Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 883 Long way to go

Chapter 883 Long way to go (fifth change)

After three days of counting and counting, the expeditionary force collected more than 4 catties of gold and silver coins from the Kremlin, more than 200 vehicles of jewelry, jade and enamelware, more than 60 vehicles of oil paintings and other works of art, and nothing including cloth, food, weapons and ammunition.

It's a pity that there are many sculptures, reliefs, and murals in the palace. Although Chang Yu knows that he is not a scholar, he also knows which reliefs and murals must be of great artistic value, but he can't take them away.

The Tsar’s Throne in the Duolingo Palace was dismantled, as was the clock in the Ivan the Great’s Bell Tower. It is said that Liu Hongjian planned to transfer the clock to the Engineering College as a symbolic alarm clock in the Engineering College.

In the next few days, the expeditionary army reveled while resting, and there were countless dead horses in the Kremlin, enough for them to eat for a long time.

In order not to stop eating during the return journey, the Huotou Army has a very heavy task. In addition to the supply team of more than 5000 people who arrived a few days ago, they have to cook for the 6 soldiers of the entire army, and at the same time prepare spare parts for the return journey. rations.

Horse meat, beef and mutton need to be salted and baked into jerky, and rice, wheat and the like collected from the Kremlin's warehouse need to be repacked.

Compared with food, the vodka that had been stored in the tsar's bedroom for a hundred years was more popular among soldiers. With Liu Hongjian's acquiescence, these Europa baijiu were distributed to more than 5 expeditionary soldiers as a celebration since the Western Expedition.

"My lord, what should we do with the hundreds of thousands of Rakshasa civilians in the city? They seemed to have starved to death a lot last night, and we simply don't have any more food for them." Chang Yu frowned.

The food problem of the expeditionary force has always been very serious. After all, 6 or [-] people eat horses every day, which consumes a huge amount of expenditure, and Siberia is deserted everywhere in winter, and there is no food to grab.

"Distribute some of the grain in the warehouse to them first, oh, and those dead horses, eat the good meat by yourself, and give them the rest of the offal, horse heads, and horse hooves." Liu Hongjian teased after a little consideration.

More than 2 horses were killed on both sides of the Kremlin in World War I. Of course, most of them belonged to the Raksha Kingdom. More than 2 horses cost 1000 jin per horse, and the meat of one horse can feed ten people. In fact, the heavy-duty horses in the Raksha Kingdom can weigh up to [-] catties.

There are too many dead horses, the offal can't be stored for a long time and can't be eaten in a short time, just doing some good deeds, I've heard that Europa people don't like to eat animal offal, I guess after going through this war, it will change the eating habits of these Rakshasa people , Liu Hongjian said happily.

"But my lord, we may not have enough for ourselves. If we distribute it to those common people, it's okay to say that the time is short. Are you planning to bring these common people back to Daming?" Chang You asked.

These days, Liu Hongjian has not disclosed to his subordinates how to deal with the hundreds of thousands of civilians in the Raksha Kingdom, and the military camp he set up said everything.

The Mongolian soldiers led by Babara believed that they should be killed immediately, the infantry led by Lin He believed that they should stay in the farming area around Moscow, and Kong Ermao believed that they should be brought back to Daming to mine.

The mining industry in the mainland of Ming Dynasty is now in full swing. With the advanced prospecting and smelting technology of the Institute of Engineering, various metal mines in the mainland of Ming Dynasty have sprung up like mushrooms.

It's just that mining is hard work, and the risk factor is extremely high. The high death rate has caused headaches for the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs. In order to develop Liu Hongjian's so-called industry, the Ministry of Household Affairs has to pay higher salaries to hire miner.

If you want to save money, there is another good way, which is to use captives as miners through war. Not only do you not need to pay wages, but you also don’t have to worry about the family members of the miners making troubles and demanding compensation after death.

For example, the descendants of wild boar skins a few years ago are now serving in the silver mining area of ​​Mount Hada. It is said that the imperial court is very satisfied with the captive miners and hopes that as many as possible, the better.

"Hehe, it won't be long, just a few days." Liu Hongjian said casually.

It is impossible for him to massacre so many civilians. It was a last resort before, but now it is unnecessary.

At the same time, he didn't want to keep this group of people in the local area. That would be too risky. This kind of foreign race has no national identity, and the probability of rebellion in the future is extremely high. This is different from Mongolia. Liu Hongjian was not worried at all about dealing with culture.

It would be even more impossible to bring all of them back to Daming. Bringing 6 or 10 people back to Daming has already given Liu Hongjian a headache, let alone bringing a few more [-] people, forming tens of thousands of miles, it would be fatal.

Although Chang Yu didn't know what Liu Hongjian was planning, but since Liu Hongjian had already given the order, as a subordinate, he had no choice but to carry it out.

Anyway, when the expeditionary army ran out of food, it would still be a headache for the prince, so Chang Yu immediately went to carry it out after he figured it out.

Compared with the civilians of the Raksha Kingdom, Liu Hongjian still had more headaches, and the reason was very simple. The territory conquered this time was really too big, at least twice or even larger than the territory of the previous Ming Dynasty. More.

In the past, Liu Hongjian felt that the Russians in later generations were very domineering in occupying such a large territory, and he was worried about the forced cession of Chinese territory in modern times.

In fact, the Raksha people in modern times did not eat less land from the Qing Empire. The Aigun Treaty cut 60 square kilometers, the Beijing Treaty cut another 40 square kilometers, and the Tacheng Protocol cut 44 square kilometers. 15 yuan was cut from the boundary treaty and Khobdo boundary treaty, and another [-] yuan was cut from the Yili treaty.

If you include the ancient foreign alliance that became independent due to the conspiracy of the Raksha Kingdom, the modern Raksha Kingdom has eaten up a total of 360 million square kilometers of land.

360 million square kilometers, almost equivalent to a Japanese.

It's just that now Liu Hongjian took advantage of the small number of people in the Raksha country and finally took over this huge territory, but he was worried again.

How to manage it?immigrant?It is so difficult for later generations to relocate residents, but now it is easy to make peace?
At this time, the people were deeply influenced by Confucianism, and they were more concerned about the difficulty of leaving their homeland and returning to their roots than the people of later generations. If the Han people were forced to move out through violence, Liu Hongjian would not agree. After all, the people also have the right to freedom. Such a large land is for the benefit of the people of Ming Dynasty, not for them to leave their hometowns and suffer.

So let the Menggu brothers move westward?Even more unreliable.

Liu Hongjian was very worried that the Mongol brothers would become wild if they moved there. The Mongol Empire had a deep pain in this regard, unless the Menggu brothers had a strong sense of national identity.

But Liu Hongjian couldn't even imagine how difficult it would be for so many ethnic groups in Ming Dynasty to agree with Han culture. In addition, the transmission of information is so slow now, it is impossible to achieve it in a short time.

In later generations, he always thought that China's population was too large, so that all the people in the country struggled for a lifetime just to buy a house of their own, but now think about how many people there are, if Daming had a larger population, it would be as large as Daming now Some land cannot support so many people, and some people will move out consciously due to instinct.

It seems that we have to engage in family planning, alas!There is a long way to go!

On the 24th day of the first lunar month, the person Liu Hongjian had been waiting for for a long time finally came.


(End of this chapter)

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