Chapter 878
In a Raksha State building on the east side of the Ming army camp in Moscow, envoys from various countries sat on both sides of the long maroon wooden table according to their relationship, and Liu Hongjian sat alone on the east side.

Envoys from various countries are still reminiscing what Liu Hongjian said inadvertently just now, 150 million troops, what a terrifying number, but those present are not fools, many envoys think Liu Hongjian is bragging.

It's just that they deeply understand that regardless of whether Liu Hongjian is bragging or not, the firearms of the Ming army are far more powerful than their own country. With the same military strength, they don't think their country can defeat Ming, at least on land superior.

Liu Hongjian didn't care what these foreign devils thought of him, he only cared about the real purpose of these people, if he wanted Liu Hongjian to give up attacking the Kremlin and withdraw from Moscow, that was completely unacceptable to him.

Although declaring war on the countries of Europe at the same time is a bit impulsive, but an old woman 300 years later would dare, and he has nothing to dare. In fact, if the supply issue is not considered, Liu Hongjian does not think that Ming will lose.

Daming currently has about 120 million troops in the army plus naval divisions. Although 150 million troops is a bit exaggerated, it is by no means bragging. As long as the court wants to, it can casually recruit another 100 million troops within a year.

"Ahem——" Liu Hongjian coughed to stop the whispering of the envoys from various countries.

"Everyone came from afar, I think it must be for the affairs of the Raksha Kingdom, but I also said just now that Daming and the Raksha Kingdom have had a long-standing grudge, and it has reached the point of irreconcilability. If you and the royal family behind you are If you want to persuade the king to give up attacking the Kremlin, then please go back, we have nothing to talk about."

Liu Hongjian doesn't know any diplomatic rhetoric, he only relies on the expeditionary force in his hand, and the powerful motherland thousands of miles away, so he doesn't want to beat around the bush and directly tell the envoys of various countries what they want to say but dare not say or are embarrassed to say Things were said in advance.

The envoys from all over the world looked at each other in a bit of a dilemma. The orders they received were roughly the same. Basically, they were to prevent Ming from annexing Rakshasa, and at least keep the capital of Rakshasa, Moscow, which was the original land of the Moscow Principality.

In this way, there is a Principality of Moscow between Ming and Europa, which can be regarded as a strategic buffer for the European powers. No country wants to have a neighbor with a huge territory and a huge national power.

"Respected Lord Ming, I am Louis, the envoy of France. The Raksha Kingdom and France are very good allies. Our two countries have a lot of trade. If the Raksha Kingdom is destroyed by you, the King of France will be very angry." Louis smiled. He expressed his opinion as tactfully as possible.

"If I remember correctly, the king of your country has just turned ten years old!" Liu Hongjian was also amused by this guy. Diplomats in the world probably have thick skins.

After all, having stayed in Europa for so long, Liu Hongjian had already inquired clearly about the countries of Europa.

Especially King Louis XIV of France, the history teacher told interesting stories about Louis XIV in the history class in later generations. I still remember that the students in the classroom laughed together.

Louis XIV is a magical king. He reigned for 72 years and is the longest reigning king in Europa's history. He calls himself the Sun King Louis XIV.

Louis XIV never took a bath in his life. If there was a Guinness World Record at that time, Louis XIV would definitely be elected as the man who did not take a bath for the longest time in the world.

It is said that the unpleasant smell can be smelled 40 meters away from Louis XI, just like stinky socks that have not been washed for half a month, plus the smell of various animal corpses, it is simply frightening.

So there is a reason why French perfume is famous, otherwise how could it cover the stink of His Majesty the Sun King?

Louis XIV is also the inventor of high heels. This guy is not tall, half a head shorter than Napoleon more than 100 years later, and at most he is only 1.5 meters in his early years.

In order to solve this unbearable embarrassment, His Excellency Louis XIV invented high-heeled shoes with a heel height of 1.8 centimeters, and usually wears a pointed round hat, and his height exceeds [-] meters.

The Bourbon family to which His Excellency the Sun King belongs seems not very good at picking names. The name Louis was called from Louis I to Louis XVIII, spanning 1000 years. Of course, the last one was Liu Hongjian's obscenity.

"This is the meaning of the Frankish royal family, and it is also the meaning of the bishop." Louis said stubbornly.

In history, the Sun King Louis XIV was only able to take charge when he was 23 years old. According to the current calculation, it will be 12 years later. At present, France is regented by Louis XIV's mother Anna of Austria and Cardinal Zaran.

"This king reiterates again, this king is not joking, and your king's anger has nothing to do with me.

Also, if Rakshasa cannot be completely wiped out, this king will also be very angry. Once this king is angry, the 150 million troops of Ming Dynasty will be very angry, and the [-] million people of Ming Dynasty will also be very angry. When the people are angry, the Ming Empire The emperor will be very angry.

The emperor was angry, and the consequences were serious! "Liu Hongjian stared at Louis motionlessly.

Liu Hongjian has been fighting for many years, and he has experienced countless times of corpses and blood. The pressure and courage of the years can only be compared with the fast-talking keyboard man. Louis was stunned and bowed his head. Decided to reserve opinion first.

"Prince of Ming Dynasty, you are a sensible person. Your army and country are powerful, but after all, they are thousands of miles away. You should know our worries. If we go back and fail to do business, it may cause greater misunderstanding and even war. !” said the Swedish envoy Sahlwis in a deep voice, this time he had a serious expression and there was no smile on his face.

"Your Excellency, Ming is a peace-loving country, and will never attack other countries for no reason. It has been like this for 2000 years. As long as you don't make provocations for no reason, I believe that Ming will be able to live in peace with you.

If you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do about it. "Liu Hongjian spread his hands and said in a very bachelor way.

It is a lesson of history that a weak country has no diplomacy, but Ming Dynasty is not a weak country, so Liu Hongjian has always been tough.

"Your Highness of Ming Dynasty, do you think this will work? Why don't you let the Duke of Rhodes come over, let's discuss a result together, whether it is land cession or compensation, I think the Duke of Rhodes will definitely satisfy you." Ludwig, the envoy of England Find a new way.

At this time, England has not yet completed the industrial revolution, and its strength ranks at the top among the many powers in Europa. However, England has been working hard to maintain its position in Europe for thousands of years.

In short, it is to use the relationship of the English royal family to influence the European countries and even provoke wars.

Take the later Queen Victoria as an example to know how powerful England is. Her husband is the Prince of Germany, and they have nine children.

The eldest daughter married the prince of the Kingdom of Prussia, later Emperor Frederick III of the German Empire. The two had four sons and four daughters. The eldest son was the last emperor of the German Empire, William II. The second daughter Sophia married Greece King Constantine I, and their children later became kings of Little Franz.

Her eldest son, George V, married the daughter of the King of Denmark, who later married the King of Norway and became queen.

The second daughter married a grand duke of Germany, the king of the principality, and their daughter married Nicholas II, emperor of the Raksha Empire.

Victoria's second son married the daughter of Alexander II of the Raksha Empire, and their daughter married the King of Romania.


This is just a microcosm of the marriages of the European countries. The intermarriage and even the marriage between the European royal family and the royal family are so obvious.

And England is definitely a leader in intermarriage diplomacy. More than 100 years later, Queen Victoria can be called the old grandmother of the European countries.

Take the current situation in Europe as an example. The ruling Prince of Orange in the Netherlands, his mother is the daughter of King Charles I of England, and his father-in-law is James II. He himself is both William II of Scotland and Prince of Orange. The prince was still in power in the Netherlands, and later became the king of the Netherlands.

This is not over yet, this guy is half of the king of the Netherlands, and the king of England has died and has no heirs, so England can't find a king, so this guy went to England to become the king again.

As a result, England obtained the advanced financial concepts of the Netherlands, which also laid the foundation for the later success of the British East India Company, so that later generations only heard about the British East India Company, but ignored the Dutch East India Company.

Of course, England is still almost there now. Although the Spanish Armada was destroyed, the Dutch coachmen have risen again. The Prince of Orange has not yet gone to England to take up a part-time job. England will have to wait at least another 100 years if it wants to get ahead.

"Your Excellency, this king has no habit of dealing with dead people, so there is no need to discuss this matter!" Liu Hongjian said bluntly.

In his eyes, it is a matter of time before the Kremlin is taken down. Since these keyboard warriors did not bring an army, it means that the royal families of all countries are not ready to go to war with Ming. As long as he quickly cooks raw rice into porridge, he will not It is believed that these countries will attack Ming because they are afraid that Ming will attack them.

As for offending England, the sun never sets on England anyway. In his eyes, England is still a stinky brother who hasn't grown wings yet.

"As far as I know, the reason why your army didn't start attacking the Kremlin is because the ammunition has been exhausted."

Suddenly there was an abrupt voice in the house. This person did not report that the voice at the door was very unfriendly.

"Which one are you?" Liu Hongjian frowned and looked at the foreign devil with brown-red hair and said, thinking that you are awesome, who gave you the courage to dare to be so presumptuous in Lao Tzu's military camp.

"Your Excellency, I am Ian, member of the Dutch National Assembly, and I am also the plenipotentiary representative for this negotiation." Viscount Ian explained.

"Oh? Then you don't have to go back today, stick, let me take this guy down!" Liu Hongjian said calmly.


PS: The relationship between the royal families of European countries is intricate, full of various intermarriages, marriages, marriages between close relatives and even chaos. The narration in this article is just a simple popular science.

(End of this chapter)

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