Chapter 882 Treasure (Fourth)

Twenty thousand ancient cavalrymen rushed into the Kremlin screaming, their bodies covered with rows of grenades, and Barbara gave them the task of using up all the grenades.

Boom, as long as you see Luocha soldiers, you will throw the grenade, and if you can't fight the sword, don't fight the sword, this is Babara's original words.

The Kremlin, which had stood for more than 300 years, became a riot, with explosions, shouts of killing, and screams everywhere. The gods enshrined in the churches in the palace did not bring good news to the Raksha soldiers, and everything was still so primitive.

Duke Rhodes stood on the bell tower of Ivan the Great. He was unkempt and unkempt, and he no longer had the majesty of the Grand Duke. The two guards behind him were also injured.

"You don't need to follow me anymore, you all run for your life, if you are lucky." Duke Rhodes said to the guard behind him with a sad face.

Who would have imagined that the vast Rakshasa Congress with a history of thousands of years would collapse within a year. Duke Rhodes did not believe it, and he thought that Alexei, who had been captured long ago, would not believe it either.

But the fact is so cruel, the indestructible Moscow city is like a dog under Ming's artillery, and none of the Europa allies who promised him that they would go to war more than a month ago have kept their promises.

The Raksha Kingdom has become a place abandoned by the Lord.


Duke Rhodes roared up to the sky, and struck the statue on the wall of the clock tower with his sword, as if he was questioning why the god who had been enshrined for so long didn't help the Rakshasa Kingdom.

Seeing that the Duke of Rhodes had become a lunatic, the two personal guards who were still hesitating even slashed at the god they believed in with their long swords, looked at each other and left in a hurry.

Luo's Duke staggered to the statue of Ivan the Great and knelt down.

"Your Majesty, I have done my best. My ancestors fought for you. I died today to protect the country. I have done my best!" After speaking, Duke Rhodes raised his sword across his neck.

Blood gushed out instantly and dyed Duke Rhodes' clothes red. The statue of Ivan the Great was still so kind-hearted, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

The battle in the palace is still going on, but the Raksha soldiers have long since given up resistance. They are running around like dogs bereaved, hoping to escape and ascend to heaven.

It was getting dark slowly, only the artillery fire inside the Kremlin reflected Moscow into a city that never sleeps.

The battle lasted until the next morning. Although after repeated screenings, Barbara insisted that he would rather kill the wrong than let them go, but in the end the Kremlin still received thousands of prisoners.

Most of these people were priests of the church, servants and maids in the tsar's palace, etc. Barbara sent troops straight into the tsar's palace as soon as he entered the city-there were treasures of the Raksha Kingdom.

"My lord, the Raksha soldiers in the city have basically been cleaned up, and the commander of the Raksha soldiers committed suicide in the bell tower." Chang Yu came over to report.

Liu Hongjian was sitting in the camp at this time, gnawing on a bone. Hearing that the battle was finally over, he immediately threw the bone aside and entered the Kremlin, followed by a big club.

The Kremlin is a group of comprehensive buildings. If you compare it with the capital of Ming Dynasty, Moscow City is the outer city of Beijing, while the Kremlin belongs to the inner city.

It's just that the Raksha Kingdom at this time is not so particular. Apart from the inner city, there is no imperial city, let alone the Forbidden City.

In the Kremlin there are religious sites such as the Church of the Assumption, the Church of the Angel, and the Church of the Annunciation, as well as political and military sites such as the Polygonal Palace, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, and the Armory.

Among them, the Duoleng Palace was the palace where the tsar discussed matters with his ministers and entertained foreign guests, which is equivalent to the Huangji Palace in the Ming Dynasty.

It’s just that the Kremlin at this moment seems to have just been condemned by God. There are earth pits blown out by shells and grenades everywhere, and the remains of soldiers. Blood and snow are mixed and condensed into ice due to the severe cold.

Many people carried the corpses of Rakshasa soldiers and piled them up into dozens of hills. The stumps and broken bodies all over the ground hadn't had time to clean up. Even though they had turned into ice sculptures, they still couldn't hide the smell of blood in the air.

Liu Hongjian has long been accustomed to this. He rode on the horse and walked on the battlefield yesterday, and the soldiers followed Liu Hongjian to protect him.

This is a victory that belongs to the Ming Dynasty, and it is a great victory that belongs to the expeditionary force and theirs. Conquering a city is exciting, but conquering a country and the palace of this country makes them crazy.

As Liu Hongjian said not long ago, when they are old, surrounded by their children and grandchildren, they can tell their children and grandchildren with a hoarse voice that they were fortunate enough to have experienced a protracted war, and they stood proudly. In the palace of foreigners, those who dare to despise the military might of the Ming Dynasty will be trampled under their feet.

After passing through the Red Square, the Bell Tower and several cathedrals, Liu Hung-chien finally came to the Tsar's residence - the Teremnoy Palace.

Babara had been waiting outside the palace for a long time. Seeing Liu Hongjian approaching, Babara hurried over to salute.

"My lord, I only sent my personal guards in to search, and drove out all the rebels and servants inside. I trust my personal guards, and no one dares to touch the things inside." Babara stepped forward to explain road.

This is a matter of principle. The Menggu army’s expeditions are mostly for plunder. The soldiers’ spoils during the battle belong to themselves except for a small amount. It is precisely because of this that the Menggu soldiers fought crazy.

The Ujumqin tribe to which Babara belonged also followed this tradition, but the Ming Dynasty strictly ordered that all spoils in the war should be confiscated and not kept privately, otherwise they would be beheaded directly if they were as light as [-] army sticks.

Babara knew that Liu Hongjian trusted him, so his explanation was not for Liu Hongjian, but for the many generals behind Liu Hongjian. After all, he was not a Han Chinese.

"Well, I got it. Chang Yu asked people to take stock, and remove all that can be moved." Liu Hongjian dismounted from his horse and began to walk into the palace.

"My lord, what about the ones that can't be moved?" Chang Yu asked hastily.

The palace had not been subjected to gunfire and looked clean overall. Chang Yu only looked around and found a lot of gold and silver enamelware, some of which were oversized.

"Throw it away if you can't move it!" Liu Hongjian suddenly turned his head and said loudly.

He said it almost subconsciously, and the humiliating memory of later modern history welled up in his heart, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

It's just treating him in the same way as he did, and Liu Hongjian felt very comfortable in his heart.

"Lin He, Babara, Kong Ermao, go and sit on them, and I will take pictures for you!"

A group of people followed Liu Hongjian to the Duolingo Palace. Liu Hongjian pointed to the Tsar's throne, took out his mobile phone from his ring, and signaled the three generals behind him to sit on the throne.

The three of Barbara were also very happy, seeing that Liu Hongjian had an order to go immediately, but Barbara was tall, big, and big, and the small throne couldn't hold the three of them.

In the end, Liu Hongjian had a solution, so there was such a photo, which was fixed on the [-]th day of the first month of the third year of Taishun. In the photo, Babara sat firmly on the throne of the Tsar, with Lin He on his left leg and Lin He on his right leg. Sitting on the top is Kong Er.

The three of them had weird expressions and compared to scissorhands.


(End of this chapter)

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