Chapter 880 Fox Tail
"What else is there for you?" Liu Hongjian said.

He didn't have a good opinion of the Spanish Liu Hongjian, and of course he didn't have any bad feelings. He just offered his courtesy for nothing, rape or robbery. Liu Hongjian calmly looked at the little minister of Franjima who smiled harmlessly in front of him.

"Your Majesty, Daming is now the largest trading partner of the Francine Kingdom in Asia. His Majesty Philip IV sent [-] live cattle as condolences in order to enhance our mutual friendship." Barrymore said pleasantly.

"Oh? Where's the cow? Why didn't I see it?" Liu Hongjian was surprised on the face, but actually a little happy in his heart.

More than 5 expeditionary troops eat horses every day, which is an astonishing number. The Raksha people in Moscow have already begun to eat people. Although [-] cows are still stretched, at least the soldiers of the expeditionary army can eat every day. Meat.

The weather was still too cold, and the calories of vegetarian food were not enough to guarantee the protein supply of the soldiers. Thirty war horses were just killed in the barracks yesterday.

"Reporting to my lord, the presents are in a small village thirty miles away from here. I, Francois, cannot send them directly to the barracks. Please understand." Barrymore said again.

As if worried that the walls have ears, Barrymore bent down and walked in front of Liu Hongjian.

"My lord, my people are disguised as a caravan. You just need to send some people to pull the cattle over. Once your soldiers leave, the people in the caravan will leave the cattle and run away."

"Is there still such an operation? En... not bad, not bad, go back and thank your Majesty on my behalf!" Liu Hongjian finally smiled.

After thinking for a while, Liu Hongjian realized that Little Frangji didn't want other countries to know about it. After all, it would cause unnecessary trouble, but Liu Hongjian didn't care about it.

No matter how good the two countries say it is, it is useless. Only the benefits they get are the most important. Three hundred cattle are not many, and it is a kindness from Franji Nation. Although I know that this kindness must be something, but The obedient Liu Hongjian was never stingy.

"Hehe, that's natural. If the prince can agree to a small condition from His Majesty, Francine Kingdom can send you more cattle and sheep."

The fox's tail finally came out, Earl Barrymore whispered.

"Let me think about it, do you want to monopolize Daming's trade with Europa?" Liu Hongjian said casually.

Since the last agreement, the big and small Frangian countries have equally divided Ming's silk, tea and porcelain trade with Europa and gained a lot of profits from it. However, the big and small Frangian countries have always been enemies. It was only then that he was forced to recognize the independence of the Great French Kingdom, which has always made Philip IV feel stuck in his throat.

"No, my lord, after seeing your army, I changed my mind." The Earl of Barrymore said kindly.

Now the opportunity is in front of us, as long as we have a good relationship with Daming, it is no longer a dream to annex the Great Franchi Country again.

"Oh? Just relying on the cattle and sheep you sent?" Liu Hongjian felt that the guy in front of him was joking, and he wanted to see who he was when he was robbed?
"The Kingdom of Franji will support you in capturing Rakshasa, and is willing to provide assistance to the best of its ability in your subsequent war against the Netherlands. You should know that the countries of Europa will not agree to your army entering the hinterland of Europa." Barrymore road.

"And you can." Liu Hongjian smiled.

Small Francier is not far from the Netherlands, and the two countries were also rivals in the 30-year war before. It is easy to find a reason to start a war again.

The Armada is the eternal glory of the small Franjima. It seems that Philip III was not reconciled to the last failure, Liu Hongjian thought.

"Then what do you want from Daming?" Seeing that Barrymore had acquiesced, Liu Hongjian asked again.

"Prince of Daming, Little Franz is a friend of Daming, and so are you." Barrymore showed a kind smile.

"Hehe, there is no need to talk about these scenes. This king is more straightforward and doesn't like to guess."

Still a friend, bah, if you are a friend, why did you join forces to make trouble in Nanyang a year ago?hypocritical!

"His Majesty Philip IV is very interested in the muskets and cannons in your hands, my lord." This is the first time Barrymore has seen such a straightforward Daming person, which makes it difficult for an experienced negotiator like him .

"It's easy to say, as long as you can help me take the Netherlands, no matter directly or indirectly, I can sell you a batch of firearms." Liu Hongjian agreed after a brief thought.

According to the current situation, it is unlikely that Prussia and Poland will borrow their way, which means that it will be difficult to get involved in the Netherlands during this expedition.

In this case, it would be better for the little Franjiguo to fight the Dutchman first. Although the Dutchman is very powerful, the Armada is also a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse.

As for whether or not the promise will be fulfilled, that must be discussed later. No country will sell its own new standard equipment to other countries. Liu Hongjian is not that stupid. The big deal is to relax the scope of trade with the small French country. Liu Hongjian thought.

After seeing off Barrymore, Liu Hongjian immediately sent a team to look for the three hundred bulls. Later generations knew a little about Spanish bullfighting, so the taste was already very delicious.

Not to mention, the pretend caravan was very good at acting, as soon as it saw the flag of the Ming army, it immediately ran away.

That night the expeditionary army ate deliciously stewed beef, and the aroma almost caused riots among the civilians in Moscow.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, Pan Xingxingpan Moon Expeditionary Army finally waited for the long-overdue supply team, and the person in charge of escorting the supplies was a general surnamed Wu.

It was not easy for a [-]-strong army to walk from Daming to Moscow. Most of the soldiers suffered from severe frostbite.

As usual, there are food and ammunition for supplies, but the food has already been consumed along the way. This time, a total of 36 bolt-action rifles, 60 copper-cased bullets, [-] paper-cased bullets, and [-] paper-cased bullets were brought in. There are [-] artillery shells and [-] howitzer shells.

"The production capacity of the Ordnance Institute has increased again. Wu Shen will be working hard from afar. Your troops should camp on the left side of the camp." Liu Hongjian briefly checked the ammunition and handed over the counting work to Kong Ermao. Looking at the ammunition in the car, the eyes are all lit up.

"The time limit has been delayed for more than 30 days. If you are guilty of a lowly position, please punish me!" Wu Shenjiang immediately knelt down in front of Liu Hongjian, and several guards behind him also knelt down.

"That's all, let's all get up, the distance is too far and I can understand it, go for a walk, go to the camp and tell me about Daming's recent situation, I will treat you to beef soup!"

Liu Hongjian graciously supported General Wu. The journey from the capital to Moscow stretched tens of thousands of miles, and there were many winter storms. Even he could not guarantee that the supplies would arrive on time. Fortunately, besides killing many horses, The expeditionary force did not suffer much loss.

The stone in Wu Shenjiang's heart fell to the ground when he heard the words. Seeing that Liu Hongjian was not only not angry, but also said that he would treat them to drink broth, he was moved to tears.

"My lord, there hasn't been any major incidents in the mainland of Ming Dynasty recently, but the Dutch country has blocked the sea off the coast of Ming Dynasty for a long time without success, so they sent a fleet to attack Dongpu. I heard that Dongpu is in a mess now."

General Wu Shen is also a rough man, he picked up a bowl of beef soup and drank it cleanly, wiped his mouth and said.


 Thanks for the 1 taels from the book friend Mouse, and the 100 taels from the book friend who lights up the lamp and looks at the ax while drunk, and who lives in the memory.

(End of this chapter)

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