Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 886 Moscow Agreement

Chapter 886 Moscow Agreement (Third Change)
The reason why Liu Hongjian called himself "I" instead of "My King" was naturally because he wanted to separate this army from Ming Dynasty, at least the Poles or the Europa people thought.

"2 people..." Kane gasped.

"Why, can't your country do it? That king..."

"No, yes, the Kingdom of Poland is fully capable of finding [-] black people, but it will take time." Kane immediately explained.

"Yes, but as soon as possible, I can give you two months, but the premise is that all black people must be under the age of 30 and must be strong. I will send them back if they are unqualified." Liu Hongjian considered Say it.

"No problem, don't you ask the price?" Kane reminded.

"Oh, I forgot this, how much is a black slave?" Liu Hongjian was also negligent, and asked casually.

"My lord, the price of Poland is about three gold coins each, but if all you want are strong and strong slaves, the price will be lower, but you are a friend of Poland, if His Majesty agrees, I think you should I can sell it to you for three gold coins each." Kane thought about it.

If the three gold coins are calculated by weight, they are about two taels of Daming. If two taels of gold are converted into silver, the current exchange ratio of Daming is about 16 taels.

This price is not low. After all, it only costs about ten taels to buy a maid in Daming Pass, but fortunately, all the maids are bought are strong, healthy and capable black people.

Liu Hongjian roughly calculated that the cost of 2 people would be more than 30 taels of silver, which is acceptable.

"Yes, but you need to provide the transport ships, and I will pay for them." Liu Hongjian said again.

The northern part of Poland is adjacent to the Baltic Sea. Although their warships are not powerful, what Liu Hongjian bought was just a transport ship.

According to his plan, he will search for an island of suitable size in Northern Europe. There are too many uninhabited islands in this year, which is not difficult for him at all.

He will spend a lot of money to defend the island, provide weapons and food, and specially train this black army.

There are three reasons for choosing black people. First, black people are stronger and taller. Second, black people are more resilient than Asians, whether it is long-distance raids or heavy loads.

The third and most important point is that this army has to travel across the countries of Europe to fight. This is destined to be a high-risk job. Even if the black man dies, Liu Hongjian doesn't feel bad.

"No problem, His Majesty will agree." Earl Kane said very sincerely.

Although the ultimate goal has not been achieved, if mercenaries as powerful as the Ming army can be hired in the near future, it can be regarded as a curve to save the country.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Poland can make a lot of profits from it, which kills two birds with one stone. Earl Kane was delighted to be able to facilitate this business. report.

But Liu Hongjian did not let him go, but indicated that there would be important matters to be negotiated in a few days, so Kane stayed in Moscow for the time being.

Sure enough, within two days, the Prussian envoy, Viscount Bart, who was a little farther away than Poland, also came and told Liu Hongjian clearly that Prussia would not lend the road to Daming.

The purpose of the Prussian envoy's visit is roughly the same as that of Poland, to buy arms, but at the same time, Prussia does not want and cannot accept Ming's stationing heavy troops in Europe. This is a matter of principle.

After returning from the last negotiation, the King of Prussia discussed with the Emperor of Austria how to deal with it, and then notified the kings of other countries, which led to this second visit.

Liu Hongjian was not very interested in the Kingdom of Prussia. It was a country with a strong will to fight. I heard that its king, Frederick I, was nicknamed the Mercenary King.

A few days later, the envoys from France, France, France, and even England arrived one after another. The Dutch envoy, who surprised Liu Hongjian, came again. He was a marquis, but he was detained by Barbara before he even entered the camp.

On that day, the envoys of various countries expressed their opinions one after another. They seemed to have discussed it before, and they didn't even plan to give Daming any room for relaxation.

The countries did not argue on the basic fact that Ming destroyed the Raksha Kingdom. They had only one condition. The neighboring countries of Europe were not allowed to station troops within [-] miles, and the total number of troops stationed by Ming in Eastern Europe could not exceed [-].

If this condition cannot be agreed, it means that Ming has no will for peace, and they will unite to fight against the Ming Empire.

Because Liu Hongjian had long understood the thoughts of these small countries, and at the same time, Ming Dynasty did not have the ability to station heavy troops in such a distant place for a long time. After all, it was too difficult to supply and the distance was too long.

But Liu Hongjian did not agree to them easily, after all, it would not be easy to convince the foxes present if he agreed too easily.

He pretended to be very embarrassed and indicated that the territory of the empire naturally needed to be guarded, otherwise the security of the territory could not be guaranteed. The ministers present here immediately agreed that they would never set foot on Daming's territory unless Daming deliberately provoked it.

In the eyes of European countries, the Ming Empire is a complete giant. Their countries are all using Ming porcelain, tea and silk products, so they naturally know how much territory and population the distant Eastern Ming Empire has.

Liu Hongjian also pointed out that there are still hundreds of thousands of Rakshasa civilians in Moscow. If heavy troops cannot be stationed, it will be difficult to deal with these civilians once they riot.

The envoys of the various countries cooperated very well. You just accept [-] yuan, and I accept [-] yuan, which will easily solve the problem that the expeditionary army has been worrying about.

As a matter of fact, as Han people, the Ming Empire's treatment of civilians in other countries was still too gentle. In the eyes of the European countries, since a country was destroyed, the civilians of this country were all slaves.

Are slaves human?The answer is naturally no.

The status of slaves is even inferior to that of livestock. They do the heaviest work and eat the worst meals. In the eyes of the people of the European countries, the distribution of tens of thousands of slaves is not only a pressure, but also a welfare.

Negotiations went on for two days. After constant wrangling and compromise, the European countries finally reached an agreement with Liu Hongjian, but both sides seemed to be reluctant.

This can be regarded as a small means of negotiation. All the countries in Europe have been assigned slaves. Although they are happy in their hearts, the appearance of reluctance on the surface seems to make people feel that they have suffered a lot. After all, raising tens of thousands of people will bear the pressure.

And Liu Hongjian was reluctant because he agreed to the garrison of troops from various countries in Eastern Europe, and at the same time he was relaxed because he solved the problem of resettling the survivors of the Rakshasa. Daming had no intention of sending heavy troops to Eastern Europe at present.

Everyone was happy, and then they were reluctant. It is conceivable that if the faces of the ministers present here and Liu Hongjian were stacked together, the thickness would be unimaginable.

On the 29th day of the first lunar month, the Ming Empire represented by Liu Hongjian signed a contract with the European countries, called the Moscow Agreement.


(End of this chapter)

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