Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 888 Final Arrangement

Chapter 888 Final Arrangement (Fifth Change)
Barbara must be at least 1.8 meters tall. This height may not be a big deal in later generations, but it is already considered very tall in the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, as the governor, Barbara has been training hard and eating well, and the tiger's body feels oppressive to the other generals.

"You? You can't!" Liu Hongjian said with a glance.

"My lord, why?" Babara stood up and didn't think about so many gains and losses at all. He just thought that if someone had to stay and garrison, it would make things difficult for Liu Hongjian.

"You are now at the level of governor, and you have reached the peak. What position will this king give you?" Liu Hongjian replied.

"I don't care about this. My tribe has lived a good life thanks to your acceptance, my lord. I am doing well by myself. I don't care about the reward. If the court insists on rewarding me and I don't know what official to reward, then reward me more." Some silver."

Babara spoke to me one by one, and thought of ways to share the court's worries on his own initiative. This tone was no different from the letter Liu Hongjian wrote to Uncle Chongzhen when he first came to Daming.

"You think the imperial court is run by your family? You don't know what kind of officials you want to reward, but you want money, and you want to eat farts? Sit down!" Liu Hongjian reprimanded.

"Oh." Babara hesitated and sat back listlessly.

He was a little puzzled, although Liu Hongjian was the commander of the whole army and the king of the county in terms of position and title, and he was his immediate superior.

But his youngest daughter is still in the Prince's Mansion, and according to his default idea, he has long regarded Liu Hongjian as her son-in-law. Although he never dared to say so, it was just that his old father-in-law came out to help him, but in the end he was ridiculed for a while. Inevitably a little lost.

In fact, Liu Hongjian was very satisfied and sure of Babara, but he didn't want to keep Babara in Moscow. After all, Babara had served as governor of Menggu for almost three years. According to his agreement with Uncle Chongzhen, in order to avoid other Supporting the self-respect of the soldiers, the governors of various places can only serve for three years, and after three years, they need to return to Beijing to report on their duties before being appointed.

Moreover, as the king of the county, he can't decide on the appointment of the governor and the change of the residence at will. Although he will basically not object to the appointment of the generals he named, Lao Zhu and Xiao Zhu, but moving the governor of one place to another place is also a big deal, and he needs to go back. We will discuss later.

Moreover, Babara is the leader of the Menggu tribe, and the veterans in the court have never trusted the Menggu people very much. He did this to protect Babara.

As soon as Babara sat down, Lin He, Lu Haibo, Su Ketu and others stood up one after another and expressed their willingness to stay.

Except for Governor Barbara, these three are all participating generals, and their ranks are not low. All households expressed their willingness to stay.

After some deliberation, Liu Hongjian decided to appoint Su Ketu, a member of the Menggu tribe, as the commander of the Moscow garrison. However, instead of setting up a governor as in Menggu, North Korea, and Northeast China, Liu Hongjian was appointed as the commander-in-chief.

The reason why Lin He and Lu Haibo were not chosen was because Liu Hongjian believed that those who stayed here must be iron-blooded and fierce people, and Lin He and Lu Haibo were not close at this point.

At least Su Ketu could carry out the massacre without any psychological pressure. Although Lin He and Lu Haibo could also carry out military orders, they always felt guilty, which was similar to Liu Hongjian.

Above the general is the deputy general, that is, the deputy commander-in-chief, and above that is the commander-in-chief, and above the commander-in-chief is the governor. Of course, Liu Hongjian despises this position. Under Liu Hongjian's suggestion, the position of governor has been removed from the official system of the Ming Dynasty. undo.

Above the commander-in-chief is the governor, and from the general to the governor are all military officers, and the civilian officials have lost the power to command blindly.

Su Ketu's promotion from general to chief soldier has skipped two ranks, and Liu Hongjian has fulfilled his promise. The reason why he didn't appoint a governor is also very simple. Babara is already a governor, and the Menggu tribe cannot have two governors. , that would make the group of people in the court jump, and make Xiao Zhu suspicious.

"This king will leave you 2 soldiers, [-] infantry are all bolt-action rifles, [-] cavalry, artillery and other logistics arms, a total of [-] soldiers, but this king will immediately transfer another [-] troops after returning to the court. Dominate with you.

Before these troops arrive, you only need to garrison in the city of Moscow, and you don't need to garrison other places. The training still cannot be stopped, and you must maintain combat effectiveness at all times.

In addition to training, you also have a task. While thinking about it, Liu Hongjian began to explain the layout of Eastern Europe.

"My lord, please tell me." Su Ketu asked hastily.

"Except for the walls of Moscow and the Kremlin for defense, all other buildings were demolished.

The other [-] troops sent to you by the king will include craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry. Before the craftsmen arrive, you need to prepare the materials for building the city in advance. Stones, wood, etc. can be obtained locally. For iron, you can contact the Kingdom of Poland to buy it. "Liu Hongjian explained.

"Yes, I must try my best to do it." Su Ketu was relieved when he heard that it was the work of the demolition team and the construction team.

When Babara was appointed as the governor of Menggu, he also took over the person who built the city, and he was the person in charge, so he was clear about the demolition and construction of Suktu.

Although he didn't quite understand why Liu Hongjian wanted to demolish the original buildings, in his opinion, although the city of Moscow was strangely shaped and the buildings inside were very different from those of Ming Dynasty, it was the capital of a country after all, and its defense was no worse than that of Ming Dynasty's fortified city. Also very chic.

[-] soldiers guarding such a large place is a bit difficult, and that's why Liu Hongjian ordered the garrison soldiers not to disperse and guard the city alone, but Liu Hongjian is not worried at all about troubles in the Europa countries at this time.

They have also just ended a 30-year war, and as long as he does not do anything in a short period of time after signing the contract, the war will not start.

The [-] soldiers of Ming Dynasty are all equipped with the best firearms. It is not a big problem to defend the city with [-] soldiers and [-] soldiers. After the other [-] soldiers are transferred from China, they can be stationed in various cities along the Eastern European route.

This expedition was the longest war since Liu Hongjian led the army. At present, the situation in Ming Dynasty is relatively stable, but there is no news for a long time, and Liu Hongjian has no idea.

Coupled with the fact that the Netherlands has been doing things, and I don't know how Zheng Lin is doing in Dongpu, he really wants to go back.

After finalizing the specific list of soldiers to stay behind, it was considered that all the arrangements were completed.

"Then let's do this. The remaining 3 people will return to Beijing with me in three days. Let's all prepare!" Liu Hongjian finally let out a sigh of relief while sitting in the main seat.

The generals present at the meeting heard that the meeting was over, each of them got up happily and planned to leave. Those who can go home are naturally happy to go home, and those who can’t go back will have their own compensation, and there will be no need to fight for a short time. This is good for everyone. All good news.

"Old Chang, go and call Xing Shan, Wang Lang, and Yue Chengze."


(End of this chapter)

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