Chapter 881 Falling (Third)

Early the next morning, the barracks began to bury pots and cook. The order had been issued last night. After breakfast today, they began to bombard the Kremlin, trying to end the fighting today.

The cold wind has been blowing for several months, and now it is finally at the last moment, and the soldiers of all ministries are in high spirits.

Kong Ermao didn't even care about food and ordered a team of artillery to carry the shells. These shells are the key to conquering the Kremlin today. Kong Ermao was also very excited, because when this expedition is over, he will at least be an earl when he returns. It was Liu Hongjian's promise to him.

Half an hour later, more than 5 horses gathered under the southern wall of the Kremlin.

"Idiot, let's start your performance!" Without too much nonsense, Liu Hongjian just glanced at the city wall with his binoculars and gave the order to attack.

No one has ever thought about how howitzers mean changes in warfare. Under howitzers, city walls are no longer impenetrable, and besiegers no longer have to rely on flesh and blood to pay for the war.

The bombardment lasted for more than two hours, and there was almost no interruption except that the artillery cooling was suspended twice during the period.

Babara and the others stared eagerly at the city wall, and looked at Liu Hongjian from time to time, as if they were waiting for the final order.

"My lord, there seems to be a white flag on the city wall!" Chang Yu put down the binoculars and hurriedly said to Liu Hongjian.

Liu Hongjian frowned when he heard this, and picked up his binoculars.

There is indeed a white flag hanging on the wall of the southern city, and the two ends of the white flag are tied with ropes hanging on the wall, which is particularly eye-catching. At this juncture, the Raksha people also want to live!

"Where is the white flag, why didn't I see it, Barbara, did you see it?" Liu Hongjian put down the binoculars and looked at Chang Yu and asked.

His sudden words surprised everyone present. Although he was not close to the city wall, he could still see it clearly through the telescope.

Why did the prince open his eyes and talk nonsense?

"My lord, I didn't see any white flags either." Barbara snatched the telescope from Chang Yu's hand with a decent look, took a careless glance, and opened her eyes to talk nonsense.

"That's right, Master Chang, take a look again, where is the white flag, why didn't we see it?" Fang Dagang, a former member of the westbound team who has been promoted to guerrilla, took over the words.

Chang Yu didn't say anything, so he took the telescope from Babara and looked at it again.

"Oh, I didn't sleep well last night and caused dizziness. I misread it, and there is indeed no white flag." Chang Yu laughed.

"Then let's keep bombing, it seems that the city wall is about to fail." Liu Hongjian waved his hand to signal the crowd to continue watching the battle.

Lin He, Lu Haibo and the others looked at each other without saying a word.

It was impossible for Liu Hongjian not to have seen the white flag, but so what?
The Raksha Kingdom has already betrayed their relatives. To put it bluntly, the grandma does not love the uncle. The European countries wisely chose to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger after seeing the armament of the Ming Dynasty.

Now the soldiers in the city decided to surrender when they realized that there was no one to rescue them anymore, but how could Liu Hongjian allow them to surrender.

Not to mention how many people died in the expeditionary army during the Western Expedition, but there are tens of thousands of Luocha soldiers in the city. If they really accept the surrender, how will they be settled?
More than 5 people are guarding more than 6 captives. Who is guarding whom?
After taking the Kremlin, the expeditionary force will return to the court with a squadron. How could they bring tens of thousands of prisoners who can eat and pull along the way?

Furthermore, what if the Raksha Kingdom feigns surrender?Who can guarantee that it is not?
Babara didn't think about it so much, he just felt that after waiting for so long, suffering so much, and dying so many people, not killing all the Raksha soldiers would not be enough to vent his anger.

Gu Jia, the dean of the martial arts hall, was silent, and he was not reconciled, but he did not reveal his identity, while Fang Dagang and Chen Yishan, the other two survivors of the westward team, were full of excitement.

Hatred drives people crazy.

In this way, under the deliberate neglect of the bosses, the Luocha soldiers who were ready to surrender fell into despair. Seeing that Liu Hongjian did not order him to stop shooting, Kong Er immediately understood what Liu Hongjian meant, and he personally calibrated the three The artillery blasted the white flag into pieces in just a moment.

Another half an hour later, the east city wall completely collapsed, and Baba Lacang, who had already been unable to restrain himself, drew out his saber with a clang.

"Lin He! You lead [-] infantry into the city, all using bolt-action rifles!" Liu Hongjian glared at Babara, stopping his thought of charging.

It wasn't that he didn't like to see cavalry. In previous siege battles, once the city wall was captured, it was basically the cavalry that charged first, followed by the infantry.

But this way of fighting would inevitably lead to heavy casualties. After all, the opponent also had muskets and grenades. Babara fought too many regular siege battles and naturally didn't care about casualties. He only wanted to win, but Liu Hongjian cared.

"Kong Ermao, bring [-] mortars to respond to the left and right, and Tianbao and you all follow, the target is the local commander!" Liu Hongjian said again.

Although the city is broken, the Rakshasa soldiers still have an organizational system. It is impossible for them not to make an organized defense. The expeditionary force must use the minimum cost to defeat their defense. Hands can really play a role.

The range of the mortar is lower than that of the howitzer and higher than that of the bolt-action rifle. Naturally, it is farther than the muskets of the Raksha people. The mortar can stay behind the infantry and bombard the musket formation of the Raksha country flexibly.

And it was exactly the same. Under the joint strangulation of bolt-action rifles and mortars, the Luocha soldiers who were still using the queuing shooting tactics were almost queuing up to be shot.

In two quarters of an hour, at least three Rakshasa infantry formations were routed. At this moment, a cavalry came out from behind. These people's eyes were bloodshot and they screamed, as if explaining what it means to be trapped.

Kong Erlian didn't panic at all, and immediately ordered [-] small steel cannons to calibrate the barrel angles. Lin He and Kong Erlian's artillery regiment had already cooperated seamlessly, and quickly ordered his men to prepare grenades to cover the artillery.

It only took a moment for all the cavalry who rushed up to be blown up to heaven, and then the two began to cooperate to harvest the Rakshasa's infantry phalanx.

The completely crushing battle aroused Liu Hongjian's interest. Seeing that Luochabin's defensive line gradually collapsed, Liu Hongjian sighed and waved to Babara, indicating that he could start charging.

"My lord, do you want to kill me?" Babara didn't draw a knife and charge immediately, instead he calmed down a lot after waiting for so long.

"En." Liu Hongjian didn't say much, just hummed lightly.

Until now, he still doesn't think that he is a bloodthirsty city-slayer madman. On the contrary, he still hates war. It's just that the years of history are rolling forward and he has to go to war, and if he wants to evacuate safely, he must be ruthless.

Having got the right words, the flame in Babala's chest instantly burned blazingly.


(End of this chapter)

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