Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 884: Good Attraction

Chapter 884: Good Attraction (Part [-])
The first to come was the Minister of the Kingdom of Poland, who was far away from Moscow. After learning that Rakshasa had been completely wiped out, King John II of Poland was so happy that he didn't sleep well all night.

On the land of Europa, the Kingdom of Poland has always been very afraid of two neighbors. One is the giant Rakshasa, and the other is Prussia, whose national power is booming.

Most of the wars in Poland in recent years have been related to these two countries. In fact, if Liu Hongjian had not broken the track of history, Poland would have been divided three times in the next 150 years.

The divisions mainly include Rakshasa and Prussia. If you count the invasion of Poland during World War II, Poland is really a country full of disasters.

But John II of the Kingdom of Poland didn't know all this, and Liu Hongjian didn't know about this period of history. The most important thing is that even if Liu Hongjian knew, he wouldn't care. He hasn't loved enough to protect the entire human race.

After learning the news that the Kremlin in Rakshasa had been captured by Ming Dynasty, King John II was indeed happy all night, but the next morning he suddenly realized an important problem.

Although Luocha is destroyed, the Ming Empire will be more powerful than the Luocha Kingdom. Although Luocha is arrogant, he knows the bottom line after fighting for so long, but what about Daming?

Poland is a landlocked country, and it has never had any contact with Ming Dynasty, which is thousands of miles away. Even the silk and porcelain needed in the court are mostly obtained through transactions with Franz and Dutch merchants.

John II suddenly began to worry about gains and losses again, and immediately sent Earl Kane to Moscow to visit again, which is bound to let him figure out Daming's true purpose and Daming's attitude towards Europa.

Liu Hongjian was polite to this neighbor at the beginning. After all, the expedition mission was basically over, and these Europa neighbors didn't come to make trouble, and the reason why he didn't return to Beijing immediately was because of these neighbors.

The land he won was hard-won, and he had to arrange the defense of this new land and the surrounding neighbors.

"My lord, His Majesty John asked me to congratulate you and Daming." Kane smiled and saluted as soon as he saw Liu Hongjian, and Liu Hongjian naturally returned the salute with a smile.

After the two were polite, Kane slowly began to reveal the real intention of coming.

"My lord, I don't know where you and your army will go next?" Kane asked tentatively.

"Hehe, it depends on you and the country behind you. I don't know how you discussed the king's proposal last time?" Liu Hongjian said while drinking tea from the tea bowl.

"My lord, Poland has always advocated peace. However, Poland has long been overwhelmed by its strong neighbors. Your Majesty John has considered your proposal for a long time. However, due to the limited national power, His Majesty still expresses his helplessness. I hope the prince understands." Earl Kane sighed and showed a very embarrassed expression.

"This king is just borrowing a way, and you can also get a lot of wealth. You must know that the Netherlands is still very rich. With this money, your national strength will definitely rise to a higher level. Are you sure you don't want to consider it?" Liu Hung-chien was not surprised at all, he knew the rulers of these small countries very well.

"I'm really sorry, my lord, even if His Majesty agrees, the citizens of my kingdom will not agree. That would be too risky, you should understand." Kane insisted.

If your army goes deep into Poland and accidentally wipes them out, who can you ask for reason?

"Okay, then what's the point of your coming here this time? Just to tell the king that you won't borrow the way?" Liu Hongjian pretended to be angry.

"Of course not, my lord. In fact, I have brought a lot of supplies with me this time. As long as I get your permission, these supplies can be delivered to your barracks in a day. This is a gift from His Majesty John."

"Oh? Then thank your majesty on behalf of the king." Liu Hongjian has such a thick skin, and he will naturally accept gifts from people. As for their requests, let's think about it later.

Anyway, no matter whether you agree or not, you have to accept the gift first.

After Liu Hongjian finished speaking, he didn't say a word, but picked up the tea bowl and drank tea slowly. According to the etiquette of Ming Dynasty, drinking tea from the tea bowl meant seeing off guests.

Liu Hongjian didn't think much of these neighbors. Sitting in the room less than five steps away, Liu Hongjian could smell an unpleasant smell. Obviously, the smell came from Earl Kane. It was emitted, which seriously affected Liu Hongjian's interest in drinking tea.

The Europa people are really dirty and smelly, Liu Hongjian thought to himself.

Of course Kane knew that Liu Hongjian was urging him to leave, but he deliberately sat there pretending not to understand, because his task had not been completed at all.

"My lord, you don't know that the citizens of the Kingdom of Poland have always lived in fear." Earl Kane said without words.

"Oh? What's the point?" Liu Hongjian knew that this fellow could not bear to reveal his true intention at last, so he put down the teacup.

"Hey, our country is barren and the territory is not large, and there are arrogant and strong neighbors like Prussia. His Majesty John is worried about this all day long. He is worried that Prussia will start another war one day."

"Oh." Liu Hongjian thought for a while and replied.

Earl Kane was almost dying of anxiety at this moment. He said so many words, but in exchange for an "oh", it was like hitting a ball of cotton with his fist, and he had no strength to use.

"If Poland and Prussia go to war again, not only will the citizens of the two countries suffer from the war, it is very likely that your new territory will also be affected." Kane continued.

"Why is that?" Liu Hongjian stared directly.

He actually wanted to say that if he dared to attack Laozi, Laozi would kill both of you at worst.

"The distance between our three countries is still too close, my lord. The Kingdom of Prussia is a very domineering country. They follow the iron-blooded government orders. Their army has been established to expand its territory from the beginning.

If Poland is unable to resist, the Prussian cavalry will eventually set foot on your new territory, which is too vast. "Earl Kane continued to be persuasive.

What Kane said is actually the truth. After all, the territory of Rakshasa is not only vast, but the most important thing is that there are no people living there. This piece of land may not be that important in Daming's eyes, but for many small countries in Europe, any whole piece of land can surpass it. The original territory of the king.

"Then let's talk about it at that time. This king never considers the probability issue." Liu Hongjian said calmly.

He didn't pay attention to any single country in Europa. As long as these countries don't unite, Ming will have nothing to fear. At least with the expeditionary force he currently has, he dares to face the army of any country.

"My lord, none of us want to see such a situation, so, can you sell us some arms?
It is those cannons and muskets that can fire in bursts, we can pay a very high price! "


(End of this chapter)

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