Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 877 Deterrence

Chapter 877 Deterrence
In addition to the wounded soldiers, more than 5 soldiers lined up roared in unison, the roar shook the sky, and the envoys of various countries changed their colors.

Liu Hongjian also didn't expect this to happen, and thought that this idiot was getting more and more troublesome, and he really should add a chicken leg tonight.

"Da Ming never provoked wars for no reason, and this expedition was only aimed at Rakshasa, which gave me [-] points of energy. If anyone wants to intervene in the war between us and Raksha, do you know what to do? "Liu Hongjian said again.

"Don't die, kill! Kill! Kill!"

This time it was Babara who took the lead. He was so annoyed by building siege equipment recently that he didn't even make a few simple siege vehicles after two or three days. Seeing that the surrounding countries are still making trouble, he is not at all good. complexion.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The Menggu cavalry behind Barbara responded first, and the excited ones even put their hands on the grenades in front of their chests, as if they would dare to blow up the envoys of various countries to the sky as long as Liu Hongjian gave the order.

Liu Hongjian waved his hands for a long time, and the shouts of tens of thousands of troops finally stopped.

"After conquering the Kremlin, I will take you home and continue training!" After speaking, Liu Hongjian got off his horse, smiled and walked towards the envoys of various countries.

"Embassadors, my king supervises and trains the army every day. I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting so long!" Liu Hongjian cupped his hands at a group of foreign devils who were overwhelmed by the military power of the expeditionary army.

The envoys of various countries are not fools, and most of them know that this powerful figure in Ming Dynasty is knocking the mountains and shaking tigers. But except for the Dutch envoy Ian who looked unhappy, the envoys of other countries also touched their chests with their right hands and saluted Liu Hongjian.

"Respected Lord Daming, we can understand and understand that you take care of all kinds of affairs." The envoy of the little Franji, Barrymore, smiled slightly.

Little Franji has made a lot of profits through the silk trade with Daming. Recently, the navy has even declared two warships, and the draft does not forget the well digger. Barrymore is very respectful to Ming.


Liu Hongjian was about to reply, when suddenly a cannon shot from the artillery battalion behind him made everyone tremble with fright.

I saw a howitzer in the artillery battalion emitting gunpowder smoke, and there was a loud noise on the wall of the Kremlin not far away. At first Liu Hongjian thought it was a fire accident, but he knew it just by looking back at Kong Er. what happened.

This guy!He is quite good at acting, it would be a shame not to go to film school to become a best actor.

Immediately afterwards, the artilleryman of that artillery immediately opened the bottom door of the howitzer, quickly cleaned up the spent ammunition residue, and then installed a new howitzer from the base.


There was another loud bang, and it took only one minute between the two cannons, which shocked many envoys, and what was even more shocking was that Daming's cannon exploded again when it touched the city wall.

The Dutch envoy Ian quickly took a telescope from his waist and glanced at the Kremlin wall without saying a word.

"Viscount Ian, can you lend me the binoculars?" The English envoy Ludwig smiled at Ian. Ludwig was a bit old, and his gray beard was half a foot long.

Ian reluctantly handed the binoculars to Ludwig, and Ludwig only took a look at the city wall before taking a deep breath.

I saw two bomb craters sunken in on the wall of the Kremlin that was attacked, and all the stones around the bomb craters were peeled off, more than ten centimeters deep.

Ludwig again visually measured the distance between the artillery and the Kremlin, which seemed to have a longer range than the most advanced artillery in England.

If the height and thickness of the Moscow city wall is to be breached with solid shells, at least several days or even more than ten days of uninterrupted bombardment are required.

I thought to myself, no wonder Daming was able to break through the outer city of Moscow in one day, their artillery power is really too powerful, with such powerful artillery, what other fortified city can resist it?

This is not over yet, next is the performance of the Shenji Battalion to which Lin He belongs. Several rows of musketeers walked forward with bolt-action rifles and fired a salvo in the direction of the Kremlin.

After the volley, the soldiers began to shoot freely according to the hand speed of each soldier. The speed of reloading was so fast that it took less than a minute for all soldiers to finish shooting the six bullets in the magazine.

The envoys of various countries have already inquired about the specific situation of the firearms from the defeated soldiers of the Raksha Kingdom, but seeing is worth seeing, not to mention the power, the envoys of all countries are ashamed of themselves at such a speed of reloading.

Ian and Ludwig looked at each other, and they both saw fear in each other's eyes. With a fearless army and powerful firearms, can their country resist it?
Having experienced the Renaissance and just after the protracted 30-year war, this group of envoys had a kind of pride like the favored sons of heaven. After all, the war made their firearms stronger.

But compared with Ming's armament and military capacity, many envoys felt that they were nothing more than frogs in a well.

The huge contrast caused the envoys of various countries to look at Liu Hongjian a little differently. Ian was even a little scared. The Dutch relied on their battleships, and their artillery was theirs. For a long time, the Dutch relied on their powerful ship Artillery ran across the Atlantic Ocean and Asiatic waters.

But now it seems that Daming's artillery technology has obviously surpassed them, but he is very curious about why Daming's artillery can be loaded from the buttocks, why Daming has such powerful artillery, and why he avoids fighting them in the war?
With his mind full of doubts, Ian made up his mind to report to the parliament to stop the bad behavior towards the Daming sea area after returning home. He suddenly felt that the Ming proverb that it is better to solve an enemy than to end it is so wise.

"It's too noisy here, everyone, let's go to the conference hall to talk!" Liu Hongjian smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

He was also very happy in his heart, he had lived up to his repeated teachings back then, and now all the senior generals of the expeditionary army had received his true biography, if he gave this guy a score, Liu Hongjian would give him [-] points.

Seeing that Liu Hongjian was finally about to talk about serious matters, the envoys of various countries quickly put away their shock and followed Liu Hongjian to the outside of the camp. Along the way, Liu Hongjian enthusiastically introduced the history of this army to the envoys of various countries.

"Most of the soldiers you saw just now are from the Daming Frontier Army and Imperial Guard Army, that is, Ming's regular troops, with average combat strength. Like this, Daming still has 150 million soldiers." Liu Hongjian smiled casually.


PS: Thanks to Xiao Wuwu for the reward of 1 taels, becoming the No.12 leader of this book. I also thank the mouse for taking to the streets and watching the ax while drunk. I am very sorry, I will try my best to catch up with the progress, thank you friends for your company all the way and never give up, Hanhan bows here to apologize.

(End of this chapter)

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