about the independence of the Big Franji (Portugal), and even refuses to recognize the latter independence.

After a while, Liu Hongjian came over wearing a python suit and wearing a Yanling knife, followed by Chang Yu, Kuo Duan and Niu Dabangchui.

The camp immediately fell silent, and the behavior of the Ming Expeditionary Army in the Rakshasa country shocked all countries, and at the same time filled them with fear.

Liu Hongjian ignored the envoys from various countries, but got on his horse and went straight to his troops.

"Soldiers, in the past, the Raksha Kingdom colluded with the Puppet Qing Dynasty to overthrow our Ming Dynasty, and there was a Raksha Country that brutally killed our Ming caravan. Later, there was a Raksha Country that invaded Chahar, an ally of the Ming Dynasty, and intended to invade our Ming Dynasty again.

Now the Great Ming Xingyi Division is attacking Luocha, soldiers, tell me, should Luocha be destroyed? "Liu Hongjian raised his head and rode on his horse and said loudly. Rather than speaking to the expeditionary troops, he said these words to the envoys from various countries behind him.

Hearing this, the soldiers were extremely excited. Barbara's Menggu cavalry even drew their sabers, and each had a row of grenades hanging from their waists. The polished grenades shone coldly against the faint sun.

"Anyone who offends my strong sense will be punished even if he is far away!" Kong Er, a general of the artillery battalion, suddenly shouted loudly at the people behind him.

"Anyone who offends my strength will be punished no matter how far away!"

"Anyone who offends my strength will be punished no matter how far away!"


(End of this chapter)

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