Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 887 The Soldiers Miss the Zhang Family

Chapter 887 The Soldiers Want To Go Home (Fourth)
The contents of the Moscow agreement are as follows:
[-]. The Ming Empire is not allowed to station troops within [-] miles of the European countries;

5. The total number of Ming troops stationed in Eastern Europe must not exceed [-];
[-]. The European countries recognize the sovereignty and rights of Ming Dynasty in the former land of Raksha State, and accept immigrants from Raksha State;
[-]. The Ming Empire and the European countries follow the basic principles of mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence;

[-]. If any country provokes an unprofitable war, other countries should unite and destroy it together.

There were multiple copies of the agreement, and the ministers of each country had one copy. Under Liu Hongjian's strong intervention, all the agreements were written in Ming language, and Liu Hongjian stamped his great seal of the county king of the Ming Empire on each agreement. .

Then the agreement was handed over to the respective ministers, and the Austrian minister took the lead to find the king's seal in the country that signed the agreement, and then handed over the agreement to the general of the Ming garrison in Moscow, and then transferred it to Beijing, the capital of the Ming Empire.

The general content of the agreement seems to be fair, but in fact it is more in favor of the European countries, especially the last one, which is also imposed by the European countries through consensus, and is specifically aimed at the Ming Empire.

The countries of Europe have been fighting their own wars, and this so-called Moscow agreement cannot restrain the interior of Europe at all, and its intentions are directed at the Ming Empire.

That is to say, as long as the Ming Empire provokes a war, the European countries will unite to fight.

To put it bluntly, it's just that the European countries don't trust each other. They can fight at home by themselves, but as long as the Ming Empire wants to make troubles, they will unite and fight against each other.

Liu Hongjian naturally understood the intention of this content, but Liu Hongjian never believed in the so-called agreements between countries.

If all countries abide by the agreement, there will be no second war between Ming and Rakshasa. If all countries abide by the agreement, then World War II will never happen after World War I.

An agreement is nothing more than a piece of paper. Countries can never be bound by a piece of paper. The only bond between countries is nothing more than the word interest.

In the face of absolute strength, this kind of trick is tantamount to playing tricks. Liu Hongjian just doesn't have enough supplies and more troops. In addition, he hasn't figured out how to govern this territory that is bigger than Ming Dynasty. Probably too big.

The reason why the agreement was named the Moscow Agreement was because Liu Hongjian was about to demolish and rebuild the city of Moscow.

Daming does not need foreign castles to remind other people. The churches and bell towers are the beliefs of the Raksha people and Europa people, but they are not from the Ming Dynasty. Since it is a city of the Ming Dynasty, it must follow the style of the Ming Dynasty.

When Daming people see this city, they will unconsciously think, oh, this is the city of Daming.

Instead of letting people see the Kremlin, what they see makes people think, oh, this used to be the place of Rakshasa.

Naturally, the name of the city cannot still be called Moscow, but Liu Hongjian has not yet figured out what to call it, but no matter what it is called, Moscow will eventually become history.

If the city of Moscow is gone, how much weight does the Moscow Agreement have?

No one knows about this issue, at least a short period of peace can still be guaranteed, which is enough for the Ming Empire.

A few days after sending away the envoys of the various countries, the various countries sent small groups of troops to divide up the survivors of the Raksha Kingdom according to the amount stipulated in the agreement.

On February [-], when the dragon raised its head, Liu Hongjian convened a meeting of all the generals of the expeditionary force in the Kremlin.

Only 5 of the more than [-] expeditionary forces can persist until now, and even with the last wave of supply troops, it is less than [-], but the faces of the soldiers who can persist until now are full of joy.

The mission of the expedition has been completed, and it's time to go home and go back to pick the fruits. Many soldiers are going back one round to discuss the position they will be promoted to.

The same was true for the many generals in the Kremlin, but compared to ordinary soldiers, they seemed calmer. Everyone knew that Liu Hongjian was going to decide to go back, so they all seemed relaxed.

"How's the rest these days? What are the demands of the soldiers?" Liu Hongjian was as relaxed as ever in the meeting, and he always had something to say.

He himself also hated holding meetings with the old men in the court, all of them sat upright with sullen faces, and often remained unsmiling for a long time.

"My lord, the soldiers all want to go home!" Lin He was the first to speak, and after speaking, he glanced at Babara and Lu Haibo.

"Well, this king also wants to go home. I can't sleep because of thinking about it. If there is no accident, we will be able to go back in a few days."

"Yeah - vomit -"

As soon as Liu Hongjian finished speaking, some mid-level generals of the young faction burst into cheers, but the cheers were very short, as if they suddenly realized what the occasion was and who they were talking to.

But it is always a good thing to be able to go home as soon as possible, and this applies to all Chinese descendants.

"It's actually not right to say that. Daming is our home, and the land under our feet already belongs to Daming, so this is also our home and a place that needs your protection." Liu Hongjian said calmly.

"Since we need guards, we need someone to garrison them. Before the expeditionary force returns, this king needs someone to garrison Moscow City. Which one of you wants to?"

After saying this, there was a sudden silence in the spacious meeting hall.

This Western Expedition lasted almost a year, and they finally survived and waited to pick the fruits of victory. Now Liu Hongjian told them that someone had to stay behind, and if they stayed here to continue drinking the cold wind, they might not be able to return for a long time.

Who would?Speaking from conscience, no one is willing to give even the rewards they should have. They are more willing to return to the border of the pass, they think that is the real Ming Dynasty.

Where is the current land boundary, not to mention that there are no Han Chinese for hundreds of miles or thousands of miles, even the aborigines of the Raksha Kingdom have been killed and ran away, and it is not an exaggeration to describe the deserted land for thousands of miles.

"Hehe, I know you guys are not willing, so I will increase the rewards. Anyone who is willing to stay in the garrison, no matter whether it is a general or a soldier, will be promoted to another level on the basis of the original position, and at the same time, the military salary will be increased by [-]%." Liu Hongjian Another fire was lit.

The atmosphere was still silent, and everyone was weighing whether to return to Daming to enjoy the blessings or continue to strive for fame and fortune.

If you stay here, you can be promoted to another level in the original position. That is to say, if you accumulate military merits, you can be promoted to deputy thousand households. Then it is possible to promote guerrilla.

The most important thing is, it's not like staying here forever, maybe it will be transferred back after a few years?
"My lord, why don't I stay and garrison!"

After a long silence, Barbara, the governor of Menggu, stood up.


(End of this chapter)

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